I’m giving away all eleven paperbacks in the Adept Universe in celebration of the upcoming release of Unleashing Echoes (Reconstructionist 3) on August 31, 2017.
Win all of these pretties, all at once! Eleven autographed paperbacks, six Dowser Series recipe cards, six Oracle Series butterfly tattoos, and five Reconstructionist Series postcards!
To enter all you need to do is comment below and let me know:
- What is your favourite quote from Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1) or Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2).
Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. ONE winning entry will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.
If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.
No purchase necessary. All my ebooks are available to libraries for free via Library Direct, Baker & Taylor Axis 360, and Odilo. As well as Overdrive (though they charge libraries a minimum price).
Contest closes FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2017 at 8 p.m. PDT
Unleashing Echoes (Reconstructionist 3) is currently available for preorder.
Kettil, elder and executioner of the Conclave, didn’t want my heart. No he wanted my soul. And while my heart was spoken for twice over, even I had to admit that my soul was in play.
“I won’t let you bite me” is my absolute favorite lol
“I’ll give you whatever you want, whenever you want it.” – Kettil
“Luck? Who needs luck when you have magic in your fingers?”
love this
I smiled instead. My best, most winning I’m-not-really-smiling-but-actually-calling-you-on-your-bullshit smile.
Jade through and through
Sorry, Carrie. I’m looking for Reconstructionist quotes for this giveaway since it’s celebrating the release of the third book.
The vampire was being careful, considerate. That, more than anything else, should have been a massive warning sign.
“Don’t make me pick you up, witch,” Kett said. “You won’t like the toll I exact.”
“You are blood. You will always be blood,even if you choose to wipe every single one of them off the face of the earth. Even if you are the last Fairchild everlasting .” He smiled wryly. “Your vengeance would be a glorious thing to behold, Wisteria. “
Kett says “Meaning … I’ll give you whatever you want, whenever you want it.” He arched an eyebrow at me. “And if that means going into competition with Declan for your affections, I’m up for it.”
“Your vengeance would be a glorious thing to behold, Wisteria.”
OMG OMG OMG … I cannot begin to explain how MUCH I adore this man/character. Kett is perfect! I had originally hoped to see him paired with Jade, but I think I just like knowing he’s NOT REALLY the forever kind of guy … as far as a relationship goes. LOL
“You will,” he said. “When the time comes, you will lift your hair from your neck of your own free will, of your own desire. You will align yourself with me, Wisteria Fairchild. I am your doom and your salvation.”
I like this quote, too.
we’d never be betty-sue, betty-lou, and bubba. We’d never have our white picket fence. Not together.
“You are magnificent. You are everything I thought you would be, my chosen one.”
Still my very favorite…”We three were more than family. We three were bound by blood, forged by terror, and united by magic.”
Kett licked my neck, murmuring in my ear, “You are magnificent. You are everything I thought you would be, my chosen one.”
Kett licked my neck, murmuring in my ear, “You are magnificent. You are everything I thought you would be, my chosen one.” Then he released me, walking into
one of my favorites! Almost picked it for myself!
“When the time comes, you will lift your hair from your neck of your own free will, of your own desire. You will align yourself with me, Wisteria Fairchild. I am your doom and your salvation.”

~ Book 1 ~
“Might I suggest that the next time you depose a coven leader, you make it official.”
“Meaning … I’ll give you whatever you want, whenever you want it.” He arched an eyebrow at me. “And if that means going into competition with Declan for your affections, I’m up for it.”
He had no power over me now.
I want to enter your contest, but I don’t have a quote because I dropped my Kindle as we were leaving my house. I live in Houston, and if I win, your book collection would be the first new books to replace my previous book collection — which may still have salvageable books in it, but not sure. But I’m babbling.
The cats are safe, but we have no chocolate.
If you will enter me without a quote, yay! If not, I understand and will try next time. I’m SURE conditions will be better then.
Sorry, I’m kind of cheating because I saw a quote entered above that sent such a thrill through me the first time I read it, that I may very well have chosen it, even if I scoured the whole book for my favorite quote:
“You will align yourself with me, Wisteria Fairchild. I am your doom and your salvation.”
Maybe this is legitimate enough for an entry; if not, oh well. Lol.
Great quote, I’m glad you and your furry ones are safe. I hope you win the drawing! Well wishes from Kansas!
My parents are also in Houston. So heartbreaking to see my hometown under water.
It’s heartbreaking and strange and confusing, but it’s also a display of strength and compassion. Trying times allow us to rise up and be our best possible selves to each other.
