Moments of the Adept Universe 1: paperback

Yes! Moments of the Adept Universe, Vol 1 is now (finally!) available in paperback (via Amazon)!

Ahem, I’d actually forgotten to format it for paperback, etc, sorry! Memo’s sketches look fantastic in print (see video below). Which makes me think I should get some postcards printed up as well.

The FULL (updated) reading order is in the front of the paperback but you can always find and download the slightly less updated reading order under novels and reading order.

Oh! And remember I still have bookplates available (in a single pack and in a pack of five) if you need/want one for your Moments paperback.

8 thoughts on “Moments of the Adept Universe 1: paperback

  1. Just a little bit of feedback – on my 1920×1080 display, the video is too tall to display vertically in its entirety (although I can get the entire book on the screen at once) without zooming out the browser slightly.

    Tip for other viewers that scroll down this far… CTRL + ‘-‘ (control and minus together) will zoom out the browser, or CTRL + ‘mouse wheel scroll down’. To reverse, you can do + (instead of -) or Up (instead of mouse wheel down), or you can reset to default by hitting CTRL + 0 (zero).

    Happy viewing all šŸ™‚

  2. Are these short stories that I could already have downloaded via kindle? And where can I find the Close to Home story?

    1. If you own the eBook then you have all the shorts collected in this volume. If you follow my newsletter you might have read early drafts of some of the stories. Close to Home (as indicated in the reading order and elsewhere) is bundled with The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0). šŸ™‚

  3. Thanks, will buy it. Before kickstarter Dowser1 will ship, Iā€™m trying to buy all the other Dowser books with the new design but there not all on amazon canada. Where can I buy them or the new design is not there yet for all the books?

    1. Sorry! There has been an issue with me and the designer. But the last three paperbacks should be updated soon. Like maybe even next week?

      1. Thank perfect, I will be able to have all the other books when Dowser 1 arrive. After I will reread them again šŸ˜‰

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