Dowser Series: final misprinted paperback giveaway

CONTEST CLOSED. WINNER: LUCKY #40! Mariselva from Texas.

Okay! Here we go! These are the final four misprinted paperbacks, and I think it’s time they went to a new home. What do you think?

four misprinted Dowser series paperbacks

Would you like to win all four of these paperbacks? I’ll even autograph them before I drop them the mail.

You would?

Okay then!

To enter:

  1. Comment below and tell me your favourite character from the Dowser series. Pick any character and let me know why they’re your favourite please.

NEW TO THE DOWSER SERIES BUT YOU STILL WANT TO PLAY ALONG? Dowser 1 is currently perma-free on all retailers.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.

Contest closes TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 at 9 p.m. PDT.

<3 <3 <3

131 thoughts on “Dowser Series: final misprinted paperback giveaway

  1. Jade will have to be my favorite character, not because she is the main character but because I like the way she analyzeseveeytgibh that’s happening around her. She loves her family, she loves her friends, she is loyal and she always tries to do good. Oh and she loves chocolate just like me!

  2. Kandy, because she is fierce, loyal, and after everything she has been through she can still see the humor in things and enjoy it.

  3. Kett, I never quite know what he is up too, but I trust him anyway. I love when he laughs and his friendship with Jade is wonderful.

  4. Wow this is hard, I like all of the characters. I think my favorite is Jade, she keeps going, no matter what. She has taken on a big responsibility and isn’t afraid to let you know she has no idea what she is doing. She is so awesome. And she bakes, yummy cupcakes, and I have tried th and they are delicious.

  5. Kandy, she is a bad a** chick. I love her sense of humor and how she scarfs down jades cupcakes! She’s tough, but she always has jades back! (Of course I love Desmond too, but that’s for a whole different reason 😉

  6. Oh, this is so difficult! I think it’s a tie between Jade and Kandy. I definitely identify with Jade for her love of baking (and her dating woes were something I experienced in the past!). However, Kandy is the best friend you want to have- fiercely loyal, tough, and upbeat.

  7. Jade because she is a bad ass with a soft heart. I also like how she makes normal mistakes even though she’s far from normal.

    I like Kett also because he’s complex and kind of lovable.

  8. I love Jade to bits, but Kandy is my real favorite! With her spunky Green hair, her love of jumping feet first into any situation – even if the situation is unknown and dire enough that she may not return… She’s loyal to her friend, and will do anything for her.

  9. Kandy is my favorite. She has a very warped sense of humor (which I can relate to) 🙂 She is fierce and loyal to Jade.

  10. All the characters are likeable in there own way. I love the lead characters but if I had to chose its between these two boys at this moment (mind might change tomorrow)

    Kett has been very intriguing to me. He is shady yet completly dependable. There is so much to learn about him. He is a present waiting to be opened.

    Drake, he is so new in all aspects. Love his energy and his ability to amuse Kandy. He also will have an epic story and I want to be witness.

  11. I love jade, she is fantastic and bears the name of my eldest daughter.. 😉 however I really like Warner, he seems to be her rock, someone that is the opposite of her in many ways… she learns just a such from him as he has from her.. 🙂

  12. I have to pick just one?! I absolutely adore Jade, but I think Kandy is my favorite with her spunky attitude, snarky sense of humor, and fierce loyalty. She strikes me as pretty wise too.

  13. I know it’s a bit cliche but Jade is my favorite character. Not because she is the main character but because she shows the courage I wish I had in life to fight the battles I feel I metaphorically fight myself.

  14. Jade is my favorite. She loves chocolate, loves to bake, is genuine, and a true friend. Although it is hard to pick, they’re all so great.

  15. I absolutely love Kandy. She is the perfect kiss ass sidekick and I adore her green hair. Plus, who doesn’t need someone who loves to hang out and eat what you bake?

  16. Kandy. She’s so fiercely loyal and has her own, clearly defined sense of right & wrong. But she’s also hilarious and kind of impulsive. I think she is exactly who Jade needs as a best friend. Especially after what happened to Jade’s original bestie!

  17. Hmmm… has got to be Jade, I love her curves, her love of baking, loyalty, head strong but yet naive. What a fun person to be around 😃

  18. It has to be Jade. This is her story, after all. But I love the interactions between all of her friends and love-interests. She stays true to who she is, but she is able to change and grow as she learns more. <3 She's the bomb.

  19. Oooh, autographed copies? Be still my heart…
    I’m not sure I can pick one favorite character, but I suppose Jade and Kandy are my two favorites. I love Jade; she’s trying to come to terms with a radically different world view and to figure out how she best fits into that world. Plus she’s spunky and sassy and she bakes. What’s not to like? Kandy is kind of awesome; she’s the BFF I always wanted. She’ll always have your back but won’t hesitate to tell you what you need to hear.

