The Amplifier Protocol: a brief explanation

The first chapter of the Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) releases today on my blog at 8:01am. I’ll be posting a new chapter at 8am PST every Tuesday and Thursday from January 8 to March 14, 2019. At which point, the entire novella (40k) will remain on the blog for one week, then be taken down and put up for sale on all retailers.

When I came up with the idea for the Amplifier Series, I knew that the main character had a deep background that would need to be explored as I was developing the core, present day story. And if I was going to do the work busting it all out anyway I decided I would write a prequel and share it with my readers for free – as a thank you for reading this far along in the Adept Universe with me, but also as an introduction to a new character.

Things you might like to know:

The prequel is set in March 2011 seven years before the main series – over two years before Dowser 1 in the Adept Universe timeline. The first book of the series is set in September 2018, after Dowser 9. I’m anticipating publishing book one in April 2019, and there will be a short story available for those who preorder.

The series and the prequel are definitely PG-13. Warning for fairly mild profanity (in my opinion, though Michael says sometimes I swear like construction worker) and violence in the novella.

The Amplifier Series is completely standalone for the first three stories – Amplifier 0, Amplifier 0.5, and Amplifier 1. Some crossover might happen in Amplifier 2, but only for readers who know the Adept Universe characters (as in they will be reintroduced from the Amplifier’s POV)

Each chapter/part will be paired with an oracle card meme. The oracle cards were designed by Elizabeth Mackey and will be further explained in the next books/stories.

Please feel free to comment and discuss the chapters/parts in the blog comment section. Please feel free to share the blog posts and/or the memes. I’m hoping that gathering to read the novella and discussing the story as it releases will be part of the fun!

The blog posts are shared on my Twitter and Facebook feeds but you might wish to also follow the blog itself so you don’t miss a post.

Okay, without further ado, here is The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) Chapter One, Part One.

I hope you enjoy the read!

Are you new to the Adept Universe? The Amplifier Protocol can be read separately, but the first book in the universe, Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1), is currently free as well! Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.

26 thoughts on “The Amplifier Protocol: a brief explanation

  1. For some reason I had assumed that this series involved the empath-and-friends/guards trio that showed up in one of the adept books (I don’t recall which one) but that no longer feels correct. Interesting take on the universe!

    1. Amp5 is the first ’empath’ to show up in the Adept Universe (I put it in single quotes because that’s a secondary ability for her). You might be thinking of the trio in San Francisco – an amplifier, nullifier, and half-demon fire starter (for lack of a better way to classify Ash). They show up in Dowser 5. But no, this series is not interconnected (at the beginning at least) with any of the other branches of the Adept Universe. It will stand alone (for a little while, at least). 🙂

      1. Yes, that’s probably the trio I’m thinking of. I remember them as being very distinctive, and 2 of the three being extraordinarily protective of the third – so probably the amplifier was the one who was the focus.

      2. That’s them. And if the story dips into San Francisco you will probably see them again. Amp5 is a very different sort of Amplifier. 😊

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