Adept Universe: paperback giveaway


I’m giving away nine paperbacks in the Adept Universe in celebration of the upcoming release of Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1) on December 29, 2016.

Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1) is currently available for preorder.


And remember to enter the preorder giveaway.

Win all these pretties, all at once! Nine autographed paperbacks, six Dowser recipe cards, one Oracle meme postcard, and six butterfly tattoos!

To enter all you need to do is comment below and let me know:

  1. If you could create reconstructions (like Wisteria can) what happy memory would you collect and carry around with you everywhere (keep these PG-13, pretty please 😉 )?

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.

No purchase necessary.

Contest closes FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2016 at 8 p.m. PST.

174 thoughts on “Adept Universe: paperback giveaway

  1. I think I’d carry around memories from when I was little and spent time playing in the creek near our house: making dams, sending “boats” down, generally having a nice simple day with no thought about anything except what I was doing right then.

  2. I would collect memories of funny things my kids say. I try to write them down when I can, but to see them saying it is funnier 😁

  3. I would choose when I was younger and the whole family went hiking. We had our dogs, beautiful scenery and a really fun time!

  4. My pups. I would carry them fresh in my mind all the time, and forever feel the unconditional love only a pet can truly give.

  5. I would carry memories of my children’s births, sounds strange to want to remember pain, but after you have had a few they kind of blur into each other and when you are in labour land, you forget what happened for certain moments anyway 🙂

  6. I think I would collect the first time I went to the wizarding world of Harry Potter. I’ve never felt such pure joy before. To be able to feel like I was in one of the books that was 11 years of my childhood was the best.

  7. I would reconstruct the memory of my nine year old self helping my Dad work on his car. He has been dead for 21 years now and I miss him.

  8. The happy memory I would carry with me is sitting on the warm sand of Costa Rica watching the sky turn a rainbow of colors at sunset. Nobody spoke, as we all felt peace wash over us as the light left the sky.

  9. I would keep happy memories of my brothers life and give it to him. He is struggling with depression and I would like to think by giving him happier memories it might help him.

  10. Wow, that’s tough….there are several…. family things, pets/animals, charity deeds, encounters with nature. I’ll say… the joy I felt watching my dog play the first time she walked out the door into about 6 inches of fresh snow.

  11. My happy memories would probably be just snippets of time with my dad, like holding hands with him, seeing him laugh, or calling us into the kitchen for dinner using our silly nicknames. I miss him everyday.

  12. I would keep the memories of my kids when they were babies and me and my husband before we had kids. Although I could choose a whole lot more memories!

  13. The day my daughter was born. My husband was holding our brand new baby against his chest and singing “Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone” to her while rocking her. Most beautiful moment in my world.

  14. A most happy memory for me is/was accompanying my sixteen year old daughter across Harvard Yard to her freshman dorm, Stoughton Hall, many years ago.

  15. The benefit bike ride that friends and bike messengers put together for my husband. So much love and respect that day. I still warm myself with the hat memory.

  16. The magic of christmas, given to my children. The joy on their faces is priceless, they are getting to the stage of not believing. It would make me happy to carry this with me

  17. My reconstruction cube would hold the memorie of my daughters birth and holding her in my arms for the first time.

  18. I would reconstruct any memory with my Grandmother. She passed when I was 3, so I have very little memories of her. I’d like to know more of what my Mom tells me, but I obviously don’t remember because I was so young.

  19. The happiest moment, or memory, I would reconstruct is a moment years ago when I felt on top of the world, nothing could get to me and I felt invincible. I remember driving down the road in my car and called it “bubble-living”, it felt surreal and powerful.
    In fact … I think I’m reconstructing it right now speaking about it … 🙂

  20. Time spent at my grandparents’ house. I spent long, lazy summer days there as a child and teenager, and we held large family holidays there. I miss those days!

  21. Both my Grandpa’s alive. My grandpa Palmer playing in the snow would my memory to carry and my grandpa Winters old house before it burned last year in the california mountain fires.

  22. I love my daughter to bits so I would carry my memories of her younger years before she became an adult and didnt need me as much anymore. I would also carry four more special days in my life. The day my daughter married and birth of my three amazing grandsons.

