Dowser 9: giveaway #1: Adept Universe T-shirts!


Over the next five days, as I count down to the release of Gemstones, Elves, and Other Insidious Magic (Dowser 9) on December 4, 2018, I’ll be launching a series of giveaways. Two giveaways, including this one, will be on my blog, one will be posted/run in the Facebook fan group on December 3, and the final series of items will be given away during my release day party on my Facebook page on December 4 (TBA).

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Are you interested in winning one of the Adept Universe T-shirts?

Yes? Yes!

Well then! To enter: comment below with your favourite Adept Universe T-shirt (see above if you need a refresher) and also let me know why you’d like to win that particular design.

That’s it! I’ll be giving three T-shirts away.

Fun! Fun!

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY but the T-shirts only ship to US mailing addresses. International readers may chose to win a logo and/or a set of Dowser recipe cards. One entry per person. Three winners will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.

Giveaway closes THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2018 at 8pm PST.

Coming December 4, 2018



Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1).

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.

132 thoughts on “Dowser 9: giveaway #1: Adept Universe T-shirts!

  1. I would love to win
    “I knit so I don’t rip your soul I out” mostly because I crochet a lot and it suits me 😁 I think , thank you for a chance💖

  2. I would love the “Fueled by coffee” t-shirt. I already have the chicken butt t-shirt and people always ask what it means when I wear it. That gives me the opportunity to talk about my favorite books and favorite author.

  3. I would love to win the fueld by coffee shirt! Anyone who knows me knows I have a major coffee addiction. Every gift I get is coffee themed!

  4. I really love the Fueled by Coffee ☕️ shirt!! I am fueled by coffee everyday and I love the Dowser series! I would totally kickass everyday I wore this shirt!

  5. I would love to win Attempted Murder. I love the design and I think crows are cool. (Also some days it’s hard not to murder the people around me.) LOL! I already have Cake in a Cup and when people ask, I tell them all about your fabulous books. Thanks for the chance to win, and for writing such great books. Can’t wait for release day!!

  6. Decisions, decisions, decisions…. for me, it’s a toss-up between “Never mind the cupcakes…” and “Fueled by coffee…”. Then there’s also the “Attempted murder” that only the cleverest among us will understand… But all of them would lead to conversations about the amazing world you’ve built for those of us lucky enough to have found you. 🙂 Can’t wait for Dowser 9!!!

  7. I can’t decide between the “Never mind the cupcakes” shirt and the “I do bite” shirt. They’re worn by my two favorite characters. Ack!

  8. I would love to win!! The Cake in a Cup shirt is adorable and just brings me back to where this great story began!! Love the books and so excited for Gemstones, Elves and other Insidious Magic!!

  9. Gotta be Fueled by Coffee and epic mystical powers…. because ever since I became a mom, I suddenly need coffee to survive- but it’s never enough & there’s totally some magic happening too. haha <3

  10. “fueled by coffee” because really that’s my life in a nutshell 🤪

    I have to say any t-shirt would be fab, they are all so fun.

    Thanks for doing these giveaways, so fun!

  11. I think my favorite is the attempted murder, but the chicken butt is funny too! Which one, which one… Yup, I stick with attempted murder🤪😁

  12. Please, please, please. I think Cake in a cup would be awesome. (I do also really like the Never mind the cupcakes )

  13. I think I would say the ‘Fueled by coffee’ shirt. I’m a mom of 3, and I seriously can’t function without at least a couple mugs every morning! I love the chance to talk about all of your books, too. I have 3 favorite authors, each from a different point in my life. JK Rowling, Nora Roberts, and you. You’re one of the greats!

  14. Fueled by coffee and epic mystical powers because let’s be honest, I need that coffee or my mystical powers will not be epic.

  15. I like the original “Cake in a Cup” shirt. It’s the original for Jades bakery, that is why it’s my favorite!

  16. I would love to win the Chicken Butt shirt. Anytime someone says guess what to me my reply is always chicken butt! So to have a shirt that reflects my response would be awesome!!!

  17. I would love the “I do bite” short because I already have the Attempted murder, Fuel by coffee, and cake in a cup shirts.

