GIVEAWAY CLOSED. LUCKY #29 has been emailed!

Are you interested in winning an autographed paperback of Misfits 1, Cake in a Cup stickers, and a slouch hat (knit by me!) similar to the one that Mory knits in the book?
To enter, simply COMMENT BELOW and let me know WHERE you plan to wear the knit hat!
Then head over to my Facebook page and tag-a-friend for a chance for both of you to win a paperback! And, if you knit, make certain you enter my giveaway for knitters as well!
Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.
Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. Only entries that follow the entry requirements will be considered. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.
Giveaway closes THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2020 at 8pm PDT.
Are you new to the Adept Universe series? Click here for the reading order. Or click here for the Welcome! sequence.
I would wear it to work during winter
Love, love the hat and book! I live in Anchorage AK and plan to wear the hat to Water Aerobics Class at our beautiful YMCA. I think everyone will be jealous. I would love to learn to knit to create hats like these and give them to friends.
Everywhere in Colorado and beyond! ❤
I plan on wearing this to school drop off and pick up every day when it starts getting colder here in Tennessee.
I’d wear the hat here at home when it gets chilly in the Rocky Mountains!
Everywhere of course! Lol Its so gorgeous!
Yes. How fun live your books.
I live in Florida so I’m going to rock it on the beach . . .in the “winter.”
LOVE this book and the hat is truly a work of art!!! I would wear it all fall and winter here in the California desert.
I would wear it walking the dog every morning.
I would wear the hat everywhere during the winter I love hats.
I would wear it at the beach in the winter. I live in South Carolina!!
I live in Minnesota and recently retired my winter hat. I’d wear this a solid 5 months of the year. And I’d donate the copy of Misfits I purchased to my local library, cuz having an autographed copy would be way cooler.
I’d wear it on our walks with our old dog, Uma.
I would wear it hiking ☺️
I would wear this all the time! Mostly to pick up the kids from school since that’s when I’m stuck outside needing a hat the most!
Probley on my head.. 🙂 Sorry, couldn’t resist. I will wear it out when I do the unusual. Not to work (factory work) but places people actually stand a chance of seeing me! Thanks!
Um! Yes!!!! This is beautiful! My kiddos would fight over it but I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, I’d wear it EVERYWHERE!
My husband and I like to walk so that would be my go to this wonter.
Yes please! I would wear it constantly. We are moving next week from tropical Queensland to a snowy hunter valley climate.
Um everywhere? It’s winter over here now so it would be in constant use from shopping to work atm Haha
To the knitting club at my school. Then I’ll have to confess I didn’t make it 😂
I’d wear it to work from home! 😉
I love how your hat and the book cover coordinate. 😁 I’d wear it out walking at night in the winter to see the stars.
To and from work in the cold winters in Iowa!
I live in Australia and it’s winter now. I’d wear the hat and read the book while I’m waiting in the cold to pick up my kids from school.
I’ll wear my beanie when I’m out and about wearing my tie-dye and Birkenstock’s.
I would wear it to school and when I visit my son in Flagstaff this winter. It is so pretty and will go with anything!
I would wear it in Portland (England) (when lockdown is finally over!) it’s got craggy rocks and jagged cliffs, a gorgeous little cove and a fun lighthouse. It’s pretty much always windy and I get cold so always need to take a warm hat!
Lucky # 29!! Emailing you now!!
I work at a university. The hat would be perfect in the cold months for all the walking! So pretty. Thanks for the giveaway Meghan
I would wear it EVERYWHERE in the winter! Toronto winters are so cold and damp!
I would wear the hat when I’m “oot and aboot” in snowy Ottawa,on my way to purchase cupcakes..
So cute! I’d wear the hat to my son’s hockey games
I’d wear it while hiking in a local park.
I would wear it everywhere, it is so pretty!!!
I would wear all fall and winter long in Ohio. So pretty!
Me and I would wear my beanie to the drive in movies and when we do Hairspray with the local theater
The hat is AMAZING! It’s just what I imagined Mory was knitting. I would wear it when it gets cold here in Wisconsin our walking my dog Cash! And of course he would try to steal it from me 😁
I think it would be awesome to wear it to work!
I love the hat! The colors are great. I would wear it this winter when I move to Idaho and on the beach here in Oregon.
I would wear it everywhere during the colder months! Probably would even wear it just hanging out on the couch! ❤
I would find an outfit to match the hat and wear it all the time
I love it and think it’s gorgeous but I’m allergic to wool! I would probably try to wear it on my winter walksand hope my hair is enough of a buffer bc it’s so cool looking.
