Oracle 3: paperback and postcard giveaway

GIVEAWAY CLOSED. LUCKY #44 has been emailed.

I’m giving away eight paperbacks today to help celebrate the release of I See Us (Oracle 3) on October 6, 2016.

I See Us (Oracle 3) is currently available for preorder.



Win all these pretties, all at once! Eight autographed paperbacks, six recipe cards, four meme postcards, and six butterfly tattoos!

To enter all you need to do is comment below and let me know:

  1. What is your favourite quote from the Oracle Series? [This must be an actual quote from one of the books 😉 ]

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.

No purchase necessary. Want to play along but haven’t read the series yet? The first three chapters of book one are available here for free.

Contest closes FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2016 at 8 p.m. PDT.

97 thoughts on “Oracle 3: paperback and postcard giveaway

  1. “I managed to park the Brave in the alley behind the group home without any issue. Thankfully, I wouldn’t have to back up when I pulled out.” I hate backing up….especially with bigger vehicles.

  2. “Whether you believe in or not, magic comes to you… like electricity to a light or iron to a magnet, maybe.”

  3. “No matter what else else I see today…or tomorrow…or the next day,” I said “I see you. As you are.” Oracle 2

  4. “Magic sees magic, not the mundane,” Chi Wen answered. “Perhaps the sorcerer and the warrior’s daughter are the most powerful Adepts within your sphere. Or perhaps magic has its own reason, only to be revealed when it comes to pass.”

  5. “A tall, skinny guy wearing black jeans and a knit hat in an attempt to look like a hipster, but really just hiding stringy, dirty blond hair.”
    -This was me, this very morning and the line made my latte shoot out my nose! Thanks for my burning synuses.

  6. “Karma was a crazy bitch, and she had been after my ass for a while now.” From Downer book 6. Some days, this says it all:)

  7. “Why are you here?” “Rochelle is being hunted.” “So you bring her to the pack?” The woman laughed. “By a sorcerer.” The woman stilled. Every line of her face and body smoothed out to neutral. Then, looking at me again, she whispered. “What sorcerer?” “Blackwell,” I said.A slow, scary grin spread across her lovely face. I could suddenly see the wolf underneath her skin — or at least her capacity to be a wolf. Beau shuddered, looking resolutely at her feet. “Please —” “Blackwell,” she repeated. “Anything that sorcerer wants, I’m more than willing to keep from him.” (Oracle One..I See Me)

    I do so love how the Pack just hates Blackwell so much. (Grin)

  8. “You’re not helping.”
    “I am helping. You are not absorbing. Shall I speak slower?”
    “God, no.”
    -Oracle 1

  9. “You can’t rescue someone who doesn’t want to be rescued,” I said, repeating what Beau had said to me a few days after we met.

  10. I know its been said already a few times but I can’t help but love the line “He saw my crazy and didn’t leave” Isn’t that what we all want? Someone who loves us and will stay with is despite the parts of ourselves we don’t love.

  11. Beau saying Happy Birthday….Rochelle’s response….”Let’s not sleep.” Never again?” “Never close our eyes on today”

  12. ” I don’t want to see what you see,” she said. “No one should see their own future. It’s like having your soul shredded.”

  13. The marshall was riding shotgun, which was an ironic position for a cowboy. Or maybe in this case appropriate was a better word. Because we were ridinf to a rescue. Right? -Oracle 2

  14. “I don’t want you to see me with them,” he whispered. “What I’m like when I’m with them.”
    “I see you, Beau. I only see you.”

  15. Chocolate cake with strawberry buttercream. Love in a cup. To soothe you Rochelle Saintpaul. I mean honestly who DOESNT need some love in a cup every once in a while.

  16. Henry Calhoun eyed me. “You keep bad company, Rochelle Saintpaul.”
    I nodded. “Wait until you meet the other two.”
    The marshal laughed again. “Fair enough.”

  17. “As far as I’d seen, most adults tried to pretend they didn’t have parents. Except my shrink, who’d tried to invite me for Christmas dinner last year. As if I wanted to be trapped next to a huge turkey carcass with twenty people I didn’t know. Twenty strangers who all knew exactly who I was.”

  18. “Yeah, you know.” Kandy started the pristinely clean and completely conspicuous SUV, then executed a U-turn back toward the highway. “He laid it out in exquisite detail. Time, place, players, and ultimate outcome. Completely coherently. Like always. Then I bought him Oreos.”

  19. From Artifacts, Dragons and Other Lethal Magic…

    “May I present Jane Godfrey, alchemist, wielder of the instruments of assassination, dragon slayer,” Chi Wen said, bowing formally in my direction. “We have been awaiting her awakening.”

    “No ‘granddaughter of Pearl Godfrey’ … no “warrior’s daughter’… no ‘treasure keeper’s alchemist’ ..

    “Just me. Me and all the terrible I was capable of. “

  20. There are so many to choose from, one of my favorites from Oracle 1 is
    “I would walk each step as far as it would take me, and not worry — not for one moment — about the unknown beyond.”

  21. “If I believed in magic, shouldn’t I believe it would steer me right when I needed direction?”

    I just really like this, really can adapt it to real life and embracing whatever it is you believe.

  22. Hard to pick my favorite. But I like this alot “As if I wanted to be trapped next to a huge turkey carcass with twenty people I didn’t know”. Yep. Same goes for with 20 people I do know lmao

  23. Oracle 2 – “That Chinese guy who just wanted to watch the dryers last week and kept asking for Oreos.”

    I just love the mental image of the far-seer with all his cosmic power hangin’ out at the Laundromat watching the dryers go ’round and ’round… and tryin’ to bum Oreos off of someone. (Mmmm. Oreos. 🙂 )

  24. Dowser 1: “I was being stalked by an obviously insane vampire. It didn’t get much more terrifying than that.”

    Kett is one of my favourite characeters and it’s weird to reread Dowser 1 and see how he has changed over the series. He’s such a creepshow in the beginning haha.

