Archivist Series: Dusk and Sisu

As I’ve mentioned before, I commissioned illustrations from Nicole Deal for each of the Archivist series novels. Of which I have three planned for 2021 release. I’m so, so pleased that I was able to convince Nicole to work with me because it has been a total blast so far.

I’ve had the first of the illustrations (as well as Nicole’s earlier sketches) open on my desktop while writing Archivist 1 and it’s been so inspiring to catch glimpses of Dusk and Sisu while shaping and refining the story/series!!

Dusk and Sisu from the Archivist Series by Meghan Ciana Doidge. Illustration by Nicole Deal.

You will find Nicole’s absolutely striking take on Dusk and Sisu tucked between Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 of Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0). It will be in full-colour in the eBook version (unless your eReader doesn’t do colour) and grayscale in the paperback.

Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) is available for preorder on all retailers. The book releases on March 2, 2021. [SOON!!]


Are you new to the Adept Universe? Click here for the reading order. Or click here for the Welcome! sequence.

In canon? Gabby and Peggy.

I’m working on Gabby’s Moments of The Adept Universe short this weekend as a bit of a brain break from the Archivist series in between drafts. [I finished the first draft of Archivist 1 yesterday]. I’m trying to figure out if the age the Talbot twins were adopted is ‘in canon’ or just a note I made for myself (and therefore put in their ‘official’ bios). I’d like them to be older than age seven for the short. If possible.

Gabby’s short details an exceedingly important moment in the twins’ background, feeding into the idea I’m working on for the Misfit 4 storyline. When I outlined the story for Michael, he was a little doubtful I could fit it into a ‘short’ format. So … challenged accepted!

A series of Adept Universe notebooks and a touch of inspiration in the art of Jessica Growling (aka Nature’s my Friend) – an Iris for the month of February.

The first scene I found was, of course, the very first time we meet the twins through Jade’s perspective. Lots of great info in the scene – and some fantastic dialogue, if I say so myself – but no mentions of the age they were when adopted!! So now I scour Misfits 1!


Excerpt from Champagne, Misfits, and Other Shady Magic (Dowser 7):

“Introduce yourselves,” Kandy said, seriously peeved. “Then let us know why the hell you’re in a storage room with eight mundanes only one door over.”

The amplifier opened her mouth — but then snapped it closed after a look from her sister. They stared at each other for a moment, and a tiny taste of tart jam shifted between them.

“Communicating telepathically,” I said for Kandy’s benefit.

Kandy snorted. “Don’t make me teach you to obey your elders, my pretties.”

“We know.”

“We understand.”

They overlapped each other, nary a pause between one speaking and the other taking over.

“You first, sis,” the telepath said.

“I always go first.”

“You’re the eldest.”

“So they said.”

“Why would they lie?”

“I’m not having this conversation —”

“You!” Kandy jabbed her finger toward the amplifier.

The telepath flinched. “She’s even more growly than Bitsy.”

“She’s older.” The amplifier shrugged, eyeing the pissed-off werewolf at my side.

“I swear to God,” Kandy growled. “I’m going to teach them some manners.”

I quashed a grin, looking pointedly at the amplifier. She squared her shoulders, intoning with exaggeration. “Gabrielle Talbot. Commonly known as Gabby. Amplifier. Sister of Margaret.”

“Talbot?” I asked. “Daughter of Angelica?”

Gabby scowled. “Adopted daughter of the sorcerers Stephan and Angelica Talbot.”

“Margaret Talbot,” the telepath said, picking up practically on top of her sister’s final word. “Known as Peggy. Telepath … truth seeker.”

Gabby shot her a look.

“Well, there’s no point in lying to a dowser, is there?”

I didn’t correct Peggy’s assumption that I could wield my skills to distinguish magical abilities that finely.

Gabby looked from me to Kandy belligerently. “We won’t be used. The Talbots won’t allow it. Never again.”

Kandy cackled. “You think two sorcerers could stand against Jade Godfrey, dowser, alchemist, wielder of the instruments of assassination, if she wanted you?”

“Plus, I’m not interested in using anyone,” I said mildly.

“Not the point,” Kandy said. “It’s the principle. They come into your territory and question your authority.”

Peggy looked stricken. “We certainly weren’t.”

“Henry Calhoun said we’d be safe here,” Gabby said quietly.

That gave Kandy pause. She glanced over at me.

I nodded.

“Henry sent you to Vancouver?” the werewolf asked.

Gabby and Peggy nodded in perfect unison.

Kandy grumbled under her breath, retrieving her phone from her back pocket and opening her texting app. I had a feeling there would be T-shirts for the amplifier and the telepath in the near future. 

