Dowser 9: paperback giveaway!


My second of four (okay, maybe five) giveaways to help celebrate the upcoming release of Gemstones, Elves, and Other Insidious Magic (Dowser 9) is for autographed paperbacks. But! This time instead of giving an entire set just to one winner, I thought I would split the series up into its trilogies, which equals three winners!

So … if the random number generator picks your comment, you could win this trio of autographed paperbacks (and recipe cards):

Or you could win this set of autographed paperbacks and recipe cards:

Or, last but not least, this set of three paperbacks and three postcards … err, wait … I seem to be missing a book .. hmmm, how about I order an extra paperback of Dowser 9 and add that to this duo when it arrives? 🙂

Are you interested in winning one of these sets of autographed paperbacks and recipe cards?

Yes? Yes!

Well then! To enter: comment below and let me know your favourite moment from any of the Dowser books.

Fun! Fun!

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. Three winners will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.

Giveaway closes THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2018 at 8pm PST.

Coming December 4, 2018



Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1).

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.

130 thoughts on “Dowser 9: paperback giveaway!

  1. One of my favorite moments from the series is when Kit kisses Jade trying to help her recover. There is true love in that moment.

  2. One of my fave moments was the reunion between Jade and Warner when she is freed from that prison room. Triumphant and tender.

  3. One of my favorite moments was when Jade was dancing. My daughter is a dancer and I can imagine the pure bliss Jade feels.

  4. One of my favorite moments, is when Jade takes back the instruments is assassination and tells Pulou “screw you”(my words). I love all of your books!!

  5. It’s not one exact moment but I love how/when Jade makes new cupcakes that are bassed on how her magical friends magic tastes. And when she gives someone the exact cupcake they need! I just love the cupcakes. 😂

  6. I love the Kett and Jade mentoring at the beginning of their relationship. I have so many favorites, but in preparation of Dowser 9 I’ve been re reading the series and just loving how natural Kett and Jade are together. ❤️

  7. I love Jade’s reunions. She has so few friends that understand who she is and she loves those few fiercely. Whenever she reunites with one whom she thought was lost, it’s warm fuzzies all over.

  8. I love them all and it’s so hard to pick but I’m thinking it’s all of 8.5 where the fledglings come together and are realizing their potential

  9. OMG! Too many to choose from, but I’ll go with the first one that popped in my head. I love the one where Jade, Kandy, and Kett are practicing out in the woods and they encounter the Natives that change into animals. I loved reading how the Raven kept an eye on them and they thought it was curious, but didn’t realize until later that it was an adept.
    Thanks for the opportunity!!

  10. Impossible to pick 1 favorite, there have been so many. I tend to go for the mysterious moments when as I’m reading I am guy guessing what will happen. Like stalking the elves by the pool, or after the bachelorette party.

  11. My favorite moments are when Jade tries something she doesn’t know she can actually do then I’ve she does it she just continues with the asskicking. I’d be like, “did you guys see what i just did? That was awesome!” Then, of course, I’d get us all killed

  12. I honestly can’t pick “one” favorite – I think of one, then another, then another…and it happens book after book. I do have one saddest moment, and that was when you announced the series coming to an end!

  13. After bringing Warner back, unsure if Kett is alive, she texts Kett and gets the response. Now I’m bawling again. 💕

  14. There’s just too many to choose from but one moment that sticks in my mind is Jade’s despair at being in the white jail room, not knowing her loved ones fate then getting her care package with food representing all her BFF’s magic. Then of course getting released and kicking ass.

  15. I love the friendship between Jade and Kett. My favorite (that made me ugly cry) is in Dowser 8 when Kett kisses Jade and says “‘Remember, my love,’ he whispered. ‘Remember who you are.’” Amazingly hopeful and heartbreaking at the same time.

  16. A favorite moment? Wow… that’s tough. If there was only one, or even a few… I don’t think I would have kept reading. So many. I thought the very opening scene was great…where Jade first sees Kett … something like “the vampire was new.” So many kick-ass scenes… so many tender moments…. sorry, like the potato chips… I can’t have just one.

  17. One of my favorite moments is when Jade, Warner & Kett go to San Francisco looking for the amplifier. Kett texted Jade:>Bring your dancing shoes.
    >We’re going dancing?
    >That’s what you call it.
    >What do you call it?

