[Deleted long blog post. Then distilled it down to the important beats].
It is with joy in my heart but tears in my eyes that I share the cover for Gemstones, Elves, and Other Insidious Magic (Dowser 9). And yes, it is the last book – for the foreseeable future – in the Dowser Series.

And the release date: DECEMBER 4, 2018.
The preorder will start to appear on all retailers in the first week of November. But there is no preorder giveaway for this release. Make sure you are on my new release mailing list so you don’t miss the release and any other ‘goodies’ I decide to include. 🙂
I haven’t been sharing as many teasers as I usually do while writing Dowser 9 because the entire book, practically every single line, is a freaking spoiler, ha! But I really felt like sharing something today, so here is the unedited opening of Gemstones, Elves, and Other Insidious Magic (Dowser 9).
A man hung suspended in a whirlwind of magic above me.
No … not just a man.
A dragon.
I crouched on the back edge of a six foot wide, foot high white platform over the elvish tech I was tasked to repair, fiddling with a gemstone I’d previously removed. Pretending to work while peering through the maelstrom of golden-tinted magic that fueled the gateway.
The golden-tint of the dragon’s magic.
Of his life force.
Energy … magic … life … that was slowly being siphoned away through the tech.
Something was wrong, terribly, terribly wrong with that … scenario, that situation. But whenever I tried to grasp that thought, to fully articulate it in my mind it hovered just beyond my understanding.
I glanced to my right, then left. The center section of the stadium grew smaller and smaller each day as the elves erected sections of walls, closing in on the gateway. If I tilted my head, I could still see the upper rows of seating that rose almost all the way to the domed ceiling. There were less rows than there had been the last time I’d counted. Not that I could remember the exact number. Or why that mattered.
We, the dragon and me, were surrounded by elves, including my liege.
But … we weren’t a ‘we’.
We’re we?
And why would being surrounded by elves matter?
I’d repaired the tech.
I’d created a pathway at my liege’s command.
Opening a rift between dimensions so that the elves could cross into the earth’s dimension from their own.
That I knew for certain.
That I remembered doing.
Except, yesterday — if my sense of time could be trusted — something else had occurred, something that upset my liege, disrupting our connection for a moment that lasted long enough for me to remember … other things, other ideas.
Ideas that fluttered just out of my reach even as I gazed up at the dragon fueling the gateway with his life force.
Though my liege’s hold on my mind kept slipping, through her I came to understand that the witches who claimed this territory, this city, had somehow reined the elves in, curtailing my liege’s plans.
For the moment.
The stadium was slowly filling with restless warriors as one elf at a time stepped through the gateway. Then waited.
Everyone was on the edge of violence, caught in the waiting.
Me especially.
– Gemstones, Elves, and Other Insidious Magic (Dowser 9), fourth draft (unedited, unproofed)
Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1).
Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.
I’m excited, love it……. I’m crying, I’m not ready for the end of Dowser Series
Me either. So perhaps it’s now the end. Just a timeout while other stories develop.
Sorry to hear this because I loved this series. I signed up to the mailing list to get the cupcake cookbook but couldvonly find this way to communicate with you. Could please send me a copy.
You can reach me at my email address info@madebymeghan.ca (this email is also in the backs of all my books). 😊 The download link for the cookbook is in the welcome email that you automatically receive after you sign up for the mailing lists. If you didn’t receive a welcome email please check your spam or promotions folder. If you find it there, please drag it into your inbox so you will receive the next emails and not miss anything.
I *almost* couldn’t read it … using the toddler mentality, “if I don’t do it, it won’t happen”. SOOOOOOOO … if I don’t read it, it will never end … *sob*
😊😊 It’s going to be okay. 😊
I only got thru to the 3rd line, that’s when I figured it out to a degree, I think … I don’t think I can bring myself to read it. Jade and Warner are so much more than pen and ink … 😭💔
Really?? Is this the end? I can’t believe it!!! Thank you Meghan for a wonderful series. I think I came upon Book 1 through Bookbub and I am so grateful for the introduction to you and cupcakes! Ha ha! Seriously, this is a bittersweet moment…I am reading the excerpt with trepidation and knowing it is going to end…I don’t know if I will be able to read it when the book is released. I think I will just reread the series, yet again, to prolong the ending!!! So are you going to make this into a television series?? I think that was an idea of yours in a previous conversation. Please do it!!!
Rereading isn’t a bad idea. 😊 And there will be more Adept Universe books, of course.
So excited for the next book…truly hoping it’s not the last book, though!! I’ve enjoyed the I See and Echoes sets as will, and suspect I will enjoy the new stories to come as well. Looking forward to the new journeys!
Me too! And you never know. I’m open to the possibility. I just need a strong enough idea to justify a fourth trilogy. And right now I have other books in my head.
I’m devastated that this is the end of the Dowser series BUT we still have more books from the same universe so I still have hope we might get little snippets of Jade’s life (I refuse to believe she will due in this book!) through the others! Love your work MCD, please keep it up!! 😀 😀
Oh! I am in love with the characters in the dowser series. I truly hope this isn’t the last book. I can’t imagine not being able to check in with them from time to time!
🙂 Donna Sue
The characters will appear in other books. 😊 The Adept Universe will continue. 😊
Stunning girl! So excited and sad for the conclusion)maybe)! But you need time to….❤️🐾📚👍Sher🐾Bear
Love it! Dad it’s the end though
I didn’t read the spoiler…can’t be done. Nor can I accept the series possibly ending. Heart. Broken.
Seriously, even a time out is hard to think about. I’ve read every one (in the order they should be read), and I can’t imagine not having the anticipation of what will come next! There’s an alpha that needs a mate…Wisteria needs to come back…Rochelle’s child…Pearl’s “date”…
There’s just too much left to do! 😆