  23. My happy memory would be walking in the woods with my young children, both of their little hands held in mine. There is nothing like holding hands with a young child. Well, except maybe playing with a litter of puppies!

  24. I think I would carry around the first time I saw the city of Taipei, when I moved there in July of 2013. It was the first time I had ever been in such a large, modern city before. I loved all of the lights and sounds of the city, and I loved feeling so small. It was really a grounding feeling when I got overwhelmed thinking about moving to the other side of the planet. (Plus there was like, unlimited access to soup dumplings.)

  25. I’d carry memories of my happiest moments with my parents, sister, husband, and kids. My memory is horrible and it bums me out when I try to remember special moments and come up empty.

  26. I would reconstruct my daughter as a child trying to roast a marshmallow over the Smokey Joe air vent. She had very carefully asked if she could do this ( the roasting part) and after making sure she had a long fork, I let her go out on the back porch. I still smile when I think of her kneeling next to the BBQ complaining about how it just won’t cook. She must have be around 10 years old. 🙂

  27. I would reconstruct a day at the fair when I was younger. My grandmother had conversion stands there and while my mother worked I would find all of the free things to do, see and eat.

  28. I so pose it’s more a collection of memories but going to Belgium with some friends. I just remember laughing till I was crying, running around Bruges, speaking bad French and getting lost.

  29. I would keep all my childhood memories of our family all together around the holidays and family get togethers. Really miss that

  30. The trips the family used to make before we all got far too busy. Summers camping, winters skiing… Good times outdoors!!

  31. Oh, I love this! I have so many, but meeting my first born for the first time would be so sweet. (Just make sure we don’t redo the actual labor and delivery portion again!)

  32. I would carry around the memories of family holidays when I was little & we went away camping every Christmas before my parents got divorced. To me was very happy times 🙂

  33. I’d keep either one of my memories of being with my grandpa on the farm or with my dad. To many to pick a specific one.

  34. I would keep all the memories I have from before being cool or skinny or pretty mattered. When my body image was healthy and I believed in magic and that I could do anything!

  35. Hmm a very thought provoking question. I would carry around the memories from when my daughter had just been born and my son was still in the “baby” stage. Crazy as it sounds i miss when they were both under the age of 2. 🙂

  36. I would collect memories of my 8yr old daughters face glowing with excitement everytime she begins a new book n tries to explain to me what its about and the characters in each book, she usually has 2 different books going at any 1 time.

  37. Ah, the birth of my son, best day of my life. There are also many great times playing with him when he was little that I would like to keep perfectly, forever.

  38. I would carry the memory of going to the used book store with my father every weekend. Just he and I would go exchange our books weekly, just he and I. He has been gone for 23 years, and I would give anything to do it again.

  39. Wow! So many memmories to reconstruct!
    I think one of the memmories I’d choose is in 5th grade while my family lived a sabatical in California and we took a road trip from north CA through death vally, to Arizona- Grand Canion, national park quests, Circus Circus Hotels in Rino and Vegas, a stop in western ghost towns- one were we posed like in the wild west- all 4 children….even a trip to Utah- salt lake 😝
    We were 2 parents, 4 children ages 1, 10,11, 17 and 2 Grandmas in one “spaceship” car 😎
    8 hours a day drives….
    Fun times!!!! An Adventurous childhood lol

  40. I would recreat the moments after my daughter was born. The first sounds I gave to her outside the womb was my singing to her. We looked at each other Ned the pain of the last 36 hours were pushed away.

  41. I would reconstruct the summer days I got to spend with my Grandparents as a child, driving the tractor with my Grandpa, picking all kinds of things out of the garden and orchard, riding my cousin’s horse… So many great memories. I miss them terribly.

  42. I would carry around the last family reunion before my grandma passed away. My grandma was still alive. My brother was still alive. And it was a pretty good day. I miss my grandma and my brother every day. Even though I don’t like most of my family, my grandma was such a great lady and I wish she was around so I could talk to her more.

  43. Collect memories from my trip to Europe! The feels when you stand in one place and imagine how many have stood there before you…. No words.

