Archivist O: paperback unboxing & giveaway

These beauties arrived in the mail today! Scroll through for all the pretty pictures.

Shall we do a giveaway? With absolutely no guarantee as to when I will actually get the autographed paperback in the mail? For example, Debbie, who won the release day giveaway at the end of March, still hasn’t been shipped her books (even though they are all boxed and ready to go) (that is how behind I am). Just FYI.


Okay then!

Actually lets make it THREE autographed copies … that’s still only one trip to the post office.

COMMENT BELOW (not on Facebook, etc) and let me know that you will give one of these pretty Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) paperbacks a loving home! I’ll throw in any little extras I have on hand … probably bookplates, etc.

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. THREE winners will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.

The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment to do so.

Giveaway closes SUNDAY, MAY 02, 2021 at 8pm PDT (giving me time to mention it to my newsletter, because there won’t be a free short this month).

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1).

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.

266 thoughts on “Archivist O: paperback unboxing & giveaway

    1. All your books have an excellent,loving home with me so this one would be joining the family. Love the characters and the plots thank you for sharing

    2. Your characters are like part of my family and the new books look amazing, too. Would LOVE to give Awakening Infinity a good home in my little library!

    3. Home sweet home right here🏡
      I love all your books. Your characters are strong and larger than life. I look forward to loosing myself into your books and enjoying each adventure.

    4. It would be right at home beside all the other “Adept Universe” books! I’m a bit addicted…

  1. Omg yes! I am waiting for this to come out in print. I am slowly adding print versions to my kindle versions!

  2. I would love and cherish a copy of archivist 0….I will love it and hold it and never let any harm come to it….I shall name it George

  3. Oh. My. Gosh. I would love one of these! I’m so excited about this series. I have a special shelf just waiting.

  4. Whilst I am a Kindle reader at heart, I give all your books to my daughter, paperback and audible (well, it used to be on discs!) I’d love to give her this beauty as well!

  5. Definitely would be welcome at my home! Them on its way to my daughters home. Book loving family!

  6. I have sent books from the Dowser series to people I thought would love and cherish as much as I do.
    I would do the same with these!

  7. I would love to take care of a copy! Just one month away from getting my hands on my preordered copy! Yay!!

  8. This books new comfy home would probably then need to be completed with all your other paperbacks which I already have ebooks off! Lol

  9. I have a shelf that it would go perfectly on because it’s many of the signed books I have from you! One day I hope to have all of them!!!

  10. I love all of your stories, and would love to have a paperback. All the ones I have are digital!!

  11. OMG YES!! I will hug it and pet it and call it George. It will live on the special shelf with all my other autographed books and I will only read my ebook copy.

  12. I revisited your books during the Christmas holidays and didn’t stop until I had re-read every one. I would love to add the start of the Archivist series to my bookshelf.

  13. I would so love to give one of these books a good home! I love books and in particular your books! You are so kind to have these give-aways! ❤️🌺

  14. Awakening Infinity would gain a home in a honored spot on my bookcase (from where my adult children and husband would no doubt borrow it from time to time as they are want to do!) Favored books always make their way back home, thank goodness! I wouldn’t want my book friends to be gone forever.

  15. I will gladly read these books while wearing my Cake in a Cup t-shirt! I am ready to start Dowser all over again!

  16. I would love to introduce my daughter of your books. She is raising 3 children and doing post grad work as well so this would be a perfect beginning.

  17. You can be sure it will have an extremely loving home here with a bunch of your other beautiful book babies! 😊😉

  18. I’m building a home library, this would have a very wonderful home and help me be one step closer to owning all your books in physical form! I already have all of them in eBook! But you’re prolific, so I’m budgeting accordingly 😂

  19. I would absolutely LOVE to have an autographed copy of Awakening Infinity! I am in love with the characters and it would really be awesome to own. However, I would gift it to my daughter Becky Coffer because she introduced me to Cupcakes, Trinkets and Other Deadly Magic. I have been a fan ever since. Fingers crossed. 🤞😍♥️

  20. I have the perfect home (after I’m done reading it,that is) for it on my MCD bookshelf between the Dowser Series and my stuff cupcake :-). It would be loved and cherished always ❤️!