Kandy’s self-assigned pack was rapidly expanding. First Rochelle and Beau, then Mory — though the necromancer might have nominally been under the werewolf’s protection first. Then a fledgling vampire, and now an amplifier and a telepath. If Kandy ever needed to invade a small country, she was collecting the army with which to do so. With at least a dozen more years of training, of course. And that wasn’t even including Drake, Warner, and me. 

Either that or the US Marshal, Henry Calhoun, who most assuredly belonged to Kandy by way of her bite and the transfer of magic that had come with it, was about to get an earful.

I gestured toward the green-haired werewolf. “Kandy, enforcer of the West Coast North American Pack.”

Gabby and Peggy exchanged another look. Then, by seemingly mutual decision, Peggy spoke. “The pack has a presence in Vancouver?”

Kandy paused her texting to growl. “Why do you care?”

Neither Gabby or Peggy answered.

“Can you tell us why your magic went … awry?” I asked.

“It didn’t. Not really. It was just intense and out of the blue.”

“And you normally have trouble getting it under control? Or mitigating its effects?”

Another glance passed between the twins.

“No. Not for a long time, I guess.” Peggy twisted a large moonstone ring on her left index finger. Gabby wore the same ring on her right index finger, making me wonder if that indicated the twins had different dominant hands.

They spoke with American accents, completely different from Angelica Talbot’s. Gabby’s intonation was more abrupt, while Peggy had a softer, smoother tone.

“I have a brown spot in my left eye,” Peggy said. “If you’re trying to tell Sis and me apart.”

I smiled. “Your magic tastes different.”

“Yeah,” Kandy said. “You can’t fool anyone who can smell magic, fledglings.”

They glanced at each other, and this time even I could see the look of disappointment that passed between them. Maybe tricking people into thinking you were your twin was a fun game?

“You haven’t been by the bakery yet,” I said.

Gabby shifted uncomfortably. “We were going to come …”

“Mory said we should …” Peggy added.

“But we were waiting until everyone was in town, like officially, so we could all come together. As a family. You know? But Stephan is still transitioning his work.”

“No one is going to hurt you in Vancouver,” I said gently. My odd conversation with Angelica Talbot was suddenly showing itself in a new light.

Peggy nodded. “That’s why we’re here … Because we were bred for our magic …”

“… and whored out.” Gabby twined her fingers through her twin’s, but she kept her steady gaze on me.

“Mother … fecker,” Kandy snarled, modifying her language at the last moment.

Gabby narrowed her sky-blue gaze at the werewolf. “We aren’t seven.”

“Yes.” Peggy nodded helpfully. “We just look young for our age.”

“A bonus for our breeders.”

“You mean it would have been a bonus, Gabby. If the Convocation hadn’t rescued us.”


“It was a large prostitution ring, difficult to track and crack.”

“We agree to disagree.”

“Yes, we do. Anyway, we were pretty damaged by then, as you can imagine.”

“So no one wanted us.”

“Except the Talbots.”

“Yeah, except Stephan and Angelica.”

The twins looked at each other for a moment, then turned their expectant gazes on us.

I stared at them, processing this new inundation of information — and catching Kandy doing the same thing in my peripheral vision.


In other news, before I quit work for the day I’ll schedule the next audiobook giveaway – Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2) – so check back at 2 pm PST tomorrow to grab a copy!

Discussion thread: In But A Moment (Kandy’s prequel)

I don’t usually open up discussion threads on my blog, but I just dropped In But a Moment (Moments of the Adept Universe 0.1) (aka a Kandy prequel novelette) into the inboxes of my newsletter subscribers and realized that you all might like have one place where you could discuss it as a group.

The novelette reveals lots of little bits of the ‘evolution’ of Kandy from an 18-year-old to the 31-year-old who appears in Misfits 1 (as well as all the Dowser books and Oracle 1, of course). I’m planning on at least one more story from Kandy’s POV in 2021 and she also narrates the upcoming Misfits 2. The shorts are most definitely prequels for the plot that unfolds in the second novel of the Misfits of the Adept Universe.

Click here for Kandy’s bio and sketches.

Assume there are spoilers for the novelette, as well as any Kandy book, in the comments below.

Feel free to discuss among yourselves (I believe there is a follow comments button? So you can see if anyone replies, etc?).

I hope you enjoyed the read!!

