What’s coming (and going) in 2023 for MCD.

We are barreling toward 2023 but instead of a year-end wrap-up, I’m feeling the need to write down everything that I already have scheduled in 2023 all in one place. Yes, already scheduled. Like, I really can’t get out of it at this point. 😂

Notes of interest (with more details and timing/dates below):

The first six Dowser series audiobooks, narrated by Caitlin Dunn, will no longer be available (one a month, starting in January with Dowser 1). I’ve requested the rights back from my publisher and I am having all new Dowser series audiobooks recorded with narrator Erin Moon (who is from Vancouver! Fun! Fun!). See the schedule and the upcoming Dowser Series Anniversary Kickstarter project for more info.

The Dowser series book covers are being ‘tweaked’ in anticipation of the upcoming tenth anniversary for Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1). The current covers will only be available until the beginning of June. The trim size of the paperback will not change, but if you like all your paperbacks to match I thought I better give you a head’s up!

Here’s a sneak peek at the cover for book one:

Book cover by Damonza.com

Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6) is the final book in the Amplifier Series. Michael just read the third draft and gave me a teary thumbs up and so much praise I just had to stuff my face with all the holiday treats in the house and hang on for the overwhelming ride. So … the book is off to the editor and hopefully coming your way in March. And I hope you like it as much as my Michael did.

The Archivist series is continuing/ongoing – yay! – I’m proof ‘reading’ the first audiobook this week (last week of Dec 2022) with my notebook for Archivist 3 in hand and I know exactly what Dusk (and Sisu, and Kellan) will be conquering next.

I’m working on a new series for 2023/2024. Well, two new series, one is a space opera and one is a NEW urban fantasy (not set in the Adept Universe. Well, not exactly). Unfortunately, I can’t write both at once, so I think the sexy, sexy space opera will win out for 2023. We shall see!



Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5), eBook, paperback, and audiobook

Recon Mission: Bee (Amplifier 5.5) aka Samantha’s novella, eBook, audiobook, and bundled with A5 paperback


Tenth Anniversary Kickstarter: Dowser 1 limited edition and Dowser 9.5: January 10, 2023

Endlings and Empathy (Amplifier 6): March 2023 (earlier if the editing schedule allows)

Audiobook: Dowser 1, 2, and 3 (narrator: Erin Moon): April 2023

Audiobook: Amplifier 6 (narrator: Tia Rider): May 2023

[title to be revealed) (Dower 9.5): A tenth anniversary Jade novelette: June 18, 2023 (Kickstarter Exclusive)

[title to be revealed] (Archivist 3): July 2023

Audiobook: Dowser 4, 5, and 6 (narrator: Erin Moon): July 2023

Audiobook: Dowser 7, 8, and 9 (narrator: Erin Moon): October 2023


Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6) – story edit/editing

TBA (Archivist 3) – outlining, first draft

TBA (Dowser 9.5) – outlining, first draft

Space Opera (tentative series title: The Raves) – brainstorming the first 7 books.




A Tenth Anniversary Kickstarter for Dowser 1! The campaign will go live on January 10 2023 for a limited edition hardcover, paperback, and eBook, plus a brand new Dowser Series short featuring Jade, Kandy, and Kett. The actual anniversary is June 18, 2023 but it will likely take longer for the hardcovers to be printed, etc. Lots of stretch goals, including the all-new Dowser series audiobooks. More info coming (practically daily) through January, including cover/art reveals and polls.

I will send out a newsletter (and blog about each of the tiers in detail) but if you don’t want to miss launch day you can also click here to be notified the moment the campaign goes live.

Spill the Tea 2023! Join Hailey Edwards and Meghan Ciana Doidge for afternoon tea in Vancouver BC, Canada on Saturday, May 27, 2023! FUN! FUN! Tickets now available! Click here for more info.

The Dowser Series turns ten! At 12:05 am on June 18, 2023 everyone who participated in the Kickstarter (all tiers) will receive a brand new Dowser series novelette, a new recipe, and an anniversary eCard. And, of course, knowing me, other ‘things of interest’ because I’m always ‘adding on.’ 😂 I will send the ingredients list for the new cupcake ahead of time (or you can bake one of the other Dowser cupcakes, or even your own cupcakes, or buy some cupcakes, etc). And on June 18 there will be at least one live event, plus a massive giveaway, etc, etc.

Why a Kickstarter? I’ve been planning to request the rights back to the first six Dowser audiobooks for a number of years now (for many reasons, mostly because I prefer to be in control of my own work). When I realized that the rights reversion for the audiobooks lined up with the tenth anniversary of publishing Dowser 1, I thought it might be super fun to celebrate en mass. A Kickstarter is sort of like a preorder, special editions are crazy expensive, and the re-recording of the audiobooks is also crazy expensive. So why not see if my lovely readers were interested in a new Dowser novelette and/or a special edition? And, at the same time, helping me fund the audiobooks?

I’m insanely nervous about it, of course.