  21. Define “good” 😋. It would certainly be cherished and appreciated. And no page corner would ever be turned down. That and bending the cover back are absolutely frowned upon in my house. Thanks for the opportunity, Meghan.

  22. Omg I would love all of these. I have all the others but I had a stroke last year and got behind so I started rereading my cupcakes books I’m so glad to be back 😁

  23. I would love to have a copy of the Archivist signed by you!!! I have read all your books and even have some Fluevogs in my closet now (love them BTW). I am excited about the concept of truly living books and would relish the opportunity to share this with you.

  24. I would love a paper copy of your books! I love having the ability to read my books on my phone anywhere, but a REAL book – oooooooooo!!!!!

  25. Hi Meghan I would have space and a loving home for any of your books , well read and pampered, the bookworm ❤️

  26. I have a terrific spot in my library. It would look fantastic displayed there for all to see and me to cherish!

  27. I have all the ebooks however i would love a paper copy as i am trying to be an example to my children and read paperback books instead of reading off my iphone. This book would have a very loving home.

  28. Yes, a good and loving home with lots of hand-on time… because it takes me a long time to finish a good read!

  29. It’s been awhile. But I would absolutely love a copy of your book. Reading is peaceful and it helps to get away sometimes. Even if it’s in my imagination. Cool beans! 😎

  30. I would love love love to give these beauties a home. Your work is wonderful! I have all of your books on my Kobo and have been planning to start a hardcopy collection.

  31. With alll the entries here I don’t know how you will choose! Although the I hope it will be me as to have anything you write and sign would be a joy to have hold and yes love! Pick me please!

  32. I’m so excited about this series I would love to have the first book on my shelf instead of just downloaded on the e-reader!

  33. I would love to give one of these copies a home! It would go on the top shelf of my bookcase, where all my favorites live. ❤️

  34. I would love to give the books a new home. I have limited space but the most important ones will always have space.

  35. I have many book friends who are waiting to welcome this book home. A party will be held amid much huzzahs and hoorays. Dancing may accur.

  36. I would give it to my daughter who has just recently started the Dowser series and is now on book 3. She is in for an amazing journey with all your series.

  37. Ooo I have a pretty little spot right beside all my happy pens and pretty notebooks. It will be right at home. Can’t wait to get reading soon!

  38. I would absolutely offer a loving home to one of your autographed books! Might start a new shelf, so there is more room to add to the collection!

  39. I would definitely give it a loving home, and I would share it with my daughter who also loves your books.

  40. I would LOVE to win one of these. I’ve already cleared a spot on my shelf for the Infinity series!

  41. In my loving home, Dusk will have the freedom to grow into her role as the Archivist of the Modern World, with no strings attached, and Sisu will be spoiled rotten. 😬

  42. There truly is nothing as lovely as opening a brand new book, except perhaps a quiet place and a cup of tea to enjoy reading it. Reading your books has been a wonderful experience.

  43. I have everyone of your books ( a lot of ebooks) and would love a signed copy of any of them no matter when. I love your books and the universe you created. So I will keep trying. Thank you!

  44. That new book smell. Always slightly different depending on the paper and ink manufacturing. The book and I will become friends and spend long moments of experiencing words together. We will eventually part ways for a time and say hi in passing. Then some day in the future we shall sit together and enjoy the adventures of words again.

  45. Oh my goodness!! They are beautiful! How exciting! So far all my copies have been on Kindle, but there’s definitely something special about holding a book in your hands and physically turning those pages!! I would love to give one of your books a forever home!