  44. My favorite memories all seem to be in the quiet of the evening, with a hot cuppa coffee or tea, a lil snack and telling my hubby all about them! This Holiday its been especially wonderful because for the 1st time in twelve years we had both our sons home at the same time for Christmas and got to see ALL five granddaughters!

  45. I would collect a day with my great-grandmother, before she got alzheimers, before she passed away, a day we spend doing what she wanted. Gardening, canning, reading Sci-fi, just talking about the past. I miss her so much.

  46. If I could only have one, I would collect the night of my High Priestess ordination. Being surrounded by amazing, strong, beautiful women; sharing sacred space where our souls were bare to one another. It was truly a magical experience. I walked out of there knowing with every fibre of my being that I was surrounded and uplifted by all of them, and that if I ever need anything – I could go to that space and not have to worry about acceptance, because I was already linked to the sisterhood.

  47. If it was me I would recreate the last day I had with my mother and/or my father. I lost them both and I would love for my son to see what his grandparents were like

  48. It’s the longest (two weeks!) camping trip I took at 14 with my parents and our horses on the Pacific Crest Trail starting in White Pass, WA. We supplemented our rations by gathering berries and mushrooms, and filtering water, we caught lake trout and cooked everything on an open fire. We swam in the high mountain lakes, it was Summer and the meadows were blooming with so many flowers and buzzing with bees. The sights and smells are something I wish I could experience over and over again. I have visited the trail since, but it’s never been the same as that marathon perfect trip.

  49. I would want to carry around the memory of my grandfather painting my fingernails as a child. My dad was very religious and didn’t believe in nail polish, but my mom’s dad didn’t care much. So he would paint my sister’s and my nails while sitting at the kitchen table. He’s been gone for seventeen years now and I still miss him every day.

  50. When I was around 8 or 9 my sister and I went out to our grandparents for a sleepover. They lived on a farm in a valley, complete with woods, a creek, and sloping pastures. This particular visit it snowed, and we went sledding. It was a perfect day, and the best part was when my sister was on a round sled going down the hill.. she was turned around facing up the hill, couldn’t hear us yelling “bail out” and she ended up in sledding into the creek! Oops! The icing was her losing her hat and my 6 year old sister running down the creek to catch her hat.

  51. Hard to choose but probably my wedding day. It was so much fun and so great to be with all our friends and family, a good time was had by all for sure! Followed closely by the times we took our daughter to Disney World! She loves Disney almost as much as me lol!

  52. Cooking with my Gran, she has been gone for many years but sometimes when I am making Jam the way she taught me, I can almost feel her beside me.

  53. I think it would the births of my four children. I have a horrible memory and I don’t want to lose the tiniest detail or feeling of love and joy. Especially when they annoy me now as teenagers and adults.

  54. I interviewed my great grandmother for a school paper when I was 8. She shared such amazing memories. She remembered her father walking to a war of the state’s soldier reunion. Two world wars, the advent of cars, air conditioning! I remember some of that conversation, but I would love to have it all!

  55. If I could only pick one, it would be one from when I was little and got to visit my grandmother with my dad. All of my happiest memories are spending time with them. I lost my grandmother a three years ago last month, and it is still hard and hurts. We were very close. And to have the ability to hear her voice again whenever I want or need would be truly magical.

  56. Being at my Grandma’s in Lockwood… it was enchanting for kids. My cousins, sister and I were allowed to roam and day dream. We were wild and free to just have fun and use our imagination.

  57. I would carry around the memories of me and my kids cooking together. They love to cook and bake just like me. Nothing beats family time and they are fantastic!

  58. I would love to recreate some of the wonderful memories I had with my beautiful husband. To be able to hug him, see him smile and hear his laugh. To look into his beautiful blue eyes just one more time and be able to tell him I love him just one more time. Yes, those would be the memories I would want to live again.

  59. I would create a reconstruction of my 3rd Christmas, with my mam, grandma and grandad, I have never felt so loved 💟

  60. Playing on the sea side with my family as a child on a sunny day hunting for shells and fossils and building sand castles.

  61. Camping with my husband in New Brunswick when we were much younger. The provincial park was a short walk from the ocean. We heard the fishing boat engines start up just before sunrise and walked to the beach. Watching the sun come up over the ocean and seeing the seals in the water was so peaceful and inspiring. I can close my eyes and still see it so many years later.

