Archivist Series: Cream Cheese Cutouts

Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2) releases in just over a month, but I was fairly certain you needed Len Murphy’s family recipe – Cream Cheese Cutouts – before the holidays (though they are tasty year-round). I’ve included an excerpt below for extra fun.

I will add this recipe to the Adept Universe cookbook and put a download link in the new release email that will go out on Jan 4, 2021. Make sure you’re subscribed to my mailing list if you want a full and/or new PDF copy of the cookbook.


I found Sisu, Neve, and Lile in the kitchen with Len. Flour and other ingredients appeared to have exploded all over the kitchen island and the surrounding floor.

Len was standing sentry over the oven, with the trio all lined up at the island. All had been assigned different tasks and were wearing smocks that I was fairly certain were just large T-shirts with the arms and necks cut off. Sisu, Neve, and Lile looked up at me as I entered, grinning in perfect synchrony. And for the first time in my life, I pulled out my phone and used it to take a picture.

“We’re making cookies!” Sisu said. Icing sugar dusted his cheek. 

“I’m in charge of the sprinkles!” Neve cried gleefully. Her lips, teeth, and tongue were oddly bright pink.

“No,” Len said, barely containing his amusement. “You were in charge of sprinkles.”

Neve snickered. The red tin of sprinkles looked suspiciously emptier than the other colors, which made sense given the state of the six-year-old.

The island was divided into two sections — a space to roll out the cookie dough, cut it, and place it on a baking sheet. Then a space to decorate the cooled cookies. Len had an uncooked sheet of cookies waiting to the left of the oven, and about two dozen cookies cooling on wire racks to the right.

Lile and Sisu were currently cutting out dough while Neve frosted a cooled batch of cookies with white icing. As she finished each one, she set it onto parchment paper laid down across the far end of the counter.

“What are you making?” I asked.

“Cream-cheese cutouts,” Lile said, her tone and expression serious as she focused on cutting out a cookie in the shape of an evergreen tree.

When she was satisfied, she nodded at Sisu. My brother carefully peeled the raw tree from the heavily floured marble counter and placed it on a waiting cookie sheet, already half full.

“Two inches apart,” Sisu said. “Len says that’s the best spacing.”

I glanced over the trio’s heads at Len.

He grimaced. “Sorry about the mess. Bethany left early to help with the setup at the Conall house. It’s a family recipe. My family. From California.” 

“We’re making gifts,” Neve said brightly, gesturing toward a half-dozen Christmas-themed boxes on a side counter that I hadn’t noticed in all the chaos. 

The timer on the oven went off. “I’ll check,” Sisu announced, jumping back off his stool.

Len opened the oven as he and Sisu both peered into its depths. Sisu cocked his head to one side. “Just starting to brown on the edges. Two more minutes?”

“I concur,” Len said, closing the oven and setting the timer. My chest constricted. With happiness, I thought — but I wasn’t certain I’d ever felt that specific sensation before.

– excerpt from Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2)

Archivist 2: cover reveal, etc

Book cover by

Releases January 4, 2022



I was a dragon. Dragons didn’t run from any situation. Not even a dragon disguised as a witch. Well … at least not from any situation that involved the archive or my duty, because apparently I fled before anything even remotely personal. Including surprise double dates.

Synopsis: A masked gala. A solstice celebration with the werewolves. Broken relics and doorways leading not only to other realms, other mythical and magical creatures, but to other possible futures. For me. And maybe even for Kellan.

And, well … that’s all just another day at the office for me.

Though my witch disguise really wasn’t going to hold up for much longer. Because even though I’d accepted my role as head curator at the magical archive of the National Museum of Ireland, and all the duties that came with being the Archivist of the Modern World, apparently I didn’t like the restrictions that came along with that. Because I couldn’t build the life I truly wanted — the dream unfurling in the dark chambers of my heart — on lies and half-truths.

Which meant that a moment was looming when I’d be faced with a choice that I couldn’t bear to walk away from. A choice that I might be willing to lose everything else to obtain.

