Amplifier Series: fav quote prize pack giveaway update

GIVEAWAY CLOSED. Lucky #2 has been emailed.

In case you didn’t know, I’m currently running a (click link) favourite quote giveaway. It’s a two-stage giveaway (please see original post for more info). The second stage is winning the big prize pack pictured below.

Only EIGHT readers have ‘qualified’ to win this Amplifier Series prize pack so far, including FOUR autographed paperbacks and an entire set (22) of oracle cards. Yes, only EIGHT!! That’s some great odds!

The entrants are (as of Jan 21):

  1. Lori T
  2. Denise G.
  3. Lisa
  4. Olga
  5. Carmin
  6. Laural
  7. Kathi L
  8. Missy Leah
  9. @ted359
  10. @katherzan
  11. Sylvia
  12. Amy
  13. Diane C
  14. Ashley S.
  15. Edie
  16. Keeli

Do you want to add your name to this list? Then all you need to do is enter to win the Your Favourite Quote Giveaway by following the instructions on the original post (click the link).

Giveaway rules: as per the original post. Closes January 15, 2020. Only entries on the original post, or as per the original post (2nd social media option), will be considered, so please don’t comment on this post with a fav quote unless you just feel like sharing 😉


Amplifier 3: early reviews

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to review Mystics and Mental Blocks (Amplifier 3)!! I’m so, so glad that readers appear to be enjoying Emma’s series. YAY!

Here are a few selected review quotes (beware of spoilers):

5 stars. Riveting as always. The continued story of Emma and her family sucks me right back into this amazing Adept universe MCD is building. The glimpses into the past and hints of the future make me so hungry for the next installment. Emma’s growth, both personal and magical, is knitted together with quiet, gentle moments and kickass displays of power and action. What more could you want?! – Kirsten, Amazon USA

5 star. Enthralling! This book was packed full of action, plot twists and magic! But the part I loved most is the ongoing growth of the characters. They take your heart on a journey through tears, joy and heartbreak. – Diana, Amazon USA

5 star. *bam* That was one mind blowing ride I just took with Emma. (hehe) More insights into everyone and, well just MORE of all the good stuff. – Brenda, Amazon USA

5 star. Amazing! A real page turner! I just finished this book and as usual I was enthralled throughout the entire book – on the edge of my seat! – LCinVT, Amazon USA

5 star Amp 3. It’s a darker whirlwind of magic that will catch you this time around … I took my time with frequent breaks to mute the non-stop action a bit so I could withstand the tense imagery and the threats to characters who seem strangely real to me. Go now. Go read it. – P Chez, Amazon USA

5 stars. Stunning! I have never resonated and connected with a character as much as I did with Emma in this book. To say this book had me feeling ALL the feels, is an understatement. The fact that Meghan Ciana Doidge can combine extreme stress and tension, sadness, betrayal and heartache, with solidarity, warmth, comfort and unconditional love is a true testament to her story telling gift. This series just keeps getting better and better! – Carmin, Amazon CANADA

5 stars.  A must read! Another amazing instalment in the lived of Emma, Aiden, Christopher, Opal and Paisley! I couldn’t put it down. I loved every minute of it. I laughed, I cried. I was angry and sad and happy and pleased! All the emotions! Can’t wait for the next book now – KaiR, Amazon UK

5 stars. Amazing! Complex shenanigans make this an amazing read. You won’t want to put it down once you start! Love the new characters and the dimension they add to the story! – David K, Goodreads

Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios
Models: Devon Ericksen and Jonathan Cannaux 


Are you new to the Amplifier Series? Start with the prequel, The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0)

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Start with Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1). It’s currently FREE!!

Click here for the full reading order of the Adept Universe.

Reviews are welcomed and appreciated. As are shares. 🙂

Amplifier 3: cover reveal and synopsis

Mystics and Mental Blocks (Amplifier 3) is now available for preorder. YAY!


Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios
Models: Devon Ericksen and Jonathan Cannaux 

Synopsis: Three days. That was all the reprieve we got before one of the Five showed up, injured and on the run. The snowstorm that had encased the property, as well as stifled the town, hadn’t even melted away.

