Dowser Series: Giveaway: mug and paperbacks

It’s Bookbub day! Yes, I cross my fingers every year (since 2014!!) that Bookbub feels that Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1) is something that their subscribers would be interested in checking out. And yay, today is that day!

But … then I feel slightly badly for all of you who have already read … well … at least Dowser 1 … so I wanted to do something special for my lovely, supportive readers as well. And what better reason to finally give away one of the ‘Reading Girl’ tumblers I commissioned from Bella Fox and Co (Etsy shop link)?


Of course, yes!!!

And then, just to fill out the box, I thought I’d throw in a few more items:

A Dowser theme travel mug, all nine recipe postcards, a set of Cake in a Cup stickers, three autographed paperbacks (the first complete trilogy), and three MCD bookplates.

So what do you think? Interested in winning this sweet prize pack (pictured above)? If yes, COMMENT BELOW and tell me all about your absolute FAVOURITE SCENE in the DOWSER SERIES. Any scene, any of the nine Dowser books.

How about a close up of the travel mug and paperbacks?

Bella Fox and Co Dowser mug and the first Dowser trilogy in paperback.

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. Only entries that follow the giveaway requirement will be counted. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary, Dowser 1 is currently free and all my books are available from your library. The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment to do so.

Giveaway closes SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 2021 at 8pm PDT (giving me time to mention it to my newsletter, because there won’t be a free short this month).

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1). Click here for the full reading order.

217 thoughts on “Dowser Series: Giveaway: mug and paperbacks

  1. How do I pick just one scene??? I love any scene where Jade’s sarcasm and wit shine. I love any scene where you talk about Vancouver or the west coast because my husband’s family is all on Vancouver Island and we miss the island and west coast so much!! I am anxiously waiting the next instalments in your other series!!

    1. One scene?? Well wow o love all of it especially her interactions with Kett and Kandy and how Kandy pretends to not like Kett but is actually upset when he is gone. And when Jade first meets the Talbots and Liam points his gun at her.

    2. I’m afraid I cannot come up with just one scene from these books. But I will tell you that I have read your Dowser series 3 times now, and your Reconstructionist and I See twice each. As for the Amplifier series, I have only read the first 3 twice. LOL. I will get to the rest, believe me. Keep writing these exciting books and I promise to keep reading them over and over.

  2. I can’t pick just one scene but I absolutely love each time Jade describes a new adept she meets in flavors.

    1. It is impossible to pick just one scene. I have been addicted to your books since the first one. Can’t tell you how happy I get every time there is a new one because when a series ends I feel like I’m losing my family 😥

    2. Pick a scene? What? All. I especially love scenes with Jade baking. My daughter and I bake a lot and it’s cool to see what she makes and see if we can try it. 📖 🧁

  3. I WANT ALL THE Things 🙂 OK, so the first thing that popped into my mind was when Mory was explaining to Jade how she thinks Ed is now super-powered and compared him to Spiderman and Bruce Banner. I just love that Ed is so special.

    1. One of my favourite moments in the dowser series is the sequence of events that take place after the Jade retrieves the centipedes. It highlights and cements each if her closest relationships, she won’t leave Kett behind even when he insists and they save eachother, she calls Kandy from the plane because she knows Kandy can ground her and give her perspective and when she realizes that Warner is alive, she fights for him and takes him to bed. Finally, when she knows Kett has survived she speaks (texts) to him in a way that shows she know and appreciates him (‘I am pleased’).

      It really sets them up to be a cohesive unit against the elves. LOVE IT!

  4. Impossible choose only one scene! I love when Chi Wen and Jade interact in the cave……but honestly I love all of your books!

  5. I have to say that one of the scenes that has always stick with me is when Jade is training in the woods with Kett and Kandy.

    I also love the one that pulled me into the series in the first place. Jade is dancing in the club and she is “tasting” the magic in the air. I had never thought of that type of magic because people always speak of feeling things in the air- tension, heat, electricity, etc.

  6. I love so MUCH of Jade. I loved when she met Kett, that spooky stalking vampire. When she met Kandy, they were not friends at first, I don’t think, but they grew on each other. I love how Jade cares for her friends and protects them. But I think my favorite moment was when she realized she’s half dragon and had actual power, that her trinkets were not worthless, she was not meant to be a witch, but something much more. <3

  7. Thanks for the chance! I have LOTS of scenes that I adore, but probably one of my favourites is when Jade is facing off with Desmond, and pushes him just enough so he knows SHE is stronger. I don’t know why but that scene always sticks with me!

  8. My favorite scene when Jane and Kady meet the twins for the first time. The banter between Jane and Kady It’s funny and trying to tell the twin(can’t remember which one) that a sandal is a poor weapon.

  9. When Jade makes cupcakes- are some of my favorite scenes. It reminds me of my sister (who also makes cupcakes).

  10. I, still, after all this time, love the scene that introduces Kett, standing on the street outside the bakery. It is the first introduction of many new and exciting characters in the series.

  11. I love the scene where Jade goes dancing for the first time, in the series, with Sienna and Rusty. The intro to the werewolves, the tasting and collection of magic. Kett in the ladies room. It’s good fun.

  12. I genuinely laughed out loud when Jade is arguing with her father, and thinks that it’s just like arguing with herself. I so relate to this statement!
    Thank you

  13. ONE scene?! Like in each book, because there are so many good ones I can’t choose one. I love the scene in woods where Kett is training Jade and she tags him. I love it when Kandy explains Gran’s political manipulations to Jade at her party because it shows how Gran will always back Jade with everything she has.

  14. I love all of the bakery scenes, especially when she comes up with new flavors or how she knows exactly which flavor is for which adept.

  15. My favorite scene in the Dowser books is when Jade finally has enough of Pulou and tells him off – takes back her necklace, sword and all the instruments. I was like, YES! And the fact that Yazi stood with her while she claimed them , and that she would now open his Christmas gift because of it haha. I loved reading that Jade was strong enough to go against even the dragons.

    Thanks for the opportunity to possibly win these as well!

  16. One scene!?! Not sure if I can…. I loved the scenes between Desmond and Jade. All the tension. Anything with Kandy. Seriously, I love these books so much and the audio books are done perfectly. Sometimes when I read and then listen I’m disappointed but this time I was sad when the audiobooks ended. I think this is my 5th time through them.

