Dowser Series: Dowser 2 Audiobook Giveaway


You know what this box of goodies from Tantor Media means, right?



Yep! That is the Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 2) audiobook on … wait for it … ACTUAL CD. Eight CDs and 9.5 hours unabridged audio to be exact.

So … do you want to win a set of Dowser 2 audiobook CDs? I’ll even pull out the front sleeve and autograph it for you if you like. 😀 [Though warning I have to take the plastic covering off to sign].

To enter all you need to do is comment below and let me know:

  1. If you could listen to ANY BOOK narrated by ANY PERSON, what book and narrator would that be? And/or what is your FAVOURITE audiobook?

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.

Contest closes FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 2016 at 8 p.m. PDT.

<3 <3 <3

58 thoughts on “Dowser Series: Dowser 2 Audiobook Giveaway

  1. Patrick Stewart reading James and the Giant Peach.
    Favorite audio so far is Nora Roberts and her Circle Trilogy.

  2. The Giver, narrated by Jason Sudeikis, just because I love him.
    Favorite audio book? I don’t think I have one. Yet.

  3. I think I’d like Cupcakes, Trinkets and Other Deadly Magic, narrated by YOU! It would have your true feelings and emotions and since it started my journey into your creativity, it would be my first choice. And, I don’t think I’ve ever listened to an audio book, so I have no favorite! But I will be doing a 22 hour drive in a few months and cannot think of a better driving companion than this set!!!

  4. In a perfect world, any Dick Francis book, narrated by him.
    I only have three audio books right now, so I don’t have a whole lot to compare, but of the three, The Devil’s Breath by Emily Kimelman is my favorite.

  5. I would love!!!!! to listen to Samuel L Jackson narrate Parenting: Illustrated with Crappy Pictures by Amber Dusick. ( ) Oh and comment on the crappy pictures, of course. LOL The hilarity of this idea… I’m already laughing ha!

    I don’t normally listen to audiobooks unless I’m on a road trip… (And I have one planned for this summer… so I obviously need to win this… ) However, I listened to a Tinkerbell book called Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg with my girls. I really enjoyed listening to a children’s book again — without having to be the one to read it! ha!

  6. There are always the darker male voices that appeal to me. I couldn’t tell you a name, though.
    I had my computer (this time a female voice) read “I Dream of Zombies” by Charlotte Gerber for me. It was a perfect match – the topic + the computer voice. 🙂

  7. I could listen to the original THE HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY – which, in truth, is a Radio Show and not an audiobook – any day of the week. Which reminds me of Douglas Adams’ other masterworks (perhaps only to me) which more properly answer the requirements – DIRK GENTLY’S HOLISTIC DETECTIVE AGENCY was a helluva audiobook, and I’d love to hear his lost DOCTOR WHO episode script SHADA done up any way they can…

  8. I have L.j. Charles – Ceann Caitlin’s Tarot on audio and I loved it!!! I like listen to people with accent’s so I guess as long as they have an accent I may enjoy it lol!!! There are so many books that I am in love with so I couldn’t name any specific one but since I LOVE paranormal romance I will go with that genre. Thank you tons for the chance to win this!!

  9. The Bible. Different people for each book, men and women, with a deep, commanding voice. James Earl Jones-like. Okay… maybe not *that* deep for the women……..

  10. My absolute fav is Stephen Fry who narrated most of the Harry Potter books and the gal whose name I can’t remember who narrated the Hollows series, I think either would be great for any book to narrate 😁

  11. Sir Ian Mckellen doing all the Lord of the Rings ..and my Favorite Audio book Where iIBelong author /and voiced by Alan Doyle

  12. I would like to hear my Dad read anything to me just once more. I’d settle for him reading to me from the repair manual for a 1955 Chevy.

  13. My favorite books are the In Death books by J.D. Robb as narrated by Susan Erickson. Her Roarke is the one I hear in my head when I read the print books. Luke Daniels does a great job with the Iron Druid books by Kevin Hearne.

