Quick writing update, thank yous, and other things of minor interest.

I usually write a ‘day after a new release’ post and then a ‘week after a release’ post, but alas I have done neither after the release of Awry (Conduit 1). And not because the release wasn’t a success – it really was! Thank you all so, so much. At one point, likely for a very brief moment, Awry was nestled lovingly between Yarros (Fourth Wing) and Mass (Crescent City, A Court of Thorns and Roses, etc) on the sci-fi/fantasy bestseller list on Apple Books.

Let me find the screenshot I shared on my socials.

So thank you, thank you for following me into a new universe and a slightly new format (present tense) and a slightly different tenor (the present tense comes with a certain natural intensity) and slightly new structure (an ongoing story where the overall plot is continued through several books).

[side note] And yes, the Conduit Series is a slooooow burn why choose urban fantasy romance. This means that Zaya will eventually have multiple partners/fated mates. There are REASONS (plot and story) for this choice. Yes, actual overall universe reasons. Some of you might have already figured it out. 😊

Since the release, I’m getting the sense that it is slightly disconcerting to some of my lovely readers that I appear to not be actively writing Conduit 2 (or Archivist 3, for that matter).

Yes, I’m currently deep into writing a why choose duology set in the same universe as the Conduit (not a slow burn! 😜), which I’m referring to as Mirth or Mirth 1 in my updates on Facebook and Instagram.

If you’ve been reading me since Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1) (or even before) then you’ve been on this journey with me before – aka the expansion of a universe.

Opening up a new universe takes time. I’m sorry, it just does. Plus, the books that make up that universe aren’t wholly independent of each other.

For example, (as some of you have already picked up) Reconstructionist 1 was supposed to fall after Dowser 4. Yes, I already knew the entire story arc (at least in brief) of the Reconstructionist trilogy BEFORE writing Dowser 4 (in which, spoiler alert, Kett is already stalking Wisteria). And AT THE SAME TIME, I already knew the entire arc of the second Dower trilogy (Dowser 4, 5, and 6).

That’s a minimum of six books in my head at once. At least six. With each of them informing the other in some way, then – in that particular case – calling back (and forward) to the Oracle.

So … the universe of the Conduit and Mirth (so far) is the same. A slow build of slightly (in this case) entwined stories.

I’m almost finished writing the first Mirth book. And I know exactly what occurs in the second book (it’s two parts of an overarching story).

I also know all the major plot points of the next three (or four?) Conduit books. And this morning, I sharpened the structure of each of those books in a major way. A breakthrough, if you will.

[side note: I also know the plot of Archivist 3, including two major reveals that bookend that story. I also know the plot of the next three ebooks in the Misfit series and the plot of Jasmine’s first book].

BUT IT TAKES TIME TO WRITE A BOOK. Before my drug-resistant chronic daily migraine (of almost four and half years now), I might have been able to write four (average length) books a year. Now I just do my best.

[FYI I deleted a large section of this post because it went places I didn’t want to go].

I just really want to thank you for embarking on this new journey with me and to assure my lovely readers I’m working, slowly and steadily on all the books. And I promise to release them as quickly as I am able (though I might hold back Mirth 1 until I can make sure Mirth 2 is available very quickly after).

I’m dedicated to writing all through 2024 and taking better care of myself, which means there won’t be as many extras and freebies, and I will be less personally present on social media, etc, but hopefully, there will be more books!

As always, ‘shares’ and reviews are welcomed and appreciated.

[Final side note πŸ˜‚] if you’ve been waiting to use a credit or your subscription to grab Awry in audio, it’s slowly appearing on all the retailers (not just direct from me) including Audible and Spotify, etc. I’ll update the links on the main page when I get a chance.


37 thoughts on “Quick writing update, thank yous, and other things of minor interest.

  1. This is sooooo exciting!! All of these books to look forward to! I’ll GLADLY wait as long as it takes to read ANY story written by you! Thanks so much for all the updates, again, it’s so exciting to be able to look forward to them!

  2. I couldn’t care less about freebies and giveaways. Take care of yourself and write and we’ll devour what you publish!

    1. Yeah, those are definitely a β€˜me’ thing. I’m adjusting my own mindset and reminding myself (practically daily) that readers want the next book (and I want to write) above all else. 😁

  3. Oh Meghan! You’re amazing writing is soooo worth the wait ❀️ yes of course, I’m always extremely eager for the next book. And yes, every new book I try soooo excruciatingly hard to read slooooooowly (when doesn’t work…). I do love reading post like this of what’s coming 😁 sooo excited!!! And I do hope you will find a cure to your awful migraines. Xoxox

  4. I look forward to reading all of these books and will wait as long as it takes! Thank you for all that you do for us the readers, You have taken me on so many wonderful adventures and I cannot wait for the new ones to come πŸ™‚

  5. Your creativity amazes me & I love all of your universes. We’re lucky that you’re willing to share these worlds when living with chronic pain is so soul sucking. Gentle hugs

  6. I’m one of your older readers, I’ll be 80!! in June. In my mind I feel that I’m in my late 50’s and your writing helps keep me there! Your books are all a mind expanding experiences, and I don’t care how old you are flirting, romance, and a little titillation are a good thing!
    Take care of yourself and keep writing, I’m planning on reading into my 90’s!

