chocolates vs. sour patch kids

Two delectable salted caramels from Lisa Lou’s Chocolate Bar

Michael: *peering into a small pale blue box* “What are these?”

Me: *glancing into the box on my way through the kitchen* “My salted caramels.”

Michael: “Oh.” He glances mournfully at the box he is holding – which used to be full of chocolates he’d selected for himself – then down into a drawer that is *literally* teeming with a crazy amount of chocolate and treats that we’ve just spent two days in Vancouver collecting.

Me: (feeling magnanimous, since there are two of the caramels) “You can have one if you like.”

Michael: “No. That’s all right.” He closes the box, puts it back, and picks up a crumpled plastic bag instead. “I’ll just eat the rest of my sour patch kids.”

Me: ???

Yes. Dozens of amazing treats to choose from and my husband wanders back out to his studio after lunch with his leftover movie night treats in hand.

I ate one of the salted caramels. It was freaking amazing.

Back to writing.

[I’ll run the random number generator(s) for the T-shirt giveaway(s) at the end of the day].

4 thoughts on “chocolates vs. sour patch kids

  1. 😮 is he ill? I mean delicious salted caramels for sour patch kids? Really? I mean you were amazing just offering him one of the only two left. Secretly, l’d have been ecstatic he turned it down, if I was the one offering. I’m kidding, you are a better person than me, I wouldn’t have offered. Lol. Maybe you’re not feeling well?

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