Dowser 6: six eARC giveaway


I’m giving away six eARCs (electronic advanced reader copies) of Dowser 6 today! This is the fourth of six giveaways to help celebrate the release of Dowser 6 on May 5, 2016.

Artifacts, Dragons, and Other Lethal Magic (Dowser 6) is currently available for preorder on AmazonKoboiBooksBarnes & Noble, and Smashwords.

Artifacts, Dragons, and Other Lethal Magic (Dowser 6) ebook

So … would you like to win an eARC of Dowser 6?

To enter all you need to do is comment below and let me know:

  1. What character are you most looking forward to seeing and/or learning more about (hopefully) in Dowser 6?

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. SIX winning entries will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.

Contest closes FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2016 at 8 p.m. PDT.

<3 <3 <3

127 thoughts on “Dowser 6: six eARC giveaway

  1. I’d like to know more about Jade’s father, Yazi. Interested in the history between him and her mother.

  2. Yazi… I would love to see more of a relationship bloom between Jade and her father. He is mysterious and so interesting at the same time… Would just like to read more of him.

  3. I think it’d be cool to hear more about Kett. There have been hints but I’d love to know more!

  4. Oh man!! I so hope I win this lol!! I am really looking forward to Jade and Warner, I really want them together!!

  5. I would love to know more about Kett. Does he love Jade? What is the story of his creation? What motivates him? He is a mystery that I’d love to know more about.

  6. I’m really looking forward to learning more about Jade’s dragon background. It’s such a mystery.

  7. Kett, he seems so interesting,he’s just a big ball of intrigue wrapped in cynicism and mystery. Jade’s interactions with him are all so crazy and confusing. Definitely hoping for more details especially after the last book.

  8. I am looking forward to more of Jade’s adventures, also mabe a little bit about other magical beings like the ‘Brownie’ !

  9. Blackwell 🙂 After reading Oracle 2 I am wondering more about his character. I will not give any spoilers by going into why I feel I need to know more about him and his role. 😉

  10. Kandy!! I love that Green haired werewolf! I miss her! She is my favorite character! Anything else I can learn about her would be great.

  11. Its a toss up between the crazy dragon girl, and Blackwell, all the characters are interesting, these two leave me wondering the most!

  12. I can’t choose just one 😂 That’s like picking a favorite child lol. I am excited to read about Jade’s newest adventure.

  13. Kett…because I love him and the idea of him and Jade together. But every book I read, I keep wondering about and would love to learn more about Scarlett and Jade’s grandmother.

  14. Shaila (not sure if I storied that correctly) and Warren and why her powers were bound and she can’t use them and why she left the dragons and or was banished. Lol I now realize that is more than one but curiosity knows no bounds lol 😁

  15. I really miss Kett and can’t wait for Dowser 6 but I’m really curious about Warner. Him and Kett are both very mysterious but Warner left me suspicious for some reason. The suspense is killing me# 🙂

  16. Blackwell first pops up and seems so villainous, but then he’s more mysterious and actually shows character with “heart”????? His influence may be more far-reaching than expected. Am I getting close? Will he show up in Dowser 6? More please.

  17. I want to learn more about Kandy.
    No, Kett.
    No, I want to learn more about Drake.
    OK, for sure Kandy. Final answer.

  18. Oh, heavens, all of them! I think if I have to pick just one though, I’d like to know more about Jade’s father Yazi and his relationship with both Jade and her mother though. Did he even think about the ramifications of a dragon/witch child?

  19. Yazi!!!!! I am hoping we see a glimpse of his relationship with Jade’s mom and an evolution of his relationship with Jade. He seems like he is a proud father but he just doesn’t know how to convey that and that makes me sad for him.

  20. Warner, please. How did he end up being the protector of the items of assassination? Was it because he had a relationship with the crazy koala? Did her father know how nuts she was and knew that Warner would not put up with it? Can’t wait to find out!

  21. OK this is not a fair question because I absolutely love all of the characters and it seems that everybody loves Kett. I’m all for Jane and Warner being a lovely couple but I’m still team Des, so I’d love to see more there. I’d love to see more Kandy and I deathly love to see more about the Dragons because they’re still a lot that we don’t know about them and that would be my favorite part is probably more about the Dragon

  22. Kett. Can’t get enough of Kett!!! Seriously, you could write a book about just him and I would be all over him…I mean it. <3

  23. I want to see more Drake. Hopefully he will be allowed to leave the Nexus and go on another adventure with Jade. His observations of the mortal word are very entertaining.

  24. I’d like to know more about Kett’s background, but Warner’s would also be interesting! So looking forward to the book!!

  25. Can’t wait to hear more about Kett,I have my reading chair ready, my special bar of chocolate hidden in anticipation of a great story. 📚🍫🍷

  26. While I want to hear from all of the characters in the upcoming book I really missed Desmond aka mcgrowly in the last book 🙁 sooo I’m hoping for a bit more of him.

  27. This is the easy way out, but all of them. I feel that we learn so much just how the characters interact with each other. (Kandy is my favorite though).

  28. My favs are Jade and Kandy so I can’t wait to learn more about them. I know it’s not really a character but I LOVE the bakery and cupcakes so I can’t wait for the next recipes and reading about Jade’s inspiration for new flavors : )

  29. Desmond. Feel like there’s some unfinished business between him and Jade, even if he did kill her sister. ‘Sigh’ don’t think I’ll be that lucky though!

  30. I want to know more about Yazi, he’s such a mysterious intriguing character and it’s so tantalizing to know more of Jade’s history.

  31. Warner, please. I want more back story. More on his dragon abilities. How are we going to keep him once all the instruments are found?….I want to know it all.
    And Kett. Because there is so much he’s not saying out loud, but is saying with his actions, but I can’t tell exactly what it is.

  32. I can’t wait to read more about Jade, and her relationship with Warner. I love Kett’s storyline too.

  33. Wow, too many folks! Want to hear what’s going on with Warner, Kett and his backstory, and see what’s happening with Kandy – very much missed her in 5!

  34. I’m endlessly fascinated by Kett! There is just something so compelling about him. I’m always interested to see if there is anyone new to the storyline as well.

  35. Jorgen the Nordic werewolf. Kett’s maker.
    Fingers crossed a billion times. I hope I am lucky. 🍀

  36. Every character! But I would like to know more about Scarlett’ childhood…and then more about everyone else!

  37. I’d love to learn more about Kandy and Scarlett!! Kandy because she’s such a part of Jade’s life but we know so little about her background; and Scarlett because I feel like the only thing we know about her is that flighty, but I have to believe there’s more to her than being a virtually absentee parent.

  38. Kett!!! What’s his story??? He is so secretive, I would love to know what’s underneath that armor he wears. He’s my favorite 🙂

  39. I would like to learn more about the dragons, of course what happened between Jade’s mom and dad Yazi but all of the dragons, you give us hints about them but I would like more. Then you have our young dragon he reminds me of how willful my boys were when they were young. I am hoping with your new books title we will learn more. Either way thanks for writing these – I love them.

  40. I am looking forward to seeing Kandy join Jade. It seems like she and Jade have been apart for so long!

  41. I really like Kandy and her fun fearless spirit. I feel like there is more to her that we havn’t discovered yet. I can’t wait to learn more about her.

  42. One more vote for Kandy and Kett! I really want to know Kandy’s backstory, and more about Kett’s history and feelings.

  43. WARNER!!! I so can’t wait to see what happens next between them as well as see how the relationship with her father progresses. Oh and Kandy! I miss her! I adore how we come to know such colorful characters through you!

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