And … I bet you saw this coming!!! … here is the quiz for the Amplifier Series! Ten random questions in total. If you haven’t read the Amplifier Series yet, the prequel is The Amplifier Protocol (technically it comes BEFORE Dowser 1 in the timeline) and the first book is Demons and DNA, which comes AFTER Dowser 9 in the reading order.
Amplifier Series quote meme designed by Elizabeth Mackey Graphic Design
Updated April 17, 2022: I have been informed *by Michael* that I made the Reconstructionist quiz WAY TOO HARD. So I have swapped out two questions and rephrased one other in an attempt to make it more accessible. Link below.
I’m really trying to find the line that is interesting but not too hard, yet I’m still worried I’m making these Adept Universe quizzes too easy! Nonetheless, here is the quiz for the Reconstructionist Series! Ten random questions in total. If you haven’t read the Reconstructionist Series yet, the first book is Catching Echoes and it comes after Oracle 3 (or Dowser 6) in the reading order.
Reconstructionist Series book covers – by Damonza!
Okay! Next up in the Adept Universe quizzes: the Oracle Series! I tried to cobble together a mix of questions, some obscure and hopefully some tricky. Ten in total. If you haven’t read the Oracle Series yet, book one is I See Me and it comes after Dowser 3 in the reading order.
Oracle Series book covers by Elizabeth Mackey Graphic Design
Okay (if you saw me freaking out about this over on Facebook) the quiz app/software had an update available this morning, and miraculously the quiz that I spent far too much time putting together a few weeks ago now works!! YAY!