Adept Universe Giveaway: ten paperbacks plus extras


I’m giving away all ten paperbacks in the Adept Universe in celebration of the upcoming release of Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2) on May 4, 2017.

Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2) is currently available for preorder.



Win all these pretties, all at once! Ten autographed paperbacks, six Dowser Series recipe cards, six Oracle Series butterfly tattoos, and five Reconstructionist Series postcards!

To enter all you need to do is comment below and let me know:

  1. If you could create reconstructions (like Wisteria can) what happy memory would you collect and carry around with you everywhere (keep these PG-13, pretty please 😉 )?

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.

If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.

No purchase necessary.

Contest closes FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2016 at 8 p.m. PDT

188 thoughts on “Adept Universe Giveaway: ten paperbacks plus extras

  1. If i could reconstruct a memory it would have to be this past Christmas with my kids ( aged 1 and 3) both big enough to really enjoy all the holiday fun and family time

  2. Wow, there are so many, but I’d have to say my wedding in 2005, got married to the man I love in front of 250,000 people at a fireworks show, I loved it… He passed in 2011 from depression, would love to have that memory to play over prior to him being sick… 🙂

  3. Oh, it’s gotta be the moment of my son’s birth after 26 hours of labor; I threw up during most of it… Lovely. (I had trouble conceiving sand miscarriages o it was extra special)

  4. Making cookies and decorating them as a family when I was younger. 💗 Those days were filled with so much fun and love. (And sugar) lol a being a carefree kid and having my mom sort of with me again would be amazing

  5. When I was a teenager I had horses. My happiest memories are when “Rocky” and I were riding in the backwoods in the foothills of Alberta – and always bareback. I had a special bond with my horse.

  6. The memory I would choose to carry with me would be the day my oldest son was released from the NICU. He was born prematurely. He spent 100 days in the NICU. Finally bringing him home is a day I will always cherish!

  7. I think I would like to preserve the moment that I knew I should study to become a nurse. Nursing is no joke and sometimes you need that emotional boost to help you continue to care for people who are dying, people who are criminals, people who are bigots, people who hurt other people….all sorts of people actually…

  8. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. If I could only make one, I think it would be the first time my daughter told me she loved me.

  9. My most happiest memory would have to be the first time I heard our babies heart beat! The ultrasound when the technician let us hear the heart beat bought the biggest smile to my face!!!

  10. It would have to be a day at the beach with my mam, grandma and grandad – the only time I can remember my grandad coming with us 💟

  11. There are so many!!! Maybe the time we surprised the kids w/ a trip to Disney. We got to the airport and finally told them where we were going, and they didn’t believe us!!! My son didn’t believe we were actually going to Disney until we got off the plane in FL!

  12. Mine wouldn’t be a happy memory as such more a poignant one. It would be the last proper conversation that I had with my nan who was my other mum before she passed away. I would give anything to chat to her again.

  13. Oh that’s a tough one – if I could only pick one It would be my wedding day. It’s a day I’ll never forget, but it would be lovely to replay it and witness the whole day again.

  14. Ouh that is tough. I guess I would pick my 3 boys on our most recent vacation all swimming together and having the time of their lives. So many giggles!

  15. First things first….Contest closes FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2016 at 8 p.m. PDT

    The memory I would keep in the bracelet would be of a road trip with my brother, sister, my daughter Heather and me. In the backseat Heather was telling my sister what to draw on a Ritz cracker with canned cheese. “Draw an RV.” “What’s an RV?” “RV!” “WHAT?” “Just draw a 7.” My brother and I, front seat, him driving were laughing so hard we had tears rolling down our faces. You really had to be there and know us for this to be funny, but we laughed for MILES!
    Road trips with our family are an adventure!

  16. Honestly, I think it would be the day I spent with my dad when I was 8. He made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (that I didn’t like because it wasn’t sweet enough at the time), then we went bowling, and then we just ran errands and came home. It was so innocent and sweet and a moment I know he truly loved me.

  17. Watching my mom make gingerbread houses with my boys when they were little. I’d love to watch that one over and over.

  18. This is a very hard one there are too many memories I would want to collect. But I would say I would choose my the family vacation to the beach.