    1. Happy to hear that other older readers (in years but not in heart) enjoy these books as well. I rather felt I was in a tiny minority. I’m 61; just a few years younger than Charla πŸ˜‰ My favourite series was the Dowser and I enjoyed the Reconstructionist. My current favourite is the Archivist and it has been hard to patiently wait for the next in the series. I guess my expectations were too high based on how fast the Dowser series was developed. However, I really hop that MCD can take the time she needs to develop the universe and also provide the necessary self-care. Cheers to all the MCD fans.

      1. It took me six years to write the Dowser series. Plus the entire universe is based on a screenplay I wrote years before that. Just FYI.

  7. I can’t even imaging having all those stories in my brain at the same time let alone keep it straight! If things get too far along from Archivist 2, I might have a refresher read. I makes no difference. You are writing and I will read it ALL in due time! Ps have you tried ginger for the migraines?

  8. Can’t wait for all of them. You are a fantastic author and storyteller. Thank you for listening to the voices in your head and writing them down!

  9. MCD, you remain the best. To know all those stories are in the works, so to say, *chefs kiss*. Being a migraine meanderer myself, I’m in AWE you can put together these stories, let alone function through the fog and haze and pain. Cheers to progress not perfection and giving us all these great stories and not so much the stuff.

  10. As a parent of 2 kids who have long term migraine pain. Please just do what you can with each day. Anything you produce is appreciated and looked forward to. Yes we want all the books but hey drawing out the fun is also a thing. Loved Awry finished in one sitting. Now sorting kids toys as I listen to it. Thank you for another wonderful adventure.

  11. Take care of yourself and do what you can. We as your readers can wait (that’s part of why we read, rather than binge TV) because we live for the tension and delayed gratification πŸ˜‚ xx

  12. As always, I am in awe of your talent. Would I love a cascading avalanche of releases? Of course. However, your health should always come first. I also know that the muse/ muses inspire in their own way and in their own time. Thank you for all of the joy I have gotten from your writings.

  13. Thank you for all the great books and stories. I’m in it for the long haul….. I’ll read everything you write, could be a grocery list on a napkin and you’d make it amazing. 🀩

  14. I feel for you. I’ve suffered from migraines my entire life so I know the sheer misery and hopelessness you feel trying to get control over them. Don’t give up! It tool me many years and frustrating doctor’s visits and all kinds of wacky, unasked for advice (seriously, essential oils?!!) but I finally have some measure of success. Take care of yourself, we can wait.

  15. As someone with chronic migraines I can completely understand where you are coming from. I’d rather wait longer for another one of your books than not have any new books at all! β™₯️

  16. Write what you want, when you want, and I’ll read it. I loved Awry and the new universe. I always like your magic rules and supernatural systems, and how they interact with each other and the world.

    I used to take off a day from work when a new video game or expansion was released so I could play all day. Since your books don’t come with a “do not disturb” spell, it took me days to finish Awry. I should consider a day off for the next one. πŸ€”

  17. So I am in the minority that I have been shying away from any previews and spoilers for awry. I haven’t even opened the e-book yet, because I really want to read my pretty physical copy with the audiobook together.
    That, didn’t stop me from ordering the e-book, the audiobook and the physical copy, because I am excited to consume the content.
    While I am eager to get back to Dusk and the misfits, I’m excited about my TBR growing with a new world and feel pretty smug that I have been here since about Dowser 4. it can be hard to wait, but it can be really rewarding to be able to introduce new readers to something that you love so much.
    Thanks for the stories. And there’s always rereads to keep us content in the meantime.

  18. You are Uber talented, and so kind and giving to your fans! Please take care of yourself! I’m in the same migraine boat as you, so if you find anything that helps your migraines, please share! Sending healing vibes your way…

  19. As much as I eagerly await the next Archivist, I think taking care of yourself is much more important than keeping us supplied with good stories. No apologies required.

  20. Hi MCD. It is hard for me to get 2 books out in a year, so four is just…mind-blowing. Especially true, with so many plotlines running through your mind. I have 8 plotlines between the remaining three books in my series, book one of a new paranormal cozy mystery series, and some standalone romance novels running through my head currently and they are nowhere near the enormity of the world building universes you create, so I can’t even imagine how full your brain is.

    All said, I love every world you create and look forward to your books, no matter how long between releases. Awry has sucked me in as fast as Dowser did and I will patiently wait for whatever comes next. Thank you for always thinking of us MCD! Enjoy your Valentine’s and the success of Awry in the rankings. I am not surprised it’s way up there!

  21. I’m a bit late to the comment party- just catching up – but I think your work ethic is incredible – especially given I know the awfulness of migraines. You are an inspiration and just reading your planning is epic. I look forward to reading you but would rather you take care of you – and am happy for whenever you can release a book- on YOUR timeline πŸ™‚ anything else is sprinkles and unicorns

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