Amplifier 2: audiobook giveaway

Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2) is the third of four audiobook giveaways leading to the release of Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4) on Sept 29, 2020. YAY!

Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios Models: Devon Ericksen and Jonathan Cannaux Narrator: Tia Rider

This is a first-come, first-win deal. The giveaway remains open until all the download codes have been claimed. I’ll give away codes for Mystics and Mental Blocks (Amplifier 3) next Sunday at 2pm.

If you listen to books via Audible USA (or a country other than the UK, such as Canada), then claim one of the codes below, click the link, and paste the code into the box that appears. You might need to sign in to your account, or create an account if you are new to Audible.

Please comment below and let everyone know which code you took (by number and country).

If you have previously won an audiobook from me, please consider letting others having a chance to win. I have fewer codes for some of the Amplifier books. Thank you – MCD.


Available codes:


If you listen to books via AUDIBLE UK (or a country other than the US), then claim one of the codes below, click the link, and paste the code into the box that appears. You might need to sign in to your account, or create an account if you are new to Audible.

Please comment below and let everyone know which code you took (by number and country), I’ll delete the used codes every couple of hours until they are all gone.


Available codes:

  1. 73GR6J5D5K2DQ
  3. 8S5Y59FFEAA9D
  4. BBMC7U2MR88TA
  9. KS4YBW32ZU6FB
  10. N26HFABYL6XN5
  13. PKQ5UN83EF2PD
  14. UMCP74T8KJS59

Did you miss this giveaway? Don’t worry, free codes for Amplifier 3 will go live on Sunday, September 20 at 2pm!

18 thoughts on “Amplifier 2: audiobook giveaway

  1. It appears that all of the US codes were taken already but not necessarily posted. Thank you as always for the codes. I will keep trying.

  2. Fans are not posting about the codes they took. Leaving me and everyone else, with trying each and everyone on the list(s), and guess what? They’re all gone, none are left.

    Maybe you should handle this differently so people don’t take all the codes – we submit our names and you do a drawing. Fans like me, I own every book available in every series, I even have the newest Amp novel preordered. I’d love to get audiobooks for when I travel. So please, do drawings, it would be more beneficial for your fans, your true fans. Thanks!

    1. I always find it odd when anyone complains about any sort of giveaway. I do all different sorts. And if you’re been following along about my health issues you will understand why this hands off giveaway for the audiobooks is easier for me right now. If you are on my mailing list then you would have received all the dates and times for each giveaway in September so that you would know that the US codes go in about an hour. Best of luck next Sunday.

Chat with MCD!

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