I’ve been amazed at the stories. My 50-year-old friends left their house when the water hit the twelve-inch mark. They carried their two 30-pound dogs and walked over a mile in about 2-1/2 feet of water to take refuge at a friend’s house on higher ground.
He left her there to go back for some needed items, and their friend, not sure if the water was going to rise into his house too, accompanied my friend back to his house to get their meds, dry clothes, and his work computer. They ended up carrying two big Rubbermaid containers back that they floated for most of that mile.
Fortunately, the house they took refuge in did not flood.
I could go on with more harrowing tales, but I hope your parents are well.
“Will you take me to London?” I whispered.
-Tangled Echoes
“I didn’t want to be a vampire. The idea was abhorrent to me, I’d been running from that kind of darkness since I was sixteen.
But if that was the case, the why wasn’t I afraid?”
I love what this statement! Just because something is new or you think you don’t like it, it is no reason to be afraid of it.
Just put it in your pocket, Wisteria. You can’t occupy the moral high ground all of the time.
I am your room and your salvation. That quote sums it up for me.
Doom. Jeez autocorrect!
“You’re wrong,” I finally said.
“A rare, but possible occurrence.”
I laughed looking over at Kett. He was smiling to himself. The sunlight streaming in through the windows lent a golden kiss on his skin. He looked human. Dangerously, deceptively human. And attainable.
”You are mine now, Wisteria Fairchild,” Kett whispered behind me. “From the moment I chose to not strike your name from the contract. Whatever choice you make, I will protect you. I don’t make promises lightly. You will find that living forever comes with that consequence.”
“Why me?” I asked without even realising I was going to voice the question. “What is it you … see? You went to Jasmine, at her invitation, I assume. But you’d already crossed her out of consideration on the contract.”
“Your vengeance would be a good thing to behold, Wisteria.” The back and forth between Kett and Wisteria!
*Glorious – sigh, autocorrect
“Being underestimated is sometimes beneficial.” This is so true!
“I had loved Declan beyond anything and everything. And I’d still walked away.”
Catching Echoes – Reconstructionist book 1
Whoops, wrong book! This is from Tangled Echoes, book 2!
From Catching Echoes, chap 1
“One might wonder, or one could do one’s job effectively and efficiently. Then perhaps one wouldn’t need to be bailed out”
Wisteria putting the witch Caroline in her place. The snark made me instantly like Wisteria even more than I already knew I would..Just perfect.
Am so looking forward to the next book, you’re writing and characters are divine, thank you !
Good luck everyone <3
“Every sliver of darkness shall be stripped from this land. We Fairchilds will walk in the light”
Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist Book 2)
Jasper has already tried to take Jasmine from us once. If he manages to kill her this time, we won’t survive it. One way or the other.
Just shows the depths of what Wisteria (and Declan) will do
Tangled echoes
I wasn’t certain whether I wanted to confront the vampire and demand that he release me from the contract. Or if I wanted to offer him my lifeblood in exchange for an entirely new existence
“You are mine now, Wisteria Fairchild, from the moment I chose not to strike your name from the contract. Whatever choice you make, I will protect you. I don’y make promises lightly. You will find that living forever comes with that consequence.” -Kett Tangled Echos….
“Look again,” I said. My heartbeat was steady and sure. My uncle blinked. Once. I turned and walked away, not looking back. He had no power over me now.
“I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to indulge in some great food. Even a reconstructionist had to have priorities”
I love these books, so much fun
“I won’t let you bite me”. Love all your books, but I’ve really enjoyed Wisteria.
Pencils do not kill vampires. Pink or otherwise
“I am your doom and your salvation”… Gives me tingles every time.
“You will never be normal, Wisteria. Remade or not, you will be yourself, but never normal.” – Kett
“…we three were born and bred by darkness,” I said. “We learned to walk in the dark. We blossomed among blood and despair.” Tangled Echoes
“Meaning … I’ll give you whatever you want, whenever you want it.” He arched an eyebrow at me. “And if that means going into competition with Declan for your affections, I’m up for it.” Oh, Kett.
“Bursting into anyone’s bathroom is always rude, in any century.”
I laughed right out loud!
Tangled Echoes (R2):
“I heard you were in trouble.”
“And you flew in to help.”
“You are my beloved niece.”
“You look old, Jasper.” I sneered his name making it an insult.
“You look weak, child.”
I smiled, feeling dark-tinged laughter burlingame up from my belly…
My perfectly pleasant smile Morphed into a vicious baring of my teeth. Something beside me cracked. Then the computer sitting on the counter began to smoke.
“Look again,” I said. My heartbeat was steady and sure.
