Dowser Series: recipe card giveaway.

Last, but hopefully not least, I’ve put together nine sets of the Dowser recipe cards for nine lucky bakers. 🙂

Caveat: If you have previously won any recipe cards or own them, please don’t enter this giveaway. I get lots of requests to sell these cards and I’m far too busy (read: lazy) to set up any sort of a store, so I don’t. There are three other giveaways currently in process on my blog for you to enter (scroll down), so please let readers who have never won any recipe cards have a chance to win one of these nine sets. Thank you!!

All the Dowser Series recipe cards.

To enter, simply comment below and I’ll draw nine winners. 

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. Nine (9) winners will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.

Giveaway closes SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 , 2019 at 8pm PDT.

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1).

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.

300 thoughts on “Dowser Series: recipe card giveaway.

  1. These look terrific – I’d love to win them! Thank you for doing these little contests, even while you’re so busy!

  2. Someday I’ll share my love of your stories with my granddaughter… But we can bond over cake recipes in the 12 or so years I have to wait!

  3. These would definitely be an upgrade from my the yellow pad paper that I copied the recipes on then reused a bunch and that have splatter marks to match my apron 😋

  4. Ohhh EMM GEE … cake is my “go to” when I’ve had a bad day. I’d love to have these, then be able to mix up a batch anytime, and have some TRUE comfort cakes on hand … 🧁❤🧁❤🧁

  5. I have been one of the people wanting to buy these, so I am happy to have even a chance of winning a set. I actually think they would look nice framed (even better if they were signed….).

  6. Alas, I am a diabetic so I would not be able to truly appreciate the recipes. So, don’t include me in the giveaway. Just wanted to say I do love reading about the cupcakes and chocolates .

  7. This is THE give-a-way I’ve been waiting for! I love to bake (and share what I bake w/ neighbors), and would put these recipe cards to good use!

  8. I love all the dowser books, and the descriptions of the cupcakes make my mouth water! It would be amazing to have those recipes.

  9. No, I have read everything you have written and love them all. I have written several times to get the recipe booklet when I signed up for your email. So I would love to win this.

  10. Oh yes please. I’d love to win these recipe cards!!! Thanks for both your awesome books and the effort you put into connecting with us, your humble and appreciative readers!

  11. I’m making Clarity in a Cup for a friend’s baby shower and she’s very excited. Would love to have a set of recipe cards!

  12. I have a terrible sweet tooth and I need these !! While reading the series my mouth watered with your descriptions of every cupcake. Chocolate is my weakness!!

  13. Oooh!! I’d LOVE to have these!! The one drawback of reading on a Kindle is not really being able to easily get back to recipes. I’m a cupcake baker (not professionally; just for fun, but it’s always expected I’ll bring dessert lol), so it’d be fun to actually try the dowser’s recipes!!!

  14. Thank you! I love the whole series/world. I am so excited for the new book. I have to save it for another two weeks. Eeek!

  15. I have just started baking from the ebook and the kidlets are enjoying everything!! The chewy ginger cookies are amaze balls. Would love to win the cards!

  16. I would love to win the recipe cards from this series. I started eating good chocolate because of this series!

  17. I have a love affair going on since forever with anything chocolate…. a few new recipes (that actually made me drool while reading the books) would absolutely make my day 🥰

  18. I’d love a chance to try some of the recipes. The Dowser books always sent me to the kitchen in search of a snack

  19. Yummy! I can see lovely recipes, I’m looking forward to cooking and sharing pics of them. I love the series of the Dowser books, too.
    Thanks for this opportunity.
    Smiles and eating delicious cakes and more.

  20. WoW. What a great prize to win and I can see myself cooking them all with my granddaughter. Never to old to read your stories so thank you Meghan.

  21. Winning receipt cards signed by you Meghan would be awesome.😎. Thank you for the opportunity. Sher🐾Bear

  22. I would love these cards!! I have tried to win some before but i never lucked out. I love making the cupcakes and my family does to!!

