Amplifier 4: Paisley and …


Paisley shoved herself between Aiden and his father. A single tentacle sprung forth from her neck. It was wrapped around a large bovine bone. The demon dog flashed a double row of sharp teeth at Kader, then poked him in the thigh with the bone.

“Ah,” Kader said. “Look at you, beautiful. I didn’t know that any of you had survived.” He glanced at me. “Did you get the entire litter out?”

I hadn’t. Only Paisley had survived the destruction we Five had wrought on the compound when we’d escaped the Collective.

Paisley poked Kader with the bone again.

“Yes, sorry,” he said to her. Then he wrapped his hand around the end of the bone, gazing deliberately into Paisley’s blood red eyes.

Silence stretched. A distant rooster crowed, then the rooster overseeing our flock responded. An airplane passed overhead.

Aiden glanced my way questioningly.

I shrugged. Paisley had done something similar when Opal had appeared on the property, making her hold the bone as well. I hadn’t thought to mention it to anyone. But the demon dog seemed to be using the bone that Aiden had given her as some sort of way to vet intruders, friend from possible tasty treat.

Not that I’d let the demon dog eat someone. Though, even I couldn’t stop everything that might happen in the heat of battle.

– Excerpt from Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4), 4th draft. Releasing Sept/Oct 2020.

From idea to … publication.

Just in case you ever wondered how long I work on some of my books/stories before even writing the first draft, I pulled this notebook off the shelf this morning:

Yep, I came up with the core idea for Oracle 4 in the Fall of 2018!!! And just added some delicious ‘crossover’ elements to it today!

Oh yeah, all sorts of fun things are about to happen to the Adept Universe reading order/timeline (for release in 2021) … I really hope SFG (aka the editor) doesn’t fire me.

I’m guessing this isn’t the ‘crossover’ you expected, but the muse takes me where she wants to go! I’m just along for the ride and I hope you will be as well. 🙂

A writer’s keyboard

So … Michael stepped into my office shed the other day to look at the pictures I’d selected for the upcoming Amplifier 4 book cover. He happened to glance down at my keyboard and some … teasing commenced.

Apparently, Michael believes there would be some value in being able to see ALL the letters.

Yes, I upgrade my laptop every three years because I like to keep it covered under AppleCare. And yes, I buy so many notebooks (and occasionally pens) I’ll never run out (that is the point after all) but I tried a Bluetooth keyboard and hated it, like … 12 … years … ago …


Okay. This keyboard could easily be 15 years old. But … I write so well on it! Learning a new keyboard would just be painful!



A space opera teaser …

“Okay.  Just so I’ve got this straight …” Ryanne lifted up on her tiptoes, leaning into Trand’s personal space. “Some crazy mercenary —”


Ryanne bared her teeth in anticipation. “Some thief recognizes her Royal Highness Astrea’ea Torval, second in line to the throne of Tor’valla, daughter of the Priestess Zara, born in the waters of the fount itself. But …” She held up one tattooed finger. “They don’t know that she can shred their minds or skin them alive from kilometres away?”

“Technically I can’t flay skin with my mind,” I said, trying to not laugh as my friend schooled the new recruit.

“You just bought two knives,” Ryanne growled. “And you can wield both at the same time with your obscenely powerful magic. Consequently, the flaying of skin.”

I looked at Trand. “She has me there. If the blades are sharp enough I suppose.”

“They’re sharp enough.” Ryanne sniffed. “Because your freaky ass magic sharpens them, doesn’t it?”

I made a face, looking at Trand apologetically as if I’d been trying to be on his side of the argument. “Technically … possible.”

– untitled space opera, chapter one, first draft

Adept Universe bible: Scarlett’s sketches

Scarlett Godfrey: Witch. Occupies one of the thirteen seats on the witches’ Convocation. Charm and charisma are focal points for her magic, but she’s also skilled with healing salves and barrier spells. Petite. Long strawberry blonde hair. Indigo blue eyes. Creamy skin. 44 in Dowser 7. Beautiful, and sexy. Mother of Jade Godfrey (the Dowser). Daughter of Pearl Godfrey (Head of the Godfrey Coven). Scarlett went ‘traveling’ at the age of 16, returning from Australia pregnant with Jade and with no way to contact the father. Her relationship with her mother is perpetually strained for a multitude of reasons, including the fact that Pearl insisted she was incapable of raising her own daughter.

