info on the upcoming Conduit 1 preorder

I started this post over on Facebook but it grew, and grew, and grew, so now it is a blog post! πŸ˜‚

Just to change the subject from packing Kickstarter boxes to packing Conduit boxes [though, if you don’t follow me on Facebook, you probably haven’t heard me whining πŸ˜‚] I’m going to try to get [very basic] Conduit 1 limited edition preorders live for October 26 [here on my website store] because I promised a few of you that I would try to hold the preorder open through two ‘paycheques’ (so, through Nov 1 and Dec 1).

Reminder: unlike regular preorders (or the Kickstarter) direct sales preorders via my store mean you are paying right away, not on release day.

So! I will be getting a print estimate based on the numbers that have been submitted on this Google form:

That doesn’t mean you can’t preorder last minute, it just means that the basic cost per paperback will be based on the people who’ve filled out the interest form. So if you are interested, please make sure you’ve filled out the form so everyone gets the lowest price possible.

The paperback preorder WILL CLOSE (at least a month and a half ahead). It has to because I need to order the paperbacks from the printer (and I want to do that weeks ahead of when I want to mail the books to you). The eBOOK and AUDIOBOOK preorders will stay open until a week before the regular release day (yes, the limited edition will drop three days ahead). The eBook is tentatively scheduled for Jan 25, 2024 on all retailers. Audiobook TBA.

I will also (eventually) get a regular preorder up on all retailers if you just want the regular edition. But I seriously doubt that is happening this week. 😁

The ‘preorders’ will be very basic to begin (I don’t have any of the art yet, etc) but I will include a list of the extras (and artists, so you can look them up) and a link to an unproofed sample with trigger warnings and tropes so you vaguely know what you are getting into 😜). Then, through November and December, I’ll tease some of the art/extras that will be included in the book as it drops in my inbox. So you can wait a couple of weeks to preorder.

Okay, then! I better get back to packing boxes!

Oh, I’m hoping to get through proofing the audiobook for Dowser 9 in the next couple of days and fingers crossed you get three new audiobooks early next week (the Kickstarter preorders will be sent out first)! Whoot!

Conduit 1: limited-editions?

ETA: Sept 28, at 9:27 a.m.: Okay, I think this project is a go! Obviously I’ll leave the interest form open a bit longer so I can get a good sense of the numbers (specifically for a paperback) b/c the price per unit lowers (obviously) the more I order. I’ll aim to have the preorder up for the beginning of November. I’ve answered some of the questions I’ve seen through the form below.

I’ve gotten the story notes back from the editor (aka SFG) for Conduit 1, which allows me to take a look at my schedule – and everything that needs to be done to release the book – so that I can (eventually) put up a preorder.

And, because it is a brand new universe and I’m in a super indulgent mood, I have a lot planned for this book launch. Instead of just letting it build over time, apparently, I want all the maps, artwork, and extras all right away!

This got me thinking (as did my post about AI yesterday and also how much readers are enjoying purchasing the audiobooks directly from me) about delaying the release slightly. I avoid releasing in December anyway, and honestly, releasing at the end of November might be doable but also really stressful. If I delay, I can offer my core readership limited edition paperbacks and eBooks.

Limited edition paperbacks and eBooks are totally just a treat for my readers and not at all an attempt to justify just how much art (etc.) I’ve already commissioned. 😜

Anyway! I have no idea if enough of you are interested (specifically in the autographed paperbacks) to justify the extra time on my part and to reduce the printing costs to a somewhat reasonable amount. Hence the interest form I’ve spent the entire morning putting together! πŸ˜‚

Normally, I wouldn’t want to divert sales from the main retailers. I’ve spent a good amount of focus in the last few years trying to ‘hit’ lists (and therefore gain more visibility on the retailers). But I’ve decided that 2024 will be a year of focusing (even more) on my core readership, and hoping for, but not worrying about ‘marketing’ to draw in new readers.

Quick ideas (some info doubled on the google form):

How will the limited edition differ from the regular paperback? The limited editions of Conduit 1 will be autographed and contain extra art (maps, illustrations, etc) plus an appendix with character bios/bible, timeline, etc. No gold foil (it is expensive and easily marked up (?) ), but the cover design will still be slightly different, specifically the back cover will likely be a quote, not a synopsis and MCD’s bio, etc. The quality of the printing is also just nicer than the regular paperback, with thicker paper and MCD being seriously picky about any damage, etc. πŸ˜‚ Also possibly in full colour (see the option on the form). Also possibly with the interior of the paperback cover printed. See Google form for approx. pricing, etc.

