The day after a new release, part 32

I released my thirty-second novel yesterday, not including at least another dozen shorts, novelettes, etc. That number is staggering. And, honestly, I’m not surprised that I’m just a little tired. 😜

Grand Romantic Delusions and the Madness of Mirth (Part One & Part Two) was supposed to be a single offshoot book in my new Conduit World – a ‘fun’ side story. But that ‘fun romp’ not only turned into a robust duology but transformed from an idea about a royal matchmaking event to a treatise on grief, duty, and found family that took me just over a year to write. Though, combined, it is the length of three of my ‘regular’ books.

The release was quiet but lovely. And, as always, thank you so much for all your support.

So, moving forward …

I chatted about this before, but I’m refining my focus for 2025. With new words, and new books being paramount. More specifically though, now that I’ve released three books in the Conduit World, I can see that I need to market these urban fantasy why choose romance books differently. So there will be upcoming changes around how I publish my Conduit World novels when I release the next book (I’m still mulling over the exact logistics) (likely Amazon/KU only, paired with purchasing direct from me for an early release). But I’ll give you plenty of heads-up as I always do.

What’s next?

Snag (Conduit 2)! I’m currently writing the first draft of Conduit 2, having set an insane deadline of the end of March (aka the 1st quarter of 2025). Yes, I’m scheduling in quarters for 2025 (and perhaps beyond) so I don’t get quite so overwhelmed, hopefully.

I know the world feels like it’s on fire for all of us. But, more specific to me, I cannot believe that the USA is making moves to invade their most staunch ally and friend, Canada – and no, this is not some bluster or joke. [If you have no idea what I’m talking about, please take a moment to look for reputable news sources outside of the USA.] It’s almost unfathomable. I have no idea what life will look like if we go to war. [I could elaborate here, but I really don’t want to end up with an even worse headache than I already have when nothing I say or do will solve any of it.]

In the short term, my costs – proofreading, art, book covers, marketing services, etc – have increased by 45+% due to the financial strain this is putting on our economy in Canada. I’ve had to stop commissioning art and extras. And, unfortunately, my sales have also dropped. (Crazily, Nov and Dec 2024 were the worst sales months I’ve experienced since I became a full-time author)(I’ve been VERY lucky). Some of that drop is due to my larger readership (beyond my core readers 😘 ) being hesitant to pick up the Conduit World books (for various reasons). And some of it is due to people just not having money for extras right now. Including me.

Amidst all of this turmoil, it doesn’t help that writing, not to mention talking about/marketing my ‘little’ books, seems utterly frivolous. But all I can hope is that my books offer you the reprieve from the world that they give me while I’m writing them.

Sorry! This got a little heavy. But I guess I’m always reflective the day after a new release. 😀

Love and Light, as always. And thank you.


MCD’s ‘Shelfie’. Just missing one paperback … but it’s on order!

Advent 2023

It’s that time of year again – which is seriously, seriously insane! Time to hang up and fill the Advent calendars that Michael and I made (click the link for the ‘making-of’ post) when we realized that a Christmas tree and living in a one-room cabin really didn’t go well together. We’re in a bigger place now – yay! for completed additions/renovations – but we still aren’t doing a tree this year (life is a little overwhelming, but hopefully 2024 will feel a little less schedule-driven).

As I have since 2016, I’ll share my #ChocolateForBreakfast advent treat shots/posts on my Instagram account, rather than spamming my blog feed. Though I now have Instagram feeding onto my Facebook page as well. But! Here is a screenshot of my December 1, 2023 treat!!

Desbarres Monte Grande 72% Guatemala. Chocolatiers are based in Ontario. Awards: Silver from the International Chocolate Awards in 2020 and 2022.  Tasting notes (via the bar): caramel, banana, and citrus. Tasting notes (MCD): immediately fruit forward (the banana, I guess?) but quickly resolving into an almost pungent citrus, heavy on the lemon zest. Creamy, smooth chocolate. Tasty, but definitely a challenge to my palate. 

Money is crazy tight for all of us right now. Rent, etc, is way too high. Food and groceries are crazy outrageous. So we’re going to be celebrating a quiet holiday season. Doing our advent calendars and our Christmas movie and homemade pizza Fridays, but no tree or presents or expensive travel. I hope you will all find a spark of joy to ease you through the season. And, fingers crossed, hopefully 2024 is a bit … smoother, and easier.