MCD: 2020 in retrospect and a glimpse into 2021

For most of you who read the blog this is doubled (or even tripled) information but it’s that time of year again – aka The Great Culling of MCD’s Mailing List! This simply means that anyone who hasn’t opened my last five emails (through my mailing list, not the blog) is about to get the opportunity to ‘reengage’, or I will remove them. Keeping ‘nonopens’ on my mailing list costs me $$ (read: really just pennies per subscriber) and actually reduces my delivery rate (the more serious issue), especially through email providers like Gmail.

Anyway! I wanted to have a post on the blog for anyone who wishes to remain on my list to click through to ‘reengage’ and survive the great culling for another year.

So without further to-do …

Things I published in 2020:

The first book in the Misfits of the Adept Universe Series: Misplaced Souls. Narrated by Mory.

The fifth book in the Amplifier Series: Idols and Enemies. Available in eBook, paperback, and audio.

The audiobooks for the Reconstructionist series (starting with Catching Echoes). Narrated by the brilliant Whitney Dykehouse. The third book should release any day on Audible, Apple Books, Amazon, etc.

And! For fun: A series of character bios for the Adept Universe bible with sketches from Memo: Wallpapers: Mory and Ed Sketches: JadeKandyKettMory and EdLiamBenjaminBurgundyScarlettPearlGabbyPeggy, and Tony.

Release plans for 2021 (headache dependent):

Awakening Infinity, the prequel novel for the Archivist Series is currently being serialized on my blog and will release on March 2, 2021, in eBook and paperback on all retailers. I have plans to release the next two books in the series in the first half of 2021. [Again, fingers crossed]. I’m currently halfway through the first draft of Archivist 1.

The sixth book in the Amplifier Series is outlined and scheduled to release in the latter half of 2021, followed by the second book in the Misfits of the Adept Universe. Misfits 2 is outlined and from Kandy’s POV!

Bonus short stories: I’m writing a randomly themed short story set in the Adept Universe and releasing them (unedited/unproofed) exclusively to my mailing list each month. At the end of the year, I will bundle the shorts together, have them properly edited, and publish them on all retailers (so … possibly early Jan 2022?). I’ll ask Memo to do a sketch for each of them as well. The first short – from Kandy’s POV – releases to the mailing list on January 27, 2021 (so make sure you are subscribed!)

More sketchesMemo will continue doing character sketches for the Adept Universe bible. Next up: the nine guardians! I’ve also commissioned three (for now) character renderings from Nicole Deal for the Archivist Series that I can’t wait to share!!

A selection of 2021s notebooks – already filling up!

You can also find me on Facebook (mostly writing-related posts), Instagram (mostly food, pets, knitting, and sunset posts), and Twitter (a combination of posts).

On a personal note, it’s been an insane year for us all with Covid19 and unfortunately my constant headache is still going strong. I’m finally seeing a menopause specialist this week (since everything else has been ruled out) and I have hope that she will finally be able to help me. Thank you for reading this far and I hope you enjoy how the Adept Universe unfolds over the next year and beyond.

Love and Light!

Moments of the Adept Universe.

I launched into January 2021 with a multi-tiered plan. Not resolutions, but a tweaking of a few aspects of my writing life. Okay, I’m always attempting to reduce portions sizes and get back to daily yoga/pilates. But those are continual personal goals that I’m pretty good at maintaining unless something extreme happens, such as my hip bursitis flaring.

Yes, I’m a 47-year-old with a bad hip. It’s freaking hilarious.

Anyway, I digress.

One of the ‘tweaks’ involves switching up how I do giveaways in 2021. Not all giveaways, but most. I’ve decided to focus more on the digital realm so I can reach (and hopefully treat) more of my readers at once. And, in switching up my giveaways, I’m also putting more focus on writing and less on the effort it takes for me to manage a physical giveaway.

The idea is to set a couple of Saturdays aside a month to write (and rewrite) a random short story set in the Adept Universe for my newsletter, one per month. Most of the shorts will be prequels to the currently published books. At the end of the year, I’ll bundle all the shorts, get them properly edited and proofed, then publish them on all retailers.

Today was my first Saturday devoted to this new endeavour. I intended to draft the entire story in one day, using a second Saturday to redraft, and a third to proof/polish. But apparently Kandy’s tale needs more than what I can give in a single day because I wrote 6165 words (read: a really good writing day for me) and it’s still nowhere near finished.

So … only two days into January, into my multi-tiered plan, and I’m behind schedule.

Typical freaking werewolf. Always taking over every scene she’s in. I really should have known better.


So … I’ll write the rest of the short tomorrow. Because on Monday I’m supposed to be working on Archivist 1, not playing around with a snarky werewolf who, when bored, apparently enjoys getting herself into entanglements that completely screw with her worldview. And yeah, the first short is going to come with a content warning. Did you expect anything less from Kandy?

