Dowser Series: Dowser 3 Audiobook Giveaway


Another box of goodies from Tantor Media!! Whoot!


And what does a box full of audiobook CDs mean? Yep, giveaway time!! Specifically for 8 CDs and 9.5 hours of Treasures, Demons, and Other Black Magic (Dowser 3) unabridged.

Would you like to win a set of Dowser 3 audiobook CDs? I’ll even pull out the front sleeve and autograph it for you if you like. 😀 [Though warning I have to take the plastic covering off to sign].

To enter all you need to do is comment below and let me know:

  1. Where would you listen to this CD? The car? On a road trip? To and from work? And what specific or favourite part of the book are you looking forward to hearing the narrator, Caitlin Davies, give voice to?

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.

Contest closes THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 at 8 p.m. PDT.

<3 <3 <3

58 thoughts on “Dowser Series: Dowser 3 Audiobook Giveaway

  1. I would listen in the car on the way to and from work and I want to hear conversations between Jade and Kandy, I love Kandy’s attitude lol!!!

  2. I’m going on a trip soon a couple states away, this would be perfect listening to in the car! I would love to hear the snarky comments between Jade and Kandy.

  3. Ooooooh, where would I listen to the CD? Well, hate to say it but the CD would get ripped into my Plex library right away. Discs are precious, and must not be subjected to wear & tear. It would be listened to on the way to work, on the way home from work… heck, probably at work… walking the dog, riding the bike. Yeah, pretty much anywhere. And everywhere.
    I look forward to hearing the banter. Between the sisters, especially.

  4. I would listen in the car during my 25 hour road trip next month when we move from Florida to New Mexico!!! I would re-listen while unpacking all the boxes at the new house!! My two dogs and two cats and I will enjoy the comfort of these creative stories!! It will make me so happy, make the trip a lot more enjoyable, and be soothing to the fur kids instead of my rock music cd’s!! I think I look forward to Jade & Desmond conversations, although “The Vampire” may be quite interesting also.

  5. I would most likely listen to it on my way to my daughter’s (3.5 hrs away). As for what I most want to listen to…it would be a toss up of conversations between Jade & Kandy and Jade & Kett. Hard to decide.

  6. Ohy gosh PLEASE!!! I listen to books on my commute yo and from work everyday!!! I am a fan for life I have a hard time reading anything else between the publishongs. Jade is my inspiration to be a bad ass but still look good doing it!!!!

  7. I would listen on my way to and from work. I would like to hear the banter between Jade and Kandy

  8. Listen anywhere I could. House, car, riding, driving or just chilling. Would love to hear Desmond growl….

  9. I would listen to this in the car on my way to work and anywhere else. I would bring my lunch and listen to it in my office while I eat. I will so look forward to hearing Kandy’s voice come to life.

  10. I would totally listen to it in my car. I work in my car,its my office. So perfect. Oh how i hope I win.

  11. Honestly, I would have to say the ending when she pushes him back after he snaps Sienna’s neck and let’s him know that she is stronger and not to mess with her. Sorry I can’t remember his name, I’m super bad with names but I can remember Kett go figure lol

  12. I would listen to it while doing housework mostly, but also while driving.
    I’m really not sure I can pinpoint what part I want to hear most; this series (as well as the Oracle Trilogy) has me so enthralled from start to finish. I devour every single word the way Drake eats Jade’s chocolate. 😉

  13. I’d listen on an upcoming long drive to Dallas (6 hours each way). I can’t wait to hear Ch 6 dialogue between Jade and Desmond when she first sees him after being gone in the nexus for 3 months. Very flirty😍

  14. I would listen every night before I go to sleep since I love to read before I fall asleep every night. I have been known to stay up way too late leaving myself with a reading hangover the following morning. I would be really excited to listen to the conversations between Jade and Kandy, as well as Jade and Kett!

  15. Would would listen to and from work, also whilst ironing, think ironing boards should have book stands incorporated into them.
    It would be great to listen to Drake and Jade

  16. This summer I am interning in a city about 4 hours from the city I currently live in and where my boyfriend will continue to live. I will listen to this book driving to and from visiting him.

  17. My routine, but kindof long, road trips. Which means I would hear parts about 6 times because I tend to tune out the book with traffic and scenery…. and ‘rewind’. Part…. the battle. I won’t say more as some may not have read it yet.

  18. I would listen to it at home while puttering around the house, or on the bus to and from work. I would love the conversations between Jade & Kandy the most (Kandy is one of my faves) and Kett would also be interesting ^_^

  19. I would listen to it in the car and in my dvd player so I could hear it while doing house stuff, lol. I want to hear Jade’s voice come to life and hear all the funny things she’s says and thinks

  20. Have a long trip planned to hunt for chocolate in Europe, so I would listen on the plane and on various trains. 🙂 I’d like to “hear” Kandy’s sass.

  21. I am so excited about the new book… I would listen to the book in the car. And I want to hear Jade and Kett

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