If I remember, I’ll post my holiday baking round-up aka later in the month.

Happy December 1st!

F.A.Q: Dim Sum

An email from Barb that is currently sitting unanswered in my inbox (sorry, Barb!) has prompted this addition to my slowly growing FAQ posts. And yes, if you haven’t yet noticed over on my various social platforms, I freaking adore dim sum. I adore it so much that I wrote it into Artifacts, Dragons, and Other Lethal Magic (Dowser 6). (Click here to read the scene/excerpt).

Vancouver, BC has a number of great dim sum places, and the menus all differ slightly, but here are some of my and Michael’s favs.

MCD’s Dim Sum Must Haves:

  • Steamed prawn dumplings
  • Streamed scallop dumplings (hard to get/find these days?)
  • Pan-fried shrimp and chive or green onion dumplings (some have pork!)
  • Deep fried squid
  • Deep fried garlic shrimp spring rolls
  • Gai Lan (Chinese Broccoli) in garlic (it’s normally served with oyster sauce)
  • Sauce: a touch of soy sauce

Michael’s Dim Sum picks:

  • Sticky Rice Wrap (often with pork, scallop, and shrimp)
  • Pan-fried Taro Root Cake
  • BBQ pork pastry
  • Anything new of the menu that looks tasty (MJH is always will to try everything once).
  • Sauces: mustard and/or hot sauce (add a touch to a dumpling, etc).

Other traditional picks (not necessarily personal favs but options) (Also MCD doesn’t eat pork):

  • Rice rolls (all different kinds. A little ‘starchy’ but MCD will order prawns or scallops)
  • Baked BBQ Pork Buns
  • Pork/shrimp Shu Mai (dumplings)
  • Veggie Dumplings
  • Bean Curd rolls (usually they have pork, but I’ll order if I can find a veggie or seafood option).

What have I missed? What are your go-to dim sum dishes?

A treatise on the nature of obsession and the justification of becoming obsessed. Also, homemade ice cream.

Homemade dark chocolate coconut ice cream

Am I only about 30k into writing a new series?  


Do I have any idea how long that series is going to be? Or how I’m going to brand it? Or if anyone will even read it?


Do I vaguely regret making readers expect recipes from me every time I post a picture of anything dessert (or food) related? So much so that I actually carefully curate what I do post?

Yes. So much yes.

Am I considering using the main character of the new series’s (currently mild) obsession with ice cream (and milkshakes) as a way to justify buying an expensive (compressor) ice cream maker? And therefore, in order to fully justify the purchase, having to write up even more recipes?

Very much yes. On both counts.


This post has been brought to you by MCD being pissy about having to wait 24 hours to chill her ice cream base and freeze her ice cream bowl. This dissatisfaction is also known in many philosophical circles as ice cream-blocking.

Editing and Allsorts

After nine weeks, I dropped the latest round of off-label headache meds yesterday – Candesartan, actually used for blood pressure regulation – because the side effects were becoming too detrimental and the constant/daily headache was completely undaunted. Already feeling slightly better, I happily spent the day working through the story editor’s notes on Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2).

Slowly but surely, I will get the next book in the Archivist series in your hands! Along with the first collection of the Moments of the Adept Universe stories. More info and release dates TBA!

But, more importantly, Michael bought me a treat to aid the editing/story pass.

On MCD’s desk today – editing Archivist 2 with the help of some liquorice Allsorts.

Liquorice (aka licorice) Allsorts!

Allsorts are definitely on the edge of too sweet for me, but I still enjoy the chewy texture. And the childhood connection/memory – one set (of four) of my grandparents always had a bowl of Allsorts on their coffee table when I visited in the summers.

I hope to get Archivist 2 back in the editor’s inbox by the end of next week. Wish me luck!

Archivist Series: bits of inspiration

When I start really digging into a new series, I deliberately surround myself with little visual touchstones. These items usually find a semi-permanent home on my desk or windowsill and I trade them out when working on different books/series. I was in the very first moments of brainstorming the Archivist Series last fall when I indulged in acquiring two new touchstones, one of which is the inspiration for Infinity itself (Dusk’s personal archive):

On my desk today …

Under Infinity’s watchful gaze, I added 3800 words to Archivist 1 today for a total of 45k+. I’m pretty pleased with how those words are flowing onto the page this week and I hope the muse sticks with me through the first draft!!