My Uncle blinked. Once.
“When I drink of you fully, you will drink of me. We will be more than lovers. We will … absorb each other. You will die and be reborn through my blood. When you open your eyes, the world will be wholly different. Is that what you want of me now, tonight?”
“We three were bound by blood, forged by terror and united by magic.” I love this, don’t mess with Wisteria when family’s on the line.

We posted the same quite within minutes of each other!
We three were bound by blood, forged by terror, and united by magic.
“Bursting into anyone’s bathroom in any century, is always rude.”
“Point taken”
“Someone killed a vampire with a pencil?”
Pity… I only just started, and have only finished Dowser 5… no quotes just yet
I do all sorts of giveaways, Jasper. And every time I release a new book I do this large giveaway and ask for a quote. So there will be other chances.
Jasper, huh?
Kett licked my neck, murmuring in my ear, “You are magnificent. You are everything I thought you would be, my chosen one.”
Ok, my quote would always be a Kett quote. This one made my pulse race, who wouldn’t want a man to compete willingly for your affections? “And if that means going into competition with Declan for your affections, I’m up for it.” God I love the character of Kett, he’s why I kept searching out new books from you, that, and your amazing writing prowess. Thank you for the chance to enter, it would be wonderful to have physical copies of all your books. Just in case my email is thejaemac at shaw dot ca
“At some point, vampire ” I said archly, ” I will move beyond being frightened of you and simply walk away. I don’t pay much heed to bullies ”
“Good, Wisteria Fairchild. Otherwise, you will bore me utterly. I loathe being bored “.
I love the honesty and straightwardness.
“You are magnificent. You are everything I thought you would be, my chosen one.”
“I’ve never offered such a thing to anyone before,” Kett said quietly.
There’s so many ams I know its already been said a feww times but Kett. When he says “I’ll give you whatever you want, whenever you want it.”

“Apparently, measurements had been taken, assessed, and accepted — length, width, and power of thrust”. -Tangled Echoes, Kett and Declan meet.
She wrapped her hands around the ropes that bound her as she snarled. “They took my phone!”
“And I’m fairly certain that wasn’t actually ink ” – Catching Echos
“When the time comes, you will lift your hair from your neck of your own free will, of your own desire. You will align yourself with me, Wisteria Fairchild. I am your doom and your salvation.”
A wash of euphoria ran down my neck and through my chest, settling in my belly. My nipples hardened. I involuntarily gasped.
“There will be no bargain, vampire,” I said. “No one, not even my own blood, threatens either of the two your brood now hold. The time to talk has passed”
“I had them back. It was fractured and tentative, but the two of them made my heart full, not heavy.” – Wisteria (tangled echoes)
I’m fond of this quote from Catching Echoes: “This was my second time in Vancouver, and I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to indulge in some great food. Even a reconstructionist had to have priorities.”
Why? Because I have only been to Vancouver once and if I ever am able to visit it a second time, indulging in some great food is what I would most like to do.
“Being underestimated is sometimes beneficial.” This is practically my mantra as a person with a disability who tends to be looked at as useless by most people!
holding Kett’s cool hand was like gripping a peice of moldable marble. or maybe a sentient stone capable of randomly deciding that crushing every bone in my hand was a good idea.
Love that one!!
Because it seemed as though the future wouldn’t be allowed to finally unfold until the past had its way.
“making a choice was a choice in itself. That choosing to turn the other cheek or look the other way wasn’t always the best choice either.”
Love these books & bought another Reconstructionist one today! WeeeedeeeOhhhhh
Deonna – this is a quote from Dowser 1. I’m requesting quotes from R1 or R2 for this giveaway to celebrate the release of R3.
“Pencils do not kill vampires. Pink or otherwise.”
“You will hunt down the vampires that slaughtered my family. You will make them pay for what they did.”
A genuine smile crossed Kett’s face. “Already done.”
Kett: I’ll give you whatever you want, whenever you want it.
I thought about allowing everything I held so carefully contained within me to slip away, throwing away my years of careful living, ending all our familial strife in one fell swoop.
This quote leaves the reader hoping, and with foreshadowing, that Wisteria WILL throw off the facade and truly release her full power. It also leaves us thinking about what we hold back under the guise of being caerful.
“I should have been frightened of how the future seemed likely to unfold. Except I wasn’t.”
When the time comes, you will lift your hair from your neck of your own free will, of your own desire. You will align yourself with me, Wisteria Fairchild. I am your doom and your salvation.