  20. Jade, She is Sassy, Smart and has a virtue which I admire more than any other She is loyal. Also she is a strong woman who can kick Ass! And then there is that Chocolate thing. As well she is a CANUK!

  21. Dang this is hard, it’s a toss up between Jade and Kett. Jade because I’ve always loved a strong female character who knows her mind and doesn’t take sh*t from anyone, Kett because he is so dang sly and he has this unique relationship with Jade. You dint know for sure if he really is in love with her or not but secretly hoping he is lol😁

  22. Hello! Thank you for the chance to win one of these books! Love the series!
    My fav character would prob be Kandy. Kandy is great because of her love of hilarious tshirts! I adore fun tshirts myself, so it gives me a fun connection to the character. And not to mention she’s a wolf, which no matter what book I read, wolves are always my favorite!

  23. My favorite character has to be Kandy, I just love her! I like her ability to kick a$$ and take names, her loyalty and dedication, and her uniqueness. She does it all while still having fun. She’s not too arrogant, and, like all people, has a lack of self control when it comes to Jade’s baked goods. (As a baker and lover of cupcakes, I get it!) All those things make her a very “normal” person, aside from the shifting thing. She’d be the type of person I’d want as a friend. I’m only on the third in the series. I only found it a month or so ago when the first book was offered as a freebie on, now I’m addicted! Smarty move! Often times I won’t purchase a book of I’m on the fence, this opportunity has me looking for your books in the bookstore. Haven’t found them in my area yet though.

    1. Entry #29 – Debbie – the paperbacks won’t be on the shelf of your local store. I believe they can be ordered in (or online, of course). But indies don’t automatically get shelf space. 🙁

  24. I really want a friend like Kandy…she’s fearless and a fiercely loyal friend! Can’t wait until she’s back in the action!!

  25. SPOILERS: I love Desmond because he is who he is with no apologies. He’s like yea, I totally have a thing for you but I’m going to kill your sister because it has to be done even if it ruins it. I miss Desmond. I hope he makes another appearance sometime. But then again, I also have a thing for shape shifters and I love the dynamics of the pack and the whole alpha/beta/dominance games dynamics in the relationships.

  26. Kandy because she doesn’t take anyone’s crap, but she does have a sweet side. She’s someone that I would want to have my back.

  27. Wow Meghan, I just don’t know how you think we could or would choose just one. Make it difficult why don’t you!
    Umm, I think maybe Kandy. Who doesn’t love a girl who has to dye her hair all the time? She’s loyal, rebellious, kicks arse, and has a wicked sense of humour, together with a wicked right hook. She’s a great person who doesn’t want to follow the rules but in spite of an enforced heirarchy, is recognised in her own right for her loyalty and honesty. Next up we have to give a thumbs up for the jealous bitch. What girl doesn’t want to get the boot in for the loss of their perceived love muffin (haha pun intended), no matter how erroneously.
    Now I’ve waxed on lyrically, I’ll point out I’m Australian and I’m not eligible. I hope you like my review anyway – you deserve the accolades. 🙂

    1. Entry #35 – Since I’m in Canada I always try to have my giveaways open internationally. Except for the kindle I gave away this year, I couldn’t ship that out of the USA.

  28. Kandy! I just love her character! She is who I would love to be. To so freely be yourself and show the world who you are and not care what anyone thinks. Being able to shapeshift would always be a great perk lol.

  29. I love Jade, but I also like Kett. I love that when they are around each other that you never really know what is going to happen. There’s always something interesting that’s going to happen when they are together. I just love it when they are together!

  30. Entry 52 – I enjoy all of your characters even the short lived ones but I do really enjoy Jade she started out not knowing what was going on and grew into herself. She is constantly learning more about herself and how to handle new situations, isn’t that what we all want to be able to do. She can cook amazing cupcakes in the morning and kick serious butt in the afternoon even with Drake following her around.
    I do have to say I also like Kandy because she is quirky and knows who she is and does not care what others think, well most most people.

  31. As much as I loved mcgrowly, my fav is Warner. I realize he’s semi-new but he’s exactly what jade needs right now and I think he’s perfect

  32. It’s a tough choice between Kandy and Kett and not because they both start with K! I think Kandy is fab as I love strong female characters, and Jade is too obvious a choice. I also love that I am always left wanting to know more about Kett but he clearly adores Jade, he had me crying in the last book!