According to Jade, her magic tastes predominately like strawberries with hints of lilac and white chocolate, and a base of fresh-cut grass. She returned to Vancouver between Dowser 1 and Dowser 2, purchasing and renovating a house on West Fifth Avenue and Stephens, then selling two of the three suites of the triplex. She reunited with Jade’s father, Yazi, after Dowser 3 but their relationship status hasn’t been formalized. Objects of power: a rapier with a large blue stone, gifted to her by Chi Wen, the Far Seer of the Guardian Nine.

Scarlett first appeared in Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic as well as the other books in the Dowser series. She makes cameo appearances in Oracle 3 and Misfits 1.

Scarlett. Witch. Favours silk dresses, open-toed shoes, and dancing nude under the full moon. Keeps a demi-god as a lover. Sketch by Memo.
Scarlett. Witch. Capable of holding a shield barrier against a greater demon while charming even the most powerful Adepts into doing things her way with a single smile. Sketch by Memo.

Misfits 1: paperback now available

In the age of Covid19, everything having to do with paper and shipping has seriously slowed down (as it should be really), but I finally received the proof for Misplaced Souls (Misfits of the Adept Universe 1) and therefore the paperback is now available!

I am, however, still waiting on my author copies, so the slew of giveaways I usually do to commemorate a new release will have to wait a little longer. Though, make sure you’re on my mailing list (subscribe link under the cookbook image on the right of this page), as I’ll email when I finally get my hands on some copies of this beautiful book!!

Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios
Interior formatting by 52 Novels
Mory perched on her favourite headstone with Ed. Yes! A sketch by Memo drawn specifically for the paperback! Squee! Though I promise to post it separately here on the blog as well (remind me if I forget).
Paperback chapter heading, aka more formatting bling.
Ed page break. Designed by Elizabeth Mackey. Also featured in the paperback version of Dowser 8.5.
And yes, I’m still using a 16-year-old shot that Michael took of me at Point No Point as my author photo. LOL


I also (finally) got some bookplates printed (for autographs). I just have to figure out how to set up an online store so you can order them from me. So, yeah … that will happen … soonish?

A sneak peek of the ‘untitled space opera’ as promised.

I’m working on a side project – urban fantasy set in space, heavy on the romance and betrayal. With a kick-ass female lead, magic, and lots of mayhem. So, pretty typical for me. My priority is Amplifier 4, but once the space opera has more … shape, I will likely start releasing it in weekly installments. Just for fun. Then it will be properly edited, proofed, formatted, and made available for sale. So … hopefully, the typos and grammatical errors won’t impede the read for now. FYI, for my American readers, deliberately utilized Canadian spellings and measurements abound.

Energy radiated through my bones, disintegrating flesh and compressing my very essence, flinging me forward through reality, then reforming me. Reassembling me.

But a tiny bit altered. Minutely different from who I’d been. On a molecular level.

Not a copy, exactly.

Still me. But reordered.

Close enough that our shoulders almost brushed, Ryanne and Trand appeared on either side of me. My front foot hit the metal landing pad of the Anaxa space station. The solid contact was momentarily disconcerting even as I took another step, clearing the gateway. My mind lagged a beat behind.

I blinked.

Five curved stairs descended to the upper causeway. The station orbited all of Vertex, but the gateway was exclusive to the province of Tor’valla. A shimmering energy barrier ran beneath the causeway — felt more than seen. By me, at least — sealing the upper section of the docks from the loading bays.

Directly below, a sleek ship baring the emblem of Pura swooped through the transparent barrier that sealed the entire dock from outer space, landing on an empty pad. Pura, a water-based planet, was only a single gate jump from Vertex. The Meridian system contained one inhabitable planet — Vertex — multiple minding colonies, and one naturally occurring gate.

Not that I’d ever been off world. Other than currently being suspended in the space above the planet, but that didn’t count. I really wouldn’t be on the space station now, if I’d asked permission from my regent, aka my brother Dar, or the elders.

The causeway led to a double set of interior doors that opened onto the seventeenth level of the marketplace. The doors were composed of two dark grey metal panels with sealing glyphs set at all four corners. The glyphs were more for show than for anything practical. The doors were carved in an exquisitely detailed rendering of the province of Tor’valla.