  17. Like so many others, I cannot pick a single scene. But one of my favorite relationships in your books is the one that develops between Emma and Opal. It really speaks to my heart.

  18. I first found your books on bookbub! I have been hooked ever since. You are one of my favourite authors and seem like a pretty great person to boot. Thank you for all the emails, updates and giveaways.
    How can I pick just one scene? I think for me, I love when new characters are introduced. When they meet Jade and you see her personality shine through.

  19. My absolute favorite scene is the opening scene of Cupcakes Trinkets and other Deadly magic where Jade first sees Kett. This had me hooked and reading everything you’ve written. <3

  20. I absolutely adore the whole damn Dowser series, but Kandy meeting Jorgen in Professor Edmonds’ office is just funny as hell!

  21. Any part with Jane and kandy are the greatest n how the bicker I think I am spelling that right they crack me up!!!!!

  22. I think one of my favorites is when Jade realizes the amulet is to save Mory, she is ok with that knowledge, and carries through with saving Mory.

  23. I just started re-reading the series and the first scene that comes to mind is when Jade is looking out the window at her juliette balcony and she sees the vampire on it…after a staring contest she calls him “vampire” and he calls her “witch” So simple yet so powerful and a great start to a beautiful friendship that goes throughout the series…can’t wait to go on vacation this weekend and fully immerse myself in the dowser series (again) oh and there’s no one scene but i love all of jade’s “trinkets”

    1. I love the first meeting of Ket at the bakery, I love how Jade tastes everyone’s magic, and when she claims the instruments as her own and her father stands with her💜

  24. So I don’t know that I have a favorite but the two scenes that keep popping into my head are the moment Warner shows up in the alley for the first time and when they’re all having dinner and then going dancing before the elf shit show at the bachelorette party!

  25. I like the scene when they try to use Jade’s magic to help fuel the spell that covers all of Vancouver, and she gets itchy feet, when something triggers the net! But the best part of Jade, is that she brings everyone together! It really is hard to pick one scene! Thank you for all of the stories, they are all wonderful!

  26. Thank you so much for this giveaway. I ♥️♥️♥️ the bottle and especially your books!! I love how Jade describes how each person’s magic tastes.

    1. Its hard to choose a favorite but I love the scene when Jade has just beheaded the rabid koala and she absorbs her powerful andclaims the instruments. Epic!

      1. That’s my favorite too. The metal centipedes integrating with Jade’s necklace of rings created a strong and lasting visual image for me.

  27. How to choose just one?
    The vampire stood at the door to my bakery. My heart skipped a beat. The Sun hadn’t even fully set-dam daylight saving time – and the vampire I wasn’t even wearing sunglasses or a hat.

    This got me started on an amazing journey through all your brilliant books. Twice!

    Book Bub got me started. Thank you Meghan 😊

  28. Can never just pick one scene as every book has me totally enraptured! I always loved how she makes new cupcake recipes to fit the magic of those close to her.

  29. Ohmygoodness! My favorite scene repeats because it’s learning how everyone’s magic “tastes” to Jade. It helps me understand the character in a whole different level of the five senses.
    Oh! And any scene where Kandy supplies t-shirts😉
    Thanks for the chance!🥰🥰

  30. There are too many fantastic scenes to count but I have a favorite one liner … just as the tension is building – Kett and Jade are debating braking wards. Desmond just cuts through it all saying ‘are we doing this?’ and kett says ‘have at it Lord Alpha’. Oh the sarcasm in that one liner just sums it all up 😁😁😁

  31. One scene from the entire series!! That is impossible to pick although if I had to truly pick one it would be where jade rips out the gem magical gem from her head to ecape the elves makeshift fortress. Spills blood on Ed and then uses it to give him protection and makes him a very powerful magical object. I have a pet turtle so do love the attention he gets.

  32. Ummm wow, think, think, think think think. One scene that always comes to mind is in the third book when Jade realised that Sienna can’t be saved and her mums like “oh sweetie you still thought she could be saved?”
    It’s not a favourite but it’s so well written.

  33. I think my favorite is when she meets Kandy. You don’t know if they’re going to be friends, allies, frienemies or just plain enemies. But then it leads to an epic friendship, one of my favorites in all of the books I’ve read.

  34. OMG it’s been so long since I read the first few books but they are among my favorites, my favorite scenes are of course when Jade first sees Kett standing outside her bakery, that scene will forever be ingrained in my brain and the second scene is I believe and someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but when Desmond realizes at the end of towards the end of book 2 when he kills Jades sister that she’s more powerful than him when she shoves him or pushed him back and it’s the look of surprise on his face… now I’m pretty sure I remembered that right but I could be completely wrong to😁💖

  35. ohh that’s hard, its one of my favorite series and I really wishes you’d write another book. I think one of my favorite scene (a part from when she finally get to have some sexy time with Warner) probably is when they finally get married in the alley behind the store. We need another book with baby dragons.

  36. I love all the Dowser books. My favorite scenes would be any involving Jade and Kandy. I love how Jade uses making cupcakes as her control for her feelings and to taste like the magic of those she loves.

  37. I think one of my favorite scenes is in book 1 when Jade goes dancing with Sienna and Rusty. The way you describe it is magical (pun intended, lol) and it’s where she first meets the werewolves which are prominent throughout so many of the books.

  38. I love it whenever Jade gets up super early and goes to her kitchen and starts to bake cupcakes (and other lovely things) and it’s really peaceful and content, although sad when she makes bad buttercream that one time because she thinks she doesn’t deserve it (subconsciously). (I’m pretty sure that’s a scene that happens a few times, otherwise I’ve imagened it. 😂 Any scene with cupcakes in! Haha.

    I also really like the first dance scene where Jade dances with all the yummy wear wolf’s. It was the first scene to really draw me in I think.

    That’s technically more than one so I’ll go with the dance scene for my answer 😂😂😂

  39. MCD, I love your wit, and by extension Jade’s wit. Since you were talking about book one, I love this reaction to Jade meeting Kett.;
    “I didn’t wet my pants, but I was glad I hadn’t drunk anything all afternoon. Usually I was an eight-glasses-a-day sort of girl.
    I was being stalked by an obviously insane vampire. It didn’t get much more terrifying than that.”