In case you missed it, I released the first chapter of Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) yesterday. Also, Kim, over on the reader run fan group, is hosting a discussion of the new book, chapter by chapter, if that interests you. ETA: as of Feb 26 these chapters have been removed, pending the release of the book on all retailers!

Happy New Year!!

Archivist 0: The Serialization Of

The first chapter of Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) releases on the blog at 8:05 am (PST) on January 1, 2021. I’ll be posting a new section every Wednesday and Friday from January 1 to February 26. The entire novel is also currently available for preorder and will release on all retailers on March 2, 2021.

As with the prequel for the Amplifier Series, when I came up with the idea for the Archivist Series, I knew that we needed to see the inciting incident that takes place about a month before the main story – an introduction to Dusk and Sisu and how they’re connected to the guardian dragons – but it was too much info to be shoved into the beginning of the first book. It would have ruined the pacing.

Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) is a short novel, approx 53k, that focuses on the relationship between sister and brother, Dusk’s doubts about her abilities, and the blissful moment when she realizes she is on the right path. It’s a quieter story (for me) but no less intense (fingers crossed).

I’m serializing the prequel for my readers as a thank you for traveling this far along in the Adept Universe with me, and also as an introduction to a new character, new series.

Things you might like to know (but feel free to ask any other question below):

Other than the reintroduction of (some of) the guardian dragons, the Archivist Series is a completely new series set within the Adept Universe. Minor, fun crossovers might occur but should not be expected. (Read: NO JADE!). Archivist 0 can be read as a standalone (if you wish to share/recommend it).

You do not need to be caught up in the reading order of the Adept Universe to read-along.

Please feel free to comment and discuss the chapters/parts in the blog comment section (or over in the Facebook fan group). Please feel free to share the blog posts and/or the memes. I’m hoping that gathering to read the prequel and discussing the story as it releases will be part of the fun!

The blog posts will be automatically shared on my Twitter and Facebook feeds but you might wish to also follow the blog itself so you don’t want to miss a post.

Are you ready to dig in?

I’m totally excited!!


Are you new to the Adept Universe? Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) can be read separately, but the first book in the universe, Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1), is currently free as well! Click here for the recommended reading order of the Adept Universe.

How to subscribe to MCD’s blog

Here – updated April 27, 2023 with (fairly recent) pictures – is how to subscribe to my blog (so you can read along with the Conduit on #TeaserTuesday).

On a computer/desktop. Type your email into the box on the top right-hand corner of your screen. You can unsubscribe at any time. You’ll need to confirm your subscription. If you can’t find the email in your inbox, check your spam/junk/promotions folders. If you find the confirmation there, please drag it into your inbox to ensure that future emails arrive directly in your inbox. After you subscribe you will get an email each time I blog (not just the Conduit serialization posts).

On a mobile device. Scroll all the way down past the current blog posts. Type your email into the box situated between the ‘older posts’ button and the cover image for Archivist 0. You can unsubscribe at any time. You’ll need to confirm your subscription. If you can’t find the email in your inbox, check your spam/junk/promotions folders. If you find the confirmation there, please drag it into your inbox to ensure that future emails arrive directly in your inbox. After you subscribe you will get an email each time I blog (not just the Conduit serialization posts).

There you go! I hope you enjoy the read-along.

Archivist 0: Cover reveal and synopsis

I’m celebrating getting the prequel to the Archivist series off to the proofreader today by revealing the freaking gorgeous book cover by Damonza, along with the synopsis.

As with The Amplifier Protocol last year, Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) will be serialized here on my blog every Wednesday and Friday, starting January 1, 2021. I’ll also make the preorder available by that date for those of you who prefer to read all at once. Don’t worry I’ll email all the details to my mailing list (make sure you’re subscribed) and refresh my ‘how to subscribe to MCD’s blog’ instructions so you don’t miss a chapter.

Without further chatter – the gorgeous cover!

Book cover by Damonza.

Synopsis: The plan was to hop a train to Oslo, hang out at a coffee shop, and connect my personal archive, Infinity, to the Internet. Yes, completely disregarding the well-established fact that magic and technology didn’t mix. At all.

I was also hoping to browse as many bookstores as I could before my younger brother’s patience ran out. Unfortunately, the five-year-old fledgling dragon was better known for his exuberant — and ultimately destructive — tendencies rather than his attention span.

I almost pulled it all off. Almost proved that my position as Archivist of the Modern World wasn’t just an empty title. 