 The gateway’s energy — power pulled from the planet itself — clung to me, lightly coating my ankle-length navy cloak as well as the exposed pale skin of my neck, face, and lower arms. The residual stirred my own power, coaxing it to come out and play.

I ignored the impulse. As I did every time I travelled by gateway, to the orbital space station and otherwise. “Not right now,” I whispered. The energy settled, then abated reluctantly.

Not that I’d mention the reluctant feeling to anyone. I already had a reputation for being slightly … impetuous. Well, that was the kindest way I’d ever had it put to me. Getting caught talking to the raw power that radiated from the planet — and therefore through all of Vertex’s inhabitants in varying degrees — wouldn’t help.

My bulwark glanced at me, slightly disconcerted. “Your Highness?”

Trand, the newer of my two permanent guards, was clad in the deep green flexible armour of the castle guard. He was completely unshakable in any situation that required him throwing himself between me and danger. But somehow he hadn’t gotten used to me talking out loud, seemingly to nothing. Yet. Another month or two and he’d be blissfully ignoring me. Trand most often spoke in a low deep rumble, with consideration given to each word. But he’d broken up a bar fight with a few bellowed commands the first week I’d known him. Granted, it had taken him over two hours to track Ryanne and me to the bar, so he’d presumably been pissed off before he’d even walked in the door.

“Trea,” I said, correcting him for the umpteenth time.

He grunted noncommittally, then returned his attention to the causeway.

I took another couple of steps, completely clearing the landing pad but pausing at the top of the stairs. If I moved any farther before she had a chance to assess the immediate area for threats, I’d trigger my venin into poisoning everyone in a three meter radius.

Nothing deadly, of course. But Ryanne considered forceful and immediate incapacitation a legitimate first response. To just about any situation that even remotely bothered her.

And yes, I’d learned that the hard way.

Multiple times.

Admittedly, my impetuous reputation had also been earned in an exceedingly similar way, and at the exact same time. Unfortunately. Though the brunt of that usually fell on the person or people attempting to kidnap or kill me.

Cloaked in black from hair, to lips, to fingertips, to steel toed boots, Ryanne stepped forward to cast her sharp, purple-eyed gaze over the causeway and into the docks where attendants were unloading supplies from a large hover cart into a cargo ship destined for Or’gin on Vertex. The insignia of the Priestess was spray painted on the side of the battered, but sturdy-looking ship. The paint had been too wet when applied because, even from this far above, the drip pattern looked like eyelashes. And that was creepy, even on a scale that factored in the Priestess.

Nearer the main doors, passengers were loading into a transport shuttle. The gateway could be redirected to various locations around the province of Tor’valla, but most of our people accessed the station via transport shuttle. As did the denizens of the smaller provinces.

I fortified my mental shields.

Away from the clingy energy of the gateway, I could feel the press of the half-dozen or so minds currently occupying the causeway. People heading into the marketplace or waiting for transport back to the planet. If I shifted my attention to the docks below — the energy barrier beneath me barely impeding my reach — dozens upon dozens of minds brushed against my senses.

I normally kept my telepathic abilities tightly contained, but passing through the energy of the gate wore at my mental constructs. Not at all ironically, over the centuries that the Torval bloodline had reigned, more than one royal had been murdered within reach of a gateway.

My brother Dar hadn’t travelled to the station by gateway for easily twenty years. Though I knew he moved around the province via the ancient gates, mostly when he wasn’t supposed to be away from the castle. As the sole — viable — heir, the split second of vulnerability on either side of the transport had been deemed too easily exploited by our father.

I only traveled by gateway. My power was too unpredictable around technology. Even ships built by our metal mages, using only components sourced from the planet, were too risky.

I knew. I’d crashed a few myself.

Yes. Impetuous. I’d more than earned the label.

Well, before my father died, at least.

But now everything was different.

Misfits 1: one-month anniversary

Misplaced Souls (Misfits of the Adept Universe 1) has been out in the world – in ebook form, paperback still pending a book cover – for one month today, so I thought the timing perfect for a little spoiler of what is to come for the series. Though, those of you who read the last scene of Misfits 1 closely have probably worked out who will be narrating book 2 already!

Without further ado – a glimpse at my Misfits ‘ideas, etc’ notebook! The narrators shall be: in order, top to bottom (and subject to the whim of my muse):

One of my notebooks, devoted to all my ideas about the upcoming Misfits titles, broken down by narrator.