  18. There are so many favorites! But the one I always go back to is Jade’s description of her family… “We three were more than family. We three were bound by blood, forged by terror, and united by magic.” Thanks for the chance to win.

  19. When Jade is pulled into the Portal with the demon and meets Drake and the Dragons and finds out who her father is!

  20. I can’t really pick one moment but I like the bakery moments the best. Make me hungry 😆 I love this series and seeing jade evolve

  21. I rewrote this text at least a dozen times. There are so many favorite moments to choose from and it’s impossible to choose just one. Jade has taken us along on the ride from joy to sorrow, happiness, anger, disappointment and hope along with all shades in between. I can’t wait to see where the adventure takes her.

  22. My most recent favorite – I guess more of a story line – is jasmin’s bloodlust. To be fair, I just loved that novella. Told through three characters with a tie to each transition it was unique and uniquely well done!!

  23. My favourite moment is when Jade is in the white cell and she gets the tray with the ice bucket, chocolate bar, a bottle of nail polish, a stick of peppermint candy and a hand written note with the words, “We have survived”.

  24. I love them all- it’s so hard to choose! I love when Jade realizes her necklace is something more than just a trinket. I also love that it’s made of wedding rings and that they add Warner’s parents’ rings.

  25. My favorite part is after Jade is freed from her prison in the dragon nexus. And after confronting her mentor Pulou she reclaims her necklace, the instruments of assignation and her other weapons as hers and walks out.

  26. There are so many moments to love. I can’t pick one moment but I can pick one theme. The friendship of Kandy and Jade is everything.

  27. My favorite part is the first Chapter in Book 1. When Jade is watching Kett outside her bakery, noticing her customers, and delivering the different types of cupcakes to each table. I love the names of all of her cupcakes and every scene where Jade is in her bakery!

  28. I love so many moments of this, but I think I have to go with the very first book where it really drew me in. I liked that Jade was unabashedly herself. She wasn’t afraid to be who she was. It was refreshing to read a book where a young woman was showing sexual interest in someone but wasn’t being branded as a slut or slut shaming in anyway. I was like, here is this magical, badass woman, and she’s depicted as a real badass woman. I fell in love with the series and could not stop. This was January of 2016. Immediately after reading that book, I got all the other books that were out up to that point and just read straight through them. I couldn’t stop. So I’d have to pick the moment that made me fall in love with the entire Adept Universe.

  29. The very first chapter where we meet Jade boxing up cupcakes. We are introduced to the cupcakes, the trinkets hanging by the window and the vampire standing outside. I knew right away I would love Jade and her world.

  30. This is one of my favorite moments in the whole series. Because I feel is sums up who Jade really is and what she’ll become. Its when Kandy describes Jade in the beginning when she’s struggling with WHO she really is. Its perfect!

    “That’s easy. You’re Jade. You’re cupcakes, trinkets, and deadly magic. Like that knife you carry. Pretty green stone, tasty magic, and deadly.”

  31. Love a lot of moments in the series. I think one of the most profound from 8 was when Jade thinks doesn’t matter how big and bad you are someday you’ll meet someone bigger and badder (my paraphrasing sorry).

  32. One of the moments I found exciting and pivotal is when Jade absorbed the power of the treasure keepers daughter and she became “more”…. ❤️❤️❤️

  33. Yes yes yes. I hope i win the last one because on of my besties got me the first 6 signed as a MBA graduation present.. Fav. Moment how do you choose just one…. How about… Everytime jade gets underestimated…haha. And when the team ended up in Alberta when dealing with the Rabid Koala… Also when you got your gardners. Not book related but i did get giddy because i have the same ones. I also giggled loved and want Morys shirt “i knit so i don’t rip out your soul and send it straight to hell” teeheehee

  34. So many moments I like, second book and Jade is in the woods with Desmond and he is naked , she kisses him , I love that you made that so sexual , could not put that book down , would I like to meet Desmond , hell yeah

  35. I think my absolutely favorite part is in Shadows,Maps and other ancient Magic, when Jade is desperate to save Kandy when she drowns. She opens a portal to Desmonds fully knowing shes not welcome. Then makes it worst when she comes through with Pulou, Quiniu and Warner. It’s a literally tear jerker.