  18. Winning a t-shirt would be great. I have two already and would love the “never mind the cupcakes, o could totally kick your ass”. When ever I wear the attempted murder shirt people always ask questions, it is then that I can brag about this great author and the books she writes and the cupcakes she makes ,blah,blah,blah. No really, it is fun explaining your world and books to my friends and people I meet.

  19. I love cake in a cup and kick ass the best, and can’t choose between them. On a side note, my Crazy Good Banana Cupcakes, a banana chocolate chip cupcake with a cinnamon cream cheese frosting, topped with a maple glazed pecan won second place in the Great New York State Fair culinary competition this summer. Bonus is, they went up against everyone and won, and they’re vegan!

  20. I NEED the attempted murder one. It’s so subtle and classic, I remember actually giggling at it the first time I read the description in the book. Fueled by coffee and epic mystical powers is a close if not equal second because c’mom…aren’t we all?

  21. I would love to win Mory’s shirt- I knit so I don’t rip out your soul and send it straight to hell. I love the blase tone of the shirt. I can imagine Mory saying it with no expression on her face.

  22. The ‘Attempted Murder’ shirt always makes me laugh, but the ‘I Knit’ shirt may make the people around me think about my hobby in a slightly different light. And if they then choose to leave me alone, that can only be good. 🙂

  23. I would love the ‘I do bite’ I was a biter when I was young 😳 I know naughty, got into so much trouble, would do it now but not socially excepted 🤣🤣

  24. I would love the Attempted Murder shirt, because I teach Poe’s works and that would totally make my students laugh. Okay. I’ll laugh and they’ll roll their eyes at my general dorkiness, but whatever.

  25. I’m UK so can’t win the actual T-shirt but the attempted murder one always cracks me up. I now yell it with Glee, much to my boyfriend’s embeassment, every time I see two crowes only! 😂 And I like baking and forcing cupcakes on my colleges (who don’t need much prompting) so recipy cards wouldnt go to waste instead!

  26. Fueled by coffee and mystical powers. Because it’s so true! Magical beans mixed with water that make me human

  27. I’d love the cake in a cup shirt. Mostly because I am a cook by profession and my baking skills are simply magical!!

  28. I would love a “fueled by coffee and mystical powers ” shirt. It quite perfectly sums up how I get anything done in life. Lol. I feel like it was made for me, even though it wasnt, and relate to it so much. Lol. I love ’em all though so I will have to grab the collection at some point. 😁

  29. I would love to win a Cake In A Cup T-shirt. They are al adorable, but this one seems to me like heart and soul of everyone loving the bakery and no matter what happens in a books away a seems like a bakery seems like grounding point for them.

  30. Fueled by Coffee!! Because most days that’s what I’m running on plus I like to think something mystical is going on too to get me through my crazy work days!. 🤣

  31. Attempted Murder is my favorite, but Fueled by Coffee would make an amazing gift for my daughter, who is currently working as a barista.

  32. I’d like the guess what shirt because I love my chickens and already have a collection of chicken clothes. In fact as I type this I’m wearing a shirt that says southern chickadee with a picture of a hen and chick on it.

  33. I would love to win the “Fueled by Coffee… and Epic Mystical Powers” because it lends itself to mystery. “Like…. what epic mystical powers?” one might wonder…. with that look of caution on their face.

  34. Never mind the Cupcakes!!! 🧁 because I love to bake esp cupcakes & given the opportunity I could probably kick some major ass!

  35. I like all, I really like the one with “powered by coffee” and I also really like “attempted murder”. The first one because it’s true, the second because it’s hilarious. If I win either today those I would be super happy! Thanks!!!

  36. I would love to have the Attempted Murder t-shirt. It fits my darker sense of humor as well as includes my love of nature! I also can’t fail to think of your books.

  37. I would love to win the “Fueled by coffee” t-shirt. My husband always tells everyone coffee is my super power. I guess I do drink it a lot 😜. I’m just a better me with coffee on board.
    Thank you for the chance to win! You’re the best with your fans.

  38. I would love to win the “Attempted Murder” shirt because I’m a big bird nerd and particularly love corvids (crow family).

  39. I love the Fueled by Coffee t-shirt!! It is totally my motto, lol! Who needs water, juice? Pffft!! Coffee is the way to go!!