Leather-covered sketchbook (aka Infinity): created by Mille Cuirs (who I discovered through Hailey Edwards – Thanks, Hailey!!)

Also enjoying: The 6th Scent Candle, Chocolate with a wood wick. And yes, I just realized I could burn a candle in my office without worrying about Leo singeing his whiskers. It only took me five years to realize that particular benefit of an exterior office.

Spying on Michael

The headache really spiked earlier (it isn’t great now either but I’m trying), and while I was trying to soothe myself (THC cream and peppermint oil on temples, controlled breathing, etc), I took a moment to sneakily spy on Michael cutting the rafters he’s installing today.

He caught me, of course. The addition can only be seen from within the cabin through one corner window, plus I was partly wedged behind the wood stove so I couldn’t step out of view terribly quickly. Then questions ensued.

Michael: What’s wrong? Are you okay?

Me: Head hurts, trying to decide if I’m going to write off the day by taking a triptan.

Michael: *grimancing* I’m sorry. I can come in.

Me: *grinning* That’s okay, I’m enjoying the view.

Michael: View … of …?

Me: You … measuring, cutting … carrying the rafters.

Michael: *laughing huskily* ogling me, are you?

Me, primly: Well, you are my husband.

Anyway – to my point – when you start hitting scenes in the Archivist series (specifically starting in book 1) featuring a sexy carpenter/contractor with strong hands, muscled wrists and forearms, carrying terribly heavy things, you’ll all be exceedingly aware of my inspiration.

Cabin Addition 2020: (far right to left) front door, two windows into the ‘flex’ room (workout space plus Murphy bed), door to the garage, with Michael’s studio in the back left corner. The aforementioned rafters are on the left side. No carpenter pictured because he refused to be splashed all over the blog. LOL

Back to writing the actual book!

Advent 2020

It’s that time of year again – which is seriously, seriously insane! Time to hang up and fill the Advent calendars that Michael and I made (<<< click the link for the ‘making-of’ post) when we realized that a Christmas tree and living in a one-room cabin really didn’t go well together.

As I have since 2016, I’ll confine my #ChocolateForBreakfast advent treat shots/posts to my Instagram account, rather than spamming my blog feed or all my social media pages. But! Here is a screenshot of my December 1, 2020 treat!!

Michael has two advent calendars this year – the chocolates I filled for him, and beer. Though we couldn’t find a proper beer advent on the island so I modified a 12-day specialty case for him. He’s posting pictures of the beer on his Instagram (maybe)(social media isn’t really his thing).

This is going to be an odd holiday season for all of us, but I hope you’re able to find some spark of joy to help get you through. Please take care of yourselves and others by physically distancing as much as possible and wearing a mask when you can’t (covering your nose and mouth!). Plus wash your hands, of course and always.

Remember chocolate can be shipped!!


The mystery of the disappearing caramels.

I feel like the only possible way I could have eaten the nine salted caramels that came in this box from Hummingbird Chocolate Maker in twenty-four hours is if Michael has been ‘helping’ me.

However … I’m somewhat concerned about accusing him of stealing caramels from my stash. Because, if he hasn’t, I’ve just admitting to eating nine caramels. In twenty-four hours.

It’s a mystery that is doomed to remain unsolved.

Just as long as I get the box into the recycling bin without Michael noticing.

Baking: measuring butter

Recipe found in the Dowser Series Cookbook.

I celebrated getting Reconstructionist 2 off  to the editor this morning by making brownies (as posted on Instagram) and it occurred to me that the recipe calls for a truly ackward measurement of butter – 6 tablespoons. And that most of my butter icing recipes aren’t any better – using 1/3 of cup.

Measure cups, tablespoons, ounces, and grams!

I dug out my handy Butter Measuring Guide, and thought that it might be worth mentioning.

Yes, that’s the refection of my phone taking the picture.

My Dad bought the stainless-steel guide pictured above for me as a Christmas gift many years ago (apparently from Lee Valley). And honestly, it sat in my drawer for awhile unused. I tended to fudge odd measurements when baking, simply using the guide that was printed on the foil wrapper. Then I took a closer look at the butter measuring guide and it’s crazy handy!

So that is my random baking tip.

What obscure kitchen item do you find is more useful than you thought it would be?