Lillie sums up the Adept Universe in fifteen tweets

Lillie has been working on building the Adept Universe bible and a few days ago she tweeted a summary that was so, so perfect that I had to grab screenshots and share it.

If you click on the first image it should take you to the actual feed/thread on Twitter, if you prefer. You can find more info on Lillie and her author services on her website.

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Here are the links for the welcome sequence and the reading order.

21 thoughts on “Lillie sums up the Adept Universe in fifteen tweets

  1. YAAASSSS. I love this. I just started the Amplifier series (after reading everything else 2x). I cannot wait to catch up, although I will be heartbroken to have to wait for more material!

  2. Love this so much! It’s amazing how much we come to love these characters! I’m so invested! You are incredible Meghan!!👍🏻❤️😁

  3. She is totally spot on! I seem to never be ready to move on with a new series. But then I dig in and totally get sucked in! 🤩 So glad I found you years ago with a freebie on BookBub! (Dowser Book 1) Love all your books🥰

  4. I thought I was the only one who was heartbroken to leave the Dowser series. I would miss these characters who had become an important part of my life. Then came the Oracle group..Ditto. Ditto through the rest of these wonderful books. There are simply none better. I am 76 and live alone. Not your typical reader, I am sure. But these characters have all become like family. Truly an important part of my life. PLEASE, read them in order and don’t miss a single one. Looking forward to the Misfits, coming soon. Love, love love all of your books. ❤😊

  5. Absolutely perfect! Love that these books are all linked in one fashion or another! Any chance of Emma and her new found family meeting Jade, Rochelle and Wisteria? Future book? 🙂

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