  19. My lovely little miniature dachshund Molly she was loved by all and such a wonderful companion

  20. My dad was a pilot and died when I was 13. I’d carry the memory of flying with him in his piper cub, the two of us and the sky and the sunshine and being happy.

  21. There are the usual memories, the day we met, got married, had kids but I think I’d pick when we rode the motorcycle to Key West. That memory has it all, action, adventure, romance and happy, lots and lots of happy.

  22. Each of the days my children were born. Just something about creating and being responsible for a little life was amazing!

  23. I have many memories that I would like to preserve in a cube. When my nephew was born, the first time I went to Disney World, or got when I got my first stamp in my passport. But the one I would keep would be a simple evening with my parents and sister when we were kids. My father and I would be singing and playing guitar and my sister and mother would sew. We’ve lost both our parents, and it’s that simple moment that stands out as so very precious.

  24. I would reconstruct my cousin who passed away this passed year and my son playing together. They had the sweetest bond even though they just met.

  25. There are a lot of wedding days in the comments, and while yeah, that would be in the top ten, I think the day I met my husband would be it.

    We were on the same class in college, and it was taught by someone who knee what they were teaching, but not how to make it interesting. I had just moved back to Nebraska and didn’t know anyone expect the gal I was seated with (orientation saved my butt there). And he sat across the aisle from us with another guy. About, oh gosh, a week or two into the class. He came over to our table before the lecture started and, I kid you not used the lamest pick up line in the history of pick up lines, “so this class is really boring, could I have one of your guys numbers so I can text you during class?”

    She was happily dating someone, and I was unhappily doing the long distance thing, so I gave him my number. We didn’t start dating until the following April, but 8 years together and three years married and it still makes me smile thinking about that day.

  26. If I could reconstruct a memory it would be of my mother before she was sick, she was 5″5 and petite, I am 5″9 and big boned. she would always let me climb myself into her lap when I was having a hard day and just wanted to be her little girl and she would hold me. That is one of my happiest memories. Being her little girl.

  27. I would choose one from when I was very small. My dad died when I was nine and my mom died 17 years ago. I’d pick a car trip when we were all together and happy.

  28. This is an amazing giveaway. Thank you. I have so many, but I think I would pick one from when I lived in the Bahamas with my mom while my husband was deployed. Our daughter was two. Seeing my mom and her together making sand castles is one I don’t want to forget. Especially since she died almost two years ago.

  29. I would have to collect a memory of being at my Grandparents house as a little girl. Playing in the big garden/orchard and driving the tractor with Grandpa. Such care free days 🙂

  30. I would pick to have memories of my dad. He passed years ago, and I would love to have all those memories with him.

  31. A summer’s day at my grandma’s playing with my sister making ‘buiscuits’ with crushed digestives and water.

  32. Either the day my son was born or our first real family vacation to Disndey World. My son was smiling the whole time and he got over his fear of rollercoasters there.

  33. A warm summer evening. My entire family sits on the cool grass in our backyard in the light of a small fire and the stars. Etta James is floating out from the house, but it’s only barely heard because Abbe, my little sister, is pretending to be a velociraptor, and we can’t breathe for laughing.

  34. I would save a day that my dad and I went to the beach! It was a great day and we had such a good time together. He passed away several years ago, and I love thinking of that day and how much fun we had.

  35. It is so hard to pick one! I would have to say a trip we took to mexico as a family. It was two weeks of heaven. The kids enjoyed it so much, my son cried on the last day. He is 10 and too cool for school so that was saying something!

  36. I would like to relive just any ordinary day when my boys were small. It could be playing in the yard on bikes or taking a hike and reading in the shadow of the Little Sable Point Lighthouse. Just an ordinary day would be lovely.

  37. The day I accept me for who I am and finally felt comfortable about myself. I stopped worrying what other people thought and started living for myself. I feel I became a better person and friend for those around me.

  38. I think I would have to say the first time my boyfriend took me to NYC for my birthday and I got to see phantom of the opera on broadway. It was a very special moment for me and I’ll cherish that birthday weekend for the rest of my life.

