New Year’s 2025 L.E. Paperback Giveaway

As we roll into January 2025, I’m setting all my goals for the first quarter and slowly lining up all my marketing, etc, so I can just concentrate on writing – I’ll be doing a social media/email morning blackout again starting on Jan 2. But before I ‘disappear’ to get Mirth, Part 2 back to the editor by Jan 20 for line/content edit, I thought a giveaway would be a fun way to ease through the transition between the calendar years! 😁

Would you like to win a (slightly foil-damaged*) Tenth Anniversary, autographed, limited edition paperback of Dowser 1, six postcards, two bookmarks, four stickers, a chocolate soy candle (hand poured by MCD), and a single-origin chocolate bar**?



To enter, simply comment below with your favourite quote or scene, or any favourite bit really, from the Dowser Series!

*I have very few of these Tenth Anniversary limited edition paperbacks of Dowser 1 left. This one is not numbered (the Kickstarter paperbacks were all hand-numbered) and it has some slight foil damage.

**This is one of my fav bars from my fav Vancouver-based chocolatier!

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Only entries that follow the stated requirements will be valid. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary (all my books are in libraries and Dowser 1 is currently free on all retailers). The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment.

The chocolate maker is not affiliated with this giveaway. This is not a sponsored post, I purchased (or made) all the items included above.

Giveaway closes Thursday, January 2, 2025 at 5pm PST.

43 thoughts on “New Year’s 2025 L.E. Paperback Giveaway

  1. I love so many scenes from the Dowser series! I love the trinkets Jade makes, the wedding band one, especially, but all the other ones she makes to protect people. And I love Kandy’s sense of humor and the fun t-shirts she gives everyone. <3 I love the scene where Kett and Jade meet, and the one where he almost dies from having Jade-blood. There are too many. I hope these will suffice.

  2. Warner laughed at me. The apartment wards rippled at the power that rolled off him. I breathed in his black-forest-cake magic, savoring the deep-cocoa-and-sweet-cherry taste of it.
    Then I ate my pancakes.
    I was really in trouble now.

  3. “Mezzo Dallas Fluevogs” 🤩
    Misfits, gemstones and other shattered magic (Dowser #8)
    Happy new year to you Meghan and the very best for 2025.

  4. Once again you ask us to pick favorites like it’s not torture. Im usually one to say the beginning of the first book but as we see Jade grow and blossom I love that too- so maybe when she and her mom begin living together and her mom and Grandmother start to believe in her as she proves herself time and time again

  5. I’m horrible at quotes. But I love Kandy’s t-shirts! One of my favorite t-shirts is my ATTEMPTED MURDER shirt!

  6. I love the ending of Treasures, Demons and Other Black Magic when Jades makes Unity/Orgasm in a cup: “it tastes like you(Kandy) and Kett had a baby.”

  7. One of the many scenes I love from this series is when Jade and Kett are training in the woods. It showed me a whole different side of their relationship plus, a lot of their interactions are very humorous.
    Also, what sucked me into the series was Jade dancing with the wolves in the very beginning because of the way you described her “tasting” their magic. It was the first time I had ever heard magic described that way.

  8. Happy New Year! I love Jade’s misfits and how all of them learn to be the best version of themselves that they can, regardless of their heritage or ability level. And also when Jade transports into the Whistler bakery. Magic’s real and she’s got a lot.

  9. I love these books., so many scenes to choose from. I love the Dragon interactions with Jade, there is so much befuddlement. The first one that sprung to mind is Jade and Brandon’s interaction in Dowser 4:

    “Are your fingernails green?” Branson asked now, completely bemused. “Jade is the new black, baby,” I said. “You should see my toes.” Then I kicked him in the head.

  10. I agree with Kerry, that the vampire at the door is a great one, but also am fond of Jade’s second run-in with “the vampire” in the restroom at the club. Trapped in a stall with a blood sucker, yet still firing off one-liners: That’s our girl.

  11. You know what I loved most about the Dowser series? She didn’t think she was enough at the beginning. But she just kept becoming “more.” And you could see that, how her confidence grew. And I was so excited to read about how she would evolve. Just love that about your characters MCD. Not a quote, but the Dowser series will always be one of my favorite series 🙂 Happy New Year!