I would wear it everywhere from fall till spring!!! I have given knitting a try, but it’s not for me.
I would wear in in my car or watching for a shooting star. I would wear in on the stair I would wear it every where
I would wear it on vacation, at work at the courthouse, and any chance I get. Cannot wait!
I would wear it out all the time in winter. It’s freezing here!!
I love this series. Since I live in Arizona it’s too hot to wear it now. We hope to travel to Indiana for Thanksgiving and I would love to wear it there!
I live in Colorado and I am a dog walker so I’d wear it walking all my furry friends in the winter.
I love this book, I would wear this hat all winter long in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The colors are amazing.
I’d wear it out and about all winter!
The colors are beautiful. If I win this hat I would wear it out to work or church, while running errands,
plus while going out to see family and friends.
You’re just the most awesomeness writer ever.
I would wear it everywhere in the winter!
Yes I want to win! And I would wear it everywhere! I love hats.
I would wear it during our cold winters in Iowa
This hat is beautiful! I would wear it everywhere all winter!
I would wear it to visit the grandkids in Victoria, BC once we can travel again, then to any other wintry destination; and, then again, maaaaaaybe during a cold snap in Florida (which has happened from time to time).
I would wear it on my head😉 Taking a peaceful winter walk♥️
Hiking in the Sandia Mountains!
Hi MCD! Wonderful giveaway to celebrate your book! I would wear the beautiful hat to walk my dog Tessa, to go to work, for shopping and having fun with friends. Thanks so much!
Williams, Arizona to say good bye to my dad.
I would wear it at work in my library… and if anyone asks where I got it, I can point them to your books on Overdrive
I would wear it going out to work in our cold Kansas winters. And of course everywhere else. I would love it!
I would wear it snowshoeing in Michigan and wherever/whenever else I want!
I would wear it in the winter, on my couch
I would wear the hat on daily basis in winter. It’s cold here in Missouri.
I would wear it everywhere! Especially at work where it’s chilly in my office and definitely so I can totally brag about it and talk about your books all the time!!! 😁
I would wear it on my way to work in the early mornings. And then tell all my friends about how it was knitted by one of my most favorite authors!
What a beautiful hat! I’d love to wear it at the local farmers’ market when it moves inside for winter. The building is not heated. Brrrr!
I work at Broadway and would proudly wear my hat every day to work. Would love to win and receive a copy of your book.
I live in Nebraska, which means our weather doesn’t know if its coming or going, so I would wear this everywhere, all the time, and then gush about how and where I got it, because I would be so freaking excited 😁
I would love to wear that gorgeous knit hat on my head! You really are talented MCD!
I would wear it on cooler days here on Vancouver Island
I would wear it on vacation and also to work when it gets cooler out.
I would love such a colorful hat. We wear hats all winter, so like 9 months out of 12, here in Alaska so it would go fishing, hiking, and shopping with me.
So pretty!! I would wear it while out shopping!
I live in Minnesota. It starts getting cold around October, and I’m due with baby #4 on Halloween. I would wear it constantly, any chance I could! Especially when we are out and about with the kids. <3
Love the hat! I would wear it everyday, except for Summer. It’s cool up here in Northwest Washington state.
I would wear it to football games this fall, late fall, really late fall. South Texas football starts really warmly.
It’s winter in Nz now so would wear it every day, especially school pick ups.
We don’t have alot of winter in Texas but we are going to Ipswich this year in December and I would love to wear it there for sure!!! Also when it got cold enough I’d wear it at home too.
I would wear it on my head.
It would be perfect for Friday night football games this fall! My husband coaches high school.
I live in Puyallup, Washington and my favorite season is fall, so I’d wear that hat EVERYWHERE! Especially because my daughter is now in college and she would totally steal it from me, if it wasn’t actually on my head! Lol.
My favorite place is by the ocean, and it gets so windy there! I’d definitely wear it there too!
I live in Utah at nearly 6000 ft elevation so we have cold weather from fall through spring with snow anytime during those three seasons. That hat would be on my head every time I leave the warmth of the house!
I plan to wear the hat on my head. (I feel like this is how Kett would answer this question.)
I would wear this hat (on my head) while walking by the ocean in Victoria, B.C.
Thanks for another giveaway!
Since is it cold down under right now (at least for us) I would wear it everyday on the morning walk!
I would wear it all over the Highlands of Scotland!
