Amplifier Series: brainstorming oracle cards

With Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2) off for line/content edit, I’m turning my attention back to the Amplifier series. I’m actually brainstorming/outlining book five and six at the same time, because I’m seriously contemplating wrapping up the series at book six (technically seven, if you count the prequel). Which means, you should get two Amplifier books back to back, which is always fun.

I already had book five all outlined, and partly written, but if I intend to finish the series with book six then I need to make sure that book five sets everything up that must come full circle for a satisfying ending. And part of that is working out what oracle cards reflect the key plot points for the books.

I’m also digging through the book cover photo shoot to select the photos that I want to use for the last two book covers – fun! fun!

Brainstorming the oracle cards that will mentioned/featured in Amplifier 5 and 6.

22 thoughts on “Amplifier Series: brainstorming oracle cards

  1. Omg I would love if Christopher’s Oracle cards were something you can purchase! I love you’re description and meaning you show so far!

  2. How exciting! I can’t wait to get these. I think Emma is one of my favorite characters, I’ll have to read slow because I’ll be sad to finish the series.

    1. Totally agree! I always try to pace myself but get too wrapped up in the story.
      Thanks for creating an great world Meghan.

  3. Oh man… I’m not even ready to contemplate an end **sigh**
    Time to go back and reread everything again…
    Thank you for sharing your process – very cool

  4. I’m re-reading this series right now. It just seemed like I needed a MCD fix. I started at the very beginning with Jade and am now reading Mystics & Mental Blocks. ❤📚❤

  5. So sad that it’s ending already ☹️ Will you be doing a raffle for the cards or will you be selling them? I would love to have a set.

    1. If the headache allows, I’ll sell some limited edition oracle cards in 2022. But focusing on actually writing the books is more important right now.

      1. Always glad to get more books from my favorite fellow Canadian author! Are you considering spin offs from the Amplifier series?

      2. Morning, I’m not sure how DME (durable medical equipment) works in Canada, but you might want to consider a Cefaly tens unit for your headaches. I have a family member who has had daily headaches for DECADES. Finally was able to see a specialist and they ordered this unit. Still has daily headaches but they are so mild it isn’t bad. And the unit short circuits really bad headaches when they start. Nothing before this worked.

  6. Excited but bittersweet in that I never want them to end! I’m loving Opal and want her to have many pages! Especially with Adien their thing is cute! Plus is Paisley’s new bestie Molly Wrinkletush 🥰 going to come play?

  7. I am always happy with whatever you write. Just if possible please please please please please have Emma meet Jade before the series ends 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.
    It would be EPIC I’m certain.

    1. The problem is, the books are Emma’s book, not Jade’s. The two of them together are too powerful. For the series to end on a satisfying note, Emma must be the focus, she must drive the plot, and she must bring about the resolution. Not Jade. It’s Emma’s story. Not Jade’s.

      1. *sigh* I understand but I hope was all…….
        Not even as a mention in passing? Like along the lines of another character mentioning about hearing a rumour about an adept who was the child of a Guardian and Adept. Emma being Emma would go “whatever” and ignore it because a) she doesn’t believe it and b) who could possibly be a threat to her?
        But us readers go “yay Easter egg!!”.
        I’m just excited for new books of yours, you are one of my favourites and always an “automatic purchase of new book” author.

  8. Funny, I am going to take this as a sign to make those ginger snap cookies tomorrow. Can’t wait to see where you take us next in storyland 😁

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