  14. JAmes Earl Jones reading Harry Potter esp if he could sneak in the line Voldemort saying “Harry, I am your father”

    As favorite audio books don’t have any since I enjoy reading more, but if Radio plays count Douglas Adams Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy with Simon Jones as the Book.

  15. Ah such a hard one! I’d have to say ICE by Sarah Beth Durst. (Modern day take on East of the Sun, West of the Moon aka The Polar Bear King) I can’t give you a reader but a company – Full Cast Audio. A different reader for every character?! Yes Please! As far as my favorite audio book – Well my favorite author since I was about 12 has been Tamora Pierce (AMAZING strong female lead characters – if you haven’t read her stuff yet, do it now) I can’t pick one book but anything with Tammy reading always makes me smile! She’s good friends and writing partners with Bruce Coville (My Teacher is an Alien, Unicorn Chronicles, Magic Shop Series, among many others.) Bruce owns full cast audio, so many of her books are done by them. A couple of her books she narrated herself, mostly the older ones from when she was younger. But she still makes surprise appearances in a lot of her audio books and it makes me so happy. I’ve met her a couple times and I’ve listened to enough of her interviews that I can recognize her voice. I’m super excited for this because 1. I can’t afford these audio books right now 2. they aren’t at my library 3. I ADORE Jade’s voice in your books. Her sass just is fantastic. I’ve been dying to hear what these audio books will sound like. I suspect I’ll laugh out loud.

    Need to add: I just read previous comments and I have to agree: BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH reading ANYTHING. Stephen Fry and Jim Dale are both lovely as well. But, I still like the concept of a different reader for each character.

    1. 17 – Paula – I just discovered that if you’ve bought the kindle version of a Dowser book the audio version is $4!! Nice! But fingers crossed for the random number generator!! Also I’m giving away Dowser 3 next week.

  16. Have listened to too many audio book to mention…can listen while doing domestic goddess duties, crocheting, driving…love them!!! No favorites…but the convenience of being able to go through the library and download them to my phone is awesome!

  17. My favorite audio books are Molly Harper’s, her narrator Amanda Ronconi is the best. I love to hear Gordon Ramsay narrate God the Fuck to Sleep.

  18. I absolutely LOVE Kristen Bell’s voice and would like to hear her narrate “A Fairy’s Guide To Disaster” (plus the other books in the series). Perhaps the combination of Kristen’s lovely voice and the silly story (yes, a children’s book!) would dampen my road rage lol

  19. I would love to hear Robert Heinlein read his classic Sci Fi Stranger in a Strange Land. I do enjoy Susan Erickson reading the JD Robb In Death books as well, but Samuel L Jackson doing Go the Fuck to Sleep was priceless, though very short.

  20. My favorite book of all time even to this day is “The Ice-Cream Cone Coot” and other rare birds. by Arnold Lobel and I would want to hear my mom’s voice reading it to me as she did when I was growing up, and I followed in her footsteps and read it to my son until he could recite it word for word before he could even read. My heart is in this book.
    Thanks for the chance Meagan .
    East Coast fan
    Colleen Patterson

  21. I would love to hear Micheal Clarke Duncan (inmate in The Green Mile) narrate The Green Mile by Stephen King!

  22. In my dream world… anything at all narrated by the late great Alan Rickman, up to and including the phone book. 🙁 Since that isn’t possible, I think I’d like to hear Emily Blunt dictate the novels in the Genevieve Lenard series by Estelle Ryan. Or may Chris Pine narrating any (all) of the Steve Berry Cotton Malone novels. 🙂

  23. My favorite audio book is Benedict Cumberbatch reading Sherlock Holmes. But I would probably also enjoy him reciting my shopping list… 😉 I imagine Alan Rickman reading Harry Potter would be a great audio book, but sadly that’s not going to happen. 🙁

    PS: I only recently discovered your books, but I got instantly hooked – LOVE your writing!!

  24. Any of the Harry Potter books, would have loved to hear Alan Rickman read them (may he RIP), but Maggie Smith would be amazing.

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