If you miss the Kickstarter, I will make the Dowser 9.5 novelette available on all retailers sometime in 2024. Please don’t miss the Kickstarter if you want – at minimum – Dowser 9.5 right away. I will not have the time/energy/bandwidth to accommodate individual requests. Thank you in advance.


Freebies and Extras (including various downloads and character illustrations/bios).

Adept Universe Reading Order (including full printable list). This info can also be found in the front and back of every book.

FYI: graphic doesn’t currently include Amplifier 5 or Amplifier 5.5


Do you have any burning questions? Post them below and I’ll try to answer!

Shower glass and other minor musings …

The shower glass just got delivered! Whoot! We MIGHT get into our new bedroom/ensuite by Christmas! But definitely by New Year’s! We’re racing the winter storms right now because we don’t have a functional wood stove, so if we lose power we’re pretty screwed. The wood stove needs to be moved from the corner of the ‘dining room’ to where our ‘bedroom’ is currently situated. 

For those of you who don’t know, we’ve been living in a one-room cabin with two external tiny offices for SEVEN YEARS! And Michael has been – single-handedly, except for electrical and plumbing – building an addition for the last (almost) three years.

I desperately need to get more words refined (and then books published) because we are hemorrhaging money as we race to finish up over the next two to three months. 😭

But also: EXCITED!!

In other news, I’m commencing draft 3.5 of Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6) today so that I can get it off for story editing before the holidays (fingers crossed). I’ve been working away on the Dowser 1 Tenth Anniversary Kickstarter in the background as well. [Most] everything should be ready to go for launch day on January 10, 2023. [I should have a ‘follow’ link via Kickstarter by the beginning of January, and I promise I’ll blog and talk about it a lot so no one misses out!].

Sunset shot from our property aka the reason we’ve lived in a cabin for so many years.

Okay! Coffee break and then back to work!

Amplifier 6: I’d torn myself away.

A cool rage unfurled in my belly.

I’d walked away.

Well, I’d torn myself away. Literally obliterating everything as I left.

But now someone had figured out how to force me to return.

That someone was going to seriously regret getting my attention.

–excerpt: Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6), second draft

Are you new to the Amplifier Series? The first book in the series is Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1) but there is also a prequel, The Amplifier Protocol. Or click this link for the entire reading order of the Adept Universe (and how the Amplifier fits within it).

*MCD note* no release date for Amplifier 6 yet, but likely March 2023 b/c of the upcoming holidays and my Tenth Anniversary Kickstarter for Dowser 1 in Jan 2023.

Amplifier 5.5: audiobook now available & giveaway

I’m exceedingly delighted to introduce Siiri Scott as the voice of Samantha (aka Zans aka Tek5) in Recon Mission: Bee (Amplifier 5.5))! Siiri instantly (and seemingly effortlessly?) captured Samantha’s particular combination of sass and neediness, and I’m so glad that she lent her talent to bringing Amplifier 5.5 to audio. I hope you enjoy the listen!

Also, a thank you to Julie at Whole Story Studios, who matched Siiri to Amplifier 5.5 (and me!), then produced and engineered a stellar audiobook. Not only did Julie make my workload exceptionally lighter, but she produces gorgeous audiobooks. [Side note: Tia Rider, who narrates the Amplifier Series, also works with Julie!] Spoiler alert! Julie and I have two more major audiobook projects in the works for 2023!!

Amplifier 5.5 excerpt. Narrated by Siiri Scott


AMAZON (via all stores): CANADA, USA, UK

iTUNES (all stores)

Now for the giveaway!

I’m giving away ten download codes (USA or UK Audible)!

To enter: let me know one (or some) of your fav audiobooks in the comments!

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Only entries that follow the stated requirements will be valid. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary. The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment to do so.

Giveaway closes SUNDAY, NOV 13, 2022 at 8pm PST.

Amplifier 5: audiobook now available & giveaway

I am chuffed to announce the epically brilliant Tia Rider has once again lent her understated, dulcet tones to the Amplifier Series, bringing a more emotional Emma – and Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5) specifically – to audiobook.


AMAZON (via all stores)

iTUNES (all stores)


I’m giving away ten download codes (USA or UK Audible)!

To enter: let me know why you love listening to audiobooks in the comments!

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Only entries that follow the stated requirements will be valid. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary. The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment to do so.

Giveaway closes SUNDAY, NOV 13, 2022 at 8pm PST.

Now on Booky Call!

Okay, so I have become instantly enamored with a book dating app, Booky Call. Yessss! So enamored that I asked them if they would do up a dating profile for Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1) and they said yes! (Booky Call swiped right on Dowser 1! Whoot!).

Anyway, ahem. Before I get too riled up – you NEED to read the write-up the BookyCall Matchmaking Specialist did for Dowser 1. It is freaking perfect!! – here is more pertinent info about how to get some of this going on in your life.

And now I sound like a dealer rather than just an addict.

But I guess you already knew that about me.