And because someone might ask, I’m hoping to have Book 2 ready for winter 2020/2021 (so, fingers crossed for December or January) but again – with the constant headache – I’m writing what I can when I can. The goal is at least ONE Misfit title a year while I also write the Amplifier Series (and possibly a space opera series I’m brewing). If I can write more, I most definitely will.

Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed Misplaced Souls (Misfits 1). Your time and energy are greatly appreciated, especially now when none of us have much to spare!

Did you enjoy Mory’s book? And what upcoming narrator are you looking forward to the most?

Hmmm, let me guess … 😀

Adept Universe Bible: Kett’s sketches

Kettil “Kett”: vampire. Elder and Executioner of the Conclave. Grand Conclave investigator. Aka he hunts down rogue vampires and ‘disposes’ of them, no questions asked. Ability to absorb the powers of other Adepts by drinking their blood. Ice blue eyes (occasionally referred to as silver). White blond hair, usually worn short. Broad forehead. Lanky frame. 5’11. Had (witch) powers before he was turned. His magic tastes like cool peppermint and appears red. Drives a white BMW SUV. 1200+ years old. Second son of witch family, bred to be a sacrifice to his grandsire, Ve, who was playing at being a God at the time. Sire is Estelle, who killed him out of jealously and then was forced to remake him as punishment. Ve’s shiver is based out of London, England but Kett is currently leasing a 5000 sq ft penthouse that overlooks False Creek in Vancouver, BC, formerly owned by Rochelle Saintpaul (Oracle), now owned by Pearl Godfrey (Head of the Godfrey Coven). Maker and master of Jasmine Fairchild, mentor (and now master) of Benjamin Garrick. Objects of power: Invisible satchel. As well as a collection of centuries of untold treasures, including the fountain pen he gave to Benjamin Garrick.

Kett first appeared in Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic as well as every other book in the Dowser series. He’s a main character in the Reconstructionist trilogy, starting with Catching Echoes, and makes an appearance in Misfits 1.

Kett. Vampire. In smooth, cool predator mode. Favours dark washed jeans, cashmere sweaters, and ridiculously expensive Italian leather dress shoes. A collector of rarities, usually in the form of living, breathing, uber-powerful people, like Jade Godfrey and Kandy Tate. Sketch by Memo.
Kett. Vampire. Lord of the micro-expression. A raised eyebrow is reserved for the acknowledgment and disapproval of extreme idiocy. Or he’s anticipating draining someone dry. Possibly both at the same time. Actual smiles are reserved for charming those few people he can’t just outright beguile, or possibly to indicate delight over some certain-to-end-in-blood endeavor. Sketch by Memo.

Adept Universe Bible: Kandy’s Sketches

Kandice “Kandy” Tate: werewolf. Aka the enforcer of the North West Coast American pack, aka the wielder’s wolf. Lithe, muscular. Short green hair, briefly dyed purple in Dowser 3 by Lara, and permanently dyed pink in Dowser 9. Natural hair colour is brown. Lives in the apartment next to Jade. Wolf is gray. Likes horror and teen sex comedy movies. Magic tastes like red berry dark chocolate with a bitter aftertaste, grassy green base in colour. The cupcakes, Flirt in a Cup, Tart in a Cup, Sass in a Cup, and Tease in a Cup were created by Jade to match her magic. Generally prefers to cavort with females, human or otherwise, but only male werewolves. Birthday is August 8 – turned 26 just before Dowser 4. Physiotherapist. Mother was named Kandice as well. Objects of power: Two rune-and-diamond crusted, three-inch gold wrist cuffs that lend her extra strength and repel malicious magic. The cuffs were gift from Chi Wen, the far seer, in Dowser 4 and have been continually fortified by Jade Godfrey, the dowser, since. Dubbed the Herakles cuffs by Haoxin in Dowser 7. But renamed as the Wolf’s Bracers in Benjamin Garrick’s chronicles.

Kandy first appeared in Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic as well as every other book in the Dowser series. She’s also appeared in Oracle 2 and Misfits 1.

Kandy. Werewolf. On her way for a run … or a power yoga class … or possibly just hanging around ready to defend those she deems under her protection. Possibly on the hunt for treats. Always ready to go dancing. Sketch by Memo.
Kandy. Werewolf enforcer. Can eat her weight in cupcakes and chocolate – daily – and not gain a pound. Perpetually ready to rumble. Sketch by Memo.