  36. So many favorite moments….. but one I particularly am intrigued by is the scene inside of Blackwell’s castle. I want to know what all of the ‘treasures/collectibles’ do!!

  37. My favorite moment is when Jade takes her necklace, knife, katana, and the instruments back from Pulou after her imprisonment.

  38. I would say one of my favorite moments was when Jade discovers that Kett didn’t really die in London (after getting stabbed in lieu of Jade). On a side note, I like the Kett character a lot and I hope you can find someone for him to love. I thought it might have been Wisteria but sadly that didn’t work out. Love your work! :o)

  39. I love when Jade dances- how all of the magic intensifies around her. Oh and also the sex with her dragon.
    The chemistry and magic swirling around them! That’s some good writing!

  40. It’s hard to choose just one but I love the it when Jade and her friends, with Blackwell in town, come upon the shrine of the Phoenix. It’s one of many great scenes that show off their personalities and what draws Jade to esch of them.

  41. Like many others, I was hooked with “The vampire stood at the door to my bakery.” My heart skipped a beat along with Jade’s! Thank you for your generosity and for sharing your wonderful talent.

  42. How can only one be picked??? But perhaps when Jade first jumps Desmond in the forest and you’re introduced to her poorly timed need for physical intimacy when riled up for a fight. Too funny. Such a funny part of her personality and it shows you she is powerful and strong but also silly and a little like everybody else. She’s a juxtaposition.

  43. So many awesome moments but I think my favourite bit is when Jade first meets Drake – they are so funny together and he loves sparring with her, and when she introduces him to chocolate!

  44. My favorite scene was when Kettil kisses Jade to get her to remember them during the elf attack. I’ve been a hardcore Jadettil shipper since Book 1 and, although I like Wisteria and Warner respectively, I always will be! 💜

  45. I pretty much love any scene with Jade and Kandy! They have an epic friendship and anyone getting in between them had better watch out!!

  46. I loved when Jade makes the necklace for Mory. Another is how well Warner knows Jade when he sends her the tray of items while she is in the prison.

  47. I love every time Jade tries a new kind of chocolate. The way each bar is described makes me feel like I can taste it, too! I need to go to Canada. ❤️

  48. “Just get it out. Then it won’t haunt you so much.”
    “Won’t it?”
    Kandy offered me a sad twist of a smile. “You know what I meant.”
    “Yeah, it’s hard to keep all the emotions separate. Before I knew who I was — biologically I mean, because I sure as hell don’t know who I actually am yet —”
    “That’s easy. You’re Jade. You’re cupcakes, trinkets, and deadly magic. Like that knife you carry. Pretty green stone, tasty magic, and deadly.”
    I smiled. “Well, thanks for sorting that for me.”
    “Any time.” Kandy laughed and I felt blessed by the rare sound. Sure, she snorted and sneered a lot, but a full laugh was unusual.

    From Book 3, Treasures, Demons and other Black Magic

  49. Probably when Jade was first finding out how strong she was after the nexus and Kett was having her do her first treasure hunt. I was great when she kicked the grizzly and when she’s tied up figuring out her magic and to channel it into the stones -so proud. Also great after she’s lost when she attacks Kett ♥️

  50. One of my favorite moments is when Kandy hands out T-shirts to everyone. I just love her humor on those shirts.

  51. One of my favorite moments will always involve Ket, as I think many readers can concur with. The one that comes to mind is when the group is trying to get the last instrument of assassination and both Kandy and Ket have to leave Jade. It’s so poignant. They love her and if they stay, they’ll die. I loved it. I’d take the first three if asked, then I could read them again to break them in and entice all my friends who come to visit to start a new awesome series! Thanks Meghan. Congrats on the ninth.

  52. My favourite is the beginning of this incredible adventure, where we meet Jade, Kett and Kandy. I just sat back, read and definitely enjoyed ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ the read(ride).

  53. My favorite moments always revolve around the werewolves obsession with cupcakes; it just portrays them in such a different light, even Desmond. Of course Kandy is one of my favorite characters so anything with her or Kett is always fun.