  62. So many fun and happy memories, it is hard to pick one. If I have to I would say game night with my 4 children and my husband. We have lots of laughter, good old fashion competition and we are all friends and really enjoy each other’s company. We have been having a game night since my children were young and now their wife’s and boyfriends and girlfriend join us. These are the best times ever.

  63. I’d collect all the memories that I have of my mother who recently passed away. All our family holidays, days out and eye spy in the car. Her singing us lullabies and to our children.

  64. Definitely the birth of my children! Especially when my older children were there to see their new siblings. Such sweetness. 💕

  65. My first date with my now husband. He took me to the Book Barn. It’s a warehouse full of second hand books. We spent hours and hours just browsing and reading. It was magical! And we had our first kiss there, in front of the sci-fantasy section! 😊

  66. I would carry with me memories of renewing our wedding vows (at 24 years of marriage) with our 5 year old son and 3 year old daughter beside us.

  67. I would collect the memory of my Grandfather the day I graduated from Army Basic Training. My parents and grandparents came to my graduation in Anniston, Alabama, at Ft. McClellan from central Illinois. My Grandfather was so proud of me there were tears in his eyes. It was the first and last time I saw tears in his eyes and they were for me.

  68. I would carry around the memory of my baby daughter smiling at me for the first time (and not the “gassy smile”. The honest to goodness happy to see you and I know who you are smile)

  69. I would like to carry around the memory of being at the beach when my kids were little. We spent most of the summer there and I miss lugging all of the pails, sunscreen, and food and being tired before I even set up the chairs. I long for those busy but happy times. Now they are in college and the last thing they want at the beach is their mother!

  70. If I could reconstruct just one memory, I would visualize a hug from my mom. She always gave the best ones. She was a heavier woman, so when she put her arms around you it felt as though she was keeping you safe from the world. She would pore all her love for me into her arms and it would flow from them into me. They were amazing!

  71. It would be the last Christmas with both my grandparents before they got sick. I remember reading stories out loud and everyone laughing until they cried in front of the Christmas tree and an open fire.

  72. I would carry around memories of Christmas as a kid. All my family (grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, the whole lot) would come together, we all had stockings, we played games, ate amazing food, went to the beach. It was hectic and wonderful

  73. I would keep a playback of all the stories my grandmother told me back when I was too young to care to listen to her. Now that she’s gone, I can only remember a few of them and she’s no longer here to tell them.

  74. My childhood memories of spending time on the family farm. We lived in the city, so I siting the dairy farm seemed like a huge adventure.

  75. I think I’d collect my memories, and those of my close family & friends, of the recently deceased musicians, actors and others who made our lives more bearable. Our memories fade so quickly, and these need to be preserved.

  76. I think I would most like to playback my children when they were littler. There are so many things I never want to forget:) Thank you for the chance to win!

  77. I think I would collect my memories from when my three children were small. They are grown now and have there own kids. I would like to see my little ones again!

  78. Wow, so many happy memories to choose from. I think that I would choose a memory from one of our holiday gatherings when my kids were little and our whole family gathered together to celebrate. I loved watching all of the littles in the family laugh and play together. Times have changed….we have lost loved ones…kids are growing up…the gatherings are different now.

  79. I’d reconstruct this past christmas in a heartbeat. I got to spend time with almost all of my favorite people. So much love in one day 💚

  80. It’s very difficult to choose one memory. I have three children so choosing one birth is not logical. The best I can think of would be any Christmas morning. I love Christmas! It’s the feeling of so many things. The lights the gifts the love! Being with family and seeing the joy that Christmas morning brings to everyone in my family 😍

  81. That small window of time, before my sisters married, but we were older (high school, college) and spending Christmas with our parents. We did not have any other family in the US but us. Our dad making bad jokes, and everyone teasing each other. He’s been gone 3 years now, and I so miss him.

  82. Wow, harder than I thought… the births of my daughters, this Christmas when we found out we’re going to be grandparents come immediately to mind, but what I think I would love most of all would be to bring back a simple day when I could sit and chat with my mother, who has been gone for 15 years now.

