I’m exceedingly lucky to be going on a road trip vacation down the west coast of the United States for Labour Day week. I haven’t been on an actual vacation for about 2.5 years, so I’m seriously looking forward to it!!
I thought while I was taking my leisure that I should ‘wild release’ some books via bookcrossing.com. Though having never done so before I must admit I’m a little nervous.
We’re planning to hit Seattle, WA, Astoria,OR, and then Otter Rock, OR. And so on down the coast. Then we will loop back through Portland. I’m bringing ten books with me.
So, if you’re interested in “watching” the releases, I will twitter and facebook the book locations (most likely cafes, and coffee shops, maybe a cupcake place or two!!) I also have a profile page on bookcrossing.com, but I’m not sure whether that will be a great source of information, again having never done this before.
I’ll also update this post with locations!! FUN! FUN!
First stop? Seattle! Paperbacks will be released there Sunday, September 1st and perhaps Monday, September 2nd as well.
First release: Cupcakes (Etc) has been left @Cupcake Royale on Pine Street.
Second release: After The Virus has been released at Espresso Vivace Alley 24 in Seattle, WA.
Third release: Spirit Binder has now been released at Three Cups Coffee House (aka Columbian Coffee Roasters) in Astoria, OR

Happy long weekend!
enjoy your road trip
heavy sign….
google maps _ porn for agoraphobics LOL
Thanks, Nina! LOL but also *sad face*!!
well the secret to humour is the hidden pain
it’s where the audience starts to divide
into who gets it and who doesn’t