  39. The day I gave birth to my son and the day I gave birth to my daughter. I have never felt so happy on those to days.

  40. Possibly the day I met my (now) husband. I’ve never been one for fate or anything like that but as soon as I saw him I knew that was it. He was the one. Three kids later and I still get butterflies whenever I see him

  41. The first time I looked at my daughter’s face. She was so mad about being popped out and screaming to high heaven. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

  42. I’d pick the day my husband and I picked out wedding rings. I’d thought I was broken beyond repair and that no one would choose to spend the rest of their lives with me…that no one would pick me over someone else. I thought they’d always want an escape route, that they’d never want to entangle their lives so much with mine. And it wasn’t just that someone finally was willing to put up with me, but that “the one that got away” had found me again and had said that leaving in the first place was a mistake. All of that is wrapped up in one validating day of fulfillment.

  43. I would create a reconstruction of the first time my husband told me he loved me. It was a beautiful, pivotal moment in my life.

  44. I would make a bracelet covered in charms, and each one would take me back to a different special moment in time.

    My favorite would probably be my wedding day when the love-of-my-life walked down the aisle holding my hand, and we each gave the other away.

    But I have so many treasured moments that I would like to remember truly, fully, as though there again. Because, even with effort, I can only recall snapshots as though glimpsed through wavy glass, with no strong recollection of the overall experience.

    My most precious memories are like postcards, and I long to go back on the whole trip. A reconstructionist’s power would be amazing–and dangerous, because I might fall into old moments and stay there.

  45. To many to choose, but probably when my daughter was picked to play the Beast at Disney World’s Enchanted Tales with Belle, it made the whole trip!

  46. I would reconstruct cooking with my grandmother. Her recipes were in her head, not on paper but just to be able to see her again and hear her voice would be precious. The kitchen was one of her favorite places and I loved hanging out with her there.

  47. The perfect moment of happiness that I would want to keep forever would be one of the times that my son crawled into my lap and leaned back as I kissed his hair and said I love you, my sweetness and he replied me too.

  48. Sitting on my grandfather’s lap just listening to him talk about family. Just an ordinary day with an extraordinary man. He was the father figure in my life. I miss him so much to this day.

  49. I would collect the last summer memory that I spent with my father, when I was 9, He took me to get smoked fish and Pepsi. We sat out in the back of the pickup and just watched the corn sway together. Then we finished it with superman ice cream. Of course I had an upset stomach later and had Vernors, those were the days.

  50. When my family took at trip to Idaho. My kids were old enough to enjoy it and have fun. We took silly family pictures and every time I look at the pictures, it makes me smile.

  51. My memory would be snuggling with my boys on my knee, the feeling of making them feeling safe and secure is priceless 💜

  52. I once had a dream about pie. The room was dark, except for a silver conveyor belt in front of me, which was lit up like a runway. It was really quiet…no sounds at all…not even my breathing – but the SMELLS!!! This is the first time I dreamt smells; my senses filled with that ‘homemade pie, just out of the oven’ scent as the belt started to move. What passed in front of me was a collection of the most perfect pies I have ever seen; golden, flaky crusts and real fruit filling spilling out the sides. I grabbed the blueberry pie, which was hot enough to steam, but still didn’t burn my hands, and took a huge bite…now, this was another first for me – I could TASTE the pie! It was the MOST DELICIOUS PIE EVER! then I woke up. I’ve never had a dream quite that vivid again, but would love to revisit it for sure.

  53. My favourite memory is that of my daughters first smile suffering from postnatal depression it was a dark time but she is the light at the end of the tunnel and that first smile helped me realise I could do this. Be a kick ass mum whilst still being a strong, independent woman.

  54. I would capture my baby child’s second birthday party with family. He was dressed as a pint sized hobo. My niece, who is a year younger, was dressed as a pink bunny. It was near Halloween and they were so stinkin’ cute. I just want to remember how they looked forever. I am well on my way since he will be 40 this October.

  55. I would like 2, my first view of my boys, not the birth itself, just that first moment of bonding

  56. I would carry the memory of having Sunday dinner with my granny and grandad, who sadly passed away 12 years ago. We had a laugh and we all chatted and had a good day.

