I had been planning to do these ‘detail’ posts earlier in the week, but the Tenth Aniversary Dowser Series Kickstarter has done so, so well (THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH) that all my extra sharing has been derailed by stretch goals and questions, etc. But, now that the ‘big ticket’ items have all been snatched up, the $10k between the stretch goals will likely take longer to reach, so I can take a breath and delight in everything I’ve already put together for the upcoming anniversary!
First, let’s start with the surprise (at least it was for me)! aka a brand new Dowser novella, narrated by Jade herself with Kett and Kandy tagging along for the ride! It was only after I came up with the idea of doing a Kickstarter to help me fund the new audiobooks, that the idea for this fun romp came to me. At first, I thought it was a short story (so under 7k), but then I outlined and I’m fairly certain it’s going to be a short novella (17k-40k). Though you never know what happens when the editor gets his hands on it. 😂
This novella (and all the extras I’ll list below) is only available via the Kickstarter campaign. It will be for sale on all retailers in mid2024. Dowser 9.5 will drop into backer’s inboxes on June 18, 2023, just in time to celebrate the actual tenth anniversary of Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1). Watch for more details about activities that day coming closer to the date.

Tier one also includes a brand-new recipe (which Jade is actually baking in the story), an Anniversary eCard, and (to be confirmed) an invitation to an online group event (this is just in the planning stages). Remember to vote for your fav cupcake!
Tier 1/Dowser 9.5 FAQ:
Can I get/preorder Dowser 9.5 from my regular retailer? No. Not until mid2024. The novella is exclusive to the Kickstarter for a year. It also won’t include any of the extras once it goes up for sale, just FYI.
Can I get the new recipe any other way? No. It might eventually show up in the Adept Universe Cookbook, maybe mid2024.
Do I get the stretch goals if I pledge at the Tier 1 level? No.
Can I get an invite to the Dowser Anniversary party on June 18, 2023 any other way? Unlikely. Though again the details are still being sorted out for this event. Except, generally, the guest list needs to be limited in some fashion due to the technical aspects, so the easiest way is to limit it to backers only. I’m sure it will be recorded though.
I will, of course, do some other fun things on June 18, 2023. Maybe some ‘Lives’ on Facebook and Instagram, etc. Some giveaways, of course and always. The giveaways, however, will not include any of the exclusive Kickstarter content.
Why are you doing a Kickstarter? Click here for a detailed explanation.
Bonus! All tiers automatically receive the tier 1 items. So if you want the limited-edition eBook, or paperback, or hardcover, you also get everything listed above. Tier 2 and up also automatically get the stretch goals – three of which have already been unlocked. Yes, that’s how a robust Kickstarter works (and it has already been so fun!). You pledge, say, $17 CDN, for the limited edition eBook, and (as of Fri, Jan 13) it now comes with extra art and two audiobooks! So that’s Tier 1 + Tier 2 + 2 Audiobooks (at $15/each) = a $54 value. #MathByMeghan
Thank you for your continuing support! Let me know if you have any questions!
This is so great! 🙂 Thank you Meghan!
I have been excited by this since you announced it. So pleased to be able to support my favorite author in another way – and, selfishly, I get rewarded!!! SO much fun, thank you!
It a been super fun for me so far. Lots of work, of course. But really fun.
I was so happy I was able to support this!! I got the Make It a Triple tier because your my only “must buy” author that I don’t have an autographed book from 😊
I think, though pricey, that is such a fun tier. Options to keep or gift, etc.
I’m soooo excited for this story to come out! June can’t get here fast enough! Thanks so much for revisiting Jade, Kett and Kandy, there is still no group that can top them.