That wounded prey led our newest adversary directly to me, to Christopher. Inconvenient timing, but not unexpected.

It was the betrayal forcing me to stay my hand against that adversary that shocked me. Betrayal from the least likely of sources. Or so I would have thought.

But that didn’t change who I was, and what I would do to preserve a life I loved, people I cherished.

I wasn’t so easily broken. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t be hurt, couldn’t be pulled apart. Unraveled.

And if I managed to put the pieces back together? I wasn’t certain who I’d be on the other side of it all. Friend? Lover? Killer? Emma or Amp5? 

Or was it possible to be all those things at once?


Mystics and Mental Blocks by Meghan Ciana Doidge is the third book in the Amplifier series, which is set in the Adept Universe along with the Dowser, the Oracle, and the Reconstructionist series.

Reading order:



Amplifier 3. 4th Draft. Done.

I just dropped Amplifier 3 into the editor’s (aka SFG) inbox. He will take the next month to line and content edit the manuscript (aka wrestling it into submission), then send it back to me for final touches (and proofread, etc). I’m still shooting for an end of November release date.

So I get to work on Mory (aka Misfits of the Adept Universe 1) for the rest of September and into October – YAY! I’m halfway through the first draft (around 41k so far).

To celebrate, I thought I’d share a sneak peek.

“I’m dying anyway.” She swallowed, whispering, “I’d rather it be you, Socks. If anyone is going to put me out of my misery, I always thought it would be you.”

“That’s a terrible thing to say to me,” I snapped, pissed. “How many times have I put myself between you and death?”

She laughed darkly. “I’ve lost count. How about one more time?”

– Amplifier 3, Chapter 11, Fourth draft

Reconstructionist 1: freebie blitz

Starting today, I’m doing a ‘freebie blitz’ for Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1) for the next two weeks. Yes, for the first time ever, I’m giving the first book in the Reconstructionist trilogy away. For free.

It’s honestly mind boggling to me that I published Catching Echoes almost three years ago! But here we are!

Catching Echoes is the Fantasy Editor’s pick on Kobo for the week of Sept 9!! Fun! Fun!!



For the next two weeks I’ll be sharing links and excerpts on all my social media pages. As well as doing an autographed paperback giveaway (for those who have already read the series)(watch this space).

Shares and likes are greatly appreciated!!


Fun! Fun!!

MCD: Summer & Fall 2019

Posting my schedule/upcoming releases, etc so I have it pinned all in one place instead of just occasionally mentioning it whenever I’m asked in various places online. 🙂

If you have any spoiler-free questions, let me know in the comments and I will endeavour to answer them and/or add the answers below.


Current release: Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2)

Upcoming release: Amplifier 3 – November 23, 2019 (projected)


Tia Rider will be voicing the Amplifier Series audiobooks – yay!! She is currently working on The Amplifier Protocol and scheduled to do the first four books back to back!

Audiobook release schedule:


I’m working through the second and third drafts of Amplifier 3. It goes to the editor for story editing (aka developmental editing) on Sept 3, 2019. While it shifts back and forth between the editor and me, I will be outlining a new space opera series idea, as well as Amplifer 4. The strongest idea of the two shall be written next.

Other places to find me: FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM

And make sure you’re signed up to my new release list (and that you open the emails, otherwise your email provider will start putting them in your junk folders) so you don’t miss any releases. When you sign up, check your spam/promotions/junk folders for the welcome email, pretty please.

And another pretty paperback proof has been added to my ‘ego shelf’! YAY!

Amplifier 2: cover reveal and synopsis

I figured I should probably ‘officially’ reveal the book cover for Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2), as well as share the synopsis, so here it is in all its glory!

Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios
Models: Devon Ericksen and Jonathan Cannaux 

Synopsis: We had chosen our place, etching our lives into a new land. Then we had defended that land when called upon to do so. And we’d won. We’d maintained our freedom.

But magic attracts magic.

As they say.

So when the sorcerers showed up, holding my recent past hostage — along with a future I had dreamed I might build — it was just as expected. In fact, I might have been getting just a little bored playing at being Emma Johnson.

I might not believe in bonds fortified by fate, or in love at first sight for that matter. But magic, it seemed, had other ideas.

