Reconstructionist: trilogy paperback giveaway

GIVEAWAY CLOSED. LUCKY #15 has been emailed.

I’m doing a promo blitz on the Reconstructionist trilogy (see my last blog post) to try to lure new readers into Wisteria (and Kett’s) storyline, and I thought it would be fun to do a little something for those of you who have already read the trilogy as well.

So I’m giving away an autographed set of paperbacks. These books to be exact:

All three of the pretty Reconstructionist series paperbacks = one winner.

To enter, simply comment below and let me know if you could be any type of Adept what Adept would you be? And why?

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. One (1) winner will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.

Giveaway closes SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 , 2019 at 8pm PDT.

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1).

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.

206 thoughts on “Reconstructionist: trilogy paperback giveaway

    1. I think I’d have to say shifter. I like the idea that I could eat anything and still stay in shape! 😂
      I also love the sense of family, and knowing you always have someone watching your back.

    2. OMG!! This is a really hard question. Because there are so many great choices. I think I would want to be a shifter. But not a wolf. I want to be a big cat like Beau. I like the strength they have. The ability to heal themselves to an extent. And they have their pack when they need it.

    1. Hmmm….that is a big question! There are positives with every Adept…but I’d go with a witch…that can shapeshift! An excellent combination of talents, family and strength!

  1. Not sure if a dragon counts as adept. So I’ll probably have to go with Vampire. Why? Well you love for ever and in that time would end up with a good amount of money. That way I can study at university for years and years and learn all sorts of things and develop a huge amount of research and maybe help out the earth and such. Would be cool

  2. Ooh difficult. I’m drawn to shifter (if I had a good pack) I’d like to be an omega specifically in a good pack. One big family it’d be lovely.

  3. I really like the idea of being a dowser like Jade, but I do love the whole pack/family thing that goes along with being a shifter.

  4. I have to say a witch! I love the idea of all of the different spells and magic you could perform! Thanks for writing such an amazing universe and letting us live in it every now and then!

  5. I want to be the whole package like Jade. She is always evolving and adapting on her journey. Second choice a witch like Scarlett. She is comforting but strong.

  6. I would be an empath adept. And why? Because it is a difficult way to be that could create balance in a situation. In a fight it would be an effective weapon in that one would have a second or two of forewarning as to what an opponent would do next.

  7. This is a tough one!! I think I would choose a witch I have always chosen that but since seeing your take on it and your whole universe I am solid in my decision.

  8. Shifter, but maybe like the ones that jade found cause a raven form would be bad ass. Think about it, flying, not having to pay for air fare to travel…its a win win win right there.

  9. I have always loved dragons (starting with Anne McCaffrey). Your take has more power, more intelligence, just more overall! Love your character deveolpment in each book. Thanks!

  10. Werewolf as I think a pack would be an amazing thing to be a part of. It would also be amazing to shift and have enhanced senses.

  11. Well that’s tough.. but I’d have to say a witch, but there are so many levels to being a witch. I’d want my powers closer to either an earth 😁💖 I like complicated lol lol

  12. I’m going to go with witch, as have so many others. Witches get to make things happen. But I’ve always wanted to be a witch, every since I watched Samantha (Bewitched) waste a perfectly good ability.

  13. Any adept? ….
    Oh geeze. I think I would want to be Kandy because she is strong, protective to the bone, quirky and fun. Things I wish I had a dash more of.

  14. Hard to choose. Can I have a little of all? 😊 Vampire so I don’t age, shifter so I can eat all I want 😆, and of course witch!

  15. I would love to be a vampire, aligned with Kett, but I would also love to have Jade’s powers. Can I be both? I’m being both ❤️

    1. I would have to choose shifter because of the family/pack and of course being able to eat all the cupcakes and chocolate you want without gaining weight is a definite plus! 😂

  16. I loved this trilogy soo much! I think it’s my favorite after Jade. If I could be any adept…maybe a shifter? I can’t decide!

  17. An Empathic Witch? I believe I was hung as a witch in a past life and I am slightly empathic now. Figure mix them both. 😁

  18. I think I might prefer to be an oracle like Rochelle so I could help but not have to be in too many battles. Glad to be able to hold my own when needed though!

  19. One of the First Nations skins walker. I think it would be more priented to nature and much less likely to be caught in most Adept power plays.

  20. Pretty much any would be an upgrade from normal boring human, right? Although, I don’t think I’d enjoy being a necromancer no offense to Mory.

