Writer Wednesday: Scott Fitzgerald Gray (Giveaway)


If you pay close enough attention to the acknowledgments at the back of my novels, or my rantings on Facebook and Twitter, you will recognize Scott Fitzgerald Gray‘s name. He is my editor. He has edited every single screenplay I deemed worthy of rewriting from the early-2000s through to every single novel or short or novella I’ve published.

That’s a a lot of editing. I imagine SFG now knows me via my writing almost as well as Michael does. So when I met him face-to-face for the first time last Saturday, I was really excited/anxious.

We had brunch. I made my Chewy Gooey Chocolate Cookies. But best of all – and the main point of this blog post – is that Scott brought me signed paperbacks. Yes, he is a writer as well as an editor. I’d be a little lost without him, so hopefully he never stops editing but I greedily snatch up every book he writes and beg him for more as well.

So without further ado, Scott left these two insanely pretty, autographed paperbacks for a blog giveaway! Yes! Thanks SFG!

Autographed paperbacks generously offered for giveaway on MBM!
                 Autographed paperbacks generously offered by SFG for giveaway on Made By Meghan!

I read Sidnye (Queen of the Universe) and LOVED it. (Here’s my review). SFG is meticulous with his plotting and he makes you work as a reader, but his stories pay off big time! Book Two is awaiting me on my Kindle app.

Synopsis of Book One:  Life is complicated enough when you live full-time at boarding school because your parents are dead, and when the other students around you are mostly idiots, and when you’re doomed to spend the rest of your existence in cafeteria detention because you just can’t stop annoying the people in charge of your life. But that’s when you discover the headaches you’ve been having aren’t just a part of being thirteen and feeling the weight of the world hammering down on you.  That’s when you realize the dreams you’ve been having are more than dreams, and the people you thought you were closest to are less concerned with caring about you than with keeping you from knowing the things they don’t want you to know…


Interesting in winning these two gorgeous paperbacks?

Comment below to enter: “Gimmie some SFG!” Or some such. 😀

Easy peasy, though make sure to include your email address in the comment form.


SFG author photo

Scott Fitzgerald Gray is a specially constructed biogenetic simulacrum built around an array of experimental consciousness-sharing techniques — a product of the finest minds of Canadian science until the grant money ran out. Accidentally set loose during an unauthorized midnight rave at the lab, the S.F. Gray entity is currently at large amongst an unsuspecting populace, where his work as an author, screenwriter, editor, RPG designer, and story editor for feature film keeps him off the streets.

More info on Scott and his work (some of it even occasionally truthful) can be found by reading between the lines at insaneangel.com.



84 thoughts on “Writer Wednesday: Scott Fitzgerald Gray (Giveaway)

  1. Definitely intrigued….thanks for the recommendation (and the giveaway!) I think I need some SFG i my life!

  2. Gonna try this again… (note to self: do not try to make blog comments from telephone).

    Take two: Some Such! I would love to try out some SFG. Please enter me in the giveaway.
    Barbara dot UU at Gmail dot Com

  3. Gimmie some SFG! ;D I love discovering new authors and the synopsis sounds just great!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    prateado30 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  4. Sounds good! I only discovered you a couple of months ago and blew through those. Need another new author while you write more. 🙂

  5. Those look gorgeous! Would make perfect bedtime books for me. I like to slowly drift into dreams while reading and these books could be potential “cool dreams” material!

    I also spend all my extra money on rpgs and don’t get new books too often.

    So yeah, gimme SFG swag 😀

    Thaumielnerub ät gmail döt com

  6. Oh man, lost a lokg reply!

    Here goes short version! I rarely get new books because all reading I get nowadays is rpg material. Following SFG at g+ makes me want to check these out! Sounds like perfect bedtime books and great things to dream about.

    Sign me in!

  7. What perfect timing! I was just searching for a new Sci-Fi/Fantasy to read. These sound like incredible stories, sign me up for some SFG! Please & Thank You 🙂

  8. I would love to win some SFG! Those sure are pretty paperbacks; they’d look fine in my collection. lol And the description sounds pretty great, too! 🙂

  9. Give me some SFG…anyone who likes Kett is my kind of writer! And I have time to fill since all my favorite writers are between books right now.

  10. Gimmie some SFG! Love to find new reads. Trying this again last comment went as a reply to someone’s

    1. Entry #35 – weird, hey, Marilyn? And he story editing 2-3 screenplays for me almost every year since we started working together, with a slight break between 2010-2011, then every novel since.

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