Dowser Series: Audiobook Giveaway


This box of goodies from Tantor Media was waiting in my mailbox this afternoon:

Yep! That is the Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1) audiobook on … wait for it … ACTUAL CD. SIX CDs to be exact. Weird, huh?

Michael is currently scrambling around trying to figure out what we own that can play CDs. He’s currently attempting to boot up an old laptop. But not being able to play them myself isn’t going to stop me from giving one away!

Do you want to win a set of Dowser 1 audiobook CDs? I’ll even pull out the front sleeve and autograph it for you if you like. 😀

To enter all you need to do is comment below and let me know:

  1. If you could listen to ANY BOOK narrated by ANY PERSON, what book and narrator would that be?

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.

Contest closes SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2016 at 8 p.m. PST.

<3 <3 <3


44 thoughts on “Dowser Series: Audiobook Giveaway

  1. Oh, that’s a hard choice to make. I really enjoyed Samuel L Jackson reading Go The Fuck To Sleep. I feel like he would be a good pick to read a chic lit/snarky book, I imagine that would be hilarious.

  2. Wow. That’s a daunting question. How do you choose a book, from the thousands you’ve loved? And how do you choose the reader? For me, I would always prefer the author to read. I’m not sure anyone else “gets” the tone and character as well. And I’d love to hear the author’s intent. Since I can’t pick just one… You should read your series. Wen Spencer should read hers. Anne Bishop hers. Patricia Wrede hers. Jacqueline Carey hers. Etc. Etc. Etc.

  3. I think the Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon read by the actors that play the characters on the television show would be cool.

  4. There is an old book called “Death Be Not Proud” that I would live to hear Sir Paul McCartney read to me. No slight intended to any of my favorite authors.

  5. I really enjoyed Margurite Gavin audio for Kim Harrison’s The Hollows and Lorelei King audio The Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich. I love both of them, they’re voices literally pull you into the stories! 😁

  6. I am a JK Rowling fan and I think my favorite audio book is The Sorcerer’s Stone. The 1st Harry Potter book. I can listen to them over and over. Narrated by Jim Dale- perfect!

  7. My first choice would be Harry Potter too. I’d have loved Alan Rickman to have narrated it, I’d imagine Stephen Fry could do a great one too. I haven’t heard Jim Dale’s version.

  8. I’d have to say The Game of Thrones series narrated by Kit Harrington from the show, I love his voice! 😍

  9. To me I think James Earl Ray is a good Narrator and so is Samuel L Jackson I think it depends on the book. I would like All of my favorite books narrated as long as the person narrating it is able to express the highs and lows of the book. Like if it’s a scene in the book that makes you laugh/cry/be shocked/angry, I should be able to hear that in the person voice. I think Comedians make good Narrator

  10. I’ve thought about this but simply cannot decide. You never really know what is going to catch you. Christina Ricci did an excellent job with the first two Gossip Girl books…really great. And like a few mentioned above Harry Potter. .. excellent!

  11. The obvious answer is, YOUR BOOKS, narrated by YOU of course …

    But I think listening to the Bible, narrated by James Earl Jones, would be amazing and inspiring!!!

  12. I could listen to Morgan Freeman read the phone book and be happy. I think if I had to choose though, I might have him read me something nostalgic and feel good like Anne of Green Gables, then I’d have ALL the warm fuzzies!

  13. Any book read by the author. I think they provide the best interpretation of a phrase. I never really thought much of this, but decided it was best when listening to Tom Ryan reading Following Atticus. This, of course, would be impossible for some older books… and some of those might be best absorbed via audio book as the writing style can be difficult to read sometimes.

  14. hmm, that is a hard question but I actually love the voice of the guy that plays Lucifer on the tv show (not sure who the actor is). Not sure what book I would have him read because I love so many, but I would want it to be a book from one of my England/British type of authors because I read the words how they write them but I would love to hear someone actually say the words in the way they are supposed to be spoken, if you understand what I mean lol!!

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