So … I just released my twenty-seventh full-length book (so not counting novellas or shorts)! Insanity. Michael and I crunched the numbers over coffee/hot chocolate this morning and Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2) came in just 19 units shy of breaking my release day record! Not bad for the third book in a relatively new series!
I’m so, so chuffed that you have embraced Dusk’s series! Thank you to everyone who preordered, bought on the day, and/or ordered the book from your library. And an extra thank you to everyone for sharing the series/books with their friends and family!! Oh, and reviews at your retailer/site of choice are welcomed and appreciated!

Moving forward into 2022 I have five books/series in the works (though two are long-term side series), but if the headache holds I’ll be lucky to get three written. I promise to do my best!
Ideally (if I can manage to write steadily six days a week) here are my upcoming releases:
- Moments of the Adept Universe 1 – Jan/Feb 2022
- Amplifier 4.5/5 – May 2022
- Amplifier 6 – Sept 2022
- Archivist 3 – November 2022
- Misfits 2 (aka Kandy’s book) – December 2022
I’ll also be looking into getting the Archivist series done in audio, leading up to the release of book three (hopefully in the latter half of the year).
I also have a fun Moment of the Adept Universe story idea (maybe a novella?) that I hope to release as a ‘treat’ in May/June. Again headache dependant.
The side projects are a new multiverse urban fantasy and the space opera I keep toying around with.
Memo is still doing sketches for the Adept Universe bible, so I will keep releasing those throughout the year as well.
As soon as I get my hands on the bloody envelopes I ordered over a month ago, I’ll add the Archivist giclee illustrations to the store, and then the oracle card sets that everyone keeps asking for … just as soon as I can get it all organized (but my main focus MUST be new words).
Thank you for all your support through 2021 – it was a really tough year! – and I hope we continue to have fun together through 2022!
I look forward to the archivist series on audiobooks.
Just finished the new release and as always eager for more 😂
Yay for book sales! Congrats!
I’m looking forward to the next Amplifier. I’m so glad it’s continuing.
I’m ¼ of the way through Archivist 2 and loving it so far. Thanks for all your hard work. It is appreciated. 💜
Hi Meghan,
I LOVED Complelling Infinity.
I read it twice in 24 hours
I can’t wait to see what’s next for Dusk.
Will the trip to Evenfall and the full awakening of Dusk’s power have lingering effects in our reality?
Will we ever find out who Dusk’s father really is?
Will Dusk’s mother ever come back?
Will we ever understand what Kellan really is?
Plus please, please, please can you let us know what Kellan got Dusk for Christmas
Yes. To all of those questions. But not all in the next book. 😁
This is awesome! Congratulations on all 27 full length books…that I’ve read ALL of! I can’t wait for this year and more books!
I certainly hope this is the year you get your headache under control and fixed! That would be amazing!
Congratulations on all your 27 books! I have read and have all of them and can’t wait for the story to continue. Thank you and hoping you have a great 2022 (headache free!).
Congrats. I have all 27 books plus the novellas and short stories. As always waiting for the next one May only good happen for you in this new year and happy writing. May you have hood health
Happy new year Meghan and thank you for the books which give us pause out of this crazy world. The very best for 2022.
Happy new year Meghan! Love all of your books! Have all full length, shorts and novellas on my Kindle. Am now collecting your paperbacks for my library! 😊 Prayers for you to have many pain free days! I also suffer from migraines – some days meds help – other days I just curl up in bed. Take care and happy writing!!
You are the best Meghan! Even with a splitting headache you put together thousands of words into heart felt stories. May the muse that guides your words figure out a forever cure for your migraines. If you pump out the great books you have with headaches, just think what you could do with a pain free head! I look forward to more wonderful stories!
Loved Compelling Infinity and all your content! Eagerly awaiting new releases.
I hope your headache improves. I’ve had horrible headaches since I was a child that would last for days. Over the years was treated for migraines, TMJ, allergy treatments, chiropractic adjustments, etc and nothing worked. And then I accidentally discovered a stiff whiskey caused one to go away after 24 days straight of pain.
As fun as it might be, I obviously couldn’t solve my headaches with booze but it gave my doctor the clue he needed. He prescribed Ativan to be taken as one would aspirin when I felt one coming on. Amazing!! I now take a daily prescription of welbutrin and haven’t had a headache in years.
Menopause is not for the weak.
Hope you find strength and relief soon!!
I have read all of your books and love them all. I’m hoping your health is better this year and the years to come.
Love your books, but your health comes first! I hope we all enjoy 2022, it has been a rough few years.
Happy New Year! Congratulations on the new book! It was wonderful! Remember to take some time for yourself. Hopefully the headache will go away.