Bonds and Broken Dreams by Meghan Ciana Doidge is the second novel in the Amplifier series, which is set in the Adept Universe along with the Dowser, the Oracle, and the Reconstructionist series.

Reading order of the Amplifier Series:



Demons and DNA: Chapter One, Part One

September 2018.

A sorcerer pushed open the door of the diner, both of his hands on the metal handle that bisected its glass. Holding himself upright. He raised his shockingly blue eyes, seeking out and pinning me into place in the red-vinyl booth situated at the far corner. 

My heart fluttered oddly, even as my rational mind immediately snapped to assessing the situation.

Three exits.

The first required a vault over the stools and the laminate counter, then a quick dash through the kitchen beyond. This had the added advantage of putting me within reach of the shotgun gathering dust under the cash register. A shotgun I was fairly certain was illegal in Canada. I hadn’t researched the country’s gun laws, though, because guns rarely worked against the magically inclined. The Adept.

So even with his magic as drained as it felt, a gun might backfire if I tried to use it against the sorcerer currently blocking the second exit.

His hair was dark brown, his chiseled jaw shadowed with stubble. His black suit and rumpled white dress shirt were streaked with dirt. No tie. No objects of power on him. Not that I could feel, anyway. But I picked up magic in people more consistently than I did in artifacts.

The sorcerer looked as though someone had tortured him, drained his magic, then just tossed him from a vehicle and sped off — including a scrape on one of his cheekbones that was so sharply defined it might have cut glass.

Cheekbones? Cut glass?

That was an absurd thought.

The second exit was through the sorcerer himself. And by the way he stumbled as he stepped into the aisle between the booths along the windows and the red-vinyl-topped metal stools that lined the counter, he was slow. Likely so drained that I’d be on the sidewalk before he even reacted to my passing.

He placed his hand on the back of the nearest booth, earning a disconcerted glance from Harry Morris, co-owner of Cowichan Kayak and Tubing. Harry had just started eating his lunch — a burger with all the fixings, including bacon. He ordered the exact same thing every Friday.

The sorcerer straightened, visibly reining himself in, smoothing his demeanor. But he stood out among the small-town locals even more than I did, and I’d put a lot of time and energy into being accepted, even if I couldn’t truly fit in. He was going to draw the attention of everyone in the packed diner. And then I’d be forced to make a choice instead of just sitting in the booth and gazing at him as if in awe. As if struck by … something. 

It was his magic, or lack of it, that intrigued me.

Yes. That had to be it.

Of course, that didn’t explain the way I felt. Amped up, stomach churning, heart rate spiking. But at the same time, sedate, easy … languid.

He flexed his hands. His fingers were long and unadorned, though distinct tan lines indicated that he’d recently worn rings on each finger, as well as spent significant time in a sunny climate. The rings had most likely been filled with his power. Practical adornments that had been stripped along with his magic.

I forced myself to focus on everything that was wrong about the situation and what my options were now that I’d allowed the sorcerer to close the space between us. I was down to my third possible exit. I could go through the window. A relatively easy move, which would in no uncertain terms let every Lake Cowichan local currently lunching in the diner know that I was more. More than human. More than I wanted them to know.

It would draw far too much attention, though it wasn’t the mundanes — those without magic — that concerned me. Rather, such actions might allow the powers that enforced the secrecy of the Adept world — or the members of the Collective themselves — to become aware of my continued existence. Gaining the notice of either would mean a prison sentence. Just not necessarily one that came with a barred cell.

All three exits required me to run. Through the town, north along the lake, all the way home. Grabbing our go-bags, climbing into the Mustang, and leaving.


Leaving everything I’d spent the last ten months cementing, the previous five years making possible — risking exposure, and occasionally my life, to earn the money necessary to build … a new life. An actual life.

The sorcerer took two more steps my way and his expression shifted, causing him to falter as if he’d just gotten a read on my magic. He had just figured out that I represented everything he’d lost, every iota of power that had been stripped from him. He stumbled, resting his hand on the back of another booth.