  57. The first time my husband said that he loved me. It was the first time I had ever felt those “corny” butterflies everyone wants to feel for someone. 10yrs and 3 amazing kids later and he still gives me butterflies. ❤️

  58. My graduation day from Army Basic Training with my family present. The tears in my grandfather’s eyes as he hugged me because he was so proud of me.

  59. I think I would like the day before my mother passed…I was 8 and we had dinner in her bedroom on the bed. Such happiness and laughter that night.

  60. It would be one of my first dates with my husband, where I knew I was falling for him as had that giddy in love feeling. I’d love to feel that on the rough days.

  61. This is definitely a tough one. I think I would reconstruct a day when my hubby, kidd, and I are hanging out together by the pool enjoying each other’s company, laughing and playing. It may seem like a simple memory, but as my kids get older, I have learned to appreciate the simple moments.

  62. I would reconstruct the first time I truly believed I could do anything, and didn’t have the fear of failing, or not being good enough. I would reconstruct that day and watch it over and over, to remind myself that I’m the only thing holding me back. I would watch it to make sure that I held on to that feeling as I aged and before the world could bash those feelings away.Then, I think I would have been doing what I truly had a passion for versus just surviving and getting a paycheck. I’d love to watch that Reconstruction!!! 😊

  63. I would capture a moment when my children and I were hiking in the fall, and we came upon milkweed plants in a meadow. We blew the seeds into the air on an unusually warm, blue-sky October day. It was perfection!

  64. Baking with my grandmother in her kitchen when I was a child. She is the reason my happy place is making sweets in my kitchen.

  65. It would have to be my boys (twins) 2nd birthday, when the doctor told us that there wad no evidence of brain bleeds any longer. They were born 12 weeks early, weighing 2.5 and 2.8 lbs, they both had numerous medical issues. In addition to this problem, one had a heart problem that required surgery at one week old, both had hernias, and were on tub feedings till they were 11 weeks old. When the brain bleeds cleared, we started seeing the light at the end of the tunnell. Now thet are both healtby and turning 30

  66. One of my most important reconstructions would be of one of those many times I spent with my Omama (grandma) when she was younger (she’s 100 now) before the dementia.
    A stolen moment of conversation and story in her room when she visited the family’s home or one of our trips togather.

  67. Making bonfire toffee with my grandma when I was a little girl, then snuggling down to watch the fireworks from the top of the hills. 🙂

  68. I would carry the memory of my dog as a puppy, all uncoordinated gangly legs, fluffy fur, and curious as hell!!!

  69. There was this day I was watching the girl I used to nanny after she started going to daycare. She was sick, runny nose, fever, wouldn’t eat, and just wanted to cuddle. We must have watched “Baby Signing Time” five times and read all her books. Then, she tried to put her shoes on her elbows. It was the last day I spent with her before I moved cross-country. The pictures I have of her still make my happy, even in the darkest of time. I love that little girl and hope one day I’ll be able to have my own.

  70. The day we brought home my daughter, Zoe. My son just started sleeping in his”big boy”bed. We were all in his room and he snuggled up under the covers and pat a spot next to him. He said she can sleep right here with me. That little boy made his room explode with love.

  71. When I was 17 years old I was a volunteer at a rehab hospital in Alberta. There was a patient that was patient, Markus, who was a resident at the hospital across the street. He was a Swiss resident, visiting his brother, when they found a brain tumour. He was operated on and I met him shortly thereafter. Anyway, there was one particular early summer day, the sun was shining and everything was so bright and shiny. We were on a bench, with me sitting in his lap and he was just playing with my fingers, amazed at how flexible my fingers were (because he was had calloused hands). He had his baseball cap on. It was a moment in time I will never forget. He was the sweetest person I have ever met in my entire life. It’s been 35 years since that day and I can still see his face. That moment in time brings tears to my eyes now.

  72. I would want one for the first time my husband took me to Disneyworld, a place I had wanted to go my entire life. It wasn’t fancy or glamourous but we had so much fun-

  73. The day I would pick is the day my twins decided they wanted to go to the same college. They are brother and sister. They looked at each other and said “this is it!” And I was glad they really wanted to support one another. Also, much easier on Mom! Lol

  74. Our wedding reception in 1997. Done on the cheap and in our back yard. It was a beautiful sunny day. The entire family was there. My husband and sister have both past away. I keep a photo on the mantel of the family all sitting together. I would give almost anything to relive that day.