    I also love reading about the protection of Jade’s trinkets and necklaces. I feel naked without a necklace, even though mine are not magical.
    It’s important to me to support Canadian authors. I always order your books in advance so they are automatically downloaded to my kindle. My only regret is that I can’t put that kindle down, and finish these stories way too fast. Then I’m eagerly awaiting the next one. Your stories blow me away.

  40. I love your books so much! I can’t pick a favorite scene that easily. I love the sense of humor between the characters but if, off the top of my head I had to choose, it tickled me when the turtle was being used to figure out what was going on in the stadium. I really enjoyed that visual. Anytime anyone is looking for a book recommendation I suggest your books. Every single time!!

  41. It is hard to choose as there are so many moments that are amazing, but my favourite is the ‘dominance fight’ where the wolves are fighting each other, jade and ‘mcgrowly’ are flirting, and all of a sudden Kandy is injured and Jade is straight to her rescue. For me it is the friendship, the loyalty and the acceptance of power but that it doesn’t define who you are. Ride or die….

  42. My favorite scene is when Jade sees Kett the first time. After reading these two sentences, I knew I would love the book and was hooked!! – “The customer looked familiar, like maybe he’d been in the bakery a few times before. The vampire, however, was new.”

    1. Ok, specifically when Jade goes clubbing in 1st book and is in the bathroom with Kett and they are talking about her necklace and she said the would make him one and they could be twins. I knew then it was the beginning of a great relationship!

  43. So many to choose! The first that popped into my head was the rendezvous between Jade and Kett in the bathroom stall of the club in Dowser 1. So sexy and dangerous and sets the tone for their relationship to come.

  44. This is an impossible task to just pick 1 moment of just a legendary series. And then when I knew a moment I saw Jennifer Peer had put the same dancing with the wolfs scene. I truly loved that of the first book. So here is one of my second best option. When she is in London eating desserts in the lobby cafe while interrogating the sorcerer.
    She is badass bold and still enjoys her desert. A woman to my heart.

  45. The scene when the met the elf at the opening of the second bakery- the effect their magic had on them (conjuring the illusion) and how that shook Jade. She had been to indefeatable and here was something different because she had to also look after the fledglings. Love the layers you’ve given to all your characters, thank you for your stories

  46. Oh man! It’s difficult to pick one scene. I wouldn’t say it’s my ultimate favorite, but my favorite right now. Just a few days ago I had a dream that I had magical powers and someone was trying to get in my house and harm my family. So, in my dream I went around and performed the blood magic to protect all the entrances and windows of my house like Jade did at the bakery. In my dream obviously there were special effects and sounds, so now when I think of Jade being mad as heck going around the bakery and her apartment making the blood magic to protect herself and loved ones that’s what I picture and hear. Needless so say, because of my dream, I’m rereading Dowser. It’s like Harry Potter movies, there’s always a good reason to reread them!

  47. Like very one else it is supper hard to pick on scene in any of the books. So for me it is anything Kandy says as I love here smart mouth. 😉🙃

  48. I love the scene where Wisteria enters Jade’s kitchen at the bakery and is in awe of all the magic flowing around while Jade bakes, then asks to capture that moment as a reconstruction in one of her shell cubes for her cousin, Jasmine.

  49. It is nearly impossible to choose just one scene because I love all of your books!! I guess I would choose when Jade met Kett for the first time. I really like the way they relate to each other in all the books.

    1. I love the scene where Jade and Kett discuss the significance of the vampire wedding rings she’s adding to her necklace.

  50. When Mory’s zombie turtle goes all Mission Impossible scoping the joint in the Elven Invasion. Can just hear the Pink Panther tune in the background.

  51. I have a few.

    The first is the yoga scene with Jade, Kandy and Hudson. I love the fact that the werewolves are acing yoga and Jade is all huffy and puffy!

    Then there’s the one when Kett is stalking her at the beginning and on the bridge he gets a good sniff at her.. yum yum!

    And thirdly, it’s the one where Jade and Warner meet. I love the chemistry you can just feel coming off the pages!

    My favourites favourite has to be the dancing scene in the first Dowser. Tasting all the magic and being so completely free and uninhibited. Everyone should dance like this. 🙂

  52. Yes. When Jade realizes her trinkets have power and starts to purposefully craft and adapt them for people.

  53. A single scene?!? Nigh on impossible. However the interactions between Kandy and Jade are always enthralling.

  54. I don’t think it’s possible to pick just one, but the first one I think about is when Jade met Warner for the first time after inadvertently setting him free from his slumber/stasis…

  55. It is really hard to choose. I always remember when Warner appeared in the alley behind the bakery. But I think I love Kandy’s t-shirts whatever scene they show up in!

  56. So I just love that I feel a part of the dowser world. It’s like catching up with old friends, lots of love, conversation and let’s not forget the coffee and the cakes. Jade is a complex but simple girl with an extraordinarily amazing life.

  57. I love all the scenes, but my favorite are the baking scenes. I love when she comes up with new flavors.

  58. I love reading everyone’s favorite scenes. Reminds me of so many great moments. I, too, love the moment Jade first sees Kett. “The vampire, however, was new.” And the cupcakes… OMG the cupcakes!

    But my favorite is when Jade first sees her Dad. It’s a huge moment for her, for Yazi, and for the Guardians.

    “I have my mother’s eyes,” I said, releasing the breath that had been blocking my ability to speak. “Yes,” Yazi, the warrior of the dragons answered. “But every other inch of you is me.” He was right. I was his spitting image. Half-witch, half-dragon. Well, that was one mystery solved. I smiled, hitting him with one of my best efforts ever. “Hi, Dad,” I said.

    Thank you, MCD, for an amazing universe.

  59. All of the books are wonderful but the first us my favorite. I suppose it’s because it’s the introduction to so many magical things in this universe. I live the baking scenes where Jade really puts her soul into one of my favorite desserts cupcakes! But the scene that has always stayed with me is the introduction of Kett. And also the dancing scene with the wolves—such intense heat! Yum. Thanks for sharing your amazing imagination with us. Sherry

  60. So many great scenes, Jade and Kett is always a great interaction. The scene in Jade’s kitchen where he’s helping her bake and trying to tell her about Jasmine. It’s clear they’re both so full of angst but also love for each other.

  61. The first scene that popped into my head is when Drake is jumping in and out of the truck as they are going to see the sorcerer.

