Amplifier 0: cover reveal

Book cover from the crazy talented Gene Mollica Studios. Model: Devon Ericksen.

Chapter One, Part One releases on January 8, 2019

They called me an amplifier. And they had bred me, raised me, and trained me to be a killer with preternatural precision. I was capable of taking, holding, and transferring power that wasn’t my own with a simple touch. Skin-to-skin contact. Along with four others of my generation, I could infiltrate any magical organization, extracting whoever or whatever I’d been ordered to extricate. Then I could destroy all evidence of our passing presence.

They had made me. They directed me. Controlled me.

Then they tried to kill me.


This short novel (40k) will be shared with readers through the blog every Tuesday and Thursday starting Tuesday, January 8, 2019. Subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss a single post!! The book will then be released on all retailers.

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