Compelling Infinity is the second book in the Archivist series, which is set in the same universe as the Dowser, Oracle, Reconstructionist, Amplifier, and Misfits of the Adept Universe series.While it is not necessary to read all the series, in order to avoid spoilers the ideal reading order of the Adept Universe begins with Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1). 

Archivist Series reading order:

Gearing up for next week (and a new release!)

I’m commencing my final read through of Archivist 1.5 (which will be in my newsletter on Nov 25)(with, fingers crossed, a preorder link!) and Archivist 2 (which will then go to the proof reader) – yay! It feels like it took me forever to write the second book in the Archivist series – my notebook informs me that I started brainstorming in earnest all the way back in March! Four months to do a first draft is INSANE. Thanks headache.

The front page of MCD’s notebook for Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2)

Also a bunch of fun stuff coming next week, as I’m promoting I See Me (Oracle 1) with a $0.99 sale, a read along, and audiobook giveaways. I’ll add this info to the newsletter as well but here are the festivities in brief (if you want to prep ahead of time):

  • Read along with/via FaRoFeb Nov 24 – 30 – templates now available (see link) but reading list TBA
  • Mass audiobook giveaways: Nov 25, 26, and 27 at 9am PST (here on my blog). Remember the USA codes in particular go quickly.
  • Price reduction (TELL YOUR READER FRIENDS, pretty please): Nov 20 – December 1, 2021

Other items to come:

  • For the store: Archivist glicee illustrations (as soon as the damn envelopes show up!!)
  • For the recipe book: a new cookie recipe from Archivist 2 that’s perfect for the holidays (early Dec).
  • For publication: the Moments of the Adept Universe, Collected Stories 1, including a brand new Burgundy novella featuring cameos from a bunch of fav characters as promised! The eBook will also feature illustrations from Memo for each story. (TBA: as soon as possible)

I hope you all have a great weekend! And that you have fun with everything I have planned for you next week and beyond!

Archivist 0: Flash Giveaway

Though the windstorm seems to have passed, it is rainy and grey here today, and I’m apparently in a bit of an odd mood – distracted by a puppy, but anticipating that the next couple of months are going to be insanely busy with multiple releases, aka Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2) and Moments of the Adept Universe 1, collected stories, plus all the regular treats that come with new releases.

I’m thinking of throwing over work for the afternoon and finding a new series/book to dig into for the rest of the day (I’ll keep you posted via social media, of course and always), but before that, I thought I’d post a random flash giveaway. Yep, for the next 24 hours anyone with an eReader (or computer) can download Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) for free.

#ArchivistSeries #AdeptUniverse


(via BookFunnel)


Have you already read the prequel to the Archivist Series? Yes? Please recommend it to your friends/family/book clubs, etc. And reviews are always welcomed and appreciated!!

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1). Click here for the full reading order.

Archivist 1.5 update and an excerpt

Writing update: Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2) is off to the editor (aka SFG) for story editing. Finally! With the increase of pain (tried hormone therapy from Feb to July which helped with a ton of my other symptoms but unfortunately worsened the constant headache), my writing capacity was really slowed down. Thankfully, while I’m still in constant pain, the level has decreased enough that I’m managing to write most days again for at least a couple of hours.

Which leads me to the excerpt from Archivist 1.5 below. I need to get it sent off to SFG as well, since he’d probably like to read it sooner than later for story purposes.

I’m still not certain if I will simply give this short away to everyone who wants it or make it a preorder giveaway. And then I’m not certain if I should tuck it at the back of Archivist 2 (which technically would be out of order) or tuck it in with the Adept Universe shorts when I get them all bundled together. A preorder giveaway is certainly super fun, but it is a lot of extra work on my part.


This made me laugh out loud this morning:

“Some new playthings will please you,” Brady said.

“Artifacts and books aren’t playthings,” I retorted, then broke into a grin. “But maybe something hidden among the witch’s things will try to kill us. That’s always fun.”

The werewolf enforcer chuckled. Gleefully wicked.

At least we had that in common.

No lying necessary.

– untitled, Archivist 1.5, second draft

Archivist Series: without regrets

I didn’t risk glancing back a third time.