    1. I too can’t pick just one. But I will say that all of my favorite scenes are when Jade, Kett and Kandy are together and all their snarky, witty dialogue. I absolutely LOVE their friendship!!! Thank you, Meghan, for the Adept Universe!!

  62. I can’t choose a specific scene. I can tell you my least liked, even though it was necessary for the story. I don’t want to create a spoiler but the ending of book 8 was a heart breaker.

  63. Like everyone else here, there are just too many scenes to choose just one. However I will share a few of my favorites.
    I love when Kandy steals cupcakes.
    I love when Kett “allows” Jade to see his more sensitive side.
    I am always intrigued by how Jade “tastes” her friends and enemies.
    Forever intrigued by Kett tasting like peppermint.
    I love the first time Jade saw her mother and father together.
    Ed, 🐢. 😊

  64. I love anytime Jade is baking, it is described so well and I wish I could be there just to watch! I also love when she matches someone with a cupcake just by the taste of their magic. I love that she does that and how they always love it.

  65. It had ro be either the first time Jade sees Kett or when she murders Shailaja and becomes the mythical Phoenix.

  66. I had not been familiar with Fluevog shoes and looked them up after one of Jade’s outfit description. Love them! Enjoyed looking up info/photos of Vancouver, too.

  67. Pretty much every part of every book is my favorite but I was so proud of Jade when she told her Gran to “ close it yourself.” She is beginning to find her place and starts to speak her mind.

  68. All right, I am not entirely sure which book it is in but I do like when Jade goes on a rescue mission with Kett – there is someone else, too. I just remember the three of them walking around, following Jade’s intuition and prowess.
    I do enjoy Jade’s taste for magic and how the descriptions compare to and merge into cupcakes. The flavours are so intriguing and magical, I wish I could find the real things in the cupcake shop around the corner.

  69. I can’t pick just one! The club scene when she first meets Kandy is one of the most fun to me and when Kett tells her he loves her while being taken by the elves is the most emotional for me.

  70. There have been 81 comments. I am late to the party.Lol. But the one that came to mind first was when Jade and her ‘army’ stormed the beach to vanquish the demons.You described the scene with such vividness. I loved that Jade was becoming ‘more’ and you could feel the way the whole crew was changing and adapting to that. I would love to the proud owner of all the swag. Thanks for the opportunity!

  71. I read all 9 of these books so quick! I love Jade’s story line so much, with the bonuses of all the other adepts in the universe. I live in Vancouver, and love being able to visualize all the locations so vividly.
    My favourite scene is the first big battle scene for Jade, on the island. The frenzy and chaos was thrilling, and your description was so clear.

  72. I think my favorite scene is when Jade fully comes into her powers and collects her knife, necklace and the instruments. Overriding Pulou effortlessly.

  73. Oh man, hard to pick one scene. Any playful banter always makes me laugh.

    “You say the sweetest things, wolf.”

    “All the better to woo you, Dowser.”


  74. Wow, just one scene, a little difficult, but, I think it is when Jade met Warner for the first time in the alley, or rather summoned him without knowing. I just had a feeling something good will come of it.

  75. I have read all of the series and love each book. I can’t thinks of a specific scene that I love over another.

  76. I’ve recently been re-reading the series and one of my fave scenes is when Kett and Jade meet. And then there he is on her Juliet balcony. I love the sense of humour and I had forgotten she was originally afraid of him. But she never let that show in her snark!

  77. My favourite scene is when Jade kills . It made me cry because Jade tries so hard, every single book, to choose the humane option–and here her hand was forced. I just felt the whole Adept world shift in that moment. It was terrible (I legit cried for Jade) and *so* impactful.

  78. My favourite scene is when Kett takes Jade and Warner to the club. I love the way you describe Jade dancing, and how Warner adapts to and loves modern dancing. But I especially like the way Jade, Warner and Kent interact with each other.

  79. Tasha (above) read my mind. The centipedes!! The way Jade, Kandy, Kett, and Warren all work together is amazing.

  80. I love the dynamic between Jade and Kett. My favorite is when he saved her from the leaches.

  81. One of my favourite scenes is when Warner, Jade and Kandy meet for the first time in the office, in the bakery after he teleports in and passes out. I love Jade’s and Kandy’s banter and Warner’s reaction to Jade when he finds out who she is.


    It was so difficult to pick a favorite scene, especially since I love each character and likely have a favorite scene for each. However I think I settled on the scene where Jade is digging the diamond out of her forehead. The feeling was so visceral, and so reminiscent of how incredibly difficult it is to bring yourself back out of a dark place. The pain, the absolute agony… but coated in something almost refreshing? Probably like a blackberry dark chocolate cupcake with freeze dried blackberry sprinkled on top. Dark and tart. The subsequent recovery detail where she was unable to help her friends (read: family) because she had to take care of herself first and not even by choice, AHHHH!! Way too easy to relate to a part-dragon, part-witch, all sass dowser from Vancouver (who wasn’t even on an earthly plane during some of the most relatable parts!!). That’s all I’m sayin’.

  83. I love when Jade goes around McGrowly’s house finding bits of magic to make Morey’s necklace. Also love when Jade,Kandy and Morey sneak out the bathroom window to go dancing. It is so hard to choose just one favorite because there are so much to love in jades world. Thank you for bringing it to life.

  84. I’m new to the series and just about to read the first book. I would love to win the prize and greet sucked in to this much-loved series.

  85. My favorites are when Jade is in her bakery making cupcakes! I just love that for all she is , she still loves baking. The visitors she has there and their love of her cupcakes is terrific. I know simple, but it makes me smile!

  86. It is hard to just pick one but bringing it back to the beginning I loved all jades interactions with Desmond and the scene in the forest 🤤

  87. Pick one scene? How? As someone who has won ribbons for cupcakes at the state fair, I love the cupcakes-especially chocolate ones, and Jade’s thought processes in coming up with flavors and names.

  88. One of my favorites is in book 5 when Jade & Warner tell the brownie, Miss Winterblossom, that the bakery needs fixing. She’s appalled that someone defiled the bakery. It’s a very cute scene.