Here’s the link for Dowser 1 on Booky Call. *Note* you have to be on your mobile phone to click through. It doesn’t work on a desktop because it takes you straight to the mobile app. Then I BELIEVE you have to download the app to test it all out (trust me, it is worth it). Here’s the link again (in case you want to copy/paste): https://links.bookycall.com/o8rNo3SKKRrzeJzSA

Here’s a promotional video that explains what the app is all about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-o1ebvAOoc

Or you can do it is reverse (download the app, then search for Dowser 1)(see photo below):

Extra, extra: I’m also going to be hanging out at BookyCon on Nov 12, 2022 – the world’s largest metaverse book festival. I have no other info except you sign up here.

Oh, I’ll post this all on my social media pages as well, in case you want to hook up your friends – ahem, I mean share. Of course, I mean share!!? Share with other book addicts … lovers.

Fun! Fun!

Amplifier 5: paperback giveaway

Guess what finally made it all the way to the West Coast of Canada?! Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5) paperbacks! Whoot! The Amplifier 5 paperback also includes Recon Mission: Bee (Amplifier 5.5), which is why they are more expensive than my regular paperbacks (but way better value than having a separate paperback for a 22k novella).

Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios Models: Devon Ericksen and Jonathan Cannaux 

Interested in winning an autographed paperback of Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5)(pictured above)?


Then, please comment below and let me know who is your favourite AMPLIFIER SERIES character and why!

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Only entries that follow the stated requirements will be valid. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary – all my books are available for free via your local library. The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment to do so.

Giveaway closes THURSDAY, OCT 20, 2022 at 8pm PDT.

The Amplifier Series is set within the larger Adept Universe but can be read separately. The main series starts with Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1) but there are two prequels (bundled together) as well. Click here for the full/recommended reading order of the Adept Universe.

Reminder: MCD’s Birthday Giveaways, 2022

Here is the reminder I promised! My annual birthday giveaways go live over on my Facebook page, starting at 2 pm PDT on October 11, 2022 (aka tomorrow). As always, these are flash giveaways and therefore only open for an hour. I have four scheduled, 2 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm, and 5 pm all PDT (Pacific Daylight Saving). Please check your time zones!

It’s going to be fun!!

MCD: schedule, FAQ, etc. (pinned post)

[A explanatory note from MCD]: I’m trying to step back from social media (etc) for the next two to three months so I can focus on writing, specifically writing Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6), which will be my next release. I’ve put together a bit of a ‘cheat sheet’ – if a cheat sheet involved a bunch of links – so if anyone seeking a quick answer pops over here, hopefully, they can find it below and not wait on a direct answer from me, which might be delayed in coming.


Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5), eBook and paperback – AUDIOBOOK NOW AVAILABLE

Recon Mission: Bee (Amplifier 5.5) aka Samantha’s novella, eBook and bundled with A5 paperback – AUDIOBOOK NOW AVAILABLE


Archivist 0 (narrator: Amber Lee Connors): late January 2023

Archivist 1 (narrator: Amber Lee Connors): late February 2023

Archivist 2 (narrator: Amber Lee Connors): late March 2023


Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6) – first draft


(no preorders available yet)

Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6) – March 2023
untitled (Archivist 3) – June/July 2023



Amplifier Series limited edition postcard/bookplates sets (USA and Canada)


(more info to follow when it comes available)

A Tenth Anniversary Kickstarter for Dowser 1! The campaign will go live in the second week of January 2023 for a limited edition hardcover, paperback, and eBook, plus a brand new Dowser Series short featuring Jade, Kandy, and Kett. The actual anniversary is at the end of June 2023 but it will likely take longer for the hardcovers to be printed, etc. Lots of stretch goals, including all new Dowser series audiobooks. (yes! Finally!)

Also! The entire Dowser series is being rebranded to help celebrate the Tenth Anniversary. Those new covers will be available in June 2023 as well

Spill the Tea 2023: join Hailey Edwards and Meghan Ciana Doidge for afternoon tea in Vancouver BC, Canada on Saturday, May 27, 2023! FUN! FUN! Tickets now available! Click here for more info.


Freebies and Extras (including download and character illustrations/bios).

Adept Universe Reading Order (including full printable list). This info can also be found in the front and back of every book.

FYI: graphic doesn’t currently include Amplifier 5 or Amplifier 5.5


(autumn 2022 edition)

Are there going to be any more Dowser Series books? The Dowser series is the entry point to the Adept Universe, which now contains over 40+ stories. I encourage you to read beyond Jade’s books, you might find other stories you like just as much. The Dowser series itself is comprised of three trilogies, ending with book 9. I have no plans to write a fourth trilogy, but there is a short/novelette/novella coming to help celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the release of Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (see above). The anniversary is in June 2023 and the Kickstarter will be in January 2023.

Do you have any burning questions? Post them below and I’ll add them to the FAQ because I honestly can’t think of anything else I need to answer!


Amplifier Series: MCD’s current desktop

I updated my desktop image yesterday (so that all I see is the Amplifier Series while doing anything on my laptop)(because I’m currently SUPPOSED to be writing book six and ONLY writing book six 😂). And I thought you might be interested in seeing it, hence this post!

All the Amplifier book covers and corresponding oracle cards in one place! Cover art by Gene Mollica Studios. Oracle cards by Elizabeth Mackey Graphic Design.