Well, my fervent wish is to move to Salt Spring so I’d love to wear it there. Nope, not stalking you, lol. I’m an artist and would love to immerse myself in the largest artist community in our country.
Everyday, everywhere……. I live in the UK a hat is needed even in summer! 😊
I would wear it while visiting (hopefully) my daughter at UC Santa Barbara
Omg I would wear you beautiful knit hat everywhere just because it’s comfy and to show it off! I absolutely love the colors😍💖 thank you for a chance
Um, everywhere!! It’s winter here in Aus and 5 weeks ago I decided it would be a fabulous idea to shave all my hair off to raise money for the Lukemia Foundation! Needless to say, I’m feeling the chill this winter 😅
Everywhere except the shower! (although in the UK we often get wet outdoors 😀 ) Love your books
Such a beautiful hat! I would definitely wear it everywhere once it gets chilly again. Would be great for my early morning baby walks at the moment. Always excited to enter your giveaways
Love the colors. I would wear it to work cause our office is always cold & in the winter time. I would let my husband wear it now cause he’s lost all his hair.
I would wear it everyday, everywhere next winter. It gets really cold here in Quebec! Thanks for the chance!
Goodness gracious so many responses. I would wear it while reading your books , of course!
I love this! I would wear the hat to work and love telling people about it, and the books!
I’d be wearing it over Winter in the UK, whenever I’m out and about. Love knitted hats.
I would wear it every wear when it is cold – which is very often here in Calgary, Alberta
I would love to have a new hat!
I love hats! When it cools off I wear them early in the morning on my way to work and with my short hair sometimes my office gets super cold lol.
I would love to get it. I would wear it every time I go out!
Love the hat!
I would love to win and would crochet in Alabama with this beautiful yarn
I would wear it in the winter while I’m re-reading your books!!
Well the way things are going right now I’ll probably be wearing it on my couch while drinking wine and binge watching.
I would wear it every day when it starts getting cold again!
I would wear it to Washington when we go see family
Meeee!! i would love to win that hat! its gorgeous
I would wear it camping and on the cool days we get here.
I would be sporting the hat while enjoying octoberfest at Snowbird if the stupid virus goes away.
I would love to wear that gorgeous hat out for walks in the forest. 🙂
It’s all about the hat for us all! 🙂 I am tempted to just stare at it for awhile before wearing it out this fall to walk my dog in the park.
I will wear the hat when I’m reading the book in the Lake district in UK. In the Netherlands when visiting family then all the way through France and Spain to my new house. Then I will wear it on my early mornings fruit & veg picking and when talking to my bunnies and hens.
I would wear it when I walk with my grown up children for our quality time together
I feel confident that THAT hat would be THE ONE that could transform me into an authentic hat person!
I am really enjoying this book! The entire series has been wonderful.
This hat would be worn to a local bakery, sushi with friends and walks through the park…and many other places.
Thank you for sharing your talent with us!
I would wear the hat a good chunk of the year when we head to the ski hill and just around since I’m in interior BC and it’s cold here often.
I live on cape cod in massachusetts and i would wear it to go clamming at the beach!
I would wear it on the beach, (hopefully on a windy day) snuggled down with a to go cup of hot chocolate.
I would wear it everywhere! (Need to cover my COVID grey hair)
I would wear this hat with my cat
I’d wear this hat with a plait
I’d wear it reading Meghan’s Books
And everyone would say it looks….
Fabulous! Thanks to MCD!
PS I’d would also have to share it with my daughter @veritydrewfirth!
Everyday and every where this fall/winter whenever I go out.
I would sit on my deck overlooking my lake and read your books while wearing the beautiful hat!
I would wear it everywhere, but probably not in August or Sept. would probably be too warm in FL then, but great for keeping warm in air conditioning!
I would wear this he may all the time! My mom lives in northern Colorado at the base of the mountains and we love making day trips. The hat reminds me of a sunset I would see in the mountains that I love!
I’d wear it everywhere come autumn through early spring up here in Northern Alberta. I feel like I wear a knit hat of some kind for 2/3 of the year lol.
I would wear this hat EVERYWHERE!
This is so pretty! And I loved the book! I live in michigan, so I’d definitely be wearing the hat everywhere from October through April!!
I’d wear it work. Love your books!
I’d wear to college in the winter. This is such a beautiful colour! I’d look like fire in a blue day 💖
In the winter, I would wear this beautiful hat everywhere! This time of year, I would wear it in the walk in freezer at work. Thanks, Meghan, for knitting it and for the chance to win it.
I would wear this hat all winter! To & from work,& during errands day!