  89. I cannot choose an ultimate favorite scene – however, any moment when Jade feels absolutely clueless and everyone else is just waiting for her to catch up – it’s how I feel on a daily basis 😂

  90. ONE scene? Oh my, so hard to choose just one! I love every ounce of sarcasm and wit between the characters. But I especially love the scenes when Jade realizes her power, as well as surprising others who have underestimated her.
    One scene that stands out is when Jades declares the three artifacts of assassination hers, taking them from Pulou. I love that Yazi stood with her. There was no hesitations her at all. It was amazing.

  91. Now, with the understanding that there are thousands of face scenes, I’m going to say when Jade and Co went to visit Blackwell’s home. The imagination is fantastic! Blackwell is one of my favorite characters.

  92. One scene would be hard to pick. The banter between Jade & all the big bad alphas is particularly funny, she doesn’t back down although her knees are knocking. The first meeting with Kett outside her balconey & then later at the club in the bathroom where he emphased she couldn’t get away. I had to order book two immediately after finishing the first book.

  93. My favorite scene is where Jade is dancing and describing the taste of magic. It was a totally new way of describing how one senses magic. I’ve been hooked every since. I usually only read books that I can get for free but I just had to keep reading and have bought everything you’ve ever written.

  94. hhhmmmmmm decisions decisions…… i like so many scenes and all of the books but one of my all time favourites is when she is released from the white box and squares off with Pulou. And Claims the instruments as hers. She shows so much strength and confidence!! then just walks away…. just brilliant!!

  95. Ooh, what a great giveaway! …and so many scenes. The one that gave me all those good feelings was in one of the elves books. She was up in Whistler and everyone was around the fireplace, all her friends together. It made me wish for that kind of camaraderie, to make loyal friends who are all unique and wonderful, both dark and light in each loved one but all accepted and loved by the other. Bliss.

  96. I love when Jade starts to realize that she’s more. More than she imagined, more than anyone thought of her. She starts grasping her worth, in all ways. It’s brilliant!

  97. Seriously, just one scene?! I don’t even know if I can narrow it down to my favorite book in the series! I guess, I’d have to say my favorite scene is when Jade meets Kett. His cashmere sweater and peppermint icing smell sticks in my mind. I love Jade’s friendships with Kett and Kandy.

  98. I’m so excited for this giveaway! I sorta have a collection of whimsical travel mugs. And this one is so cute!
    As many have mentioned, it’s so hard to pick a favorite, but the one scene that first came to mind was when Kett, Werner, and Drake went skiing in Misfits, Gemstones, and Other Shattered Magic. The retelling of their adventure always makes me smile! I can just imagine the look of pure joy on Drake’s face!
    And for extra credit, I also enjoy it whenever Jade describes chocolate. Makes my mouth water every time!

  99. “I’m having an epiphany,” I said.
    “Right now?”
    “Ask me again,” I whispered, smiling up at him with my heart ready to burst. “Warner, ask me now.”
    He didn’t even blink. He swept me up, twirling me around. Then he set me down, kneeling before me. “Jade Godfrey, I love you with every ounce of my being, with every drop of my magic. I would be yours till the end of my days. At your side. At your back. Whenever and wherever you’d have me. Will you marry me?”
    “I will.”

    Excerpt From
    Artifacts, Dragons, and Other Lethal Magic
    Meghan Ciana Doidge
    This material may be protected by copyright.

  100. Ok so I think the first thing I thought of was when Warner popped into the alley and the second was Sienna, and finding out she is, well bat crap crazy and just evil. It was definitely a struggle for Jade to accept this and know she would have to stop her.

  101. I love the end of Dowser 3-after all the tragedy of the final battle we get Unity in a Cup: “It’s like you(Candy) and Ket had babies.”

  102. I really enjoyed when dragons and lay lines were introduced. I find lay lines fascinating and love all things mystical so I really enjoyed these brought in. I really love urban fantasy and being able to see it in my own world along with the magical pieces. I’ve looked up her shoes a lot too! The characters are great too! The first book I read that wasn’t “Jade’s” I started disappointed and missing her but quickly fell in love with the new person too.

  103. I love the whole universe! There are a thousand and 1, more so scenes that I love and make MCD one of my absolute favourite authors and her universe one of my go to favourite series. My love of all thing adapt started started with D1, I saw the book pop up in one of those ‘suggested for you’ lists. What hooked me was the first screen when Jade has a vampire in her shop. I honestly couldn’t put the book down and now love every part of the series and universe.

  104. oh gosh, so many great things to pick from. I love the scenes when Jade goes dancing. The absolute primal energy of it all.

  105. I’m not sure if its my favorite, but its one that has stuck stuck with me through all of the books. in Book 1 the description of Jade dancing and the magic that radiates off of her, was enthralling. When I think about book 1 and Jade, this is one of the specific things I think of.

  106. There are two scenes that immediately come to mind… not because of the emotion evoked, but because of the writing. Both the lab scene (I See You – O2) and the stadium scene (Gemstones, Elves, and Other Insidious Magic – D9) included immense detail and, especially the stadium scene, so many things going on at the same time. Incredibly captivating. There were others like that as well.

  107. Pick just one???
    I love Drake, the scene in was it Ireland? where the car has issues…
    also Candy…. Candy is awesome

  108. One scene? Are you crazy?!? I love so much with Jade. The dancing scenes always are amazing. I love every description of the cupcakes. Jade describing how she is careful of how others might be uncomfortable around her and how she tries to make them more comfortable. Her thoughts and every interaction with Warner. Thank you for making a series I can reread over and over again without getting bored.

  109. My favorite scene was on book 5 when Jade, the Guardian, and Kett meet with the three clueless teenage adepts after the nightclub scene. It was absolutely hilarious and had me snort out loud. Love this series.

  110. One of my favourite scenes in one of the Dowser series books was when the characters were walking through an area of town that I lived just a few blocks away from at the time that I was reading. Also, when I realized the bakery is just down the street from my sister-in-law’s place. 🙂

  111. Honestly how do I pick just one scene?! Maybe I’ll go with the hotel restaurant scene in London? Where she ordered all the desserts and some drinks by herself and was completely ok with that. Or the scene in Seattle where she meets the reconstructionist and gets to eat those yummy chocolates.. there are so many!! I also love any scene with the seer as he’s quite cheeky even for a dragon. I just love your books so much!!

  112. How can I pick just one? So many vivid ones flitting through my mind, but I guess if I had to pick, it would be when Jade stumbles into the Dragon Hall for the first time, with the demon in tow. Or the battle scene on the beach. Or the time the portal dumped them i the ocean… Arrrghhh! I can’t pick!!