  25. Oracle 1: “I’d said the thing about being crazy and he hadn’t laughed like I was joking. He also hadn’t walked away.”

    The commitment was there from the start… It’s a heartening exchange as they found each other.

  26. “No matter what else I see today … or tomorrow … or the next day,” I said. “I see you. As you are.”

    This is my favorite, I’m such a mush!!!

  27. This part made me smile so big…

    ” We make our own family,” I said as I knelt down before Beau and pressed my hands to his cheeks. “We’ve made our own family.”

  28. Drake’s constant grin widened again. “I suppose that Adepts who fear their power or the magic of others might not touch.”
    Taking his words as a challenge, I firmly wrapped my hand around his.

  29. “Canadians are supposed to be nice,” Lara said, her tone hopeful. “So she might bring cupcakes.”

  30. “Time to see, fledgling” says the far seer. Love this, as you know thing are getting real know!

  31. The bit in I See You where Kandy casually discusses killing Cy with Beau and then Rochelle is like, “But where would we hide the body?”

    I laughed hard through the initial read and then laughed again when rereading for the contest. Yes, I reread both for the contest.

    This quote is my favorite because Rochelle has finally accepted this is not a mental illness, that this is all real, and yes, dragons too. She is slowly accepting who she is, and she isn’t at all concerned about killing a bad guy who is harming her Beau, just where they would put the body. She went from being terrified of herself, to a stronger person, and I think this simple sentence from her says so much about that.

  32. THIS!!!

    “So, all I could do was what everyone else did — cherish the good relationships and attempt to avoid the bad. I didn’t have a great track record doing either, but I was sure as hell trying.”

    This resounded so much with me 🙂

  33. I’d seen terrible, fantastical, and utterly impossible things … but not love. Not until I saw him. Oracle 1

  34. “My stomach did that weird flip it did when I wanted Beau. But since having a sexual reaction to him giving me a vital of blood was pretty creepy, I refrained from climbing into his lap like I wanted to.” Oracle 2.

  35. The werewolf was tinier than she appeared. Attitude added inches, apparently.
    My gran is tiny and for some reason this makes me think of her! 😂

  36. I really like this quote from I See Me (Oracle 1) as it shows a bit of Rochelle’s personality: “I didn’t like people, so I tried to make sure they knew it right away. The moment they saw me actually.”

  37. I like this one as it fits me so well…….“He tried to talk to me.” “He must be insane then. Who would want to talk to you?”

  38. Jade laughed. A lot. She laughed at everything she couldn’t control. Not lightly or offishly, but in acknowledgement that she couldn’t control it. And she survived. I wasn’t going to develop a chocolate or cupcake obsession that I didn’t have the funds to support. But I could co-opt her other coping mechanism. Jade laughed, so I tried to laugh.
    I hope that quoting from the third book is ok. Made me very happy that Rochelle is able to laugh now, even as a coping mechanism.

  39. From I See You – “Destiny is immutable. The future is fluid,” That too can be used in this life, this world. We can’t change what destiny has written for us, but we can make decisions about what we do here, now, tomorrow.

  40. From I See You (Oracle 1)
    “The weirder and weirder it all gets …. it’s still cool?”
    I say yes … weird is cool .. Who wants ‘normal’?

  41. “It’s like that, huh?” … “Use me then leave me?” … seems like it’s the story of my life. From I See You … Beau teasing Rochelle.

  42. I’ll be completely honest, I haven’t started reading this series yet! 😢😬 I could cheat and copy a quote, but that is just wrong. It is actually on my list of reads before the end of the year. I have read the Dowser series though and I absolutely 💞 them.

  43. I wanted to see us.
    Every day. In the light.
    And if the darkness came again, I’d be ready for it. Again. And always.

  44. My favorite quote from the series is from Oracle 3: ” I wanted to see us. Every day. In the light.” Why? Because I’ve felt that way, once upon a time, and that is love, that is the best.

  45. So far my favorite quote from the Oracle series is the opening line to Chapter One of Book Two: “There are zombies in Florida.” I read this the other day and still can’t get it out of my head. 🙂

  46. “It’s my birthday,” I said. “Or it was yesterday, before midnight.”
    “Happy Birthday.”
    “Thank you.” I’d never been so happy to have someone say that, not once in the nineteen years I’d suffered birthdays. “Let’s not sleep.”
    “Never again?”
    “Never close our eyes on today,” I said.

    I love this series!

  47. There are so many! But I really like the scene where Rochelle thinks she’s crazy.
    “He didn’t leave. He saw my crazy and he didn’t leave.”
    And when Beau brings her warm apple juice, “No,” I cried. “It’s just that I like the apple juice so much it scares me.”

    I just love the whole series ❤

    1. Ignore that. I’ve just seen that so many people have used it! I don’t want you to think I stole it. So….

      “Jesus, my mind was wicked. Brilliant but wicked.”

  48. “You know what we are. What we can do. And you still want to be a family?”
    “From the first moment we saw you.” – Oracle 3

  49. “Excuse me while I choke on your sympathy.” I’ve borrowed this quote many times in the recent months due to unforeseen events in my life. It’s from I SEE ME, book one of your awesome trilogy. Miss chatting with you!

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