I will wear your beautiful knit hat while working on our little farm during cold winter days.
Everywhere that’s cold.
Where would you NOT wear this?? I love the colors, I’d wear it ALL the time!! 🥰🥰
I would wear this when I walk my dogs.
I’d love to get into your books! They sound like a great escape…with yarn to boot. I’d be in heaven 💗
I’d wear this hat all over Boston as I trek to classes and hide my messy curls. Knit hats are my favorite and as of late, so is the adept world!
I would wear this in my freezing office and tell everyone about the books as they ask about it. 🙂
It gets cold here in Connecticut! I would give to my daughter who is Jade’s age – it would look cute on her!
I would wear the hat during the winter in Kamloops BC Canada
It’s pretty but even in winter here in Central New York, I’m never that cold, but my mom is. So I will give it to wear.
I will wear the hat in the middle and high school libraries where I will be working this school year.
To the hockey rink when my kid has practices and games…once we’re back to full access to the rinks.
I will wear it on playground duty in the autumn and I love a great book.
I would wear it walking around Esquimalt BC – so you might see it again (if you were visiting the Island or I ever get around to wandering on Salt Spring)!
Everywhere! But especially to outdoor venues when my partners band plays. ..It would make me feel like one of the misfits😃
I would wear it to all my youngest daughters gaa matches as its usually freezing standing watching them 💝
I would wear it EVERYWHERE. At least in the winter. I hate being cold.
I would wear this hat for my random walks in the woods!
I live in Cardiff in Wales and would wear this in the playground when It’s my duty in school. My kids would love it as much as me!
I would wear it literally everywhere. Probably year-round. That hat is gorgeous!
Outstanding! Could be worn anywhere, even to the opera (in Seattle, anyway).
Hi I love all these books and have read them several times. I would wear the hat whenever I’m cold here in England x
I would wear the hat to work, once I go back to working in the office and not at my dinner table!
I would wear this amazing hat everywhere I go – which may not be that many places these days 😂. But I LOVE 💜 it❣️❣️
I would wear that really great hat camping. I live in AZ so winter camping would be great with it!
I live in Nebraska and I would wear on our cold winter days while shopping!
I hate being cold in the winter but it can get quite cold here in PA. I’d wear it out and for sitting around a campfire 🔥 on cool evenings. I always enjoy reading and rereading your books!
My intentions are to wear the toque to the arenas this hockey season, that is, if my hat obsessed teenager doesn’t claim another of my hats for himself… again.
I would wear it everywhere!! It’s warm in Wisconsin now, but it gets cold in the winter, and it would be wonderful to be stylish. 🙂
I live in Indiana so it is always 50/50 if it gets cold enough but doesn’t matter as I would wear it every where anyway. That is of course if my lovely daughter doesn’t take it first.
I live in San Antonio, Texas, I can wear it when it gets cold and differently when I visit friends in the San Francisco Bay Area anytime of the year, it’s always cold there lol
I would rock this hat taking long walks in the Virginia woods.
I would wear it everywhere! No need for bad hair days.
gorgeous! I would wear it around town and any time it was chilly
I would wear it everywhere! But especially when reading (and re-reading) your books!! I have to re-read, in order, all of your books whenever a new one is released! Love love love your books!!!
Love the colors – I’d wear it with my jean jacket and let it be the star when I visit friends, grab my hot beverage or grab a bite to eat.
Hi! If I win the beanie I would wear it all the time. I suffer from anemia and I am Always cold! It looks beautiful!!
Um, outside? In the cold? I might be able to rock it in the grocery store aisles too.
Chilly winters in Pullman, Washington!!
Love that it’s multicoloured! I could wear it anywhere all winter here in Saskatchewan
I would wear it to go shopping.
I would wear it shopping and everyday in winter.
I mean, where wouldn’t I wear it? I’m thinking I’ll wear it everywhere, I’d even sleep in it when camping!!
I live in Quebec, so I would wear it everywhere starting October, up till April 😉!
I would wear it everywhere 🙂 especially work though as I have early starts and it’s winter here! 🙂
Everywhere for at least 9 months out of the year, as I live about as close to Canada as I can get without moving out of the United States (which I admit is looking better and better these days)
Love your books!! Plus the hat is adorable! If my daughter didn’t try to steal it, I’d wear it here in Silver Lake WI- probably while out hiking in the fall, or when I go home to visit my parents in Seattle, WA. It would be perfect for their cooler weather❤️
I would wear it here, there, everywhere 🙂 Great yarn!!! Thank you!