  21. An empath is my first choice. But I’m so torn because I love Kandy and I love Kett!! They both have powerful spirits. But, I know in my heart I’d fit better as an empath. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

  22. I’d love to add the trilogy to my MCD collection 😍
    I’d be an Oracle for sure… I have been accused of being a little too “knowing” of upcoming outcomes, when it comes to those who are near me. Spooooooky, right!? 😁

  23. Oh my heart! I almost needed therapy after these books! If I could be any adept, I would be a shifter!! The grace, the physical prowess, power in general. I love shifters!!

  24. Such a hard question to answer. I’d love to be a reconstructionist. Being able to recall the bits of magic left behind by others and see what they were doing at the time seems kinda cool to me. Second choice would be a tech witch.

  25. I think sorcerer would be my pick. Don’t hear much about ladies as sorcerers, but occasionally they have the sorcerer blood in the family history. I like the idea of runes or objects of power. I suppose alchemist would be awesome too but thise are rare so less likely an option.

  26. I’d have to say a shifter. Loyal, strong, true, heightened senses…..without being too mushy hearted. They love, but aren’t ruled by their emotions (Like I am!) Took me weeks to finish unleashing echoes because my I was so afraid of having my heart broken for Wisteria.

  27. A water witch! Irony being what it is, I tried witching for water once, and, well… nothing. No water dowsing ability at all.

  28. I would choose to be a witch, leaning toward baking and technology. Baking is an art I love pursuing, and tech requires a bit of magic to keep everything running 😉.

  29. I honestly believe that I would be an alchemist. My love for baking and cooking would just be an extension of my skills in combining attributes.

  30. Dowse, hands down!! How cool would it be to find bits of magic, meld them into something more, then give them away to people?!

    1. because I’d reconstruct people’s memories amplified and draw a ruin to keep them in place or no no I’ll be an alchemist and make them a charm so they can always keep the good memories. And a witch because they have the best clothes and dragon so I can take long naps and use the nexus to travel.

  31. Dragon, just put me in Jades body and be done with it. She is such a bad @$$ with a perfect connection to the outside would. You have made her in to such a desirable character. Perfect in every way.

  32. If I could choose what adept it would be a Dragon simply because I’m am about the most clumsy accidents prone person around. It would be nice to not have to worry about injuries as much also added bonus of strength and speed being 5’ I am lacking in the ability to move quickly and cover a lot of ground.

  33. I’d like to be a Brownie. It would be nice to have magic to take care of people I care about and to make them comfortable, also they usually aren’t targeted by anyone.

  34. I would be a shape shifter because of the healing ability.
    I’m tired of being in constant pain and would like to be able to heal my injuries

  35. I’d love to be a healer. But a healer with breads. Like I bake the breads that always come out perfect from the oven and you eat them and that heals you. And that non sense of gluten intolerance or allergy to wheat would also be cute by eating the bread I give you!!! Obviously best of all, because it’s medicinal, no calories!!!!!

  36. Very hard to choose! I would definitely be a witch (I can trace my ancestors to Salem)! I would like to have the same powers as Jade’s mom.

  37. Hmmm … I think I choose witch – a witch for good of course! Imagine the fun … lotions, potions, herbal brews, sweeties and other nicies. A pinch of this and a spoon of that, all put together to cause healing and happy smiles.

  38. Toss up… Mory and her turtle remind me of how I continue to talk to my pets that have passed, and Wisteria’s crafting video cubes of the past from lingering ‘echos’ of an event – both intriguing qualities to me. So I guess necromancer or reconstructionist.

  39. I would be a half-breed like Jade, but not sure what cross… Similar to the native breed that was in the original series and maybe a witch. I am a half-breed now 😉 Native and Irish.

  40. I would say reconstructionist, to be able to help solve crimes and provide answers to grieving families would be amazing.

  41. I was thinking oracle since I could use my artistic skills to share what I see, but I love to have my feet in the dirt and be our in the garden and nature, so that is a more earth oriented witch…perhaps a mix of the two?

  42. Hm a hard question, but I would probably choose a werewolf because the instincts would make interaction with others easier.

  43. Any adept: Dragon; I’d love to travel the world via portals and as a powerful being there would be little danger in roaming by myself.
    Reconstructionist series: Witch with plant affinity. I love to garden and making healing salves, lotions and oils would be wonderful.

  44. I would be a dowser like Jade. She is part witch and part dragon. She is loyal to her family and friends and strong and brave.

  45. I think this is the hardest question you’ve ask… I had to really think about it. I’m using my creative licensing on this one. lol I would want to be a dragon shifter. I absolutely love dragons and being able to turn into one would be phenomenal! If we’re gonna dream let’s dream BIG 😁

  46. Hi Meghan! I think I would say vampire. I’m pretty much a loner anyway, so vampire would suit that part of me. Plus, I have a fear of dying (ridiculous, I know, but because I don’t believe in anything after death), so there is that too.