  46. I would love to house one of the pretties! I do not mind the wait, with my memory I’ll probably think it was a surprise you sent me because you are so nice and I’m you’re favorite 😂

  47. I will happily give this book a home as I am stuck in doors due to the lock down in Ontario Canada and also being a new mum. Having my daughter of 3months as my only in person interaction during the day until her dad gets home, will add another interaction to my days, something I can touch!!! So, yes this book will be very welcome in my home. 🙏🏾❤️❤️

  48. I would love a hard copy to start a new section of my library. I love reading your books – have read them all more than once

  49. I pre-ordered the kindle copy and love it but would love to have a physical copy as well especially signed! anything that says Megan ciana doidge will always be welcome in my home and will always have my money LOL. Much love ❤️

  50. Ooooo so pretty 😍😍 there is something super special about physical books that, as much as I love my kindle library, no ebook can replicate

  51. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your books – ALL of them! I tell people about them all the time, and if I won I know exactly who I’d share with! Keep writing because I’m definitely waiting on pins and needles for the next book… every single time!

  52. I have “author highlights” on my bookshelf (The rest is done alphabetically, my sister says you can tell I work in a library 😂) and your books are one of the highlights. I’d definitely add this one to the shelf!

  53. I would be happy to give the book a good home! It’s warm, but not too warm, there is some sunlight but not directly on my bookcase so the book would be safe. I would provide a happy home where the book could relax 😁

  54. Such a beautiful cover 😍
    I devoured the Dowser series & would be honoured to welcome one of your treasures to our book loving home here in Australia 😊🐨

  55. I have all Ebooks, I would 💕 LOVE a SIGNED copy of any book that you have written!! Thank you for the chance!

  56. I have all ebooks and am in process of getting the Paper copies! I would gladly and lovingly give it a proper space on my favorite bookshelf! Thank you for giving us such a diverse groups of adepts to love!

  57. I would love a copy. I have read all of the adept universe and think Dusk has an excellent story line. I do hope you are feeling better and they find a way to ease your headaches. Thanks for your hard work giving us a chance to escape.

  58. I have all your books as Ebooks. I so love your writing that I have re-read them twice now. I would love to have a sign hard back to keep for ever on my bookshelf for everyone to know who is one of my favorite Arthur is and for them to ask questions about my favorite series.

  59. Oo! I adore all your books, I have all of them on kobo & I want to get all of them in paperback so I can never lose them. My home would be a loving wonderful home 🥰
    Keep writing

  60. I would love to add this beautiful book to my small collection of absolutely favourite books I have in actual paper 🙂

  61. I would give it the best home! Lots of sun light and other books to play with! I’ll take it for walks every day (cause I’ll be reading it as I walk). It would be the happiest book ever!

  62. Love your books Meghan – found them in March this year and have been reading nonstop. I’m going in order and I just finished Amplifier Idols and Enemies. I would give these books a very good home!

  63. Meghan-that was the best story! Dusk and Sisu are my two new favorite characters! I loved the way she treasured books, and the dragon magic was so fun. As a reading teacher, I don’t read enough for pure enjoyment during testing season, but that made my weekend! Thank you for the great writing!

    1. I promise to give one of these pretty Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) paperbacks a loving home! The cover is beautiful! Excited to read it!

  64. Your books would have a great home with me. I plan on providing this series a home with or without your giveaway.

  65. They are beautiful! I own all of you books as e-books and many of them as audible books too. Now they are so pretty I may just have to buy them as physical books as well. Books are a great investment, I have read all of yours at least 3 times. Gets me through times I need to be cheered up.

  66. Good morning MCD! Hope you are enjoying your weekend. I would love a copy of your Awakening Infinity! I would give it a good home. Have been doing some gardening this weekend and today I’m doing some baking (banana muffins) as it is too cold yet for planting outside. Enjoy your day!

  67. I’ve got a home for it! Might have to add a new bookshelf after, but it will be comfortable with all the new book friends!

  68. Oh i would love this!! I’ve turned a few people onto your work and they love it! I’d love to give them one!💜😍

  69. Would love to have one of your autographed books. More importantly, sending healing thoughts and wishes for you to feel better soon. We all want you to conquer the headache demons and to enjoy your days. Maybe those headaches are lovely stories, all trying to pop out at once! 🙂

  70. I love all of the MCD series! This book would rate a spot next to my Lewis Carroll collection, signed Ann Rice, Deborah Harkness and other rare books.

