Adept Universe Bible: Yazi

Yazi: guardian dragon. Aka one of the nine. Aka the Warrior of the Guardians. Territory: Australia. Jade’s father. Romantically involved with Scarlett. Loves to laugh. Big, blond. Tan. Light brown eyes. Looks around thirty-five years old (though begins allowing himself to age slightly when he finds out he has a twenty-something daughter). Favors jeans and T-shirts but wears samurai gear when quashing demon and elf invasions. Wields a golden sword with a broad blade and a pommel encrusted with jewels and pearls. The sword is actually a manifestation of his guardian power, and he is actually the executioner of the guardians. Fourth youngest guardian, he is approx. 350 years old. According to Jade, his magic tastes like chocolate, spiced like Chinese food.

Yazi first appeared in Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2), then again in Dowser 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. He joins Jade in vanquishing the elves in Dowser 9.

Resides in the nexus.

Yazi. Dragon. The Guardian of Australia. Capable of decapitating a trio of demons with a single strike of his massive broad sword. Loves to laugh. Lover of Scarlett. Father of Jade. Sketch by Memo.
Though I knew him to be over three hundred and fifty years old, Yazi appeared to be no older than thirty-five. His tanned skin and sun-bleached blond hair screamed ‘surfer dude.’ His grim scowl and the golden sword he carried casually by his side screamed ‘pissed-off demigod.’ The fact that his hard-shelled, samurai-inspired armor was splattered with blood and ash didn’t ease the intimidation factor. – Dowser 4
Sketch by Memo.

10 thoughts on “Adept Universe Bible: Yazi

  1. Love these! I can’t wait to see the rest! I really like seeing how close they are to how I imagine them while I’m reading about them. So far, they’re pretty close! All except Jade – I think I pictured her a little more bad-ass than what is pictured for her haha!

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