  113. How can I pick only one scene? I love so many! The first one that comes to mind is Jade and Warner’s wedding. After she was prepared to not have the wedding she wanted to appease everyone else, her chosen family made the wedding of her dreams happen. After everything she (and the whole group really) has been through, she and Warner deserved that special moment.

  114. It’s not one particular scene exactly, but every time they mention the bakery and discuss the nature of the portal and the way the wards move and wrap around adepts as they enter or travel. Just the idea of being able to visibly see the essence of magic.

  115. This is such a small thing, but it’s always stuck with me. When Warner is driving in the mountains, and half conscious Jade tells him to turn in his headlights. He was like, “I can see just fine” and she responds with “it’s so other drivers can see you”. Because a) so true and b) really shows her pragmatism and awareness of the differences between their worlds.

  116. I actually love the scene you mentioned the other day when Chi Wen says Hello Dragon Slayer. The realization later that he really did mean Jade was perfect!

    Also a huge fan of any scene with Jade dancing 😉

  117. I think my favorite scene was the battle with the elves. The characters have grown into my hearts and it was lovely to see it all culminate together.

  118. I really love your books! So thank you! Impossible to pick one favourite scene, but the first to come to mind is nearly the first in the series: Kett interrogating Jade on Burrard Street Bridge. Also every description of Jade’s first “taste” of a new adept, and of her appraisals and appreciation of others’ appearances and abilities. And Jade’s first visit to Desmond’s house! I can’t recall all the details right now, which means I’m ready for a third reread of the first trilogy. 🙂

  119. Oh man! One of my favorite scenes is when we are first introduced to Kett and he’s peaking through Jade’s window! I was so spooked I had to speed read to safety 😂❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

  120. I think my favorite part was right after Sienna died. I absolutely hated that she had to die but I know it was necessary.
    I liked that Jade showed Desmond that she was stronger than him. Not just in a physical aspect though. She showed him that he made a choice and she no longer cared to hide her internal strength from him. For a man so used to getting his way, he finally met a woman that would not bow down when he did something that crossed the line for her.

    I remember crying the first time I read this scene. Partly because of the loss of words and the way Jade felt, but also because how final it felt. It was that one act by Desmond was the end of any future between them. I hated how he felt that she would just accept him and continue moving forward together after he killed her sister (even though deserved.) Seeing Jade be so strong and standing her ground was inspiring.
    Maybe because of the relationship I was in when I first read this book, I don’t know. But I do know that this one scene stayed with me long after I moved to other books through the years. It takes such strength to stand up to someone you see a future with. I was so proud of her, even while I also hurt for her.
    Which is why I was so ecstatic when she found Warren. She finally found someone that deserved to truly know the amazing person that she is.

  121. How do I pick one? Though I must admit to loving the bakery kitchen scenes and the sample tastings…and now I need to go bake something 🙃 Thank you Meghan for the MCD universe.

  122. No way is there just one! I love the dancing in the first book, also the life debt with Kett. I love all the moments between Kett and Jade where they let their guard down. I love Kandy using intimidation pretty much every time. In London when Drake scales the building! I could just go on and on. I love the whole universe and I love how all the series ties together but I am sad to think that we won’t be seeing much of the original crew any more. Oh and Morie…when we first meet Ed. Love her and him! And Freddie!.. okay I will stop now!

  123. I love these books! I go back and reread them all of the time. I agree with so many of the other comments; how to pick one favourite moment. One of my fave parts was when she was in dragon jail and Warner sent a note and on the tray were things that represented each one of her people. I loved the relationships in this book. They seemed like real people that I would want to meet. ❤️

    1. A scean that sticks with me. Is whn Drake tells Jade that the slow savering of chocolate is her ritual.

  124. The battle on Long Beach! It is one of my favourite places, so seeing it come to life in your novel was extra special.

  125. My favourite scene… that’s a hard one, there’re so many! I think one of my highest contenders for ‘best’ was the battle on Long Beach against the demons. It was just so intense. That scene is followed closely for me by the scene where she and Drake fought to rescue Mori, while the demons were spawning and heading for them.

  126. My favorite Dowser moment is when Jade sees how much her mom has her back and when Pearl says she is proud of BOTH ladies, realizing how much she has underestimated her daughter. My favorite Jade moment is actually from the reconstructionist series, when Wisteria captures the literal magic of Jade baking to gift to Jasmine. I get the same feeling when I bake!

  127. I cannot choose just one scene!! But I love the sarcastic humour that threads through every book.
    I love the subtle power of the brownies working in the background. I love the trinkets and wish they didn’t fade out in importance in later books (I always had a visual of sparkling shinies dangling in the sunshine streaming through the window)
    The description of flavours made me download the recipe book and try a few with my daughter ! My favourite is lemon and hers is blackberry (although it can stain as forewarned!!)
    I love the Canadian settings especially as well

  128. My mind kept flicking to different scenes, but one I love is where jade protects Mory and in return Mory holds onto the instruments of assignation. But there are so many others. Lol

  129. It’s so hard to pick one scene from the series but after the third book, I had to read the Oracle series and the Reconstructionist series as well. Then I carried on and read the rest. And read them all again in the correct order.
    I loved the scene where Warner showed up in the alley. You just knew that he would have an effect on Jade’s life. And Drake, well what can you say but tee hee for his antics. And Kett and Kandy… there are just too many to name. Love them all!!🥰🥰

  130. My favorite would have to be when Jade tastes magic. So different from feeling it like most other books describe it.

  131. There are so many scenes to choose from! I think one of my favorites is when Sienna makes fun of Jade because she smells like bakery. It just seemed so petty of her especially since bakeries smell wonderful. After you finish the first book you see how this foreshadowed Sienna’s true personality. Her hunger for power was shown in more ways than many realize.

  132. One of my favorites is when the centipede was rocking the column Jade was fighting on and then making the leap and stepping on the back of the molten centipede itself.

  133. Like everybody else, I can’t pick just one scene. But in general I just love how the young dragons are so fearless. Picturing Sisu charging around with that sword! And Drake proudly announcing that he’d fallen off a cliff while skiing…

  134. I really like the transformation of Jade as she realizes that she was actually more powerful than anyone realized, and begins to grow into her powers.

