Reconstructionist Series Trivia Quiz

15 thoughts on “Reconstructionist Series Trivia Quiz

  1. Well it has been a bit since I read the whole series, my quizzes so far are all about the sam and tells me I need a re-read!

    1. Mine too, lol. I was so close on some of them, but I chose the wrong one when dithering between two options. Lol.

    2. Me too! I had the right answer for one of the questions and then changed it to the wrong one. Sigh…

  2. Ohh, yeah I sucked at this one. Oh my. I’ve recently reread both the amplifier and oracle series and currently on #5 of the dowser books. Looks like the reconstructionist needs to be next! LOL!

  3. As it happens, I’m rereading the books and I finished this series yesterday! Great timing Meghan. Thank you.

  4. Corn chips! Dash it! I haven’t reread the Reconstructionist series as much as the others though, so yay me!

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