    1. You said what I was thinking so well, Angie! Jade is someone we all would like to be best friends with.

  12. Oh gosh, how do you choose only one thing? Ket is my FAVORITE character, so the quote about the vampire at the door is my favorite. But the scene where he’s fighting the zombie wolf and he’s all crazed and has to leave so he doesn’t hurt her 🫠 And as much as I didn’t want it to happen, him choosing to let her go and just be her friend absolutely broke me.

  13. So many to choose from. Been mentally running through the books. I’m going to go with when Jade and Polou were fighting and she summoned her knife necklace and katana back… Mine

  14. I love all of your books especially cupcakes trinkets and black magic. One of my favorite things about the series is the growth and change in the characters

    I also enjoy all of the quirky characters that populate your stories but each is consistent within his or her character

  15. Yes!

    Mine is not really a single scene or quote. I love Kandy’s shirts. Every book I looked forward to what ridiculous or slightly outrageous image or phrase would adorn her shirts and the shirts she bequeathed to others. Just starting a reread of Cupcakes, Trinkets and other Deadly Magic, and I plan on making the cupcakes as a read along treat. Hope you and my fellow readers have a wonderful 2025.

  16. Well this is a tough one as I love all the books but I think my favorite scene is the wedding of jade and Warner and taking the rings of his parents off her necklace and using them as theirs.

  17. Happy new year, Meghan and Michael! This giveaway is awesome! It’s so hard to pick favorite scenes, but the connection Jade, Kandy and Kett have throughout the series just warms my heart. Not very many people get to have friends like that.

  18. I love winning stuff!! It’s not a quote, but my favorite thing about the Dowser series is that it introduced me to Fluevog shoes! The shoes are quirky, just like me! And I also found a new favorite author!

  19. “Talking things out is a valuable tool.” I said, “So is chocolate. Eat the rest of yours.”
    “But then it will be gone. You taught me to savor.”
    “There are times to savor and times to consume.”
    – Jade educating Drake in Artifacts, Dragons, and other Lethal Magic

  20. My favorite part of the Dowser series is the friendship between Jade, Kett and Kandy. I love the scene where Jade is in bed healing after the big battle and Kandy tells her that she’s not allowed to leave her.

  21. But mitigating circumstances or not, I was holding firmly to my grudge. I didn’t like my loyalty being questioned.

  22. I found I could call an object I made back to me with a single thought. Well a super focused single thought. Okay some intense thinking and coaxing.

  23. I like the the humor in the books, from the covers to the snarky comments. I mean, even in the beginning. “No one was going to be snacking on any children in my bakery.”

  24. One of my favorites is when the zombie turtle goes in so as not to catch the elves attention.

  25. One of my favs was when she finally bested the rabid koala! I couldn’t stand that evil little monster lol

  26. “Because when the dead werewolves started showing up, it all unraveled… except for the cupcake part. That’s a universal truth.” I have lots of quotes I love, but I had to go with this one because it is the one that hooked me, not only to the Dowser series, but all the other series you have written. I have read every book and I am always waiting for the next one. Who can disagree that dark chocolate cupcakes are not the best! Thank you!

  27. I KNOW it is unfair of you to ask us to choose ONE scene we like. I like them all! Even the sad ones. Your stories make me happy and sad and joyful, and not want to wait for the next book to come out. Jade is wonderful. Drake is so amusing. Kandy rocks it all. Warner makes Jade happy. It all works.

  28. “But it’s not like we text every day. And Jade’s wedding is on Thursday. So they’ll be busy with that”

    Wow so long ago. I’m not one to reread books. However, I’m thinking of starting from the beginning and rereading all your books. No one captivates me like your books do. I’ve struggled to read other authors lately and have only finished a few. I want you to know, I’m always sad your books come to the end. I’ve read them all and no pressure intended, however I can hardly wait for the next, and the next and….

    Thank you for all your wonderful books.
    In Joy,

  29. I love all of Meghan’s novels. Reading how Jade grows and adapts to new challenges, how she nurtures those around her and expands her “family”. But for firsts and lasts, Hudson. 😢

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