  71. I would love to have a copy and give it the best home. Where it will get petted and read over and over.

  72. Thank you for giving us this chance! Signed copy would be a proud possession of any booklover 😁

  73. I’ve just finished purchasing ebook copies of all your series! I love them! As a librarian and bookbinder, I would give a print copy a very good home. Maybe even making it’s own archival box. 😁

  74. Funny I’d come across this giveaway since I just started listening to one of your books today (I love the Dowser Series). I would so give your book a great, loving home.

  75. There’s a special place on my bookshelf for Archivist. It’s the perfect blend of my love of fantasy and of my celtic heritage!

  76. I am not on Facebook but would love to give your book a wonderful home! Let’s hope your headaches get better and you won’t need the 34 shots in the head every 12 weeks like my daughter did for her migraines! I’m sending good vibes your way!

  77. Please do ‘t don’t feel guilty that the headaches have set you back. I’m sure all off the people on here would agree that your health is the most important thing to us!!! Hope you are feeling better and take some Meghan and Micheal time. Thank you though for thinking of us all 😘😊

  78. Love your books. I always have the next one on pre-order. Would love to have an autographed copy, and wil keep it on my nightstand with my other favorites. Have you tried acupuncture for your headaches?

  79. Oh! Oh, my gods. I would so love to give Archivist 0 a home. I am collecting them by ebook but when you’re done I’ll be collecting the paperbooks.

  80. I have a nice cozy home for the book right on my nightstand. Or if I get sucked into the storyline carrying it with me.

  81. I am currently re-reading the entire Dowser Universe in anticipation of this new book. You can be assured it will have a sacred place of honor among others of it’s kind.

  82. I would love to give this book a loving home – I so enjoy this whole world that has bee created and this new chapter – fantastic❣️❣️

  83. I, along with all of the other lovely readers you have already had post on here, am willing to give any of your books a lovely spot on my bookshelf. Thanks for being such a great author!

  84. I absolutely love your Amplifier and Dowser series. I’m excited that there will be another Amplifier book. I’m currently reading book 8 of the Dowser series. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and giving us so many get stories to read. I would love a copy of your new book if I’m chosen. Thank you.

  85. It would have an amazing and truly loved home here! I’m fancy myself a mistress of cheesecakes and have read all your stories so far in author order. Guardian of single origin chocolate for LIFE. ☕🍫🧁 Peace, Love, & Cupcakes 🤞🤞💕💕

  86. Your books always will be welcomed and respected in my home . I would love to win. Sunshine and lollipops☀️🍭

  87. I love, love, love all of your books. I even got my mom and my daughter to read them. We share books so if I won the give away, all three of us would give it a good home!

  88. Yes, please! I just cannot wait for more from the adept universe! And I promise to keep it on high shelves away from the 3 year old 😆

  89. Book hoarder alert: Good home guaranteed, please send if looking for a good home for your books! 🙂 (Your books are just so fun, I can’t help myself.)

  90. Meghan, your books are just about the only books I WOULD read in paper format now! If I won this would have a place of honor on my bookshelf. I hope that you feel better soon!

  91. I would be beyond excited if I were to win an autographed copy of your book! This book would be among friends as I have a small library in my home (although my hubby would say it is definitely not small! What does he know! Right!)

  92. I was enthralled by the new characters Meghan and can assure you that I would gladly give a home to one of your lovely books. 🙂

  93. Don’t mean to be a know it all but May 1st is Saturday. Are you closing this on Saturday or Sunday the 2nd?
    I love your books but I was lucky years ago and won a copy of Maps, Artifacts and Arcane Magic, so I would pass on the give away

  94. Ohhhh! I would love this give its a good loving and caring home. If it helps my birthday is next week💁🏻‍♀️ Worth a shot!

  95. The most important pieces of furniture in my home are my bookcases – you can never have too many books (my friends from far away places) & there’s always a cosy spot for new books & new friends. Your new book would be a very welcome & much loved addition <3

  96. Would love to give your book a home down here in sunny Australia (yes its nearly winter but its still hot). We can sit outside & enjoy a read together.