How will the limited edition eBook differ from the regular eBook? All the extras as listed above, except with a digital autograph, plus all interior art will automatically be in colour (as long as your eReader is colour). Same price (even with the extras) but MCD sees more of your $$ (as with the audiobooks). This book will be delivered through BookFunnel and can be read in their app (or web browser) or sent to your personal device of choice.

How will the audiobook differ from the regular audiobook? It won’t be, except it will be exclusive for at least two weeks (if not longer) and way less expensive. The audiobook will be delivered through BookFunnel and can be listened to in their app (or web browser) or sent to your personal device of choice.

So! If you’re interested please fill out the form (linked above). Let me know if you have any questions that haven’t been addressed here or in the form.



Questions (as of Sept 28 am):

What bundles will be available? eBook/paperback, eBook/audiobook, eBook/paperback/audiobook, paperback/audiobook. Because there will be multiple offers available at once, please, please, read carefully when the time comes to preorder. I can refund, of course, but I actually still get charged the credit card fee when I do.

The ‘extra postcards, art, stickers, etc’ ‘Add On’: can be purchased separately for anyone also grabbing an eBook or audiobook, or added to a paperback box (to combine shipping).

International shipping? All shipping other than Canada (which already has crazy expensive shipping) is international for me. And I promise to try to find the best rates I can – trackable for the paperback, letter mail for the ‘postcard’ bundle.

Would the eBook be downloaded through BookFunnel? Yes. But it can be transferred to a device of your choice!

Would the audiobook be downloaded through BookFunnel? Yes. But it can be transferred to a device of your choice!

Can I buy multiple paperbacks? If you want to buy multiple paperbacks (i.e. combine shipping) you’ll have to send me a note and I’ll have to get up a private buy link (after double-checking shipping rates).

Are you doing limited-edition hardcovers for the Conduit Series? Not anytime soon. I might be persuaded to do another Kickstarter for the upcoming tenth anniversary of Oracle 1, but let me just get through the first Kickstarter first! 😁

Okay! I think I’ve covered all the questions so far!

I think this is going to be so fun!!

Just me and 183,000 other writers.

The database* used to train many generative AI platforms has been made public, so authors/writers can now see whether pirated copies of our books were used in order to train the AIs.Β 

Spoiler alert. FOUR (4)❗️of my books were used. That’s easily three years of my life (+$ for art, editing, etc), not including all the years of experience (writing, filmmaking, etc) and education that came before the actual conceiving and writing of those particular books. 

I’m just … a little sad, I guess.

I keep my prices low and I publish wide and in multiple formats for accessibility. I make my ebooks free for libraries and put them in subscription services like KoboPlus and Scribd to help those who choose to pirate out of financial hardship.

But using my work without permission to train AIs to write, to somehow mimic the act of storytelling?

It’s just … done, I guess.

It’s done. 

Just yet another thing taken from me without thought, another violation, only this time of my mind and the precious little time I have to create. Another little death. Four of them, in fact. And not the good, endorphin-releasing kind.Β 

Just me and 183,000** other writers who struggle, fight, to get the words out of our heads and on the page, then often fall even further apart as we edit and smooth it all for publication (yet another well-documented battle).

There is nothing to be done.

Because it’s already been done.

But I thought you might want to know about it.

Thank you to Lisette from the FaRo Discord who drew my attention to the article and the database linked below.

* Database:

** Article:

Teaser Tuesday on Hiatus

In case you missed my other announcements, I’m deep into a social media/email break/embargo while I get Conduit 1 off to my editor (aka SFG) for story editing. The first (full) draft is finished – yay! And the book is currently 100,099 words. Which is a little insane because I’m only four chapters into a smoothing pass and the editor hasn’t even weighed in!

The book/series/universe is getting slightly overhauled as I smooth it all and will be even more so when the editor makes his suggestions (which typically call for more words), so it is unlikely that I will continue posting a weekly Teaser Tuesday. I will, as always, share excerpts, but all my focus will now be on getting Conduit 1 ready for publication while I write Conduit 1.5 (selected shorts/novelettes) and brainstorm Conduit 2.

Thank you so, so much for your encouragement with this new story – new universe!! I hope to have the complete book in your hands as soon as possible (depending on the editor’s and the cover designer’s schedules). I’ll post a preorder as soon as I can guarantee publication.

And there will be art and character illustrations and other fun extras. I hope to get those all commissioned over the next month or two.

Farmers’ Market dahlias and Conduit notebooks (purple ink for Zaya!)

I still have some bookplates available, but only for a few more days. Again, other than the still pending Kickstarter fulfillment, it is unlikely I will offer autographed paperbacks for the rest of 2023. I have some fun plans for 2024 (🀞 ) but those will revolve around curated book boxes.

I will be focusing on digital/downloadable giveaways for the rest of 2023, and into 2024.

Fun! Fun!