Then I got summoned — by the most powerful beings in the magical world. And when the guardian dragons made a request, no one denied them. Not even a lesser dragon.

Not even if it tore me away from everything I’d ever known — and the one person I couldn’t leave behind.

Awakening Infinity is a prequel novel in the Archivist series, which is set in the same universe as the Dowser, Oracle, Reconstructionist, Amplifier, and Misfits of the Adept Universe series. While it is not necessary to read all the series, in order to avoid spoilers the ideal reading order of the Adept Universe begins with Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1). Or click here for the full reading order.

Questions about the Archivist Series? Feel free to comment below (or +1 other comments) and I’ll write up a FAQ, if needed!!

Spying on Michael

The headache really spiked earlier (it isn’t great now either but I’m trying), and while I was trying to soothe myself (THC cream and peppermint oil on temples, controlled breathing, etc), I took a moment to sneakily spy on Michael cutting the rafters he’s installing today.

He caught me, of course. The addition can only be seen from within the cabin through one corner window, plus I was partly wedged behind the wood stove so I couldn’t step out of view terribly quickly. Then questions ensued.

Michael: What’s wrong? Are you okay?

Me: Head hurts, trying to decide if I’m going to write off the day by taking a triptan.

Michael: *grimancing* I’m sorry. I can come in.

Me: *grinning* That’s okay, I’m enjoying the view.

Michael: View … of …?

Me: You … measuring, cutting … carrying the rafters.

Michael: *laughing huskily* ogling me, are you?

Me, primly: Well, you are my husband.

Anyway – to my point – when you start hitting scenes in the Archivist series (specifically starting in book 1) featuring a sexy carpenter/contractor with strong hands, muscled wrists and forearms, carrying terribly heavy things, you’ll all be exceedingly aware of my inspiration.

Cabin Addition 2020: (far right to left) front door, two windows into the ‘flex’ room (workout space plus Murphy bed), door to the garage, with Michael’s studio in the back left corner. The aforementioned rafters are on the left side. No carpenter pictured because he refused to be splashed all over the blog. LOL

Back to writing the actual book!

Archivist 0: it’s vintage.

I dropped the prequel to the Archivist Series in the editor’s inbox yesterday for line and content edit, which means I’m not allowed to make any more major changes to the storyline. So there you go … my quiet ‘what happens in the moments before the series begins’ prequel novella that wasn’t supposed to be more than 30k is now a novel of 53k, and is on track for a January 2021 release.

I’ll be releasing the book – as a serialized freebie, as I did with Amplifier 0 – on my blog but I’ll also put up the preorder ahead of time for those of you who don’t want to read online. I’m actually hoping to drop the first section on January 1, 2021, but with the holidays coming up I need to check to see if I can get on Pauline’s schedule (aka the proofreader). I’ll keep you posted.

To celebrate getting the book into the editor I’m posting a sneak peek of the book cover over in the Facebook fan group. And I’ve added an excerpt below that totally highlights how Dusk’s mind works.

Scene set-up: Dusk is wearing a sweater with a patterned yoke as well.

The woman was wearing a pretty red sweater with a Fair Isle pattern on the yoke. Her light blond hair coiled into curls that barely brushed her shoulders. So unlike my own wild mane that I felt momentary … frumpy.

She caught me looking, glancing at my own outfit. “Oh, does your grandmother knit?” she asked in English.

In English!


“Um,” I responded slowly. My maternal grandmother, Ruth, had died before I was born, having ventured into sixteenth century China in pursuit of a bashe that — having gone insane and decided it was a dragon — was obsessed with reclaiming a pearl it claimed contained a prophecy. Since my grandmother had inadvertently released the gigantic snake from a misfiled artifact in her own archive, she’d been responsible for its release and therefore its recapture.

My grandmother’s ashes — authenticated, so my mother could claim her inheritance of the estate — were housed in an ornate urn on the mantel in the library. The pearl was safely housed in the treasure keeper’s personal collection where all the exceedingly dangerous artifacts were stored. Pulou, aka the treasure keeper, aka the guardian dragon who oversaw all the dragon archivists, had personally returned my grandmother’s remains. And the prophecy was a separate thing altogether.

That either the pearl or the prophecy even existed was knowledge that wasn’t mine to collect. Yet. But the family library yielded things to my touch it shouldn’t, including personal family journals. And my mother hadn’t caught me. Again, yet. 

The woman was staring at me. Her eyes widening as my silence discomforted her.

I touched the neckline of my sweater. “It’s vintage.”

“Oh!” She smiled broadly. “Good find.”

– Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0), fourth draft

Coming January 2021