  97. I would absolutely give it a good home on the top shelf of my antique barrister’s bookcase. Where Cormac the Destroyer King of the Derps Agent of Chaos Master of Mayhem Prince of Poop won’t be able to reach it on his short Pembroke Corgi sized legs – no matter how tasty he finds paper.

  98. Oh about ” love in a cup”. I love this universe 😍 I have all the different character series on my kindle and every audio release…I was just thinking that paperbacks are a need for those days when you need to get off tech and emerse in a fantastic world. I have a place of honor for this book on my cherished bedroom half book shelf, in my private oasis! Thank you for the great stories and strong female leads!

  99. I would love to read this paperback and then give it a rest on my bookshelf and then read it again. Rinse and repeat 🙂

  100. Although I already have the ebook, I would love an autographed copy — and not just because it will be easier to find my favourite bits (sorry, trusty Nook, but you do have your limitations). It will be lovingly re-read and cared for properly. Thanks!

  101. I will definitely give this paperback a loving home. It would nestle with the other of your books that I own.

  102. I’m in love with your stories! I have a beautiful place to show off your books,as well I’ll give my lovely daughter a copy. Thanks Meghan for another great giveaway. Hope you feel better soon!

  103. Yes!! I have the dowser series and the oracle series!! I’ve read them twice already!! Thank you for your work I love them!!

  104. I promise that as with all the others, this book would have a wonderful and loving home with me.
    Thank you!

  105. Just putting in a new bookcase in the “reading room” aka corner of the bedroom and would love to add this beauty to my Meghan Ciana Doidge section!

  106. We are also working on plans for a new library area in the house. What a lovely new addition this will make. 🙂

  107. I would very much love to have a book from you and to have it autographed would be even BETTER.I read so much so fast I can no longer afford to buy books as fast as I read them (lol) so I love getting them any way I can. Thank you in advance. Please keep writing.

  108. I love all your books and the others on my bookshop would welcone a new addition to their family… can’t wait to read it 😶

  109. I really enjoy your books! I haven’t started this particular series yet, I’m still working through the Dowser series . Your Characters are so interesting, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I suffer from migraines so I sympathize with you regarding your” headaches “. Hope you find a solution, they suck!

  110. Hubby, puppers, kitty cats & I just moved to Texas. The new autographed book would be a grand addition to my newly setup bookshelves. New State, new book! How lovely.

  111. I would absolutely LOVE to give your book the best home it could ever wish for! It would live with all the other books in the series! Always get excited when there is new stories in this universe!

  112. I would love to win an autographed copy of your book, although I have no chance. Good luck to you with your headaches. I cannot imagine accomplishing all you do while suffering all of that pain. I pray that you receive the healing your body needs and you find lasting relief. Thank you for your generosity and may God bless you as you have blessed ours!❤️❤️❤️🙏

  113. I have a brand new mid-century modern bookshelf that is just crying out for the hard copy of the book! My sympathies with the headaches – fellow sufferer here. Wish you a speedy recovery and thank you for the enjoymnet your writing has given me!

  114. Oh this is brilliant! I appreciate all you do and would give this book a very loving home ❤

  115. Would give any one of these a good home. Also please do not apologize for things beyond your control or feel guilty about it. Take care of yourself, we your readers are grateful for the wonderful worlds you have opened up for us.

  116. A special place has been made on my bookshelf for this new series! I’m in love with the characters already!

  117. Meghan, I am a retired reading teacher who loves your books. It would be my honor to receive one of your books for my collection. Keep on writing and I will keep on reading.

  118. Absolutely love your books & no matter how many times I tell myself I’m going to pace myself & savor you latest release…I always read it immediately & in a sitting and then am sad it’s over… offers good home to this newest book!

  119. Would definitely enjoy having a copy of Awakening Infinity. I’ve read it once digitally but I think it’s the sort of book just perfect for actually holding when reading during a snowy or rainy day. I had planned to reread it anyway but I love the characters!

  120. Here in Ca the library’s do a summer reading challenge where you log hours and write reviews for raffle tix to local activities. I was Happy to be the first to review the “Finny’s”👁📙 but also sad I was the only one.. so .. today is that last day to sign up here!

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