  47. I have so thoroughly enjoyed all of your books! The characters are so real to me now, I think of Jade every time I eat chocolate! Ha!!! Excellent reads!! Thank you🙏❤️

  48. Hi, I believe I would be an Adept who can always tell when someone is not telling the truth or considering not telling the truth. Why? I’m a thirty year retired Police Commander of course! (But in Chinese astrology, I’m a dragon..hmmm)

  49. I’m new to most of the books but am excited about Meghan’s writing. Good character depth and reads like a story teller. I would love to be a dragon that targets liars.

  50. Although witch is tempting because there are so many powers that you could choose from and they are more of an adept whereas some may say Vampire fits into the monster category, I think I would say Vampire. Since Interview With A Vampire days I have been drawn to them.

  51. Amplifier because I would like to be able to steal the powers from bad adepts amplify other adepts to help them be stronger when needed

  52. I would be a werewolf as I’ve always been drawn to their abilities, their strength
    I’ve liked werewolves and read lots of stories about them since I was a wee child

  53. My favorite is the dowser because I am VERY fond of cupcakes and I think she is my kind of person. Thanks for sharing her with us all!

  54. I feel like if I were an adept I would be like jade a dragon/dowser or I would be a witch/vampire. I became a vampire through alchemy and so I could eat food and walk in sunlight

  55. It would be a toosup between a dragon and a dowser. Not sure which one I would really prefer over those two choices. 🙂 I would really love to win this bookset. Good luck to everyone who has entered.

  56. A reconstructions would be cool. Because you recreate what has happened to help others. I loved the first book in the series.

  57. Ooh, what a difficult question! At first I thought of werewolf or some kind of shifter but let’s be honest, I’m not a fighter so I’d be at the bottom of the pack and sheesh the rules of the pack would drive me nuts! Also, I want to live a lot longer and be naturally healthy so either dragon or vampire. I think I’d want to be a vampire then go seduce Kett. Mwahahahahaha!

  58. Rochelle introduced me to you and the others of the Adept universe, so I’d have to say her, but Jade comes a close second. Rochelle being able to draw her visions is so amazing. Her entire journey of believing she was somehow damaged only to discover she was highly gifted, painful and transformative.

  59. I would be a Dragon in some form or another because I love things that glitter and kicking bad guys butt would rock! Thanks for this extended awesome series!

  60. After thinking about it, I would like to be a dowser, to be able to create anything that was needed when it was needed would be amazing.

  61. hmmm I think I am going for a new rare breed 🤗😉
    half Dragon with shifting abilities and witch magic… 🤣
    (The first thing that actually came to my mind was a Dragon-Vampire mix 😅😂)

  62. Definitely a dragon. My house is full of them as I collect anything dragon related! I’ve just been introduced to your books and LOVE them

  63. So hard to choose!! I think I’d want to be a sort of hybrid too…like maybe a witch and shifter?? That sounds like a cool combo.

  64. If I had to chose just one I’d be a witch since I’ve identified as a one for as long as I can remember. However, my dream adept would be a mashup of witch/dowser/dragon/shifter… the possibilities would be awesome! (I’d include vampire but I NEED sunshine 😎) MCD, thanks for being so generous and sharing your fantastic creative mind!

  65. I think I would Like to be a dragon Healer… or maybe an Oracle, but I can identify with morry as I love to crochet

  66. I would be a sorcerer; they are analytical, experimental, solitary, and usually smart – I think it is a choice how far you move into the dark side…

  67. I’ve wanted to be a witch since I was little and saw Glinda, Samantha, and the Movie ‘Bell, Book, and Candle’. I especially love how Samantha can pop to places. No long drives 🙂

  68. I love these books and even my husband enjoyed reading them although they are not really “his thing”. I’d be a necromancer as I knit and also do genealogy research so talking to dead people would be a very useful skill 🙂

  69. I would be a Werecat for two reasons!! 1 – I would burn off all the cupcake calories almost instantly. 2 – I would finally get the chance to be one of my own spoiled cats! Thanks for the consideration! We adore the MCD Universe in our home! <3

  70. While my real world power is empathy to the point of feeling what others feel, I am well researched enough that I would be a sorcerer.

  71. I would definitely be a witch, but with several powers. Healing powers to help others, proficiency with potions, and teleportation – I hate traffic!

  72. I’ve always been drawn to vampires and witches. It would for sure have to be one of the two or a combo of them, if possible.

  73. I think being a dragon would be kinda cool but being a vampire would also be awesome if you got to hang out with kett all the time. He is probably one of my favorites!

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