Dowser 8: the ‘girls’ go hunting

Jasmine glanced between us. “You two are a little crazy, you know.”

Kandy shrugged. “You’ll get it, baby girl. When you’re all grown up and never meet your match.”

Jasmine twisted her lips wryly, tugging her phone of out her jacket pocket. “I’ve already met him.”

Kandy laughed huskily, shaking her head. “The nearly immortal are more vulnerable than us three, darling. They’ve forgotten they can die. And it’s the possibility of death than keeps us sharp.” Kandy tapped on her temple.

Jasmine raised one eyebrow at the green-haired werewolf, texting without looking at her screen. “Thanks for the life lesson, wolf.”

Kandy snapped her teeth. “You can owe it to me, vampire.”

I laughed. “Shall we continue?”

– Dowser 8, first draft [unedited and unproofed]

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.

Dowser 8 to be released late-spring 2018.


13 thoughts on “Dowser 8: the ‘girls’ go hunting

  1. Loved book 7 – can’t wait for book 8!!!! Do you plan to do a book on Kett and Jasmine – that would be awsome!

    1. There is a plan … and a notebook being filled with notes but no guarantee when or if it will be written. I need to focus on the third Dowser trilogy and it will effect everything that comes after. 😊

  2. Oh that’s incredible…….. I can’t wait., you’re done it again Meghan. Can’t wait to read whenever it’s released. Thanks 📚❤️🐾

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