We rolled over $45k last night (!!), unlocking the fourth stretch goal, aka Dowser 3 in audio! YAY! To celebrate the fact that backers who have pledged tier 2 and up now get the first Dowser trilogy in audio for FREE, I made the other two trilogies, aka Dowser 4, 5, and 6, and Dowser 7, 8, and 9 available as Add-Ons.

What does that mean? You can now purchase (at a discount) Dowser 4, 5, and 6 and/or Dowser 7, 8, and 9 in audiobook format directly from me (via the Kickstarter campaign). YAY! See the main ‘story’ of the Kickstarter (or the Add-on itself) for more details and delivery dates, please.
Thank you to all my lovely readers who have helped make this Anniversary Celebration such a success!! You all rock! [I’m blessed to have you in my life][because you let me do SO MANY cool things!!]
How to claim an Add-On as a Backer:
Step 1: Manage Your Pledge: You will find the “manage your pledge” button on the project page you have already backed. Click it to open the pledge page. Scroll down and click the “change your pledge” button.
Step 2: Pledge Increase/Change: After selecting “change your pledge,” you will find the option to select add-on rewards.
Step 3: After selecting the Add-Ons you want, simply click ”confirm change” to save your pledge.
The addon button does not seem to be activated for me. I had selected ‘Make it a Triple’.
Diana – you have to go ‘into’ your pledge as if you are going to pledge again, then the Add Ons show up. That little green icon just tells you that there is an Add On available. You still need to ‘manage your pledge’ to get to the Add On options.
Thank you! I missed that last step of clicking pledge again. I teally did try to follow directions and not bother you. 🙁 I like audiobooks. Especially Meghan Ciana Doidge audiobooks!
Yay! Congratulations! 😀
You, madam, are an enabler. Since you’re giving us 1-3, how can I not get 4-9? lol Thank you for the stretch goals! I’m soo looking forward to all of this! 💜
Ha! Sorry about that!!