Amplifier 1: release day giveaway

GIVEAWAY CLOSED. LUCKY #45 has been emailed.

Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1) is now available on all retailers. Yep, the amplifier is back and on your eReader (or in paperback, if you prefer). You can read the first part of chapter one here. Or click this link to check out the tea and ginger snaps featured in the books.

And, as always, I’m running a few giveaways to help celebrate the release, including the autographed paperback of The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) and the full set of oracle cards pictured below. The other giveaways can be found over on the Facebook fan page and during my live release day party on my Facebook page at 4pm PDT April 30.

Autographed paperback of The Amplifier Protocol, all 22 oracle cards from the clairvoyant’s deck, and 6 tiny stickers.

Are you interested in winning the paperback and oracle card giveaway package?


Then comment below with your favourite new character from the AMPLIFIER SERIES and WHY specifically you like them/want to see more of them.

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. Only entries that follow the giveaway requirement will be counted. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.

The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment.

Giveaway closes FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2019 at 8pm PDT.

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1).

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.

Close up of the pretty paperback and oracle cards.

80 thoughts on “Amplifier 1: release day giveaway

  1. I fell in love with Paisley as soon as you brought the dog into it. I hope you add more of the dog into the story with Emma.

  2. So far I would say Emma is my favorite character. I like how she so desperately wants to fit in. Using you-tube and community college to fit in yet wanting to throw Jenni off the property. 😁
    Loved the book stayed up late to finish it. Since I am on the West Coast it shows up on my iPad at 9:00 PM. Now off to leave a review.

      1. Emma and Paisley, Emma is such a great lead and I love Paisley with her attitude and loveablity both are kick ass.

  3. I like Christopher, I think he will keep Emma on her toes and he will have his own story to tell. I am excited to get home from work tonight to get started!

  4. Emma. I remember being the odd kid trying to fit in. I’m sure she’ll find her footing, but that feeling never quite goes away. And Paisley.. wonder what talents are hidden there!

  5. Does Paisley count as a character? Her personality makes me laugh. Like… Cute but could also rip your face off. -just read others comments and Paisley is definitely a character! Yay! I choose Paisley!!!

  6. Socks/Emma is my fav. She likes tea (I’m an Addict), knows what Oolong is (my absolute favourite) AND she bakes ginger snaps (we call the gingernuts over here but my favourite biscuit either way). So really she’s the perfect best friend for me if she was real haha

  7. Paisley! I’m a vet nurse and love be any thing animally. Especially love that she is blue and has tentacles 😍

  8. Looking forward to reading your latest book. Preordered, now I just have to download. Keep on writing, we’ll keep on reading!

  9. I am intrigued by Lani Zachery because I think there’s more to her than meets the eye. Of course she is introduced in Close to Home, so otherwise from The Amplifier Protocol I fell in love with Paisley, though for some reason I keep wanting to call her Poppy… 😋 She will be a fun character to read and I’m sure write! Last but not least I love Emma and her struggle to normalize and belong while juggling that she and Christoper are anything but normal. I really look forward to the entire story arc. 😊

  10. Emma, of course, because she’s just bad ass and you don’t get any more bad ass than her (unless you’re the Dowser…LOL…or maybe the Oracle).

  11. Emma, definitely. I love the sheer impassioned drive for survival she has, and her resilience. I also love her character growth. I am super excited to see more about the romance in the oracle cards, too.

  12. I’m intrigued to learn more about Lani and her role in the story. Whether her magic will surface and the consequences that would follow.

  13. I find Emma an excellent main character as whilst she is a leader she is not perfect and can be a little too introspective.
    Thoroughly enjoying all the series

  14. So far my favourite character is Christopher. I think I am just interested in his abilities and would love to learn more about that.

  15. Emma is definitely captivating, and I find her wanting to wear dresses interesting… like perhaps they soften how tough she is. However, Christopher, and Paisley with the double row of teeth intrigue me more right now… still a bit of mystery to them as well as the other 3 in the five. Why a double row of teeth?

  16. I love all the new characters but if I had to choose one I think I’d say Aiden. He’s so mysterious and you just know he must have an interesting back story.

  17. I forgot to say why. Emma is the focus for now. I want to see her grow and can hardly wait for her to meet Dragons! Paisley is a dogish so of course I love it!

  18. So far Emma, because she’s strong, instinctively knows what to do, yetis still finding her way interacting with others.

  19. Toss up between Paisley and Emma. Paisley can be delightfully grumpy and Emma just doesn’t give up. 🙂

  20. I would pick Aiden because of all he does to prove himself to Emma without shoving it in her face. Plus I just like mysterious guys!

  21. Emma. I devoured the Amplifier Protocal and have read it several times already. Now savoring Demons & DNA. Very looking forward to how Emma evolves as a character.

  22. In all honesty, I love Paisley. A demon dog – with such character. Who wouldn’t love a dog with the swagger of Paisley. I love the way you describe her, with her double row of teeth and tentacles…… 🙂

  23. If Paisley counts. That’s my vote. Who wouldn’t want a demon dog. Plus I love animal side kicks in books.

  24. Emma. As someone who struggles to fit in, it’s so interesting to see how she interacts in her new world. I’m looking forward to book two.

  25. My favorite new character is Lani. She’s an interesting and strong woman. I’d like to hear more about her back story. My dad served in the Air Force as well. I’d love to know what type of magic she has buried deep in her bloodline. I hope her contact with Emma helps awaken it!