To bookplate or not to bookplate

I just spent way, way too much time trying to post this poll over in my reader-run Facebook group, just to never have it show up. Sigh. Anyway! Reposting it here instead. – MCD


Wow! MCD posting a poll?! How unusual??!! πŸ˜‚

I’ve finally hired a new graphic designer/PA (Amanda from Eternal Geekery)(Whoot!) and the first thing she is working on for me (us?) is a new bookplate design – an author bookplate, not a series-specific bookplate.

So, therefore, I’ll be ordering more bookplates (yes, finally). I vaguely remember (sorry) that some of you wanted more bookplates? But it’s also possible I’ve scratched that itch with the recent giveaways?! Anyway! If you would vote below, then I’ll know if I need to order more or less. Thank you!

I think I usually charge approx. $1 a bookplate, plus a random postcard (so the bookplates don’t get damaged in the mail). I use the letter mail rate for shipping.

Voting below does NOT obligate you to purchase. I’m just looking for raw total numbers.

To Bookplate or Not to Bookplate

View Results

Direct Sales: Dowser 4, 5, and 6 audiobooks

You can now grab the second trilogy of Dowser Series audiobooks directly through MCD (via BookFunnel), narrated by Erin Moon. YAY!

I’ve also listed ALL the audiobooks available directly from me at the bottom of this post. And if you missed why I’m implementing direct sales with audiobooks,Β please read this blog post.

Dowser Series audiobooks (via MCD):

Shadows, Maps, and Other Ancient Magic (Dowser 4), narrated by Erin Moon. Length 8.04. $10CDN


Maps, Artifacts, and Other Arcane Magic (Dowser 5), narrated by Erin Moon. Length 8.26. $10CDN


Artifacts, Dragons, and Other Lethal Magic (Dowser 6), narrated by Erin Moon. Length 10.50. $10CDN


All available audiobooks via MCD

Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1)

Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2)

Treasures, Demons, and Other Black Magic (Dowser 3)

I See Me (Oracle 1)

I See You (Oracle 2)

I See Us (Oracle 3)

Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1)

Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2)

Unleashing EchoesΒ (Reconstructionist 3)

The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0)

Demons & DNA (Amplifier 1)

Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2)

Mystics and Mental Blocks (Amplifier 3)

Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4)

Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5)

Recon Misson: Bee (Amplifier 5.5)

Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6)

Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0)

Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1)

Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2)

Coming soon:

Dowser 7, 8, and 9 – October 2023

MCD Direct Sales: Oracle audiobooks

These are NOT NEW Oracle Series audiobooks, I’m simply making the trilogy available directly through me. YAY!

If you missed why I’m β€˜implementing’ direct sales with audiobooks, please read this blog post.

Oracle Series audiobooks (via MCD):

I See Me (Oracle 1), narrated by Jennifer Grace. Length 8.09 hours. $10 CDN


I See You (Oracle 2), narrated by Jennifer Grace. Length 8.59 hours. $10 CDN


I See Us (Oracle 3), narrated by Jennifer Grace. Length 10.11 hours. $10 CDN


All available audiobooks via MCD

Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0)

Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1)

Compelling InfinityΒ (Archivist 2)

Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1)

Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2)

Treasures, Demons, and Other Black Magic (Dowser 3)

Coming soon:

Amplifier Series – all 7 audiobooks – July

Reconstructionist Trilogy – July

Dowser 4, 5, and 6 – August 2023

Dowser 7, 8, and 9 – October 2023

MCD Direct Sales: Audiobooks!

As you might have noted with some of your other fav authors, a bunch of indie authors/self-publishers are moving to a direct sales/wide sales approach to selling our audiobooks. Mostly because we can give them to you at a much better price and still make more $$ than we have been making through Audible, etc. Audible doesn’t allow us to set our own prices and offers a very low ‘royalty’ rate percentage on their ‘net’ profit per sale. A quick and dirty example would be that you pay $15/credit, or say $24/outright, to buy an audiobook and I see approx. $2 of that sale.

So I write the book, pay for all the editing/covers/etc (approx $4-7k), pay for producing the audiobook (approx $4k), and I only see $2 of your hard-earned money.

So, as you can see, the math doesn’t really work to either of our benefits.

The solution? Direct sales (delivered to you via BookFunnel), starting with the Archivist Series, then the Dowser Series, and then (gradually as I have time) the rest of my audiobooks.

What does that mean specifically? You can now buy my audiobooks directly through me at a discount – $10CDN for full length novels (so currently approx $7USD/$7EUR) – and listen via the BookFunnel app or their website or sideload the files into your device of choice (please don’t ask me how to do it πŸ˜‚). I make approx. 90% of the sale after paying taxes and processing fees (aka credit card, etc). BookFunnel does not currently charge for this service (because they are still testing it) but when they do they will charge me $10/month to host all my audiobooks ($25/month if I get real, real famous πŸ˜‚).