    And, of course, any scene that involves her bakery and the development of a new recipe. (BTW, your strawberry buttercream icing recipe is spot on, and I normally don’t eat the icing on cake)

  135. My favorite scenes include Ket. It’s been a while since I read the series but I distinctively remember a house falling or blowing up and Ket saved Wisterias cousin or sister…I need to read the series again!!! Any scene with Ket is my favorite. He’s my man.

  136. I’m a fan of lots of scenes but when Jade is released from Poulo’s prison and calls all her things to her and walks out is probably one of my favorites.

  137. My favorite scene is a bakery scene. Describing the layout, the special jewelry decorations, the protected entry, the little tables. Each new character that enters the bakery and you learn so much about them as they try a special cupcake. I can always feel like I am at the bakery with them! 💕

  138. VERY hard to pick just one favourite bit of all the stories or even one favourite scene from inside just one book. I remember laughing out loud when Jade & Kandy first meet Warner and he underestimates her/them. When she calls the sacrificial knife and Warner realizes she’s not ‘just a witch’…. I can imagine what his expression would be like. And I can picture how smug Kandy would be to witness that. In that moment I just had a feeling Warner was going to be a real character and not just for that story.

  139. Like others there really isn’t just one. I love how Jade takes all the misfits under her wing even though she sometimes doesn’t get it right away

  140. I love many scenes but when Jade gets a messenger delivery and Kett is talking to him and he can’t go into the bakery due to wards and Candy grabs him and drags him around the building saying deliveries are around the back. Made me laugh. I love the series and would like to win the giveaway.

  141. Jade, the Demon, Kett, and Desmond tumble into the nexus and the chaos continues. As each of The Nine try to weigh in on what to do with the intruders, Quiniu keeps repeating that Jade is not all witch. The portals are only able to be used by dragons…they say. Then they looked closer and Yazi busts out smiling! Suanmi even chastises him for sleeping around! Priceless!

  142. So many good scenes!! One that comes to mind is the end of book 6 when Warren made Jade black forest pancakes – he was communicating in her language! Also any scene where Jade pulls out some fancy chocolate bar, takes a piece and puts the rest back, and then truly savors that piece. In particular I recall her trekking through the mountains with Kett and pulling out some much need chocolate.

  143. Choosing one favorite scene is almost impossible but I’ll go with the first time Jade & Kett met.

  144. My favorite scene is when Paisley pulls her bone and spell book out of her tentacles and starts waving them around.

  145. My favorite is when she cuts the elf stone out of her forehead. That’s just totally awesome. She’s a strong woman with a lot of passion and drive who cares very deeply for those around her. Plus she is the warriors daughter, everything she does is badass.

  146. I have many favorite scenes, truly, but I would have to say that the one that stands out the most is the beach battle. Everyone is standing united with Jade and just when hope starts to flag, her father shows up and Jade’s spirits are bolstered as she truly realizes her identity as The Warrior’s Daughter

  147. “That’s easy. You’re Jade. You’re cupcakes, trinkets, and deadly magic. Like that knife you carry. Pretty green stone, tasty magic, and deadly.”

  148. My favourite scene is when Jade asks Warner to ask her to marry him again and he does and she says yes. They are surrounded by chaos, danger and the unknown but the fact that they love each other and want to spend thier lives together is still important. That is romantic.

  149. I don’t think I could pick just one, but I love the opening scene.. it’s just amazing and out first glimpse of Kett.. 🙂

  150. When jade and Yazi are keeping tally in the stadium always makes me laugh out loud! But also whenever Kandy tells people not to underestimate Jade

  151. Hi Meghan I love it when Jade is in the dragon library (Book 5) and the books bite her in the butt and take on life being an avid reader all my life I feel like books are alive so it tickled me I could just see the books bent on mischief It’s hard to pick just one favorite scene but so far that’s my favorite and I too love baking so I enjoy the way baking and sharing them are such an integral part of the stories (I share my baked goods all the time too I think it’s why my friends hang with me) and I can’t go a day without chocolate believe me I have tried but nope can’t do it. Thanks for bringing to life a fun world where who knows what will happen next they are a welcome diversion to a lot of what’s happening in our chaotic real world right now. A very grateful reader
    Brigitta Mueller

  152. I thought it would be hard to pick just one scene, but truthfully the second I tried to think about it, one scene jumped straight to mind. From Maps, Artifacts and Other Arcane Objects (spoilers): Jade thinks she’s just lost Kett and Warner but there’s still a page or two devoted to her trying three new Valhrona bars. It was actually that description of chocolates that started me down my own obsessive path of following chocolate blogs and needing to try new, sing origin chocolates.

  153. I think what got me hooked was the scene where Jade is forced to stab Hudson to save Kettil’s life and Desmond comes crashing in and saves Jade in turn, then Desmond is explaining to Jade that she owes him a life debt and Kandy pulls Kettil’s tooth out of Desmond’s shoulder and he cracks up laughing hysterically. I was in love right then.
    NOT to mention I put on 2kgs eating cupcakes which I normally don’t eat, but after the second book, I went cupcake shopping!

  154. It’s hard to pick just one scene but I love the scene in the final book when Jade is finally healed and wanders down to the bakery and Kandy, then Warner and finally Kett all appear and it melts my heart every time I read it!

  155. Ooh, um. Hmmm. I’m a dirty, dirty girl, so all of the sex scenes with Beau and Rochelle always make me happy. But also, the makeup sex with Jade and Warren after he gives her the rings. 🤪🥰😂

  156. My favorite scene is the very first scene of the first book. I had no idea what to expect but I was captivated from the first moments when Jade described the vampire standing outside her bakery. I was hooked! Thanks for an amazing series!

  157. TOO many good scenes to pick just one! I suppose when Kett is introduced because I find his character so fascinating. I love his interactions with Jade and Kandy. I also was introduced to you through a free introductory book, and I was immediately hooked and tore through your entire oeuvre! Anxiously awaiting the next book!

  158. One of my favorite parts is when Warner forget who Jade is BUT also when he remembers her. My poor heart was breaking there for a minute when that happened but was so pleasantly surprised it didn’t last long.

  159. So hard to pick one favourite moment… I really like the friendship between Jade, Kandy and Kett, but the moment when she is in Pulou’s prison and treats in the flavours of her closest friends magic are delivered to her, and the nail polish, so she’d know her friends were still there for her. It really got my heart!