  83. I would want to collect memories of when my mother, father and oldest brother were alive and we were all together as a family at Christmas time. Christmas was always a special time for us. This Christmas was spent with my daughter, my son in-law, my 2 1/2 year old grandson, my son & his girlfriend. We were playing hide and seek, my grandson clearly has not understood the game. Every time someone finished counting, he would jump up and say “here I am”. We laughed so much, this memory will also be one that I would like to see over and over again.

  84. I would choose one of the many memories of spending time with my Mum. She is a very close friend to me, and any time we spend together is so wonderful.

  85. I would like a memory from when I was 2 before my gran died, when I used to call her nan just to get her going, everyone would laugh, she would just smile

  86. the carousel of memories that blur as time passes; those who are still here such as my sons, those who are ‘gone’ such as my father, his brother, their mother, my 2nd husband, a few close friends that are not ‘here’ anymore

  87. I love making people happy especially when it seems things are too hard to get through and then they suddenly see that there is light at the end of the tunnel and they are already through the worst of it, so I carry those memories around and I try to remember that we are all on our own journey for all different reasons and wishing for their happy outcome. I try to keep these things with me.

  88. I would take the day we brought my two fur babies home. The day was filled with soft cuddles and petite meows. A day filled to the brim with love, laughs, joy.

  89. I honestly don’t have any that i would want to save because I’m happy with how my life is going and i prefer to look to the future instead of the past.

  90. My favourite memory is sitting on the fence under the wattle tree with a cool breeze on my face waiting for my grandmother to arrive, the anticipation was exquisite and always a joyous event when she arrived with lots of hugs, kisses and cuddles!

  91. When I was young, my home life was not the best. I was ‘adopted’ by some friends and their families. I spent holidays with them and just regular days. I would sharpen those memories and re-live them.

  92. I think it would be my recollection of looking out the window my apartment when I lived in Stockholm and watching the first snow of the season fall and coat the streets and trees. A winter wonderland outside and me snug and warm indoors.

  93. I would collect time with my great grandmother. She was a very interesting lady, but died when I was six. I cherish the few memories I have of her .

  94. I would carry memories of the times spent with my Granny and great a grandparents. The smells of pies and cakes baking in the oven.s

  95. I would keep close to my heart my marriage to my second husband. We have been married for 33 years and couldn’t be happier except for the day we got married. Thank you for this great opportunity. Good Luck to all.

  96. I would collect and carry with me all the memories of when my parents agreed to have a kitty and him arriving home on my dad’s hands. So tiny and cute! He is now a big fat orange cat and I love him like a brother. 🙂

  97. I would have to say my recollection would be when I had 2 of my children getting married a month apart when I was in the middle of chemotherapy treatments, I rocked both weddings bald and felt pretty.

  98. I would carry my favorites. Those moments that I realized I loved most. For instance when I heard the soft rain fall in the puddles of my hometown, the sunlight falling on my face through the branches of a tree while I was climbing it. I would carry those memories just to name a few

  99. I would reconstruct the memories I have of my father and share them with my younger three children because they never had the pleasure of meeting him

  100. Ok this was hard but I think I’d want the summer vacation we went to Niagra Falls when I was 6 for the first time. It was night and my Dad was holding me up so I could see over the railing while my Mom held my hand. It was so pretty. I felt happy and loved.

  101. The memory I would keep around forever, is watching my Mum (grandma) cook. Picking up all her recipes and cooking secrets. The smells in that kitchen. Miss it.

  102. This is a tough one cause there are a few memories I would love to relive! The birth of my children, the first time my husband told me he loved me( of course we weren’t married at the time) , my time playing under the fire plug , the lazy days of summer sleeping out on beach chairs when we were little, just to have a chance to talk to my parents and brother again! So many others but these are my most cherished ones!

  103. Not completely happy but i would carry the memory of the 7 days my first daughter lived. Every emotion was experienced

  104. I’m new to the author and haven’t read one yet..,but I would collect the memory of every time my family makes me laugh

  105. Started the series with a free download of the first book ” Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic” and I was hooked!! Purchased every book since, downloads, and always waiting for the next, rereading the previous ones to pass the time.

  106. I would collect memories of fishing with my parents and brothers on Silver Lake. Lots of laughter and just being a family.