  75. I’d have to pick a day I spent with my grandmother when I was little. She came down to visit (which was a huge deal since she lived so far away) and she took me shopping. We spent the entire day together, laughing and having fun. She gave me gum (I wasn’t allowed to have gum) and I got 101 Dalmatian stuff. My grandmother was my favorite person in the world, and we always had so much fun together. If I could just keep a memory of her like that, it’d be great since she passed away and I miss her so much.

  76. Wow… so many reminders of my own life just reading through the ones already here. It’s tough…the first time I was in the wilderness and really saw the night sky and all the stars…. the first time my collie discovered fresh snow…. when my cat would chase her imaginary friends and do her Halloween arch stomp before running off… when another cat would come out just to listen to me play the piano… almost any summer day or gentle snowfall night…. wrapping Christmas gifts to be given away to the less fortunate… wow, how truly blessed I’ve been.

  77. I’d pick the first day I met my then best friend who is now my fiance! We were great friends online/long distance when I lived in CA and he lived in IL. I flew into O’hare for the day and we had a great day doing touristy stuff and hanging out.

  78. Since my comment didn’t catch last time I posted here goes again.. I would love to have to one more day each with both my grandpa’s as they have both passed away and were both my father figures as I became a teenager and needed guidance.

  79. It would be from a family reunion from 2009, my grandmother, father, and niece were all still alive … my grandmother(Lorene) would have been 75, my father(Gene) 67, and my niece(Justic) 9. We were in Geneva, NE, it was June and unseasonably warm. I remember all the kids(cousins) having a water balloon fight and my grandmother joining in, because it was “to blasted hot to sit here doin’ nothing”. My father ended up turning the hose on and soaking them all. One of the most bittersweet memories I have … my grandmother passed away January 10th, 2010, we lost our sweet Justice September 13th, 2015, and my father, Wilbur Gene, May 12th 2016 … I would give all I have for one of Wisteria’s cubes filled with the memories of this day.

  80. I recently made a very, very difficult decision to move away from the town I’ve lived in for the last 18 years. My oldest daughter (she is 14) decided to stay there instead of coming with us. We live 7 hrs away from her now. It’s heartbreaking each and every day not having her with me. The memory o would recreate would be of her and her 16 month old sister the last time we were all together. I hope those memories never ever fade.

  81. The memory of when my son was born and all of my family that came to meet him, especially my mom, since she is gone now.

  82. I would recreate the happy memories of my son and his grandmother before she passed away so he could always have them to cherish and enjoy. Him losing his grandmother has taken a huge toll on his life. I would do anything to have his grandma back for him so he had her in his life again. He cries for her all the time and has to see a therapist to get him through his days 🙁 .

  83. Hmm. It would probably be the birth of my son. I don’t remember some of it due to sheer exhaustion, so that would be a nice one to have close at hand.

  84. My wedding day on the beach last October. It was a beautiful day on the Texas coast and ended up being bittersweet. My sweet blue heeler, Cowboy, made it through my special day and hammed it up for camera with me after the ceremony. He peacefully left us 3 days later. Broke my heart as we had a special bond but we have that amazing day of love and those precious photos with him. I wish I could relive that day or at least replay it. ❤

  85. Visits with my great-grandmother who died when I was 6. I have vivid memories of her, but to be able to see her again would be priceless.

  86. I would go to where my parents house used to be. To one of many nights my family sat around the fire in the backyard and watch my parents enjoy their family. I might get stuck watching them over and over And over. I miss them so…. sigh

  87. Too many happy memories to pull just one out…guess it would hiking in the Smokey mountains with my family.

  88. Any memory from family holidays when I was little by the lake before my parents divorced. We camped with another family & use to have so much fun, but I don’t remember much, specially when my brothers talk about all the fun & trouble we use to get up to.