  160. My favorite scene in the entire series was jades final face off with her sister where she created the cursed katana and all that good stuff! I also loved that you went back to it when wisteria came to interview her!

  161. These books are all-encompassing! I cannot read an exciting action scene and then go to bed; I get too keyed up! One of my favourite scenes is actually a poignant one- in book 9 when Jade agrees to go to her Gran’s house because she finally listens to wisdom and her inner voice that says rushing in is wrong and can result in needless devastation. Yes! Score one for maturity.
    Thank you so very much for all the heart and soul you weave into your collection of work…. FANtastic job well done.

  162. What inspires me the most is Jade’s creativity with her trinkets and recipes (some of which I have made, after converting to gluten free, and love!). She also demonstrates her creativity in her ability to develop an understanding and solve what seems to be unsurmountable problems and situations. I’ve read the entire series several times and enjoy the stories and characters who are developed as off shoots. Love you work!!

  163. I just started Dowser 7 so I haven’t read everything, but my favorite scene so far is after she is released from the cube prison and Polou wants to keep her necklace and knife, “as a condition of her release.” And she starts to walk away but then she pauses and reclaims what’s hers, I felt that was when she truly accepted all that she was and owned it.

  164. As with everyone else, how do you choose? I love the parts where Jade describes the the flavors of her cupcakes. Shortly before I started the series my sister, who lives in Vancouver, took me out to get cupcakes. When I started reading the first book I was immediately brought back to my visit and was entirely hooked. I can’t get enough of your work. Thank you!

  165. I love how your books can take me away from all my troubles! The flavours are amazing whether it’s described in cupcake flavours or how jade can taste all the magic!

  166. I love to read and I haven’t been sucked into a series like this for years! I love the first interaction between Jade and Kett but then watching how their unlikely friendship progresses during their adventures and how close they become is the best! I love all the recipes as well and have even tried a few- there truly is something magical about cupcakes! Ready and waiting for Amplifier 5 now!

  167. I loved the scene where she went to the club (before she knew about herself) and danced energy where she met the werewolf that was killed. I also loved the scene when she came back and placed protections on the bakery using a variety of magics including the blood magic. These stories are so mesmerizing.

  168. It is so difficult to pick one scene. There is so much that I enjoy about ALL your books, although since I read Jade’s story first, she holds a special place in my heart. I love her strength. I love the scenes where something really bad is happening, but she, and all her cohorts, rise to the occasions and pound adversity into dust beneath their feet. I do particularly love the scenes when Jade is adding to her necklace. The magic of it all.

    Thank you Meghan, your stories are amazing and you are one of the kindest and most interactive authors.

  169. I had to think long and hard, I mean each book has at least one favourite moment 😉 I guess the one that sticks out for me is Jade discovering the portal in the basement under her shop. My favourite first every fantasy series I loved as a child was the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – I have a soft spot for portals!!!

  170. I love all the scenes where Jade talks about the smell of each of the character’s magic. The way she speaks of it makes me smell those things in my head. Great detail that repeats through the series.

  171. So very hard to choose just one scene hmmm…
    I think the scene where she fights to get her memory back in the last book. When Kett says Jasmine is his, like he is hers, and then kisses her to help calm the Elf magic. When he whispers “Remember my love, remember who you are” oh my god my heart broke, the tears fell. It’s just culminated everything. Encompassed the amazing friendship and love the group formed throughout the series. So much love and thanks to you for this brilliant and amazing series!!

  172. I can’t pick one. The evolution of Jade and everyone she comes into contact makes it impossible for me to pick one scene. I love the happy scenes, I love the tragic scenes, I love her frustration as well as her joy. Every turn of the page is an adventure – I love them all!

  173. I totally agree with everyone else there are so many scenes in your books to choose as favorite but since I have too and because I would love to have that totally awesome mug… I would have to choose the scene when Kett has changed Jasmine into a vampire to save her life. We know that he is wrestling with his feelings for Jade, and he dances with her in the ballroom just before dawn.

  174. My favorite scene is that first one that made me want to read all of the books. When Jade is dancing at the club, the werewolves are there. Big wish it were so easy to “re-energize”! The description of that scene allows the reader to completely envision it.

  175. Just one scene is so hard because I love every time Kett uses his touch to calm Jade because she is calmed by his peppermint taste. But I guess my favorite scene is when Jade is on the olane and realizes Kett loves her because of all the chocolates he has on the plane for her. I just love Kett.

  176. Agreed! Too hard to pick just one! But, every time Kett comes on the scene I picture him looking like Anderson Cooper. LOL I also love how Jade can taste everyone’s flavors!

  177. One of my favorites is towards the end of Dowser 6 when Jade is being held by the treasure keeper and the silver tray appears with the Gelato, chocolate, peppermint stick, and nail polish. Along with the realization that everyone survived comes the descriptions of the tastes and colors of their magic that is so palpable. Loved it.

  178. My favorite so far is Dowser Book 3, I enjoyed the action and the development of Jade Godfrey. Can’t wait to get the next book.

  179. Werewolves eating cupcakes. How they dissolve into little kids waiting for Jade to feed them….always makes me smile 😊

  180. When she makes her trinkets to wear because they have so much meaning. Also when she bakes. I love her and Kandy. Just an incredible series and you are an amazing story teller.

  181. I think one of my favourite scenes (out of many) is the battle scene at the end of the first trilogy. I can imagine it so well based on the writing that it is like watching a movie. Very epic! I also love Kett and Jade. Their scenes are fantastic. Thanks for the opportunity MCD! Hope you are keeping cool.

  182. I can’t just pick one scene. There are so many! But since you asked for one, I will go back to the first book and where I got hooked on the series with the scene were Jade meets Kett for the second time: “The vampire was perched on my Juliet balcony.” I just love Jade’s reaction and the whole interaction. I love Kett.

  183. The first book had me hooked from the start so it’s really hard to pick just 1 scene. However, I think my favorite may be in book 6 after Jade wakes up in the Dragon prison cell and is finally released. She and Pulau are arguing about her killing a dragon (angry koala) and pulls the perfect end credit scene – calling all of her creations/objects of power to her. Her necklace, the dragon killer artifacts, the katana, her knife. It is a really good display of how she has grown into this serious power house. I will say after that scene wise would the dance scenes and what they do those around her.

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