  23. Two of my favourite things in the world; chocolate and reading!! I have read all of your books so I would love to win your recipe cards, thanks for the chance!

  24. Just got a new recipe book and these would make a great start to my book. Thank you for the chance to win!!

  25. I love your books and have listened to them multiple times and would love to win these rd ipe cards. Thank you for your time.

  26. I cannot express how much I love the Dowser Series. And have been REALLY wanting to try the cupcakes featured in the books. I have to say getting these cards would make my day!

  27. How cool!! I was just telling my dude today that it’s almost time to bust out the KitchenAid and get some cuppies in the oven!!

  28. OMG!! These would be SO much easier for me to manage…I lose the link to the book frequently 😉 Thanks Meghan!

  29. I love to bake the cupcakes from this series!!! Cupcakes have always been a personal favorite because it’s your own little cake that you don’t have to share with anyone. I think maybe I’ll bake some lust in a cup tonight for my coworkers 🤔

  30. OMG I love the recipes that you have with your series – I have fallen in love with the chocolate cupcakes that are a part of these – what a prize 😘

  31. I was thinking about making these this holiday season for my coworkers. It’s too hot to bake right now. Air conditioning is sadly quite rare in the Pacific Northwest.

  32. Hi Meghan I would love to win recipe cards and can’t wait till the next book comes out. Thank you

  33. I would love to win the recipe cards as reading the dowser books and reading what each flavour of the cupcakes in a cup are just makes my mouth water
    I would love to make them

  34. If I win these perhaps I can finally convince my cupcake baking co-worker, whom I hooked on the series, to make me Buzz in a Cup! ♥️

  35. I loved reading the Dowser series for a lot of reasons, but one of them is your mouthwatering descriptions of Jade’s baking. Made me hungry every time! LoL I would love to bake some of her recipes!!

  36. I luv your imagination. So full of life, joy, challenges, and magic☃️
    The recipe cards would be truly awesome!!
    One of my granddaughters is creating recipes with a goal in mind to open her own bake, coffee, book shop in our quaint little town of Snohomish by the river..
    Her Mother and I have told her about your extraordinary stories and cupcakes🤗
    Please continue to share your lovely imagination with us.

  37. I love this idea.the recipies alsways sound so yummy!
    Love all the books in series, loving the amplifier books!!!!

  38. I really enjoyed reading the books and the cupcakes always sounded soooo yummy! To be able to make and taste the recipes would be wonderful. Thanks for having the give-away.

  39. I’ve read the first three books, can’t wait to read the rest once my mom loans them to me on NOOK.

  40. I would love to win some recipe cards!!

    **apologies if this is a duplicate post, but I think I typed my email in incorrectly on my last submission…

  41. I love all the books and it would be amazing to have the recipes. You write about the goodies in such a way as to spark my desire for them. Thanks for this opportunity.

  42. Science grad student here who plans to spend a solid month doing nothing but baking and backpacking after PhD. I would love to add a touch of magic!

  43. Love you books, have read they all, always waiting for the next one. You have created a wonderful world. And it just cool that the most recent stories take place near my home town. Thanks.

  44. OOhhh. Yes, please!! Winning these would be great (especially if you, maybe, autographed one??) Thank you for being such an interactive author. Your books a fabulous on their own, but you being accessible makes them even more fun. 🙂

  45. Excited just thinking of all the joy from the baking, and eating, that could come from winning. Thanks

  46. I’ve read these books more times than I can remember! I’d love to have this set of recipe cards! (I think my daughter would love them as much as me!). Lots of love xx

  47. I re-read the dowser series a month ago and craved a cupcake so bad I had to make a special trip to a local bakery to get my fix! They did an orange dreamsicle one for a summer special that was to die for! I (of course) had to get a chocolate one too! Thanks for the chance to win. Maybe I’ll test my hand at baking some myself next time I need a fix.