  33. To pick just one feels soooooo disloyal to the series … 🙁

    That being said, the obvious choices are of course Jade, Kandy, Kett (the main trio) … BUT I looooove Scarlett. Yes, she was MIA for a lot of Jade’s “moldable” years, but the way she had stepped up, her quiet take-charge personality, and her immeasurable wisdom are quickly making up for the missing time. Like an awesome Mom, she always seems to know when to step in and offer that wisdom, and when to step back and allow Jade to learn/grow/make her own mistakes. I REALLY hope that she and Yazi can continue their story together, SOON. 😉

  34. I love candy. She doesn’t comply to the societal norms. And frankly doesn’t give a shit. But cares immensely about her people.

  35. Hmmm…just one? I honestly love them all. I’m enjoying learning that there is much more to Scarlett . Why she let Pearl raise Jade, that she isn’t just charm and sunlight. I would like to have more of Scarlett’s back story.

  36. Kett is my favorite! His interactions with Jade make me giggle, because he’s kind of stoic and old-ish but at the same time he’s sarcastic and whips out technology and gets adorable randomly.

  37. The characters were so engaging that I read through the series in a week. but if I had to choose one it would be Kett. I love the fact that he has grown into a friend and a team player despite his nature. Want to get more of a back story on our vamp.

  38. I have a few favorite characters. I love the vampire and kandy are like the best supporting characters ever. I love that jades mother was a flower child so was my mother. Drake reminds me of my son. And last but not least Jade bec I want to be her (bakery owner, wouldn’t mind the magic either if it was possible.) Lol

  39. I don’t know if I can choose between Kandy and Jade. I would def want Jade to be my bestie so we could make cupcakes all the time and Kandy cause she’s just such a fun character to read (and I’m sure write).

  40. Kandy, her loyalty to Jade is wonderful, we should all have a great friend like that; someone who has our back and enjoys chocolate with us! 🙂

  41. Hard…….this is my first time reading the book. I would have to say Jade because she grows stronger due to the experience. Her spunky side comes out in the end. I love Mandy and Kett as well. Can’t wait to read book 2!💟

  42. I think my favorites are Lara and Mory. Weird, I know, since they’re such minor secondary characters, but anyone who has the guts to die Kandy’s hair purple definitely gets a check in my book. And I thought the Mory story was so well done and empathetic and she was such an interesting person. Jade is irritating me because she’s too similar to me. 🙂 At least in dowser 4.

    1. Entry #55 – ha, sorry Jade irritated you in Dowser 4! But yes, Lara and Mory are interesting even though I only get to ‘play’ with them for short periods of time. I’m thinking we will see Mory again in Dowser 7 – 9, but I’m still brainstorming the third trilogy.

  43. Jade, she loves baking and eating sweets just like me, and she doesn’t give give up no matter what happens to her. Kandy is awesome too, and Kett. You creat such wonderful characters, it’s hard to pick just one. The cupcakes are pretty awesome too!

  44. Jade, because she’s so spunky and I can’t get enough of her adventures! And also, because she’s always so positive and bakes everyone cupcakes 🙂

  45. I got your first book from bookbub and have forsaken my family, my friends and my business ever since being absolutely inequitably unable to stop reading your series. I just finished I See Me… So much fun.. Your characters all have great depth and personality and of course edged charm.. But Hudson was even though ……… Was the one that sold me thanks Meghan

    1. Entry #58 – I’m sorry for your family, friends, and business … thankfully the series is only six books right now – LOL. So glad you found it. I still mourn Hudson, though Warner and Beau are slowly easing that pain for me.

  46. I loved all of the dowser series. I have never read this type of book and I have no idea why I chose this one but after the first one I absolutely had to read the others.

  47. I’m not a writer, or even a well-read person.. But this series is the first in about 3 years to actually keep me obsessed. I’ve purchased and read all 6 books including Oracle (so 7) in the last 2 months and I’m in love.. Just finished book 6 and can’t wait for 7!!! Literally pins and needles!!

    So I would like to enter the contest for the signed copy’s 😁..
    My favorite character is by far Kandy- the green haired werewolf… She is so bad-ass, cunning, and edgy. I feel like she almost resembles my real-life best friend (of 8 years) except more “tooth-and-claw” like. The image I have in my mind of Kandy is inspirational to me in so many ways.. Like a “grab life by the balls and shake it up a bit” inspiration. Thank you for writing this series and I can’t wait till November for the rest of Rochelles bad-ass story!! Hope Chi-Wen gives her more responsibility!!!!

    1. Crystal – I’m so glad the series had captured your attention!! The contest for the signed copies closed almost two weeks ago, but don’t worry I run giveaways a lot … about once a month usually. You are very lucky to have a best friend like Kandy 😉 I just finished the first draft of Rochelle’s next story yesterday … and, yes, I’d say there’s some more responsibility going on.

    1. Sorry, Czar! I usually update my giveaway posts (at the top) but I’m insanely busy moving (the second time is year – GRRR!!!). The winner was Lucky #40 – Mariselva from Texas. Next giveaway on my birthday (October 11).

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