Moving forward I will ‘soft launch’ the audiobooks here on my web site/store, then after about two or three weeks, I will also upload the books to all retailers, Audible, Apple Books, Kobo, etc. So you can totally choose to pay more for the books and stick with your fav platform.

Currently available audiobooks (via MCD):

Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0), narrated by Savy Des-Etages. Length approx 6 hours. $5 CDN.


Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1), narrated by Savy Des-Etages. Length approx 12 hours. $10 CDN.


Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2), narrated by Savy Des-Etages. Length approx 10.34 hours. $10 CDN.


Coming soon:

  • Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1): end of May
  • Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2): mid-June
  • Treasures, Demons, and Other Black Magic (Dowser 3): end of June

An open letter to my editor.


To my ever patient, editor extraordinaire:

I’m peeking out from my writing cave to ready you for what is coming next.

I’m five chapters into my current WIP (Conduit Series) and I’ve already heavily leaned into the following trigger warnings: language and violence. And sex will most definitely be added to the mix, I just have to get through the bulk of the setup first.

And, ahem, speaking of ‘setup’, it’s the mixture of genre β€˜tropes’ that might be slightly more disconcerting as you ready yourself for your first read. So far, I’ve got: road trip, kidnapping/rescue, attempted rape, gods/divinity/monsters (aka pretty much the same thing), shapeshifters, magical/mythical creatures, biker pack/gangs, magic/tech geniuses, food porn, milkshake porn, lost love, memory loss, coming of age/magical inheritance, reunification (gone wrong), mysterious past, traumatic pass, human/creature trafficking, found family, choice vs destiny, girl gang, fated mates, why choose, second chance lovers, enemies to lovers, etc, etc, and etc.

Apparently, I’m off the rails with this one.

You have been forewarned.

I’ll send chocolate.

With all my best intentions,


Amplifier 6: Chapter One

The dark-haired sorcerer swathed in black tactical gear at my side ran his hand down my spine β€” or as much of it as he could reach while I was wearing my dual blades sheathed across my back. His conflicting emotions filtered through to me even as I peered through the magically enhanced binoculars I had trained on a tiny, rocky island in the middle of nowhere. 

Literally, nowhere. 

Loaded into a heavily armored, magically fortified helicopter, we were hovering over what was practically the midway point between the Barents Sea and the Norwegian Sea, the southern extents of the Arctic Ocean. Though technically, we were off the northern coast of Norway, we’d left that coast behind two hours ago. I couldn’t see even a shadow of the mainland, not even with the enhanced binoculars.

Five days had passed since we’d been sent the first text message from Samantha and Daniel’s kidnapper, and the sorcerer who’d all but shackled himself to my side was still angry. At the situation, yes. But also at me specifically. That didn’t stop him from reaching out, though, or touching me tenderly in the very brief moments we’d grabbed on our way to finding β€” and hopefully liberating β€” my blood-bound teammates.

Aiden had his own pair of binoculars. They cut without difficulty through the gloom of the cloudy night β€” which wasn’t actual night, because the sun never set in this part of the world in June. But they also somehow highlighted magic, picking up the energy that emanated from the magically inclined as well as magical constructs, then tagging that energy in a medium shade of blue that was slightly lighter than the color of Aiden’s power.

It was closing in on 3:00 a.m. Despite the cloaking on the helicopter and the clouds obscuring the midnight sun, we’d waited until early morning to further minimize our visibility.

Even heavily cloaked in cloud, the sun sliding along the horizon, while never rising or setting, unsettled me. Not that I would ever admit that out loud. We’d been moving too quickly and crossing too many borders to do more than snatch a nap here or there, completely ignoring time zones as we passed through. So I blamed the jet lag for the disconcertion, then ignored it.

To my left, Christopher was outfitted in cool-weather tactical gear like Aiden and me, though with fewer pockets than the sorcerer. He wasn’t bothering to keep watch out his side of the helicopter. His magic was a constant low-grade hum on my upper spine while he shuffled his oracle cards and called out quiet commands to our ground team of two over the comms. Mostly, though, he had been content to allow that team to implement the plan it had taken us three days to cobble together, as they navigated their way to the island, then into the research station that occupied the site’s northern tip.

According to our intel, nine nonmagicals occupied the entirety of Bear Island. Researchers. But I had tuned out what exactly they were researching on a barren rock of an island in the Arctic Ocean, more interested in how we were planning to get them out of our way.

– Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6), Chapter One




Endings and Empathy is the sixth and final book in the Amplifier Series, which is set in the same universe as the Dowser, Oracle, Reconstructionist, Archivist, and Misfits of the Adept Universe series. Click here for the reading order of the entire Adept Universe.