Reconstructionist 2: audiobook now available & giveaway

Narrated by the epically talented Whitney Dykhouse, Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2) is now available as an audiobook – YAY!! Whitney absolutely nailed Wisteria’s inner turmoil (and inner strength) in this book. The interactions with Declan, the fierceness of Jasmine, I loved every minute!!




Fun! Fun!

Reviews are welcomed and very much appreciated.


Would you like to win an audiobook of Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2)?

Yes? Yes!

Comment below and let me know why you’re interested in listening to book 2 of the Reconstructionist trilogy. For example, a fav character or fav scene or fav situation that you are looking forward to hearing. Or …? Any other reason you like audiobooks! I’ll select THREE winners by random number generator.

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. But you must be able to download the audiobook from or One entry per person. Three winners will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.

Giveaway closes SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2020 at 8pm PST.

21 thoughts on “Reconstructionist 2: audiobook now available & giveaway

  1. I love all of your books. I have started collecting the audio versions. They sit right up there with my Anne McCaffery books. I love listening to audio books that I have read before while am doing other things. Mindless work requires using my ears instead of my eyes. Yet because I have read the book I can be interrupted and still keep my place!

  2. I love to listen to audiobooks while cooking and baking. I’ve gotten more into audiobooks due to the pandemic and everyone is home. It’s nice to pop on some headphones and be taken away to another world while still surrounded by reality

  3. I jumped into the deep end of audio books a few months ago. It’s been the only way to keep up reading thanks to eye strain from work-from-home restrictions.

  4. Besides Jade’s story, the reconstructionist is my next favorite. I would love to listen to the story while I keep an eye out on the kidlets during their distance learning. Thanks!

  5. Girl, I have been hoarding my Audible credits for all of your books. Just got Tangled Echoes a few minutes ago…Love hearing Whitney bring Wisteria to life!

  6. While Ihave read this entire series, along with all your others, it is fun to listen to them. Gives a fresh perspective to the book. That and three eye surgeries later, I find it harder to stay focused on a written page. Thanks for your wonderful books Meghan!

  7. Yay! I’ve literally just finished the audiobook of Catching Echoes and was waiting for the release of this next instalment! I’m so glad this now available. I love the whole Wisteria, Declan, Kett dynamic.

  8. I’ve read the book already but I love listening to them when I reread them, especially when I am doing art and such!

  9. I love these books! I just had eye surgery so reading is problematic, Audiobooks are my only way to enjoy now !

  10. I love listening to audiobooks while crafting. I’m working my way through the adept universe in order and am looking forward to hearing the Reconstructionist series.

  11. I prefer audio books since they allow me to multi task. I’ve read all your books and wish my library had all the ones on audio

  12. After listening to the 1st audiobook, I’m hooked. Loved the calming narration. It’s a great series to put headphones on and block out the COVID pandemic. Escapism at its finest.

  13. I’ve loved reading all your books. Currently I’m now acquiring and listening to the audio books in order. It’s wonderful escapism from lockdowns and Covid.

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