I started this post over on Facebook but it grew, and grew, and grew, so now it is a blog post! 😂
Just to change the subject from packing Kickstarter boxes to packing Conduit boxes [though, if you don’t follow me on Facebook, you probably haven’t heard me whining 😂] I’m going to try to get [very basic] Conduit 1 limited edition preorders live for October 26 [here on my website store] because I promised a few of you that I would try to hold the preorder open through two ‘paycheques’ (so, through Nov 1 and Dec 1).
Reminder: unlike regular preorders (or the Kickstarter) direct sales preorders via my store mean you are paying right away, not on release day.
So! I will be getting a print estimate based on the numbers that have been submitted on this Google form:
That doesn’t mean you can’t preorder last minute, it just means that the basic cost per paperback will be based on the people who’ve filled out the interest form. So if you are interested, please make sure you’ve filled out the form so everyone gets the lowest price possible.
The paperback preorder WILL CLOSE (at least a month and a half ahead). It has to because I need to order the paperbacks from the printer (and I want to do that weeks ahead of when I want to mail the books to you). The eBOOK and AUDIOBOOK preorders will stay open until a week before the regular release day (yes, the limited edition will drop three days ahead). The eBook is tentatively scheduled for Jan 25, 2024 on all retailers. Audiobook TBA.
I will also (eventually) get a regular preorder up on all retailers if you just want the regular edition. But I seriously doubt that is happening this week. 😁
The ‘preorders’ will be very basic to begin (I don’t have any of the art yet, etc) but I will include a list of the extras (and artists, so you can look them up) and a link to an unproofed sample with trigger warnings and tropes so you vaguely know what you are getting into 😜). Then, through November and December, I’ll tease some of the art/extras that will be included in the book as it drops in my inbox. So you can wait a couple of weeks to preorder.
Okay, then! I better get back to packing boxes!

Oh, I’m hoping to get through proofing the audiobook for Dowser 9 in the next couple of days and fingers crossed you get three new audiobooks early next week (the Kickstarter preorders will be sent out first)! Whoot!
YAY! New books AND new audiobooks, what a great week! I can’t decide which one I’m more excited for!
Woo hoo! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Woo, preorder for conduit 1. Thanks you
Yay!!! Thank you!