MCD News Flash: July 20

MCD taking a water break while hiking at Ruckle Park. Pender Island in the background. Picture secretly taken by Michael.

In an effort to collect all my thoughts for the week in one place, I’m going to try to blog an ‘update’ every Monday. So, yes, this is completely doomed to be a one-off. Ha.

  1. I’ll be removing the last of the download codes from the Oracle audiobook giveaway in a few hours. As of writing this blog post (according to my end)(there is a delay in the reporting), there are 6 USA codes and 11 UK codes remaining. The next giveaway goes live at 3pm PDT next Saturday, July 25.
  2. I’m looking for a narrator for the Reconstructionist series. I posted a call for auditions last night and have already received a bunch of GREAT reads. I’m so excited. I’ve already shortlisted FOUR narrators and I have a bunch more auditions to listen to. It is going to be difficult to narrow down!!
  3. I’m starting my next pass on the story edit of Amplifier 4. This means I go over everything I changed last week and decide if I like it. Then I address all the notes I skipped because they were too hard to wrap my head around at the time. Usually, the second pass smooths everything out.
  4. I made another attempt at baking wheat-free banana bread yesterday, half almond flour/half paleo flour. It wouldn’t bake in the middle. Literally. I had to cover it in foil and kept checking it – over and over – every ten minutes and the center still wouldn’t bake!!!! I’m giving up. Two failed attempts are all I can handle.
  5. We’re reading Grave Memory (Alex Craft 3) for the MCD book club over on the Facebook fan page.

Okay! I’ve got words to edit, auditions to listen to, and lemon sherbet to churn!

5 thoughts on “MCD News Flash: July 20

  1. On your banana bread issue, ever try baking the batter in a jellyroll pan? I did that once with a quick bread recipe that I wanted to fill and frost like a layer cake. Another possibility, muffins, although as you are a cupcake queen you’ve probably considered that already.

  2. I love the idea of a routine Monday update! It will give me something be excited about on Mondays, lol! I am over the moon about your quest to find a narrator for the Reconstructionist series. I absolutely love the audiobooks. Just gives it an extra layer of fun:). I am doing Keto now and I get being frustrated about using new flours and such. Sometimes just gotta move onto another recipe. Have a great day!😉

  3. Losing gluten means you’re losing much of the structural integrity of baked goods. GF, and egg free baking for that matter, is more successful when you bake in smaller sizes. Try cupcake size and see if you that works for you. Happy baking!

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