I’m commencing my final read through of Archivist 1.5 (which will be in my newsletter on Nov 25)(with, fingers crossed, a preorder link!) and Archivist 2 (which will then go to the proof reader) – yay! It feels like it took me forever to write the second book in the Archivist series – my notebook informs me that I started brainstorming in earnest all the way back in March! Four months to do a first draft is INSANE. Thanks headache.

Also a bunch of fun stuff coming next week, as I’m promoting I See Me (Oracle 1) with a $0.99 sale, a read along, and audiobook giveaways. I’ll add this info to the newsletter as well but here are the festivities in brief (if you want to prep ahead of time):
- Read along with/via FaRoFeb Nov 24 – 30 – templates now available (see link) but reading list TBA
- Mass audiobook giveaways: Nov 25, 26, and 27 at 9am PST (here on my blog). Remember the USA codes in particular go quickly.
- Price reduction (TELL YOUR READER FRIENDS, pretty please): Nov 20 – December 1, 2021
Other items to come:
- For the store: Archivist glicee illustrations (as soon as the damn envelopes show up!!)
- For the recipe book: a new cookie recipe from Archivist 2 that’s perfect for the holidays (early Dec).
- For publication: the Moments of the Adept Universe, Collected Stories 1, including a brand new Burgundy novella featuring cameos from a bunch of fav characters as promised! The eBook will also feature illustrations from Memo for each story. (TBA: as soon as possible)
I hope you all have a great weekend! And that you have fun with everything I have planned for you next week and beyond!