  48. Yes please. Locally the kids call me “The Cupcake Witch” as on Guising Night (as Halloween is known in Scotland) I make them cupcakes with eyeballs on the top (chocolate balls wrapped in printed foil), black icing and answer the door in full witch costume 🙂 I’m always looking for new recipes and ideas. I make a lot of cakes using veggies which sounds gross but is yummy.

  49. I’m about to finally get a big kid kitchen and having these recipes in hand to make would truly help me feel like I was home. These are so clever and sound so delicious, here’s hoping!

  50. I would love to try out the recipes for my family. The recipes would be an ideal way to learn baking for my grandchild and to learn about the chocolate varieties and cooking methods for all of us Thank you.

  51. Would love the recipe cards. I’ve been wanting to try some of these delicious sounding cupcakes.

  52. As I was reading the books, I thought, “How great would it be to have all these recipes?” I would love to win them! Awesome series of books by the way! I’ve read everything you’ve written, and can’t wait until the next one!

  53. What am amazing gift! I love baking them and recalling thw characters and momentsfrom your books! Thank you for doing this!

  54. I love cupcakes, and the books make them sound so yummy! I would love to have the cards, please!

  55. I would love these. I make cupcakes and bring them to work and always looking for tasty recipes.

  56. MCD- As always, I would be honored to win!!!! These recipe cards would be a beautiful edition to my kitchen!!!!!! <3

  57. I’ve been wanting to try some of Jade’s recipes ever since book 1! Thank you for offering this give-away

  58. I have the recipe ebook as the Dowser series got me back into baking, but these cards would be great and so much easier to use!

  59. Omg Jade’s recipes? To die for!! I love the names you give them and Jade is my favorite character!!! One of my favs among all books, and I’m an avid reader! Please pretty pleade choose me for …in a cup recipes!!!

  60. Memememe Pleeeeeease!!!!! Would love to have these!!!! Thank you for giving us the chance to own these beauties.

  61. Loved the whole Dowser series and would really enjoy being able to try some of the cupcakes described in the book’s.

  62. This would be fantastic to have. I downloaded the ebook and printed it. I love the recipes. I gave my daughter a copy of the recipe book for Xmas last year. I shared one of the cupcakes I made with friend at work and she absolutely loved it. It would be absolutely amazing to have the recipe cards!🤞✨🎀

  63. Well i’m sure my chances are dwindling with every hour I delay… as the list grows for a chance to be lucky. Good luck to the winner and hope you enjoy the baking fest that you will surely have, once you have those recipe cards in your hand. Would love to know if they taste as good as they sound. However it may be it like your favourite book being turned into a film it just doesn’t hit the right spot. 🙂

  64. Whenever we’re reading the dowser books,we have to bake. I’d much rather bake something from Cake in a Cup than something from a box.

  65. I have to branch out, the Mocha Fudge Cupcakes with the Coffee Buttercream are SO my favorites. I think Vixen in a Cup will be the next treat. I’ll bring them to next weekend’s dog show 🐅🐆🐩🐕

  66. Some people Must Love Dogs. I apparently must love chocolate. My unswerving devotion recently led to trying a local 72% lavendar and fennel seed. Big mistake. Huge. So I’d ever so much love to have at my fingertips proven, fabulous recipes by a favorite writer!

  67. Please so I have something to do bake while waiting for the next Amplifier book… I saved them all to read in one go now I’m going thru withdrawl

  68. I would LOVE these recipe cards! My daughters and I have made some of these cupcakes and cookies and they are awesome!

  69. I would love to win those cards! We are using a couple of your cupcake recipes for our graduation dessert this year!

  70. My friend got me into this series. Over the last month I have read up to Amplifier 1 and started that today. Although not a huge chocolate fan, been craving cupcakes and chocolate since reading these.

  71. Yes please!
    After one unfortunate and messy incident, I keep electronics away from the kitchen counters and only use paper recipes.

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