  26. Emma – she seems to be deeper in her character and we’ve only scratched the surface of what makes her tick. Secondly, Paisley – she just makes me chuckle!!

  27. I love Emma her perseverance and loyalty to the people she cares about is something so brave and selfless. And she’s a little sassy!

  28. Hmmm. Half of me says Emma because she is so smart and strong. The other haslf says Aiden because he’s the unknown. The wild card. I think his relationship with Emma is worth exploring. I’d also like to see him get over his magic addiction.

  29. My new favorite character is Emma! I love how hard she’s trying to build a life for herself and Christopher, and can’t wait for the next obstacle she needs to overcome!

  30. I think I want a Paisley. Some of her attitude reminds me of an Australian Shepherd on crack, and I love her. Think I can find her at my local pet shelter?

  31. I swear I already did this but I can’t see my answer so here it goes again.

    Emma is my favourite. I love all the characters but I just love her attitude and how protective she is of everyone. She has a good heart even though she’s been through so much darkness.

  32. I wanna know more about Lina (spelling?) The mechanic lady! I think she is interesting and want to know where she gets her magic. I also want to know what happened in San Francisco.

  33. I love all the characters but I think Emma is my favorite, I like strong capable people.

  34. I love Paisley! She’s my favorite because she’s smart and has a lot of attitude. I love animal characters that have lots of personality. Plus the fact that she’s blue and has tentacles makes reading the chapters she’s in so enjoyable! Paisley is definitely my favorite new character in the Amplifier Series!

  35. Paisley because of my love of animals and the great expression of the demon that is in every pet, whether fictional or real. Her character made me laugh!

  36. I love them all, but I’ll pick Emma as she learns to navigate in the world. Anxious to read more books and see what happens

  37. Emma. She stays true to Meghan’s Adept World love for/protect the family, blood related or not!

  38. Aiden is my favorite so far. Handsome, intriguing and we don’t fully know his full scope of powers- I’m only on chapter 2. Also can’t wait to find out the connect between his father, him and Emma.

  39. Emma and Paisley, Emma is such a great lead and I love Paisley with her attitude and loveablity both are kick ass

  40. I like all the characters, but Paisley makes me laugh! Smart and sly, I forsee her character becoming more important in the future.

  41. I’m with the Paisley group. She adds a bit of unexpected whimsy (in a totally expected demonic way) to the story. Also, dogs!

  42. If I have to choose just one, Emma. She is a badass and she knows it and yet still tries to rein in the desire to keep everything under control.

  43. Paisley, I love how they always know what she means, as is she were talking. I’m hoping she had a bigger role soon!

  44. Paisley is my favorite. She may be a demon dog, but she has the attitude of a cat. 😊

  45. I want to learn more about Aiden and Christopher. For Christopher getting more into his mind and motivation

  46. I’m loving ALL these new characters, but I’m really hoping to find out more about Lani. I served in the Air Force myself, so that piqued my interest, and I’m soooo excited to find out if Emma and Christopher help to awaken her magic!!

  47. I love Paisley as she reminds me of my dog Willow – stubborn, lots of character and will eat anything

  48. Bee! The name makes me partial to her because it’s the name of a favorite character in another book series that took me on an emotional roller coaster. And I do like how she was able to keep the team in communication with each other. I just started 0.5 so I’m hoping I’ll be seeing more of her later on.

  49. My favorite is Paisley, because he is so much more than a dog!! Love how he cleans up instead of making a mess…Paisley is a dog though do Emma is why the story is wonderful.

  50. I would love to be able to read any of these books, but haven’t been able to get them so far to date. I’d love to see any/all of your characters, and to find out what an amplifier and a sorcerer could do working as a team.

  51. I would have to say Jenni is the new character I’m interested in. I’m intrigued to find out her story. I want to know why she doesn’t embrace her inner animal? Why she refuses to shift and use any of her shifter abilities. And why doesn’t she know a lot about her magical abilities?
    Of course I agree with everyone else about Emma. Shes an interesting character. And of course I love Paisley.

  52. I’m curious to see how the team of 5 interacts in the next books. So far besides being attached to Emma (Socks) as the main character, my favorite is Amanda (Bee). Something about her reminds me of my best friend. Maybe it’s the telepathy as sometimes it feels like my bestie can tell exactly what I’m thinking. I hope we get to see her again in the future.

  53. I’m loving the story so far and can’t wait to read more of Emma and Aiden. But I’m finding that Jenni seems to have sparked my curiosity. I want to know why she knows so little about shifting. You can tell that she wants to know more but doesn’t know how to ask. Emma bullies her a bit but she can’t be a coward and be a cop.

  54. I must admit I love Paisley. Who doesn’t love a blue demon dog! But of course EMMA. Kick ass

  55. I have not managed to read any of it yet……I loved all The Dowser series and really want to start my paper back collection and what a way to start it with an autographed book…Saving to get the whole collection, I so wish the book shops sold them in New Zealand .

  56. I’m loving Emma – so kick ass and trying to be ‘normal’ at the same time! Though Paisley is a close 2nd!

  57. I want to say Paisley as comic relief and a show of “pure” love but I think Christopher wins out. He sees so much and had endured, without complaining or becoming disheartened. I would love for him to have his own story ( maybe a .5) giving us insight into his, well insights.

  58. I want to be Emma when I grow up, but connect with Christopher…peacekeeper, feet on the ground and loves to garden!

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