  89. As I am still making happy memories with my parents, brothers, and especially my young children, I would have to say I’d love to have reconstructions of memories with my grandparents before they got caught in the grips of Alzheimer’s/cancer/dementia.

    With my maternal grandparents, we used to have rowdy, exciting, cutthroat family card games that were so much fun. Everyone’s personalities were on full display and we shared so much laughter.

    With my paternal grandparents, we would drive out to the family property in the country and go exploring and fish in the little pond, turned red by the Oklahoma dirt, which once seemed so big to me as a kid.

    All of my grandparents are gone now. I still love them dearly, and I cling to the earlier memories as I know that’s when they were their true selves.

    1. Oh good grief. Somehow I left my husband out of the first sentence. Shhhh, don’t tell him! haha!

  90. I would want to recreate the moment we told our children we were taking them to Disneyland for the first time as we were sitting in the airport. They thought we were heading home after visiting their grandparents.

  91. Any day (but preferably a happy one) with my brother. He passed away 21 years ago and I am still angry with him even though I know how difficult life was for him.

  92. I would pick one of the many nights when I was in Jr. High or High School walking from our house to the beach to get a slice of pizza in downtown Capitola, CA with my mom. It was just the two of us growing up and we have always been really close. Despite having to work extra hard to make ends meet, she always had time for talking and laughing with me. I would love to take that feeling of love and security around with me to pull out whenever life feels a little too overwhelming.

  93. I would collect all the milestones in my children’s lives. I would also want their laugh captured. I love that sound!

  94. I would pick the last Christmas I had with my Aunt, she passed away very suddenly a year ago today. I miss her terribly.

  95. I think I’d have to pick the second time we flew to America. This was only the second time hubster, daughter and I had flown. But what made it extra special was we had my mother along.

    She’d never been out of England, and never expected too either.

    Being in a wheelchair she thought it was wonderful that we got to get on the planes first and she never slept going as she was so excited.

    We stayed in a massive house with a pool, just the four of us rattling about lol. Her eyes seemed to pop out of her head every few minutes lol.

    I took so many pictures of her, it warms my heart to look at them as we lost her five years ago.

    She always said she’d love to go back to Orlando and I’d like to think she’s popped over a few more times since 🙂

  96. I would capture several fading childhood memories… Times with my grandpa, watching Disneyland fireworks from my house, trips to the mountains to cut our own Christmas tree down…

  97. Upon terminating treatment, the first time a client told me how I had helped them in their life is a memory I would want to revisit. As a therapist, we don’t always get that feedback, and sometimes even if we don’t see much progress outwardly, it doesn’t mean a lot isn’t happening internally. When first starting out, those moments are especially fortifying. I wouldn’t want a visual memory, but only a sense of shared emotions and energy exchange.

  98. The last time both of my parents were alive and healthy. They died a year and a few months apart. They were a matched set, where one was the other wasn’t far away.

  99. This is a very difficult question to answer. Maybe our family trip to Disneyland for my youngest’s birthday, since it was his first time there.

  100. How fortunate to feel that I have so many to choose from!! I’ll go with this one: sitting with my mother in a tiny park at one end of the Ilse de la Cite, in Paris, which we visited in honour of Mum’s 50th birthday. We weren’t really *doing* anything – just sitting, absorbing the idea that we were in Paris (our respective first visits there). Lovely summer day, enjoying looking around the city, watching the people, and glad we could see it together.

  101. My happiest memory is skydiving and while we were free falling we went through clouds. The feel of the clouds on my skin was pure magic and it was amazing.

  102. I have so many good and bad memories I would look back on! I think one I would really want was when I was little maybe four? My Grandpa was home from the ships (he was cheif engineer) and the house was full of drunk sailors. I’m sitting on my grandpa’s knee while he’s and his friends are singing riske songs. While my Grandma is yelling at them to not sing that stuff around me! They just laugh, and drink , and tell my Grandma that I don’t understand what’s being said anyways.

  103. If I could collect a moment in time to carry with me it would be the laughs I shared with my friend Tamara before she had brain surgery & passed away

  104. It would definitely be the births of my two gorgeous kiddies. The absolute best moments of my life.

  105. Any day with my daddy and my girls. The day we spent in Santa’s Land, when my dad rode every ride, joyfully, like a kid.