  54. Dowser 5… One of my many favorite sections in this book. So difficult to choose.
    I flashed him a blinding smile.
    “Don’t fake smile at me, Jade Godfrey,” he said. Then he marched off in the direction Qiuniu had indicated.
    Behind his back, my smile tempered into something heartfelt. The sentinel was jealous of Qiuniu. So though I might be having trouble getting him there, he did want to be in my bed. “So,” I said to Warner’s broad shoulders, “what was that? A ‘get out of jail free’ card?”
    “I’m not sure what a ‘jail free card’ is. But yes, I believe the sentiment is apt.”
    “Monopoly,” I said. “A human board game.”
    “A game you play while you’re bored?”
    “Yeah,” I answered with a laugh. “I guess so.”

  55. It is hard to pick a favourite moment. But, one that I love each time I reread it is when she is freed from prison, goes through the portal back to the bakery and runs up the stairs to her people. I love it.

  56. My favorite moment was when Jade discovered who her father was and that she was part dragon. Didn’t really see that coming.

  57. One of my favourite moments was when Jade squared off against Desmond, that moment when she moved him with a just a finger. It was such an understated show of power and yet such a powerful moment. To me, it felt like that was when Jade really started embracing who she was becoming.

  58. I couldn’t possibly choose a favorite moment. The entire series is a favorite! The relationships Jade cultivates are a large part of what makes this series so wonderful. She has built a “family” that is full of love, respect and trust. The moments that occur between the characters are often beautiful, poignant, and full of emotion. It’s the attachment to all the characters and MCD’s fantastic writing that keeps me coming back time and time again.

  59. I read all 8 books in a row so it’s hard to say my favorite part. I really love them all and would love to win paperback copies (read them all on Kindle). Thank you for the great series!

  60. I agree with other commenters, when Kett kisses Jade to make her remember herself….I might have cried a little.

    I also love how Jade now has a group of people, a family of her choosing. Her circle keeps expanding and it is lovely.

  61. Not one particular moment in mind but love the unbreakable bond between kandy and jade. Also when for a minute jade believed she lost warren I. The silver river was gut wrenching.

  62. I was just re-reading Artifacts, Dragons, and Other Lethal Magic and I keep thinking back to the moment when Jade stops blaming Desmond for Sienna’s death. You can see the perspective shift is painful, but she grows, and that is both real and important.

  63. My favorites, like many others’, is matching the cupcakes to the personalities. Even better when you come back with the cookbook and the cupcakes are real (turn it into an epub, please!)

  64. I love as Jade discovers her powers, and as she realizes that she’s not some unpowerful failed witch like she always thought, but has a type of magic that she didn’t realize was a thing before and learns more.

  65. Reading everyone else’s comments made me want to choose all those moments because they’re all so perfect! But one of the other scenes I like is when they meet the women whose family has guards a portal.

  66. My favorite part of the books is how happy and complete Jade feels when she’s baking. The world could be collapsing around her, but if she can bake, everything will work out!

  67. It’s not one specific moment but every time baking and cupcakes are woven into their lives. Plus, I got major chocolate cravings when I read Dowser #1. Mmmm.

  68. I think my favorite moment in all the books is when Haoxin sees her t-shirt for the bachelorette party. She is always so uptight until then.

    I would love the recipe cards!

  69. I really love the way you describe how Jade gives herself up to music and dances, I love dancing and just throwing myself into the beat and moving with the flow!!!

  70. “But no kissing. I’m about to be married ” love that Jade is protesting her healing because it involves kissing.

  71. One of my favorite moments (of which there are many) is when Jade meets her Father & begins to get a glimmer of her true power.

  72. I love Jade’s relationships with Kett and Kandy. The complexity of their love and loyalty for each other. I love Kandy’s snark and Jade’s fire. I adore Kett and his passionate nature that bubbles just below the surface.
    Some of my favorite moments are when Jade adds another misfit to her chosen family and gives them a nickname.

  73. I liked when Jade, Kett, and Kandy were going treasure hunting in the woods, before they got attacked by the shapeshifters. It was a fun time for the 3 of them just being themselves.

  74. When Jade was able to forgive herself for Sienna. It shows how Jade begins to define and take hold of her evolution.

  75. My favourite parts of the Dowser books are the scenes with Jade and Kett. I know she’s marrying Warner, but Kett… well, just wow. I also really like the end of Dowser 5 – the scene with Chi Wen and the drawings. The idea of endurance is pretty powerful.

  76. i just started reading these series but im completely hooked. going trough I see me now. so for I love all the interactions between desmond jade and kett. its super funny.

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