“Can I help you?” Mary Davis asked him, still chewing a bite of her chicken salad. Mary, along with her husband, Brett Davis, was a local real estate agent. They had held the listing on the property I’d purchased over eighteen months ago, even before the disastrous job in San Francisco that had nearly been my last.

The sorcerer ignored Mary. I was his sole focus. His sole desire.

In his obvious state of need, he might kill me to get the power running through my veins. And I realized with something like shock that I was fully capable of just stepping out of the booth and letting him have me. Letting him consume me.

At that ridiculous thought, my strange physical reaction to the sorcerer’s appearance resolved into unmistakable, unbidden desire. That warmth curled through and settled in my lower stomach, informing me instantly that I’d only ever felt a shadow, the barest hint, of lust before.

I knew I should have been reacting. I should have been moving. Instead, I was just sitting there, staring at him as if he was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. As if his beauty had knocked every rational thought right out of my head, dampening every instinct.

Behind the long counter, Brian Martin, co-owner and operator of the Home Cafe, paused after placing a piping hot plate of tuna casserole in front of Lani Zachary. The ex-air force technician, now a mechanic, had cropped her dark hair short at the beginning of the summer, and her bangs were just long enough to brush her eyebrows now. She was perched on her habitual stool, eating at the counter. Brian, a barrel-chested and balding, soft-spoken man in his early fifties, frowned at the sorcerer, wiping his hands on his white cotton apron.

Lani swiveled on her stool, following Brian’s gaze. Her hazel eyes narrowed as she traced the sorcerer’s focused intent back to me in the corner booth.

I was going to have to act. I was going to have to make a choice. Otherwise, people were going to get hurt. Hurt in a way that would draw unwanted attention.

I wasn’t ready.

I just wasn’t ready. I’d wanted more than ten months. I’d been hoping … thinking that we might be able to stay. That Christopher, Paisley, and I might be able to put down roots in this small town, tucked away from all the powerful Adepts who’d want to use us, to control us if they knew we existed. If they knew what we were capable of doing.

The sorcerer was five steps away. He didn’t seem quite so unsteady on his feet now.

Was this what looking into your future was like? A slow, torturous stroll punctuated by indecision, and yet … desire? A dreadful aching desire to reach forward and embrace what was coming, no matter where it took you.

“Can I help you?” Brian asked from behind the counter.

Lani plucked her napkin from her lap, placing it down beside her plate. Her own latent, untapped magic was coiling within her, but so quietly that the sorcerer wouldn’t be able to feel it under everything emanating, beckoning from me.

I naturally and continually dampened my magic, of course. But a sorcerer of his power level would be able to trace any residual, even subconsciously. He could have followed the path I’d inadvertently laid along the roads I walked every few days in my almost obsessive need to create habitual routines.

Lani was going to reach out. She was going to touch the stranger’s shoulder, holding him back from closing the space between us.

Then the violence that the sorcerer was barely keeping contained was going to explode all over the diner — taking those with whom I was building tentative relationships with it.

I set down my soup spoon, unaware that I’d still been holding it. I slid out from the booth.

The sorcerer hesitated, sweeping his hungry gaze down to my ankles and white sneakers, then up all the five foot ten inches of me — pale bare legs, sundress, wide shoulders. Long neck and green eyes, and red hair that fell in a straight sheet down to the middle of my back.

“Hello.” I spoke as if I knew him. As if I’d been waiting for him.

And for the moment that the word hung between us, I thought it might just be true. I might have known him forever, though I was just meeting him for the first time.

Brian and Lani exchanged glances, their combined concern easing from protective to simply wary.

Oblivious to everything around him, the sorcerer closed the space between us far quicker than he’d been moving previously. He was taller than me, maybe six foot one. I had to tilt my head to maintain eye contact.

He reached out, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck, his thumb across my throat. His grip was harsh.

But though I was completely unaccustomed to being touched, even gently, I didn’t break his hold. I didn’t try to step away.

Frustration, restlessness, and a fierce need filtered through his touch, picked up through my latent empathic ability. I kept my gaze locked to his, slowly raising my hand and hovering my fingertips by the road rash on his cheek. “You’re hurt.”