  106. Now that my son has left home and moved away I miss him so I would keep a perfect happy memory of him cuddling me when he was little.

  107. Watching my girls playing outside with water guns soaking each other and giggling happily not a care in the world 😊

  108. I would chose the day my Grandson was born. I love being a Grandma – but not so sure about being married to a grumpy old Grandad (just kidding – he is not at all grumpy and is the love of my life- and our Grandson has appointed him as his “favourite best friend”

  109. I would reconstruct my wedding day! My family was happy, but as I didn’t know my husband’s family very well, they were skeptical. After years my late mother in law, told me she could see we love each other very much and she asked me to keep taking care of her baby. The relationship with my sister in law is also great now! We skype every week with her and her husband and when we visit Holland, we stay with them.

  110. Probably our wedding day 38 years ago. The beginning of a new chapter in our lives. A lot of ups and downs, 2 girls later and would do it all again. ..well most all again. 🙂

  111. There are a lot, but probably when I graduated. In the pouring rain, but I just remember being so happy that I had made it through–a lot of tough times, but the journey was worth it.

  112. The first time I held all three of my grand children. I can remeber that amazing new born baby smell and feeling so proud of my daughter for creating these perfect little humans.

  113. Though any memory before I found out I have brain tumors trying to kill me, I think one of my favorites is the sunset at Camp Zama, Japan the night before the Fukushima disaster in 2011.

  114. I would reconstruct the beaming look of love that my husband gave me when he put our daughter in my arms for the first time. The love that he has for the both of us was pouring out of him so much. He was positively glowing and doing his best not to cry tears of joy.

  115. My maternal grandparents 70th Wedding Anniversary party. We had 5 generations in attendance and my grandparents passed a couple of years later within 3 months of each other. I really miss them.

  116. This is very hard to pick just one. I would say watching my granddaughter being born and first greeting her parents and grandmas.

  117. I would choose the day my preemie daughter was healthy and weighed enough to come home after a 3 month stay in nicu/ccu….was the best feeling ever!

  118. There are a few to chose from so I guess I would chose one of the days I spent alone with my father when I was young and fun came easy with him. I enjoyed raking leaves and jumping in the piles or riding truck to deliver fuel oil so we could talk about everything an anything. I really, really miss him and its been a long time since he’s been gone.

  119. If I had to choose, I’d pick the moments my daughter and son were born. I don’t think I fully knew the extent of love until I held my daughter in my arms. That overwhelming feeling was the most amazing part of bringing my babies into the world.

  120. I remember when I was about five my mom surprised me by buying two crispy crunch chocolate bars and when we got into the car to drive home from getting groceries she gave me mine. It was unusual for me to get chocolate as I’ve always had weight problems and my mom wanted to make sure I ate healthy. I was thrilled to have one all to myself and my mom was in a playful mood so she bet me she could eat hers slower than I could eat mine. I told her she was on and we licked our way home, trying desperately not to bite into the sweet center. I remember the laughing and giggling so well, she and I were always so happy together. Still today, almost 47 years later (my birthday is on the 16th) she is my very best friend. I love her beyond, she is my hero and the best person I know. Thanks for making me think of this, it sure would be amazing to have a reconstruction of this in a little sterling silver cube around my neck. I’d love to be a fly on the wall and peek into that little red car in the summer of 1975.

  121. I would choose the last Thanksgiving that my mom was alive for. We had a huge gathering of family and friends and just enjoyed the food and all the great company. Thank you for this amazing giveaway.

  122. I have several from nice days with parents (pre-divorce), friends, and the birth of my niece, but I think the one memory I would carry with me (I never, ever want to forget) is the first date i had with my husband of 27 years! We trekked the entire day through Sonoma and Napa wine country, lunching, sipping, singing to the radio, cappuccino-ing, worrying about the overheating truck, and kissing for the first time…Lovely. I hope never to forget this memory.