  40. I would love to win the fueled by coffe that is me to a t (pardon the pun) 😜 but I’m international so a logo would be awesome too

  41. I love all of your t-shirts. They each bring a smile to my face for different reasons. I am looking forward to the new release/final chapter for Jade and the gang. I cannot wait for the new series to be released. You are an amazing writer and storyteller.

  42. “I knit so I don’t rip your soul out” would be perfect for my 19 yr old daughter. Love the motto and it fits her perfectly.

  43. I would love to win the “I do bite” t shirt because well, I do bite lmao. Also the “I knit so I dont rip your soul out” one would work for me as well, as I do knit and crochet lol.

  44. I would love the attempted murder tee. I wasn’t familiar with the name of a group of crows. I love learning new things! And the graphics are so cool

  45. I’m torn between Attempted Murder and I Do Bite. Attempted murder because I LOVE puns so much. Like I genuinely love them. I Do Bite is just an accurate description of me. Hahahaha

  46. I would love Fueled By Coffee & Epic Mystical Powers!! As a mom, I feel like it’s fairly accurate that is what is fueling me each day haha

  47. I really love the Attempted Murder t shirt. Loved it when Jade showed it to Shalaija ( pretty darn sure I did not spell her name right, lol!) It is a shirt someone would ask about. Great conversation starter. 😊

  48. So my little crazy ritual of rereading all in series leading up to the newest Dowser has me needing to be Fueled by coffee!!! And chocolates!!! Cause I’m only on Dowser 4 but I include all Adept books so I already Oracles once.
    But Really I want the Cake in a Cup T cause I bought the tank in green and it is tight enough to make me self conscious but I still wear it waiting for the day I meet another bumblebee (old blind melon mtv video reference from the 90’s where someone dressed as a bumblebee gets rejected from society until he finds a feild of people all dressed as bumblebees and the have a party cause he found is people!) Anyway I look forward to the day someone high fives me cause they love Adept World too and we ignore the world and talk about favorite characters and moments for an hour!

  49. I love the “attempted murder” shirt! I would wear it proudly! And/ or any other shirt, if I was fortunate to win!

  50. Coffee fuels my soul. Coffee and I go together like adepts and cupcakes 😆 everyone knows not to speak to me until I have that first cup hit my soul. Then I can function

  51. It’s a toss up for me between the Fueled by Coffee and the Nevermind the Cupcakes. They remind me of two of my favourite characters in the series and I’d love to have one to commemorate the final book of Jade’s story. She is one of my all time favourite characters.

  52. I would love the Fueled By Coffee tee as it is so me. I have addiction that is reinforced with my family by the warning signs strategically placed around the kitchen. Generally I just point to “Shhh… no talking until this cup is consumed”- nothing mystical can happen until that step is completed.

  53. Hmm, I already have attempted murder.. I get really strange looks when I wear it. I also have fueled by coffee – I get complemented all the time-and I tell everyone it is my favorite series! I really like forget the cupcakes, but it could be considered inflammatory (with my occasional attitude😉). So I will have to go with I do bite! Or another fueled by coffee…,😀

  54. I would really, really love to win Kandy’s shirt. I Do Bite because it reminds me of her! I can just see her smile/non-smile! I love it when she’s bad ass and all snarky!! She’s one of my favorites. I always see green when I think of her so it would be cool if it happened to be green, but it doesn’t matter, any color would do. I will need the men’s size 3x as I like them roomy. I love your characters and wish someone would make movies out of your stories!! It would be EPIC!!

  55. It’s a toss up between “I do bite” because I’m pretty sure I’ll be one of those little old ladies who bite people at the rate things are going, and “Fueled by Coffee” because who isn’t?

  56. It so hard to choose but probably the attempted murder one because it’s funny that’s what you call a group of crows and I can only imagine the looks one could get wearing it. Plus I already have I do bite, fueled by coffee, and the cake in a cup one, although another one of those might be nice as well.

  57. Fueled by coffee because I am basically fueled by coffee 😉 or Nevermind the Cupcakes for my momma and her in home cupcakery.

  58. I think my favorite is I knit so I don’t rip out your soul. It makes me laugh. It’s one of those things that keeps people guessing about you.