  107. Memories of my Mom and I taking “Girl’s Trip’s” with my aunts, our friends, and each other for several years after my Dad passed away and before she passed away this year. Those are trip memories I will cherish forever!

  108. I would carry around all the times I spent with my kids and husband when there was no stress, just joy. Going to plays, the kids “helping me study” at museums, the scavenger hunt anniversary my husband set up. Each one is precious and remind me of love and joy and each is priceless.

  109. If I was to save memories,I would save my first impressions of when my children,grandchildren and great grandchildren were born and I was able to hold them for the first time

  110. The summer I was 12 and kissed my first love. Sunday dinners at my Grandma’s house. Christmas with my brother and sister when we were younger. My Dad walking me down the aisle. My kids as babies.

  111. My happy memory would be the day my husband proposed it was at Christmas and I was so excited. We’ve been married for 37 yrs now

  112. I would carry around the memories of my family and friends gathered together for holidays. Some have passed away and some have moved away so we don’t see them anymore. Thank you.

  113. I would carry the memories of my animals who have passed in the last 2 years and the unconditional love &a support that they always gave in spades 💗

  114. My most favourite memory to carry, was when my Dad & I went to an opening of Globe n Mail newspaper dinner, (I was 17yrs old), He’s passed away now, but I’ll never forget, ❤❤you Dad.❤️

  115. Before I got sick and could do things instead of being stuck in my bed all of the time. I would reconstruct so many of those memories – of when my son was younger, hiking, horseback riding, gardening, dancing, playing guitar, not being in pain…of being happy actually.

  116. After my vo-tech graduation, where I won a lot of awards, one of my teachers came to congratulate us and after shaking hands with my parents said “you must be so proud” and my dad put his hand on my shoulder and replied “we are” and I looked up at him and could see tears of pride in his eyes. I treasure the memory of that instant, that look.

  117. I’d carry around the memories of the first time I held my children or the one’s of Sunday drives with my Grandparents and little brother, the 3 of them are no longer with us so being able to relieve those happy moments would be amazing ❤

  118. I would recreate the memory of my husbands last Christmas with all our children and grandchildren. Little did we know he would be gone from us too short of a time later. He loved Christmas and was truly Santa for our blended family. I miss him every day and would like to carry this memory with me to hold when times get overwhelming.

  119. I would carry all memories of my parents before their divorce when I was a like 13 years old. Things just seemed so perfect to me then.

  120. Probably any memory with my grandma. She’s gone now, but I always felt very close to her. We’re both artists, and one of my favorite memories is the summer she spent at our house when I was growing up. I helped her paint a picture of Niagara Falls, and gave her inspiration to one of my favorite paintings of hers: a cherry tree in full bloom. We had such fun that year.

  121. I would reconstruct time spent with my grandfather when I was 6 or 7 years old. I love being in a boat on the water. He would take me out for a ride and near the middle of the lake would let me drive. Often I’d turn the boat in circles and create big waves. The wind, sun, rocking of the boat and him standing behind me. It was a carefree and exciting time.
    (He died shortly after walking me down the aisle at my wedding)

  122. Each Year my Mom, Dad and I would toast in the New Year. They would go to bed and I would wake them up when it was time to toast the New Year. They both have passed now and I hold on to those memories as I toast the New Year with my hubby.
    Thanks for the chance and Happy New Year 🎊🎈🎆

  123. My happy memory would be when I first met my old cat, Kitty. She was a stray who randomly appeared in my backyard one winter afternoon and came up to me. I was only a child then, and I’ve always wanted a cat. When I first pet her, I knew it was meant to be. She passed away a few years ago and I still miss her dearly. If I could reconstruct that memory of her and keep it with me forever, I would.

  124. If I could reconstruct a memory or time would be the wonderful camping trips I took with my whole family including my grandparents, mom, sister, aunt and my step-dad. I miss each one of them and to have that memory again would be great.

  125. I’ll say something sappy like puppy kisses and kitten cuddles. Those are my go-to thoughts when I need to de-stress and relax.

  126. I’d carry around memories from when my children were all small and we pretending to be statues on the beach 🙂 Such a happy time, before things went so tragically wrong.

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