Except this quote right here, it’s made me not ready to read Tangled yet. Give me magic, weres, dragons, etc. But vamps creep me the freak out. Seeing Kett front stage …not quite ready yet. Guess I’d better get over it since book 3 is here now
“We have your witch. Tell us where to meet you.”
My heart rate settled. I felt as though my arm was suspended, stretched across the table, lightly cradled in his hand … cushioned by the awesome presence of his mind. I could have stayed there forever. At peace … protected … cherished …
I haven’t read either of the books. But I like your newsletter and thought I would try to win a copy.
”We three were more than family. We three were bound by blood, forged by terror, and united by magic.”
Lucky #76! Emailing you now!
“I wasn’t particularly skilled in questioning teenagers, especially nonmagical ones. And even after spending only half a day with Kett, I was fairly certain he wasn’t exactly skilled at communicating with anyone.”
This cracks me up
“Jade was baking. I wasn’t sure what I’d expected, since the dowser had already indicated that she had things to finish, but it certainly wasn’t the sweet magic that cut through my personal shields so easily that I could practically taste it floating through the air.”
Catching echoes, chapter 3
I’ve always loved this moment because there’s something about baking that I always find magical too. The moment that sweet hot sugar caramel scent starts spilling out of the oven, it’s like all the tension in my body starts to leach away and a smile curls onto my face. I’ve always found it a comforting thing to do.
I’ll give you whatever you want, whenever you want it – Kett
“Meaning … I’ll give you whatever you want, whenever you want it.” He arched an eyebrow at me. “And if that means going into competition with Declan for your affections, I’m up for it.”
Loved this quote!
“I wouldn’t want to be a vampire on Kett’s shit list,” Jasmine said, grinning almost manically.
“I’ll give you whatever you want, whenever you want it.”
I ignored the tears welling in my eyes, needing to articulate the memory. To own it so that it would stop owning me.
Hit me at a time when I particularly needed it!
“So…dibs on the vampire,” Jasmine said.
“You’re joking.”
“So…no? You want fist crack?”
“Seriously, Jasmine. He’s not…not…”
“Powerful? Dangerous? Sexy? Actually, crazy hot. In that ‘I might devour your soul, but I could also love you forever’ kind of way.” –Catching Echoes
“I just hoped that before the chaos and mayhem renewed, I’d manage to get my hands on some chocolate.”
Sorry, Terri. This is a Dowser series quote. I’m looking for quotes from the Reconstructionist Series because I’m celebrating the release of book three.
This quote in at the very end of Catching Echoes I feel sums up how Kettle feels towards Wisteria:
He smirked. “An acknowledgement that you are more than I took you for, magically and psychologically. That you are … deserving of my attention.”
And my other fav quote from this scene:
Kett shook his head. “The rules of the twenty-first century have no sense of logic. What applies in one situation doesn’t apply in another.” “Bursting into anyone’s bathroom is always rude, in any century.” “Point taken.”
“Yes,” I whispered. “Normal.” “You will never be normal, Wisteria. Remade or not, you will be yourself, but never normal.”
Forever. You will have forever, wisteria.
“You will,” he said. “When the time comes, you will lift your hair from your neck of your own free will, of your own desire. You will align yourself with me, Wisteria Fairchild. I am your doom and your salvation.”
‘You’re wrong,’ I finally said. ‘A rare, but possible occurrence.’ …So my life!
“You will never be normal, Wisteria. Remade or not, you will be yourself, but never normal.”
“What makes you think I didn’t proposition him? What makes you think he wasn’t completely clear about the parameters of our relationship?
“I always want you,” I whispered. “Whenever, wherever. There is no moment of decision.”
We loved.
I fried my phone last night trying to enter this competition lol.
Really funny given the amount of phones fried in these books.
I could have stayed there forever. At peace…protected…cherished. I could have been his forever.
On page 181 of Tangled Echos, Jasmine speech when she’s about to get kidnapped.
“Jasmine lifted her hand, dramatically pointing her finger toward the hotel door, toward me. “I call forth vengeance. She’ll come with thunder and lightning at her right, and blood and fangs at her left. She’ll come for you.” She locked her fierce, blue-eyed gaze on the male. “She’ll come for you, Yale Evans, maker of Nigel Farris.”
Excerpt From: Meghan Ciana Doidge. “Tangled Echoes.”
On another note, Unleashing Echos was a wonderful book! Will there be others? I thought I read somewhere that this was a trilogy, but the ending screams for more! I need more from Kett, Wisteria, Jasmine and Declan! So so good!
It is a trilogy but characters from the Reconstructionist Series will show up in other places, including the upcoming Dowser 7.