  59. My favorite is the Never Mind the Cupcakea tee. I may no longer be able to physically kick butt like I used to but I am quick witted with a sharp tongue. I will kick your butt without laying a hand on you.

  60. Never mind the cupcakes, please! I love them all but I work with a bunch of dirty-minded adults so…my other favorite would get me in trouble, lol!

  61. My favourite has to be the attempted murder tee; I have always found that joke giggletastic (ok, I may have just made up that word!), so what do you call a pair of crows….😂😆😂

  62. I’d like to win, Cake in a cup. Taste the magic. I think it represents the way Jade calms herself and gets into what she enjoys doing; Using her skill to help others. It’s a happy shirt.

  63. How does one choose between “never mind the cupcakes…” and “I do bite”?? If I were in the US I’d choose the former only because I do look dreadful in orange. BUT, I”m in canada (your neighbor in Nanaimo, lol) so I’d definitely take the rights to put “I do bite” on a t-shirt… Because I DO. Mwahahahaha. At least I want to be that fierce. ;o) Thanks for the opportunity Meghan! It’ll be a Christmas treat to read Dowser 9. Oh, and if I don’t comment before Christmas, Merry Christmas!

  64. Definitely in need of the “fueled by coffee and other mystical powers” because that is literally my everyday life. I’m as much of a coffee fiend as Haoxin.

  65. I like the original Cake in a cup shirt!! I’d love to win, I gush about this series to everyone all the time. I would like to share your series with other people and wearing the shirt would def help lol

  66. I love the Fueled by Coffee because, well, that IS what fuels me! ☕️ But I also love the Attempted Murder shirt because I love a good pun!! 😄

  67. I would love the attempted murder t-shirt! I think it’s hilarious! I work for the judiciary and deal with the other kind of attempted murder all the time!

  68. I would be honored to wear either the “attempted murder” or “fueled by coffee & epic mystical powers” t-shirt. I love the humor of the first and living in the PNW, the latter is so me. Thanks again for being so generous and for sharing your creative mind!

  69. Fueled by Coffee… because I am fueled by coffee and I would absolutely love to have mystical powers!!!!!

  70. It’s a tough decision, but I’d have to go with the “Fueled by Coffee” design … and it’s simply because I love coffee, drink it daily, and the “epic mystical powers”, I believe all women possess a certain level of mystery that can be described as the Epic Mystical Powers.

  71. I would like the Fueled by Coffee one. My required morning coffee intake has increased significantly since I started grad school a few years ago.

    Second choice: “I knit so…” It doesnt win because I crochet instead of knit

  72. I love them all but “Nevermind the Cupcakes I Can Totally Kick Your Ass” strikes a chord with me. Snicker.

  73. Oh it’s so difficult to choose which one! I think that the I knit one would suit me best though and it would make my husband laugh. I mostly crochet but have also knit a bit so I think it still applies 🙂

  74. I love the attempted murder shirt, but my favorite hands down is never mind the cupcakes… Because well, I do have lovely cupcakes and I can totally kick your ass. I have a 13 yr old daughter and reading the Dowser universe with her is the best! I think this t- shirt sums up everything that is wonderful about these books.

  75. My favorite is nevermind the cupcakes i can totally kick your ass, because I have been a couch potato my whole life and am now working on being stronger. I’m even doing crossfit and signed up for a spartan race! Also, who doesn’t want to be like the Dowser?

  76. “Attempted murder” is my favorite. My husband and son each got crow tattoos — I’m not that brave — and now it’s an attempted murder. I love the Dowser universe. Ready for book 9!

  77. I NEED NEED the “furled by coffee” tee! I am powered by coffee and I actually have mystical powers in my blood – I can trace my ancestors to the Salem Witch trials. Yep! I really do have magic in my blood! And anyway, who wouldn’t want to be Haoxin?!?

    Words can’t express how excited I am for #9, but a t-shirtmight! 😂

  78. I would really like I knit so I don’t rip your soul out tshirt. Cause one of the biggest reasons I knit & crochet is it helps me relax.

  79. I love the tshirt that says “I do bite”. Kett was always one of my favorite characters, plus it just looks like a good conversation starter!

  80. I love the attempted murder and the chicken butt and the I bite. I love them all! I need one that says Fueled by Dr. Pepper. 🙂

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