Top ten posts of all time …

On a whim — just right now — and perhaps spurned on by this blog post over on Mr. asperger today, I clicked through my stats page to see my top viewed posts of all time. The top ten, disregarding the “home” (#1) and “about” (#3) pages, was very interesting.

A gardening post takes the top spot (after the home page): All the baby plants, written back in May 2010, but then no other gardening posts make it onto the rest of the list.

The next two highest viewed posts are knitting related, les Abeillies, Knitter’s Loom, and knitting reappears further down the list two more times with, Knitting FOs & Yarn Bombing. That’s four posts in the top ten. This is due to the popularity of the subject matter, I think. These posts often come up in specific google searches.

Interestingly, the more personal marketing style posts/pages take spots #4 and #5 respectively with Spirit Binder – book cover reveal and the page for After The Virus.

Baking only occupies one spot in the top ten with Chewy Gooey Chocolate Cookies, which is also interesting because I did a bunch of baking posts early on in conjunction with my web series, SiftingRealities, but not one of them makes the top ten … in fact, of those posts, the next highest ranked one is … #23 … with Zombie Gingerbread People.

Suicidal Bananas — a funny, joke post inspired by The Bloggess — holds the #9 spot.

And, an actual personal — say insightful — post? Only one makes the top ten, That line you feed yourself, and the next one is WAY down the list … no wonder I rarely write them!

So all the pretty pictures or pictures of cats I like to post? It looks like no one is really interested in seeing those at all … the top one ranks #22, with a Conversation with Leo.

Does this mean I will change the way I post … say post more about gardening? I seriously doubt it. I seem to post based on how I feel, what I see, or what I am working on …

What about you? Take a look at your top ten posts of all time, will you change the way you blog based on that list?

2 thoughts on “Top ten posts of all time …

    1. it is interesting to see what people want to read … the traffic on the gardening post is all driven by google searches. The knitting posts get a bunch of hits from, a knitting community were I am active, and the others are all based on my twittering or facebooking, etc.

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