I’m all geared up to work full time, hopefully with no other distractions, on the second book in the Archivist series for the entire week. Though I’m slightly apprehensive about my second Covid19 shot on Wednesday. The first shot pushed my Chronic Daily Headache into (at least) six weeks of ramped up pain during which very little writing was accomplished, putting me far, far behind my schedule for 2021. But, as I understand it, many people react differently to their second shots and I hope that is the case for me as well.
Other than that, there has been a tiny bit of knitting, and an even tinier bit of gardening. And a ton of other books/stories thrashing around in my head (don’t worry I’m making notes) such as a couple of more Kandy shorts (and an Audrey short), leading up to Misfits 1. As well as more brainstorming for the new Multiverse series (long term project, urban fantasy). If the headache would just give me some peace, I have a ton of books aching to get out of my head!
The first three Moments of the Adept Universe shorts (previously released in my newsletter) are with the editor for story editing. I’ve finished the first draft of what was supposed to be Burgundy’s second story (the first is outlined but not written) but I’m a little torn about ‘releasing’ it next because it falls forward in the timeline (after Misfits 1 but before Archivist 0) and therefore might be a bit confusing. So I might need to hold it back for a bit. Memo is taking break from the sketches for the Adept Universe bible until September, because she is crazy busy, but there are more coming – yay!
I’ve been reading the Psy-Changeling series by Nalini Singh finally (Amazon USA link, for ease of sharing). I just finished book nine and am still really enjoying the sexy, sexy series. I would call it paranormal romance because each book ends in a HEA (Happily Ever After) EXCEPT there is a ton of world building, and a larger overall plot threading through the background of each book, which makes it more of an urban fantasy series.
Okay, wish me luck with the second Covid19 shot, and I should get back to writing Archivist 2!
A brief addendum that I can’t believe I needed to write: I’m not interested in being sent anti-vaccine propaganda. I believe in science and that my medical system/government is interested in keeping me alive, even if only for the taxes I pay. And I cannot believe that anyone would suggest that so-called ‘lifestyle’ changes (rather than a doctor or ‘pill’) would be all it would take to cure my headaches. Do you actually think that anyone would be in this much pain, for almost two years, and not have tried EVERYTHING, including diet and massage? No one with a chronic illness sits around hoping a ‘pill’ will cure them. But! Amazingly enough, because science is cool like that, sometimes the right ‘pill’ actually works.
Good Luck!!! Can’t wait for ANY of the books mentioned!
Good luck!
Good luck! I had a massive immune response to my first shot (resulting in the elimination of chronic nerve pain I had in my back) and nearly no reaction to my second shot. I’ll be thinking of you!!!
Ugh, I wish it had fixed my headache!!! But I’m so happy for you.
Thanks! I really hope that you find a solution to your headaches soon!!
I was one who reacted very badly to my first shot but only had a sore arm and a bit of a stiff neck with the second one. Hope the second one goes easy for you.
Husband and I took 2 days off with no activities planned in preparation for second shot, and had no reaction at all. Here’s hoping you have the same!
Best of luck with your second shot. My first was nothing followed by my second of 4 days of achy, feverish discomfort. But, as noted, everyone is different. Hope this does not induce any more headaches for you.
Good Luck with the second shot! I did have better luck with pain, but I was asleep for two days. Maybe if you were sleeping you would have even more story ideas! Everyone is different but we all need the shots.
So happy you are getting your second shot, especially after your first shot experience (many would have elected to forgo the second shot)
Best of luck with your second shot. I hope you also find something that works for your chronic headaches. Hang in there. You have a lot of people that care about you even if we have never met you. You bring a lot of joy to others through your books. Thank you!
I had bad reaction to the first shot, in bed for over a week. Second shot, nothing, so I’m keeping everything crossed that it won’t be too bad for you!
Any book that comes out of your poor brain is a bonus for us all 😀
Seriously, somehow, when someone butts in with a comment that’s unwanted and just flipping stupid, they should get a shock though the mouse and their computer fried so they can’t do any more online damage!
Ah, I’m glad to hear the second shot was easier for you!!
Now THAT’S an excellent idea! A little electric shock might do wonders. 😉
Hehehehe, Ooh, I love that idea.. a vindictive mouse!!
Ugh, I’m not looking forward to my second shot either, because the first one totally wiped me out. Wishing you all the best!
When I got my second shot I was told the effects (if got any) should only last about 2 days. If I had them more than 4 I should see a doctor. I don’t think your headaches should have lasted so long so really think about the nurse told me.
I have a constant headache. I’m already working with numerous specialists. The pain level went into overdrive after the first shot, for days and days on end. There was nothing I or any of my doctors could do about it, not even nerve blockers helped. So yes, I spoke with my doctors.
I am super excited about your upcoming books, whenever they come out. I am hoping the 2nd dose isn’t as bad as the 1st. Science is pretty amazing isn’t it? Lol. I have acquaintances and coworkers that are anti-vaccines. I just don’t get it. I have never put much stock in the whole conspiracy theories either.
Hoping you do well with the second shot. And praying for your headaches to be resolved💜
Gorgeous sweet-peas! What a nice way to start the week. Am sending you healing thoughts. We truly appreciate all you’ve given us already and look forward to your future works. But please, don’t beat yourself up for things out of your control… so what if you’re a little behind? We can wait, your health is most important. Good luck on your 2nd dose. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for no adverse reactions!
Take good care!!!
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “have you tried…?” for my migraines. 99% of the time my answer is “Yes, and it didn’t work.” SMH…
Yep, thank you, I’ll go gluten free and sugar free and take up jogging and eat only organic vegetables and consult with a chiropractor and take vitamins A to Z and…. “lifestyle changes” will surely cure my chronic pain condition that neurologists, rheumatologists, oncologists, MRIs, CAT scans, x-rays, a hundred blood tests, and a lumbar puncture have not.
I hope your second shot goes better. Both of mine were pfizer with no major reaction either time (sore arm and slight headached the first time). I know my mom and her friend both had such severe migraines that they tried just about anything. I would drive her friend to the hospital for a shot just to get some relief. My mom tried these really strong pills but she would sleep walk/clean while on them. Good luck.
Please don’t put off your second dose, all your readers are pulling for you! I’m looking forward to the next Archivist.
Best of luck with #2..I was lucky with only a mild reaction..I wish the same gir you!
Good luck with your second shot. It’s wonderful to be immunized. In my opinion you should give yourself the week off, eat chocolate, catch up on shows or books or whatever let’s you hang peacefully on the couch. Gentle hugs
Hi Meghan was wondering how your feeling after your second shot? Hope your doing better than your first shot.
Mostly a sore arm and really achy joints. Hopefully I don’t get the ramped up headache this time!