Posting my fall schedule/upcoming releases, etc so I have it all in one place instead of just occasionally mentioning it whenever I’m asked in various places online. Yes, I’m attempting to be organized!!
If you have any spoiler-free questions, let me know in the comments and I will endeavour to answer them and/or add the answers below.
Current release (August 23): Graveyards, Visions, and Other Things that Byte (Dowser 8.5)
Upcoming release: Dowser 9. Fingers crossed for the end of November, but there are too many editing/proofing/formatting hoops to jump through to set a date yet.
I See Me (Oracle 1) is set to drop on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes in a matter of days and it is crazy good!! Hold on to your Audible credit! And remember the whispersync option for those of you who have purchased the kindle version through Amazon USA.
Oracle 2 is currently in production. Expected release is early November.
I’m currently working on the Amplifier Series prequel novella (all new Adept Universe characters). Then I’ll write the short story that will be available as the preorder giveaway for book one. Then I’ll write book one. I intend to make them all available one right after another, releasing in early 2019.
Make sure you are signed up to my new release list or my monthly newsletter (and that you open the emails, otherwise your email provider will start putting them in your junk folders). When you sign up check your spam/promotions/junk folders for the welcome email.
You don’t want to miss the exclusive freebie I’ll be ONLY offering to my new release list when I launch the Amplifier series. As well as the preorder giveaway, of course. 🙂

Looking forward eagerly to Dowser 9 and the new series. Happy writing,
Thank you!
Can’t wait for Dowser 9 and look forward to adding Amplifier series. You’re a great writer Meghan Ciana Doidge.
❤️ Thank you. ❤️
Can’t wait for another entrance into this beautiful world you have built!!
I’m excited too!!
I’m so so so so so excited. I’ve gotten a few friends into looking into your books, and I’m so excited for them to fall in love with the world you have created as I have!
❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for recommending me! ❤️
Dowser 9 … it is safe to say, that I am both eagerly anticipating AND dreading this release. I believe it speaks volumes to you as the author, to have drawn we readers so deeply into these characters and their lives, that just the thought of the final chapters can bring us to tears. I don’t think I’ve felt this “can’t wait/please don’t leave” torment since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released … it took me almost a week before I sat down to begin reading the beginning of the end. I expect it’ll be the same with Jade and family.