His frustration turned to confusion. Then, as he felt the magic that hummed through my skin no matter how tight a rein I kept on my power, it shifted into amazement. Even awe. He gasped, his pupils expanding and his expression softening into a different sort of hunger.

A hunger much closer to the need, the desire, that was already brewing in my lower stomach.

“Hey!” Brian shouted.

“Are you here to kill me?” I asked in a whisper. “Or am I supposed to kill you?”

The sorcerer frowned. His grip loosened, hand falling away from my neck, severing our empathic connection. “I’m … I don’t know.”


Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1) releases tomorrow, April 30, 2019!! YAY!

Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios
Models: Devon Ericksen and Jonathan Cannaux 



MCD: Spring 2019

Posting my spring schedule/upcoming releases, etc so I have it all in one place instead of just occasionally mentioning it whenever I’m asked in various places online.

If you have any spoiler-free questions, let me know in the comments and I will endeavour to answer them and/or add the answers below.


Current release: The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) and Close to Home (Amplifier 0.5) (bundled together).

Upcoming release: Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1) – April 30, 2019

Next release: Amplifier 2 – late-July 2019


Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1) is currently in production. Expected release is late May.


I’m brainstorming and outlining the first book in a new series, Jasmine Bytes (21st Century Vampire 1), while SFG (aka the editor) has Amplifier 2 for story editing. Then I’ll be alternating editing A2 with writing the first draft of Jasmine’s first book.

Make sure you’re signed up to my new release list (and that you open the emails, otherwise your email provider will start putting them in your junk folders) so you don’t miss any releases. When you sign up, check your spam/promotions/junk folders for the welcome email, pretty please.


I’ll be at the Nebula Conference from May 16 to May 19, 2019. There is a large, free mass autographing event (<<< click link for more info) on Saturday, May 18 with a 100+ authors attending. I’ll have postcards with me, but you can also bring anything (paperbacks, etc) that you’d like me to autograph. Or just drop by and say hello.

Digging deep into all my notebooks today, putting together background for the 21st Century Vampire Series!!

Other places to find me: FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM

Amplifier Series: tea and ginger snaps

Emma (aka Socks aka Amp5) from the Amplifier Series has a bit of a thing for ginger snaps and tea.

The ginger snap obsession comes from her first Christmas party (see The Amplifier Protocol) and she has two go-to recipes: hand-rolled and sliced. I’ve also added the hand-rolled Chewy Ginger Snaps recipe to the Adept Universe cookbook.

Emma’s tea obsession comes from her third obsession, Downton Abbey. A TV show that the amplifier relates to because of, among other things, the stricter structure of society it portrays, specifically the rules of relationships. Emma likes rules. She doesn’t necessarily follow them, but she likes to understand that they exist, including the ritual of ‘afternoon’ tea.

If you want to sip tea (etc) while you read the Amplifier books here are the types Emma drinks/serves in the books (I’ll try to keep this list updated). There are some repeats, for example, Emma defaults to the Iced Tea Fruit Blend when making … you guessed it … iced tea.

Close to Home (Amplifier 0.5): Tea:

Tanzania Estate – finer cut black tea
Quanzhou milk oolong – bright and buttery

Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1): Tea:

Mim Darjeeling (second flush).
Iced Tea Fruit Blend (cold brewed). Pineapple, orange, lemon, strawberry, cranberries, currants, apple pieces, and hibiscus.

Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2): Tea:

Darjeeling Castleton (first flush). A high-grade premium tea with thin, whole leaf and high bud content.
Orchid Oolong – grown among orchids and harvested when the flowers are in bloom.
Lavender Mint (not currently available on Granville Island Tea?)

Mystics and Mental Blocks (Amplifier 3): Tea:

Organic Bangladesh black tea. Medium bodied.

Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4): Tea:

Organic Doke Black Fusion, first flush 2019. Very limited edition and not currently available

Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5): Tea:

Lemon Ginger. Lemongrass, Ginger, Licorice Root, Orange Peel, and Black Pepper.

FYI – all the tea links lead to the Granville Island Tea Company because that is where I buy my tea. But this post is not sponsored in any way, nor are the books. I’m simply having fun with Emma’s obsessive tendencies aka ‘doing research’.