  123. I would reconstruct the memories of sitting in the window seat in my mother’s room reading and discussing my books with her. She’s the one who fed my love of books and helped to support my book addiction. 😁

  124. I would reconstruct time with my dad, we lost him too early and I would want to spend more time with him. I would even golf with him (and I hate golfing, lol)

  125. It would have to be the first time my infant daughter laughed. There’s nothing better than the sound of baby laughs.

  126. I would carry the memory of my five year old daughter Christy’s last hug and kiss before she passed.

  127. such a hard question!! I think I would take one of my grandmother when she was alive and well, she taught me how to make rice crispy treats (it was so hard to keep stiring when I was only 7 yrs old)

  128. The moment my girls were placed on my chest after giving birth. I can’t even describe how surreal it felt and there is definitely no way to describe the amount of love you feel when looking at their perfect little faces.

  129. I’m very lucky …I have so many memories . So the day I awoke from a car crash makes now each day a memory. A collect very little but books . Each book is hidden and saved until holidays.Even on the motorbike half my bags is books .Books are a special place to enjoy everywhere. Custom officer alway search my bag …..Guess what their find ….Books

  130. Oh! So many memories, but one reconciliation I would love to spend more time with my Dad, he was my BFF, even when he’s was in Arizona, we spoke every day. He was a true gentleman.

  131. Meghan, I couldn’t wait for the book and now that I’ve devoured it, I can’t wait to learn what happens to Wisteria and Kett next! Thank you for being such an amazing narrator. If I could keep a memory, I’d find one of the perfect sunshiney days of my summer vacation as a child, spent eating entirely too much, napping and generally being cozy with my mom.d

  132. When I was about six I could hear family members arguing about who I should be living with as my mum didn’t want to keep me, it was my grandfather that spoke for me and made it clear I was staying with him. It was the first time I realised that he truly loved me and would always be there to have my back. A truly wonderful man who gave me a belief in myself I still hold now I’m in my sixties.

  133. On my first trip to Italy, 30 years ago, I remember riding in a gondola down the Grand Canal in Venice on a beautiful sunny day. I took the trip with my mother who now has dementia. It was magical ( in a non- adept way!)

  134. Honestly. It would probably just be a simple day baking with my mum and grandmother. I have a little brother who’s 20 years younger than me. He would he underfoot. We would be cooking up a whole lot of treats. Most recently we did this for Easter. Just us relaxing, drinking tea, chatting and sharing each others company. Family is extremely important and my mum and gran have a huge impact on my life.

  135. Waking up with my two children (aged 2 and a half and 2 months) to read stories and have cuddles just before we go downstairs for pancakes for breakfast.

  136. This is so hard! At thirty-four, with three boys and a husband who works out of town for 90% of the year, I have so many memories that I would love to look back on any time I’d like. But the things that I love thinking back on the most, is just the time spent with all of them. A camping trip, or cuddles at bedtime. Watching one of them play at a ball game all together, or BBQing with our families/friends. There are so many snippets of conversations and smiles, little comments, or excitement doing things together, that I could live off of them forever.

  137. I would have to go back, way back, when I was a little girl, playing with my cousins and sister, outside, on a hot summer night, catching lightning bugs, eating popsicles, spinning around and around, until dizzily falling to the ground, laughing with the ones, that mean the most to me. My family gathered around, laughing and eating. Every time, we get together, with family and friends, I want my daughter and nieces and nephews, to feel the same. The innocence of youth is my favorite memory.

  138. When I was little, my grandad and I would watch Jeopardy and eat chocolate chip cookies, he would have a gin and tonic, and I would have tea. We did this every night after supper for the 6 months my family lived with my grandparents on the isle of wight.

  139. Playing the “Pretty Pretty Princess” board game with my grandmother when I was 11. She has always been my rock and my favorite memory is of her covered in gaudy purple costume jewelry, laughing as she put on the dreaded black ring.

  140. I would recreate my first glimpse of my daughter. I can actually play it over and over in my mind she calmed and just stared into my eyes like she knew me forever already. It was very beautiful.

  141. I would reconstruct my last family reunion that had my dad and my sister there before they passed away. I always loved my father’s crazy stories and I just miss my sister period. Definitely a day worth reconstructing again.

  142. That would be difficult. I think it would have to be the birth of my children. I don’t remember ever being happier.

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