I knew what I had to do. And I needed to move quickly, without regrets.

Because I was a dragon, not a witch.

And dragons protected the world and all the magic within it.

– Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2), Chapter Nine, Second Draft

In other news, all the Dowser Series recipe cards have been mailed (Thank you, Michael!). Canada Post’s delivery standard is supposedly nine business days, even internationally. But I have serious doubts. 😂

Archivist 2: exposing those … forearms.

A drive-by excerpt of my current work in progress (Archivist 2), just because it made me laugh.

Ravine pushed a plate into my hands. “Kellan is manning the barbecue. Literally.” She grinned suggestively. “Cooking steak perfectly, wearing an apron, and exposing those … forearms. You might want to take a picture.”

I blinked. Once again rendered mute by her teasing. Okay, fine, my brain had just gone blank, then thrust the image she’d just described to the forefront.

Would taking a picture be rude? Or … I mean, people did take pictures to commemorate celebrations, right?

Ravine giggled gleefully, grabbing the salad tongs. “Eat, Dusk. You’ll need the energy.”

– Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2), Chapter Six, Second Draft

Reading order of the Archivist Series:

Archivist 2: The Monster Within

I promised a Dusk/Kellan teaser from Archivist 2 last Friday, but got hit hard by a headache that actually took me down for the entire weekend, so I’m making good with some fresh-off-the-page (just written today) slow, slow burn … squee!!!

“You’re not afraid of me, are you, Dusk?” he asked quietly.

“Afraid?” I frowned. Was that what he was picking up from me? Fear?

“Of the monster within.”

Monster? Not wolf?

“You think of yourself as a monster, Kellan?”

He shrugged as if he didn’t care one way or the other, but his hand was fisted on his knee, his shoulders tight. “You watch me.”

“You watch me.”

“I most certainly do. Yet you never close the space between us, you never take the last step. Or any step for that matter.”

I didn’t have an answer for him, not without just lamely repeating what I’d already said.

“Do you wait for everything to be handed to you, Dusk?” His tone was suddenly edged in frustration.

“I can fight for what I want,” I said stiffly, realizing as I said it that it was possible I’d never actually ever fought for anything in my life. Not for myself. I wasn’t certain I’d ever wanted something that it was necessary to fight for. I’d fight to preserve what I already had, of course …

Kellan was smirking at me again, sprawled out against the log, firelight dancing across his skin, defining every muscle. “Me, Dusk. You want me. Your heart rate increases, your breathing slows, your pupils dilate just a bit. I know you want me. I can smell it on you, under all that honey that you use to mask your scent.”

I had no idea what he meant – though I most definitely smelled right now, of seaweed, saltwater, and damp cotton – but a flush of anger rose at the ridiculousness of his statement.

– Archivist 2, chapter eight, first draft

Reading order of the Archivist Series:

I hope you have a fantastic weekend! We’re freaking sweltering here, and the air quality is a bit nasty (from the forest fires), but I’m hoping to write, get in a hike, and make some ice cream.

Archivist 2: spoilery inspiration

I’m working through the midpoint of Archivist 2 this week (the first draft is sitting at 48k right now), tackling a scene that my notes tell me I started envisioning all the way back in March 2021.

I often collect little touchstones connected to various series/characters, including stickers and decals that I put in my notebooks. And I thought I’d share a glimpse of my inspiration for the midpoint of Archivist 2. I adore this image so much I haven’t actually stuck it in my notebook yet.

But … I can’t explain it at all because, you know – spoilers.

Octopus and Raven sticker, by Michelle Stoney Art, resting on a page of MCD’s notebook for Archivist 2.

You’re welcome.


Archivist Series: magical … math?

Words, magical creatures, and items of power might be my thing, but math most certainly wasn’t.

– Archivist 2, chapter 3, first draft

I’m rewriting chapter three of Archivist 2 today, and this line (above) made me laugh. ‘Know thyself,’ Dusk. And … in case you ever wondered, math is definitely not my thing either. LOL

Michael is picking up sushi for lunch! So I’ll have to finished up the rest of chapter this afternoon.

Have a lovely weekend!